chapter 2 theology

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What are some of the ways human beings suffer as an effect of loss of Original Holiness and Original Justice?

- bring women the effect of suffering the pains of child birth, and for men and women the pain of back-braking work.

The prophet ____ proclaimed that true ____ of God required concrete deeds manifested to the _____. He also chided the Israelites on their many sins and ____ that unless people ____, the nation would be ___.

Amos; worship; weak and poor; the like; repented; destroyed

Which three Genesis stories demonstrate that God never abandoned the creatures he made?

Cain and Abel; The Great Flood; Tower of Babel

The centuries prior to the birth of ___ saw Persian rule give way to the Greeks, and then the ____, and finally the Romans. God's People fought the efforts of some foreign _____ to impose Greek ____ by Temple worship and by meeting in ____.

Christ; Seleucid Dynasty; rulers; culture; synagogues

"_______" takes place because of human _____ and sin, causing ______ from self, others, God, and creation itself. It all started with the _______ of Adam and Eve.

De-Creation; pride; alienation; Original Sin

The ___ summarizes the Law and expresses what humans know in their ____, and deduce by ___, to be write or wrong. This is known as the _____—the principles of morality that extend to the human race in all ___ and at all ____.

Decalogue; hearts; reason; natural law; places; times

The Book of ____ tells how a new Egyptian king enslaved the ___. After two ___ years of suffering, God appointed ____ to lead the Israelites out of ___, an event known as the ____ from Egypt.

Exodus; Israelites; hundred; Moses; slavery; Exodus

The ___ began a forty-year sojourn in the Sinai desert to the land of __________________, the land promised by God to ___. By means of the ____ and his instructions to them while in the desert, God formed Israel as ____.

Exodus; _____; Israelites; Exodus; his people

The prophet _____ also preached both repentance and hope. He promised that a ___ would make a covenant of ____ with the people and predicted a time when God would _____.

Ezekiel; repentance; shepherd king; peace; restore the nation

According to the CCC, Original Sin is committed, not contracted.


The Israelites' neglect off the Law deserved punishment, but throughout their history God did not punish them.


The sin of Adam and Eve did bring them knowledge, namely the knowledge of goodness and justice.


The original prophet ____ of Jerusalem preached during the collapse of the ___ kingdom and the moral breakdown of the ____ kingdom. He also prophesied that God would give a sign: "The ___ shall be with child and bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel."

Isaiah; northern; southern; virgin; son; Immanuel

The prophet _____ echoed the theme of ____ and used props in dramatic scenes to try to get the ____ of the people. He also balanced his dire ____ with a message of ____ for the people.

Jeremiah; repentance; attention; warnings; hope

____ is the New Covenant foretold by the prophet __ —a covenant that would be written in the ____ of humankind. The New Covenant is sealed in his ___; his sacrifice is what saves and ___ us.

Jesus Christ; Jeremiah; hearts; blood; redeems

Who was the first person to benefit in a unique way from Christ's victory over sin?


God promised that the future _____ would descend from the house of ____. For their part, the Chosen People were to live the Law as a _____ of the one true, saving God. God always remained ______ to his promises despite the _____ of the people.

Messiah; King David; beacon; faithful; infidelities

Divine _______ reached its fulfillment in the Life, _____, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ—only then could God's People understand the full _____ of Original Sin. We must know Christ as the source of ____ in order to know Adam as the source of _____.

Revelation; Death; meaning; grace; sin

In 63 BC, the ____ imposed their rule on ___ when they appointed ____, to govern. Herod was responsible for the reconstruction of the ____. It was shortly before his death that ___ was born.

Romans; Israel; Herod the Great; Temple; Jesus

In the _____ we become members of the ___. Our membership and ____ in the Church is an extension of the covenant God made with ___. Christ's saving Death has ___ us before God, bringing about ___.

Sacrament of Baptism; Church; participation; Abraham; justified; righteousness

What caused the revolt by the Maccabean family?

The Seleucid ruler, Antiochus Epiphanes, tried to obliterate Judaism. In 165 BC, he desecrated the Temple.

All humans have inherited a fallen human nature, are deprived of Original Holiness, Original Justice, and are subject to death.


Christians see in Isaiah's prophecy about Immanuel a reference to the promised Messiah, the Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth.


Christians see in the "Servant Songs" prophetic images of Jesus, the servant whose sufferings redeemed all people.


God created us good from the start and we were meant to be happy - created to share in God's own life.


The covenant God made with Abraham extended to his descendants.


Under David's sons the united kingdom divided into two: the northern kingdom of Israel consisting of ten tribes, and the southern kingdom of Judah consisting of the tribes of Benjamin and Judah.


We are not required to interpret the story about the Fall of Adam and Eve in Genesis in a literal way, but we must believe that there was a real historical event behind it.


With all of God's punishments comes some good.


What is concupiscence?

a condition that inclines us to sin

God never _______ sinful humanity. From the _______, God promises a Savior or a _______ who would make all things new again. The prophet Isaiah told the Chosen People to remain hopeful because the Lord is ______.

abandoned; beginning; Redeemer; coming

What is sin according to the CCC?

an abuse of the freedom that God gives to created persons so that they are capable of loving him and loving one another.

