Chapter 2: Workforce Safety and Wellness

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From the age of 1 to the age of 40, _________ is the leading cause of death. a. cardiac arrest b. congenital disease c. trauma d. AIDS


Hazardous materials in vehicles and buildings should be clearly identified using: a. manifests b. MSDS sheets c. placards d. beacons


A 12-year-old boy told his grandmother he was going to collect the day's mail, located on the opposite side of the street, for her. As he was returning with the mail, he was struck by a vehicle and was found lying lifeless in the middle of the street. When should you begin protecting yourself with standard precautions on this call? a. as soon as you are dispatched b. as soon as you arrive c. after you assess the victim and know what you need d. after speaking with the grandmother


A 75-year-old male with a terminal illness has died at home. As you and your partner enter the residence, a family member becomes verbally abusive, pushes you, and states that you took too long to get there. You should: A. retreat and notify law enforcement personnel. B. tell the family member that it is not your fault. C. subdue the family member until the police arrive. D. ignore the family member and assess the patient.


The quickest source of energy is ___________; however, this supply will last less than a day and is consumed in greater quantities during stress. a. glucose b. carbohydrate c. protein d. fat


The spread of HIV and hepatitis in the health care setting can usually be traced to: a. careless handling of sharps b. improper use of standard precautions c. not wearing PPE d. sexual interaction with infected persons


The stage of the grieving process that involves refusal to accept diagnosis or care is known as: a. denial b. acceptance c. bargaining d. depression


When decontaminating the back of your ambulance after a call, you should: A. allow surfaces to air dry unless otherwise indicated in the product directions. B. use a bleach and water solution at a 1:2 dilution ratio to thoroughly wipe all surfaces. C. clean all surfaces and patient contact areas with a mixture of alcohol and water. D. spray the contaminated areas and then immediately wipe them dry with a towel.


When providing support for a grieving person, it is okay to say: a. "I'm sorry." b. "Give it time." c. "I know how you feel." d. "You have to keep on going."


You are assessing a woman who was thrown from her horse. She is located in a large field and you can see that a thunderstorm is rapidly approaching. Suddenly, you feel your skin begin to tingle and the hair on your arms stands on end. The ambulance is located about 30 yards away. You should: A. crouch down in a position so that only your feet are touching the ground. B. sit down, bend your knees, and hold your crossed arms close to your body. C. quickly cover the patient with a blanket and then lie down flat on the ground. D. immediately lie down on your side and draw your knees into your abdomen.


You are caring for a 35-year-old female with pregnancy-related complications. She is clearly experiencing significant stress and is crying uncontrollably. Your MOST appropriate action would be to: A. demonstrate courtesy and speak with a professional tone of voice. B. discourage her from expressing fears until a counselor is available. C. explain to her that "everything will be all right" in order to calm her down. D. restrain her if she is extremely emotional and will not calm down.


You are dispatched to the scene of a crash involving a large tanker truck. While you are en route, dispatch advises you that there are multiple patients and that the fire department is en route as well. As you approach the scene, you should: A. maintain a safe distance and try to read the placard with binoculars. B. cordon off the area and quickly remove all of the injured patients. C. immediately begin evacuating residents that live near the crash site. D. don PPE and quickly triage all patients.


You are transporting a 40-year-old male with respiratory distress. The patient tells you that he recently had a positive tuberculosis (TB) skin test and is currently being evaluated for possible TB. You should: A. apply a nonrebreathing mask on the patient and a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) respirator on yourself. B. remain at least 3 feet away from the patient and apply a surgical mask on him. C. apply a sterile surgical mask on yourself and a HEPA respirator on the patient. D. apply a nasal cannula on the patient and a sterile surgical mask on yourself.


A 12-year-old boy told his grandmother he was going to collect the day's mail, located on the opposite side of the street, for her. As he was returning with the mail, he was struck by a vehicle and was found lying lifeless in the middle of the street. You or your partner may develop _________ after experiencing this call. a. critical incident stress management b. posttraumatic stress disorder c. critical stress debriefing d. none of the above


Drug and alcohol use in the workplace can result in all of the following except: a. increased absenteeism from work b. enhanced treatment decisions c. an increase in accidents and tension among workers d. lessened ability to render emergency medical care because of mental or physical impairment


If it is not possible to adequately clean your ambulance at the hospital following a call, you should: A. quickly wipe down all high contact surfaces with an antibacterial solution. B. clean the ambulance at your station in a designated area that is well ventilated. C. wait until the end of your shift and then disinfect the entire patient compartment. D. thoroughly wash the back of the ambulance at a local car wash or similar facility.


