Chapter 20

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34) The period of atrial systole lasts about [dropdown 1] while the period of ventricular systole lasts approximately [dropdown 2]. Dropdown 1 Choices: 0.4 second 0.3 second 0.1 second 0.6 second Dropdown 2 Choices: 0.4 second 0.3 second 0.1 second 0.6 second

0.1 & 0.3

13) Identify the muscular ridges that are found on the anterior wall of the right atrium and extend into the auricles. a) Pectinate muscles b) Trabeculae carneae c) Coronary sulci d) Papillary muscles e) Chordae tendinae


15) What type of tissue comprises the valves of the heart? a) Dense connective tissue b) Areolar connective tissue c) Hyaline cartilage d) Cardiac muscle tissue e) Adipose tissue


2) The membrane that surrounds and protects the heart is called the a) pericardium. b) pleura. c) myocardium. d) mediastinum. e) endocardium.


24) Which of the following blood vessels is used to distribute oxygenated blood to the myocardium? a) Coronary artery b) Coronary vein c) Coronary sinus d) Vena cava e) Myocardial vein


32) The volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle into the aorta each minute is called the a) cardiac output. b) cardiac input. c) stroke volume. d) heart rate. e) pulse pressure.


55) Which phases of a heartbeat shown in the diagram involve depolarization of any of the heart's four chambers? a) 1 and 3 b) 2 and 4 c) 4 and 6 d) 1, 3, and 5 e) 1 and 5


56) Which of the labeled diagrams shows coarctation of the aorta? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E


60) Which week of fetal development might be considered the stage of development of the heart with the chambers as they will be oriented for the rest of the individual's life? a) fourth b) fifth c) sixth d) seventh e) eighth


63) Which labeled blood vessel shown in the diagram is the left common carotid artery? a) A b) B c) E d) F e) H


68) Which structure in the figure is labeled A? a) left common carotid artery b) left subclavian artery c) left pulmonary vein d) pulmonary trunk e) superior vena cava


69) Which labeled structure in the figure acts as the natural pacemaker of the heart? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E


79) What is the function of the foramen ovale during fetal life? a) Allowing blood to flow directly from the right atrium into the left atrium. b) Allowing blood to flow directly from the right ventricle into the left ventricle. c) Serves as a valve in the vena cava to regulate venous blood flow. d) Prevents back flow of blood from aorta into the left ventricle. e) Prevents bac


31) In comparison to skeletal muscle fibers, the contractile fibers of the heart are depolarized for [___] period of time. Dropdown Choices: a longer a shorter a variable the same

A longer

12) Identify the groove found on the surface of the heart that marks the boundary between the right and left ventricles. a) Coronary sulcus b) Anterior interventricular sulcus c) Posterior interventricular sulcus d) Coronary sinus e) Anterior intraventricular sulcus


3) The apex of the heart is normally pointed a) at the midline. b) to the left of the midline. c) to the right of the midline. d) is different for males and females e) posteriorly.


50) In the diagram, which labeled structure prevents blood flow from the right ventricle back into the right atrium? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E


59) Which of the labeled steps in the diagram represents formation of the endocardial tubes? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E


67) Which structure in the figure is labeled B? a) left common carotid artery b) left subclavian artery c) left pulmonary vein d) superior vena cava e) brachiocephalic trunk


70) Which labeled structure in the figure is the AV node? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E


83) In comparison to a sedentary individual, a well-trained athlete will usually have all the following characteristics EXCEPT a) a higher cardiac reserve. b) a higher resting cardiac output. c) a higher stroke volume. d) hypertrophy of the heart. e) resting bradycardia.


72) Athletes tend to have higher cardiac reserves because a) they produce less epinephrine. b) they eat more protein and vitamins. c) their hearts operate more efficiently due to training d) they take in less oxygen than average individuals e) they put out more carbon dioxide than average individuals


73) Which labeled structure in the figure represents the only pathway for conducting action potentials from the atria to the ventricles? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E


8) A patient presents with a fever, heart murmur, irregular heartbeat, fatigue, loss of appetite and night sweats. As a physician, your diagnosis would be that of endocarditis typically caused by a) a virus b) an autoimmune condition c) a bacterial infection d) exposure to radiation e) cancer


16) Blood leaving the left ventricle passes through which of the following structures? a) Right atrium b) Interventricular septum c) Bicuspid valve d) Aortic semilunar valve e) Pulmonary semilunar valve


20) Contraction of the atria of the heart leads to blood moving directly a) into auricles. b) into arteries. c) into veins d) through atrioventricular valves e) through semilunar valves.