What is temptation?

an attraction either outside oneself or from within, to act contrary to right reason and the commandments of God.

Satan is a _____ who like other demons, were created_____ by a loving God. They became _____ by making a free choice in which they radically and irrevocably _____ God and his reign.

angel; good; evil; rejected

What was the sign of God's covenant with Abraham?

boy babies should be circumcised

Abraham heard God's ___, believed it, and ___. He dramatically prefigured the humble ____ who heard God's call, ____, and obeyed God's will. Through her ____ , Jesus Christ, all people of the earth are indeed ______.

call; obeyed; Virgin Mary; believed; child; blessed

Deutero-Isaiah foretold to the ____ people that Babylonia was on the verge of ___. Cyrus of Persia defeated the ____ and permitted the exiles to return home. At this time a ____ of the Jewish people returned to ___ and rebuilt and rededicated the ___.

captive; collapse; Babylonians; remnant; Jerusalem; Temple

In the ancient world, _____ between persons were _____ to do, or refrain from doing, something. The first covenant in the Old Testament was between ____________________________.

covenants; solemn agreements;

Genesis tells us that the purpose of the Flood was to cleanse the world of ____ and depravity. It is a reminder to everyone that God continues to ____ despite its sinful nature, which demands ____ and punishment.

human wickedness; love; correction

The CCC explains that the devil is a _____ and the father of lies. He did great harm by_____ and tempting Adam and Eve—deceiving man to let his____ in his creator die in his heart and abusing his ______ by disobeying God's ______.

liar; seducing; trust; freedom; command

The story of the first ____ of Adam and Eve reveals how sin leads to ___. God's punishment is swift and ___, but even the commission of such an evil crime as the ___ of one's brother did not mean ___ by the Lord.

offspring; fratricide; just; murder; abandonment

What are four outcomes that resulted from Original Sin explained in the CCC?

original sin now destroyed; harmony with creation is broken; consequence will come true; creation decays

The ______, in Genesis 3:15, is also known as the _____ predicts of future Messiah and _____, a battle between the serpent and the woman, and a ____ of a descendant of hers.

protoevangelium; "first gospel"; redeemer; final victory

What was the message of the prophets during the time of political turmoil and religious backsliding?

reminded people of God's covenant. They proclaimed the need for the Chosen People to worship the one true God in fidelity and truth and to live according to the Law, especially by looking out for the needs of the poor and powerless.

All ____ comes through the Body of Christ, the ____, from Christ. We enter into the life of Christ when we receive the Sacrament of ____. Water symbolizes death to an ___ of sin and the cleansing and rebirth into a ____ of Christ.

salvation; Church; Baptism; old life; new life

Second Isaiah reminds the Israelites that God called them to:

serve as a light to attract other na- tions to the worship of the one true God.

The word ____ is a synonym for covenant. The covenants in ___ had two sacred parts: the ___ and the _____ to the promise.

testament; covenants; promise; conditions attached

What do the events of the Exodus prove again about God?

that God was faithful to his promises to Abraham: he preserved them as a people, freed them, and promised a future Savior.

What was the key promise of God's covenant with David?

that Israel would be a royal dynasty

What is Original Sin?

the fallen state of human nature into which all generations of people are born.

What were the biblical authors stressing by including both version of the Flood story?

the importance of the flood story in Salvation History, God entered into his first great covenant with humanity.

What is the sin involved in the story of the Tower of Babel?

the people's ambition to "make a name" for themselves by creating a culture independent of God.

What might be a possible explanation of the repetitions and discrepancies of the account of the Great Flood?

the story interweaves both the so-called Yahwist and Priestly versions.

Christian _____ sees the Protoevangelium as the announcement of the _____, the Son of God. Jesus Christ destroyed the works of the ____ by becoming obedient unto death. His ____ made up for Adam's ____.

tradition; New Adam; devil; obedience; disobedience

A ____ is a way of discerning ____, events, or things in the Old Testament that _____ and serve as a ____ of the fulfillment of God's plan in the Person of ____.

typology; persons; prefigure; prototype; Christ

The Covenant with Abraham: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Covenant with Moses on Mt. Sinai: -------------------------------------- The Covenant with David:

where God blessed Abram's family, promising to give them the land of Canaan and making them a blessing to the nations.------------- ---------------------------------------where God selected Israel as his Chosen people.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- where God promised that the Messiah and Savior would come from David's dynasty.

Through their own ___ ___, Adam and Eve tried to make themselves ___. They sinned by preferring ____ to God. They wanted to be ______ but not in accord with his own ____ for them.

willful choice; gods; themselves; like God; plans

What are the provisions of the covenant God made with Abraham?

• A great nation would descend from him (Israel) • Abraham and his family would be given a land (Canaan) • Abraham would be blessed and his name would be revered • the entire earth would ultimately be blessed through him • Abraham and his wife Sarah would parent a child even though both were old.

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