Negative forms of stress include all of the following except: a. long hours b. exercise c. shift work d. frustration of losing a patient


Signs of anxiety include all of the following except: a. diaphoresis b. comfort c. hyperventilation d. tachycardia


The safest, most reliable sources for long-term energy production are: a. sugars b. carbohydrates c. fats d. proteins


The stage of grieving where the person is ready to die is known as: a. denial b. acceptance c. bargaining d. depression


You and your partner respond to the residence of a 66-year-old male with shortness of breath. As you are assessing the patient, his wife tells you that he was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. The patient is verbally abusive and tells you that failure of the health care system caused his disease. What stage of the grieving process is this patient's behavior consistent with? A. denial B. anger C. bargaining D. depression


You are transporting an elderly woman who has possibly experienced a stroke. She is obviously scared but is unable to talk and cannot move the entire right side of her body. In addition to providing the medical care that she needs, you should: A. reassure her that after proper treatment in the hospital, she will regain her speech in time. B. acknowledge that she is scared and tell her that you are going to take good care of her. C. maintain eye contact at all times and tell her that there is no need for her to be scared. D. tell her that you understand why she is scared and that everything will likely be okay.


You can us a solution of bleach and water at a ________ dilution to clean the unit. a. 1:1 b. 1:10 c. 1:100 d. 1:1000


You have been working at the scene of a major building collapse for 8 hours. Many injured people are still being removed, and everyone is becoming frustrated and losing focus. This situation is MOST effectively managed by: A. providing large amounts of caffeine to the rescue workers. B. requesting a CISM team to provide on-scene peer support. C. conducting a critical incident stress debriefing the next day. D. allowing each worker to sleep in 15- to 30-minute increments.


________ is/are contact with blood, body fluids, tissues, or airborne droplets by direct or indirect contact. a. transmission b. exposure c. handling d. all of the above


_________ occur(s) when insignificant stressors accumulate to a larger stress-related problem. a. negative stress b. cumulative stress c. psychological stress d. severe stressors


A 12-year-old boy told his grandmother he was going to collect the day's mail, located on the opposite side of the street, for her. As he was returning with the mail, he was struck by a vehicle and was found lying lifeless in the middle of the street. Which of the following would be appropriate to say to the grandmother? a. "Don't worry. I'm sure he'll be fine." b. "What were you thinking? You will be reported!" c. "We're placing him on a backboard to protect his back, and we'll take him to the Columbus Community Hospital. Do you know who his doctor is?" d. It's best not to spend time talking to the grandmother.


A _________ is any event that causes anxiety and mental stress to emergency workers. a. disaster b. mass-casualty incident c. critical incident d. stressor


Physiologic manifestations of stress include: A. flushed skin, decreased muscle control, and vomiting. B. slow heart rate, low blood pressure, and severe headaches. C. perspiration, increased blood glucose levels, and dilated pupils. D. increased blood pressure, decreased blood glucose levels, and chest pain.


The stage of the grieving process where an attempt is made to secure a prize for good behavior or promise to change one's lifestyle is known as: a. denial b. acceptance c. bargaining d. depression


You are assessing a middle-aged man with chest pain that you suspect is caused by a cardiac problem. The patient tells you that he does not want to go to the hospital and insists that you leave him alone. You should: A. reassure him that he will not receive a bill for the EMS call if he cannot pay. B. tell him that he is having a heart attack and that he needs to go to the hospital. C. explain the seriousness of the situation to him, but avoid causing undue alarm. D. proceed to treat him because the stress of the situation has impaired his thinking.


You are caring for a 40-year-old female who was involved in a motor vehicle crash. Her husband, who was driving the vehicle, was killed. When the patient asks you if her husband is all right, you should: A. tell her that he is being resuscitated by other EMTs. B. immediately tell her of his death so that she may grieve. C. let clergy or hospital staff relay the bad news if possible. D. avoid answering her questions and focus on her injuries.


You should begin protecting yourself: a. as soon as you arrive on the scene b. before you leave the scene c. as soon as you are dispatched d. before any patient contact


Your partner, a veteran EMT who you have worked with regularly for the past 4 years, seems unusually agitated during a call involving an elderly patient. Upon arrival back at your station, you note the obvious smell of alcohol on his breath. What should you do? A. Remain quiet and simply request another partner. B. Report the incident to your EMS medical director. C. Discreetly report your suspicions to your supervisor. D. Tell your partner that he must seek professional help.


