chapter 2 science (Respiratory system)

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Why do you think many different structures are needed by the respiratory system?

Each of the structures performs one or more specific role that is required for the proper and efficient exchange of gases.

Compare the concentration of CO2 and O2 gases in the lungs, in the blood and in the body cells.

Lungs: O2 - High concentration in the alveoli; low in the blood cells capillaries surrounding the alveoli CO2 - High concentration in the blood coming to the lungs; low in the alveoli Body Cells O2 - High concentration in the blood reaching the cells; low in the body cells CO2 - High concentration in the body cells; low in blood cells heading back to the lungs

What other body systems are needed to complete the function of the respiratory system

Other body systems that work together with the Respiratory system are: Circulatory, Nervous, Muscular, and Skeletal

How do capillaries compare to other vessels? How does the structure of these vessels relate to their function?

The capillaries are tiny blood vessels with thin walls. Capillaries are so small that red blood cells can only travel through them in single file. They facilitate diffusion of gases from red blood cells to surrounding tissue and back are the connection point between arteries and veins.

what is the trachea?

a large membranous tube reinforced by rings of cartilage, extending from the larynx to the bronchial tubes and conveying air to and from the lungs; the windpipe.

definition of bronchioles

air continues down the bronchi which branches into smaller air tubes

what is a muscle tissue?

assist in body movement it also helps some organs carry out specific functions. such as the heart pumping blood.

what is the loose connective tissue?

connects other tissues together, holds organs and skin in place, most abundant type of tissue, and contains protein fibers: collagen and elastin

what is the larynx?

contains your vocal cords, which vibrate as air passes through producing sounds of your voice.

what is a epithelial tissue?

covers the surface of organs and the body. it also lines the inside of body parts, the mouth, esophagus, and the stomach.

definition of fat

fills up space between organs and tissues, provides structural and metabolic support, part of the nutrient glue that holds us all together, and fat is the main component, not the only component found in adipose tissue

what are the two main organs?

heart and lungs

what is a connective tissue?

holds together and supports other tissues, such as skeletal connective tissue. it connects, protects, and insulates organs.

in which structures does gas exchange occur?

in the alveoli

why is the respiratory system important to humans?

it allows the exchange of gases required for proper cellular function (takes in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide)

what is the cartilage?

it fills the gaps between bones, serves as a cushion during movement

what is a white blood cell?

large and flexible, covered in proteins that recognize invaders, part of the immune system, fight off bacteria, neutrophlis - engulf bacteria and basophil - release histamine to promote and inflammatory response.

what is gas exchange?

oxygenated blood returns to the heart to be pumped to the rest of the body.

definition of bone

provides structural support for other tissues such as our muscle and skin.

what is a red blood cell?

round, dis-shaped cell, concave center, transport oxygen throughout the body.

what is the respiratory system?

structures and organs that move oxygen into your body and carbon dioxide out of your body.

Why does smoking harm your respiratory system?

substances inhaled during smoking remain in the lungs, reducing their efficiency and increasing the chances of diseases such as lung cancer and emphysema.

what is the fibrous connective tissue?

tendons form connections between bones and muscle, ligaments connect bone to bone, capable of withstanding tension and returning to a stable shape, like a rubber band, and limit your range of movement preventing you from hyperventilating

what muscle plays a main role in breathing?

the diaphram

what is the main organ of the respiratory system?

the lungs

what is the main tube connecting the mouth to the lungs?

the trachea connects the mouth to the lungs

what is the function of the lungs?

they deliver oxygen for cellular respiration and excrete carbon dioxide.

definition of bronchi

trachea branches out two tubes called the bronchi

what is a nervous tissue?

transfer signals in the body and its organs to tell the body how to respond to changes in its internal and external environment.

who is the organism?


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