29) Which network of specialized cardiac muscle fibers provides a path for each cycle of cardiac excitation to progress through the heart? a) Systemic circuit b) Intercalated discs c) Cardiovascular center d) Cardiac conduction system e) Pulmonary circuit


30) Which of the following correctly lists the sequence of structures that a cardiac action potential follows in order to excite normal contraction of the heart? a) Bundle of His, Purkinje fibers, Atrioventricular (AV) node b) Sinoatrial (SA) node, Purkinje fibers, AV node, Bundle of His c) Purkinje fibers, AV node, SA node, Bundle of His d) SA node, AV node, Bundle of His, Purkinje fibers e) Bundle of His, SA node, AV node, Purkinje fibers


35) During which of the following periods does the largest volume of blood enter the arteries? a) atrial diastole b) ventricular diastole c) atrial systole d) ventricular systole e) the volume is about the same during each period


36) The second heart sound (dupp) closely follows which of the events listed below? a) Valvular stenosis b) Semilunar valves opening c) Atrioventricular valves closing d) Semilunar valves closing e) Atrioventricular valves opening


39) Stimulation of which nerve reduces heart rate? a) Cardiac accelerator nerve b) Hypoglossal nerve c) Spinal accessory d) Vagus nerve e) Phrenic nerve


45) Which of the following electrocardiogram (ECG) waves represents atrial depolarization? a) R wave b) T wave c) S wave d) P wave e) Q wave


46) Prior to physical activity, the heart rate may climb. This anticipatory increase is caused by nerve impulses traveling to the cardiovascular center of the medulla oblongata that originate in the a) cerebral cortex b) hypothalamus c) baroreceptors d) limbic system e) proprioceptors


5) Which of the following is used to reduce friction between the layers of membranes surrounding the heart? a) Synovial fluid b) Endocardium c) Pleural fluid d) Pericardial fluid e) Capillary endothelium


51) In the diagram, which labeled structure is the pulmonary semilunar valve? a) B b) D c) E d) A e) C


52) In the diagram, which labeled structures are atrioventricular valves? a) A and B b) C and D c) A and C d) B and D e) A, B, C and D


61) Which labeled structure shown in the diagram is a remnant of fetal circulation that is not directly involved in adult circulation? a) A b) B c) H d) D e) E


62) Which labeled blood vessel in the diagram is an artery carrying deoxygenated blood? a) A b) B c) C d) E e) F


65) Which labeled structure in the figure is the ligamentum arteriosum? \ a) A b) B c) C d) D e) G


78) The difference between a person's maximum cardiac output and resting cardiac output is called the a) stroke volume. b) peripheral resistance. c) afterload. d) cardiac reserve. e) venous return.


81) Which of the following chambers of the heart is surrounded by the thickest layer of myocardium? a) right atrium b) left atrium c) right ventricle d) left ventricle e) right auricle


9)Cardiac tamponade may develop following a case of a) myocarditis b) endocarditis c) palpitation d) pericarditis e) tachycardia


extends from the sternum to the vertebral column and from the first rib to the diaphragm? a) Epicardium b) Abdominal cavity c) Pericardium d) Mediastinum e) Thoracic cavity


Question Type: Text Dropdown84) During heart transplants, the [___] nerves are severed resulting in a faster resting heart rate (approximately 100 beats per minute) after the transplant. Dropdown choices: cardiac accelerator cervical spinal glossopharyngeal phrenic vagus


82) Heart murmurs are often heard in individuals with abnormalities in the [dropdown 1] of the heart. Dropdown Choices: AV node endocardium myocardium SA node valves


