psych disorders and therapies

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(psychoanalysis) the process whereby emotions are passed on or displaced from one person to another

Albert Ellis

1913-2007; Field: cognitive-behavioral; Contributions: Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET), focuses on altering client's patterns of irrational thinking to reduce maladaptive behavior and emotions


A neurotransmitter involved in arousal, as well as in learning and mood regulation

systematic desensitization (wolpe)

A type of exposure therapy that associates a pleasant relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety-triggering stimuli. Commonly used to treat phobias.

exposure therapy (Mary Cover Jones)

An approach to treatment that involves confronting an emotion-arousing stimulus directly and repeatedly, ultimately leading to a decrease in the emotional response

Xanax and Ativan are ________ drugs.


Which drug sometimes helps patients exhibiting negative symptoms of schizophrenia such as apathy and withdrawal?


Rapidly moving one's eyes while recalling traumatic experiences is most descriptive of


John regularly stops at the pharmacy to collect pamphlets that list symptoms of different illnesses, because he is worried about his health. Each day he carefully monitors his vital signs, and he also frequently meets with a physician. On his most recent visit, the physician suggested that John was perfectly healthy. With which of the following psychological disorders might John be diagnosed?

Illness anxiety disorder

Mood stabilizers

Lithium-- bipolar

An individual survives a period of captivity and exhibits behaviors that include anxiety, inability to concentrate, depression, edginess, and the re-experience of stressful events. These symptoms illustrate which disorder?

Posttraumatic stress

Form of cognitive therapy


antidepressants: also for OCD, anxiety

SSRI's---- Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil

magnetic stimulation (rTMS)

The therapy involves using a magnet to target and stimulate certain areas of the brain. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved rTMS as a treatment for major depression

cognitive triad

The three forms of negative thinking that Aaron Beck theorizes lead people to feel depressed. The triad consists of a negative view of one's experiences, oneself, and the future.

Which of the following is a form of counterconditioning?

Virtual reality exposure therapy

antianxiety medications

Xanax, valium, ativan


a behavior therapy procedure that uses classical conditioning to evoke new responses to stimuli that are triggering unwanted behaviors; includes exposure therapies and aversive conditioning

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

a biomedical therapy for severely depressed patients in which a brief electric current is sent through the brain of an anesthetized patient


a class of antipsychotic drugs, traditionally dopamine receptor blockers

An individual who sees and feels imaginary spiders crawling on his arms and legs is experiencing

a hallucination

Surgically cutting the nerves connecting the frontal lobes to the emotion-controlling centers of the inner brain is called

a lobotomy

histrionic personality disorder

a personality disorder characterized by excessive emotionality and preoccupation with being the center of attention; emotional shallowness; overly dramatic behavior

borderline personality disorder

a personality disorder characterized by lack of stability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and emotion; impulsivity; angry outbursts; intense fear of abandonment; recurring suicidal gestures

Meta-analysis refers to

a procedure for statistically combining the results of many different studies

lobotomy (Moniz)

a psychosurgical procedure once used to calm uncontrollably emotional or violent patients. The procedure cut the nerves connecting the frontal lobes to the emotion-controlling centers of the inner brain

To encourage Mrs. Coleman, a withdrawn schizophrenia patient, to be more socially active, institutional staff members give her small plastic cards whenever she talks to someone. She is allowed to exchange these cards for candy and cigarettes. Staff members are making use of

a token economy

Schizophrenia that develops rapidly, seemingly as a reaction to stress, is called ______________ schizophrenia


Maladaptive behaviors that reduce worry and fear are most indicative of

an anxiety disorder

Which of the following is most descriptive of antisocial personality disorder

an inability to feel empathy for others and a lack of remorse for actions that harm others

Which drugs are designed to depress central nervous system activity?

antianxiety drugs

Which drugs appear to produce therapeutic effects by blocking receptor sites for dopamine?