___________ is a response to the anticipation of danger. a. rage b. anger c. anxiety d. despair


___________ is equipment that blocks entry of an organism into the body. a. vaccination b. body substance isolation c. personal protective equipment d. immunization


A 12-year-old boy told his grandmother he was going to collect the day's mail, located on the opposite side of the street, for her. As he was returning with the mail, he was struck by a vehicle and was found lying lifeless in the middle of the street. As an EMT, you know these types of calls are coming. How can you prepare to meet such stressful situations? a. eat a balanced diet b. go for walks or other forms of exercise c. cut down on caffeine and sugars d. all of the above


A 12-year-old boy told his grandmother he was going to collect the day's mail, located on the opposite side of the street, for her. As he was returning with the mail, he was struck by a vehicle and was found lying lifeless in the middle of the street. What signs of stress may you or your partner exhibit? a. irritability toward coworkers, family, and friends b. loss of interest in work c. guilt d. all of the above


A CISD meeting is an opportunity to discuss your: a. feelings b. fears c. reactions to an event d. all of the above


Components of the CISM system include: a. preincident stress education b. defusings c. spouse and family support d. all of the above


Events that can trigger critical incident stress include: a. mass-casualty incidents b. serious injury or traumatic death of a child c. death or serious injury of a coworker in the line of duty d. all of the above


Factors to take into consideration for potential violence include: a. poor impulse control b. substance abuse c. depression d. all of the above


Fear may be expressed as: a. anger b. bad dreams c. restlessness d. all of the above


If you find that you are the target of the patient's anger, make sure that you: a. are safe b. do not take the anger or insults personally c. are tolerant and do not become defensive d. all of the above


Modes of transmission for infectious diseases include: a. blood or fluid splash b. surface contamination c. needle stick exposure d. all of the above


Patients who become dependent upon EMS personnel or other health care providers often feel: A. relieved. B. superior. C. hopeful. D. shamed.


Prolonged or excessive exposure to stress is known as: a. posttraumatic stress b. delayed stress c. critical incident stress d. cumulative stress


Prolonged or excessive stress has been proven to be a strong contributor to: a. heart disease b. hypertension c. cancer d. all of the above


Recommended immunizations include the: a. MMR vaccine b. hepatitis B vaccine c. influenza vaccine d. all of the above


Sexual harassment is defined as: a. any unwelcome sexual advance b. unwelcome requests for sexual behaviors c. unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature d. all of the above


Stress management strategies include: a. changing work hours b. changing your attitude c. changing partners d. all of the above


Stressors include ___________ situations or conditions that may cause a variety of physiologic, physical, and psychological responses. a. emotional b. physical c. environmental d. all of the above


The BEST way to reduce your risk of contracting a work-related disease following exposure is to: A. vigorously wash the affected area with an antimicrobial solution. B. be evaluated by a physician within 72 hours following the exposure. C. get vaccinated against the disease you think you were exposed to. D. activate your department's infection control plan as soon as possible.


The MOST important consideration at the scene of a hazardous material incident is: A. identifying the material. B. calling the hazardous materials team. C. evacuating the bystanders. D. ensuring your personal safety.


The stage of the grieving process that involves an open expression of grief, internalized anger, hopelessness, and/or the desire to die is: a. denial b. acceptance c. bargaining d. depression


Upon arriving at the scene of a motor vehicle crash, you note that two small cars collided head-on; the occupants are still in their vehicles. The fire department is in the process of stabilizing the vehicles and law enforcement personnel are directing traffic. After parking the ambulance at a safe distance, you and your partner should: A. quickly begin the triage process. B. assist with vehicle stabilization. C. report to the incident commander. D. put on high-visibility safety vests.


When acknowledging the death of a child, reactions vary, but _________ is/are common. a. shock b. disbelief c. denial d. all of the above


When caring for critically ill or injured patients, ________ will be decreased if you can keep the patient informed at the scene. a. confusion b. anxiety c. feelings of helplessness d. all of the above


When grieving, family members may express: a. rage b. anger c. despair d. all of the above


Which of the following is an example of a scene hazard? a. electricity b. vehicle collision c. fire d. all of the above


You are summoned to a convalescent center for an 88-year-old female with an altered mental status. A staff nurse advises you that the patient has terminal cancer and her physician stated that she would probably die within the next few hours; a valid do not resuscitate (DNR) order is presented to you. When caring for this patient, you should: A. depart the scene and allow her to die with dignity. B. start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if she experiences cardiopulmonary arrest. C. provide no interventions and transport to the hospital. D. make her comfortable and provide emotional support.


You arrive at the scene of a domestic violence situation. As you approach the doorway of the apartment, you hear screaming and the statement "He has a gun!" Your MOST appropriate action should be to: A. continue into the apartment using extreme caution. B. proceed into the apartment and apprehend the gunman. C. get in your ambulance and leave the scene immediately. D. seek a safe place and request law enforcement assistance.


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