71) Two hormones that increase heart rate are [dropdown 1] and [dropdown 2]. Dropdown 1 Choices: adrenocorticotropic hormone growth hormone testosterone thyroid hormone Dropdown 2 Choices: acetylcholine epinephrine insulin melatonin

thyroid hormone and epinephrine

10) The coronary sulcus marks the external boundary between the [dropdown 1] and the [dropdown 2]. Dropdown 1 Choices: auricles coronary arteries coronary sinus superior atria Dropdown 2 Choices: apex auricles base inferior ventricles

superior atria inferior ventricles

77) Cardiac output is the volume of blood ejected from the [dropdown 1] ventricle into the [dropdown 2] each minute. Dropdown 1 choices: left right left or right both left and right Dropdown 2 choices: aorta pulmonary trunk aorta or pulmonary trunk

left or right​ Answer 2: aorta or pulmonary trunk

37) Which of the following correctly describes ventricular ejection? Select all that apply. a) occurs when semilunar valves are open b) occurs when semilunar valves are closed c) lasts for about 0.25 second d) lasts for about 0.1 second e) occurs when atrioventricular valves are open f) occurs when atrioventricular valves are closed


64) Which labeled structure shown in the diagram is a pouch-like extension that serves to slightly increase the capacity of an atrium? a) F b) E c) G d) I e) D


14) Through which structure does blood pass from the right atrium to the right ventricle? a) Bicuspid valve b) Interventricular septum c) Tricuspid valve d) Mitral valve e) Ascending aorta


21) Which valve below prevents blood from flowing back into the right ventricle? a) Tricuspid valve b) Bicuspid valve c) Pulmonary semilunar valve d) Aortic semilunar valve e) Mitral valve


23) Which of the following chambers of the heart contains deoxygenated blood? a) Left atrium and left ventricle b) Left atrium only c) Right atrium and right ventricle d) Right ventricle only e) Left atrium and right ventricle


25) Cardiac muscle fibers are electrically connected to neighboring fibers by a) desmosomes. b) tight junctions. c) gap junctions. d) interneurons. e) chordae tendinae.


40) Which of the following would lead to a decreased heart rate? a) Increased norepinephrine release b) Increased thyroid hormone release c) Increased potassium levels in plasma d) Increased calcium levels in plasma e) Increased sympathetic stimulation


42) An increase in the carbon dioxide levels in the blood leads to a change in the chemical composition of the blood. This input would be received by which part of the brain that regulates heart rate? a) Midbrain b) Cerebrum c) Medulla oblongata d) Cerebellum


44) Which of the following selections lists conditions that would lead to increased stroke volume? a) increased preload, increased afterload, increased contractility b) decreased preload, decreased afterload, decreased contractility c) increased preload, decreased afterload, increased contractility d) decreased preload, increased afterload, increased contractility e) increased preload, increased afterload, decreased contractility


47) The formula for calculating cardiac output (CO) is a) heart rate multiplied by cardiac reserve b) heart rate multiplied by end diastolic volume c) heart rate multiplied by stroke volume d) end diastolic volume multiplied by cardiac reserve e) venous return multiplied by stroke volume


49) In the diagram, where is the left auricle of the left atrium? a) C b) F c) G d) H e) I


57) Which of the labeled diagrams shows an atrial septal defect? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E


58) Which of the labeled steps in the diagram represents formation of the primitive heart tube? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E


7) Which layer of the heart wall consists of cardiac muscle tissue? a) Epicardium b) Pericardium c) Myocardium d) Endocardium e) Hypocardium


17) Identify the structure found in a fetus that allows blood to flow directly from the pulmonary trunk into the aorta. a) Fossa ovalis b) Foramen ovale c) Trabeculae carneae d) Descending aorta e) Ductus arteriosus


48) Positive inotropic agents often promote inflow of which cation to increase contractility of the heart? a) sodium b) potassium c) magnesium d) phosphorus e) calcium


74) Which labeled structure in the figure carries the cardiac action potential directly into the contractile fibers of the ventricular myocardium? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E


80) Isovolumetric contraction is the phase of the cardiac cycle in which a) the semilunar valves are open. b) ventricular repolarization occurs. c) atrial depolarization occurs. d) oxygenated blood leaves the heart into the systemic circulation. e) ventricular pressure increases and ventricular volume remains the same.


85) Which of the following is a corrective cardiac procedure in which a large piece of a patient's own latissimus dorsi muscle is wrapped around the heart and stimulated by an implanted pacemaker to assist the pumping action of a damaged heart? a) cardioversion b) cardiogenic transplant c) cardiomyopathy d) cardiomegaly e) cardiomyoplasty


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