antipsychotic drugs

Which category of disorder claims the most sufferers in the u.S.

anxiety disorders

Clozaril (Clozapine)

atypical antipsychotic-neg symptoms

Serotonin Antagonists

atypical antipsychotics

To treat nail biting, one can paint a patient's fingernails with a nasty-tasting nail polish. This procedure best illustrates

aversive conditioning

In one treatment for bed-wetting, the child sleeps on a liquid-sensitive pad that when wet, triggers an alarm and awakens the child. This treatment is a form of

behavior therapy

One perspective in clinical psychology proposes that adaptive normal behavior as well as maladaptive abnormal behavior can be developed through similar processes. Which of these best characterizes this approach to abnormal behavior?


implosive therapy

behavioral therapy a type of counterconditioning that has the client imagine the most anxiety inducing thing first, in the hopes that they will realize that their fear is irrational

mental health therapies that involve prescribed drugs or other procedures that act directly on a patient's nervous system are

biomedical therapies

Prozac functions as an antidepressant medication because it

blocks the reuptake of serotonin

Psychodynamic therapy is _____________ than traditional psychoanalysis


As a psychotherapist, Dr. Buist does not analyze people's motives or diagnose the nature of their difficulties because he believes that they are in the best position to diagnose and solve their own problems. Dr. Buist's position is most characteristic of _____________ therapy


Carl Rogers is known for the development of

client-centered therapy

Teaching people to stop blaming themselves for failures and negative circumstances beyond their control is of most direct concern to ________ therapists.


Aaron Beck suggested that negative beliefs cause depression. To help change these negative beliefs, Beck used which of the following therapies?


Aaron Beck has used gentle questioning intended to reveal depressed clients' irrational thinking. His therapeutic approach best illustrates

cognitive therapy

Which therapeutic approach emphasizes that people are often disturbed because of their negative interpretations of events?

cognitive therapy

Albert Ellis, an early _________________ therapist, developed a type of therapy called ________________.

cognitive; REBT

in classical conditioning therapies, maladaptive symptoms are usually considered to be

conditioned responses

systematic desensitization is a form of ________________, which is a type of ______________________.

counterconditioning, behavior therapy

Paula lacks self-confidence. She has a difficult time expressing disagreement with others, and she usually lets friends make decisions for her. Others have commented that they do not know who the "real" Paula is. With which of the following personality disorders might Paula be diagnosed?


repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation shows greatest promise for the treatment of


In a study by Rosenhan, researchers were admitted as patients into various mental hospitals after they claimed to be hearing voices. This study best illustrates the negative effects of

diagnostic labels

the diathesis-stress approach would likely support which statement about psychological disorders?

disorders are a result of predisposed, biological factors triggered by the environment.

Form of therapy that has most directly contributed to deinstitutionalization

drug therapy

Dr. Byrne is a clinical psychologist who often uses operant conditioning techniques to treat her clients. She also encourages them to modify their thought patterns, and on occasion she interprets their transference behaviors. Dr. Byrne's therapeutic approach would best be described as


Which of the following is associated with schizophrenia?

enlarged, fluid-filled areas in the brain

In 1924, Mary Cover Jones reported that 3-year-old Peter lost his fear of rabbits when a rabbit was repeatedly presented while Peter was eating a tasty snack. This episode best illustrated the potential usefulness of

exposure therapies

EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing)

for trauma victims

When Kay told her therapist about her frightening car accident, the therapist instructed her to close her eyes and verbalize any further thoughts stimulated by this experience, even if they were scary or embarrassing. The therapist was making use of a technique known as

free association

Contemporary definitions of abnormality might include all of the following criteria EXCEPT


While grocery shopping, John heard voices that seemed to be narrating his every action. The voices made statements such as "Now he is picking up the bread" and "Now he is putting the bread in his shopping cart." No one else heard the voices. John has heard voices narrating his behavior on several other occasions. What is john experiencing ?


The overall purpose of psychoanalytic therapy is to

help the client in therapy gain new insight into himself or herself

The psychoanalytic and humanistic therapies are referred to as

insight therapies

tardive dyskinesia

involuntary movements of the facial muscles, tongue, and limbs; a possible neurotoxic side effect of long-term use of antipsychotic drugs that target certain dopamine receptors

Edith, a 45-year-old journalist, alternates between extreme sadness and lethargy and extreme euphoria and overactivity. The drug most likely to prove beneficial to her is


humanistic: boost self actualization


An individual who stomps angrily out of a restaurant after being kept waiting five extra minutes for a reserved table may be exhibiting symptoms of

narcissistic personality disorder

A type of medication that has been linked to the side effect of tardive dyskinesia


In the 1950s, Hans Eysenck challenged the effectiveness of psychotherapy because it appeared to be

no more beneficial than no treatment at all

While he was studying, Matthew was suddenly overwhelmed by feelings of intense apprehension. For several minutes he felt so agitated that he could not catch his breath. Matthew was most likely suffering from

panic attack

The best description of behavior modification

patients' actions are influenced by controlling the consequences of those actions

Aaron Beck

pioneer in Cognitive Therapy. Suggested negative beliefs cause depression.

left frontal lobe

positive emotions

The basic purpose of the DSM-IV-TR is to

provide a set of diagnostic categories for classifying psychological disorders

Alex feels so hopeless and depressed that he has recently thought about taking his own life. The drug most likely to be beneficial to him is


Mr. Choi's therapist wants to help him become aware of his conflicting childhood feelings of love and hate for his parents. The therapist's goal best reflects a primary aim of


antisocial personality disorder

psychological disorder in which one demonstrates a lack of conscience

Which of the following forms of therapy most likely involves a confrontational atmosphere between therapist and client?

rational-emotive therapy

Thalamus function

relay station for sensory impulses, pain

Just as Austin began telling his therapist about a painful childhood experience, he complained of a headache and abruptly ended the session. A psychoanalyst would most likely suggest that Austin's behavior is an example of


Julio has fragmented thinking and distorted false beliefs. Which of the following psychological disorders is Julio most likely experiencing?


Prozac is an antidepressant drug that partially blocks the reabsorption and removal of ________ from synapses.


Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil are called SSRIs because they

slow the normal reabsorption of excess serotonin from synapses.

A college student experiences a loss of sensation in her right arm before exams. Doctors can find no physiological basis for her condition. This student is most likely experiencing which of the following kinds of disorders?


The construction of an anxiety hierarchy and training in relaxation are important aspects of

systematic desensitization

Which demonstrates a form of psychotherapy?

systematic desensitization

Which of the following treatments is most frequently used to eliminate specific phobias?

systematic desensitization

stress inoculation training

teaching people to restructure their thinking in stressful situations

If research indicated that phobias result from a chemical imbalance in the central nervous system, this would most clearly give added credibility to

the medical model

light exposure therapy

therapy that involves a timed daily dose of intense light; used for SAD

A teacher taught her students to take turns by giving them stars to trade for snacks at the end of the day. This technique is called

token economy

Mr. Phillips has recently begun to express feelings of hostility and resentment toward his therapist, who is consistently friendly, caring, and helpful. A psychoanalyst would most likely consider Mr. Phillips's hostility to be an example of



transferring the treatment of mental illness from inpatient institutions to community-based facilities that emphasize outpatient care

Major depressive disorder is said to occur when signs of depression last at least

two weeks

Thorazine (chlorpromazine)

typical antipsychotic-pos symptoms

Carl Rogers referred to a caring, nonjudgmental attitude as

unconditional positive regard

According to the psychoanalytic view, depression is caused by

unresolved experiences of loss from childhood

Psychologists are most likely to define maladaptive behavior as disordered if it is

unusual and socially unacceptable

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