Chapter 20 History

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1.Jan Hus 2.Desiderius Erasmus 3.John Wycliff 4.Ulrich Zwingli

1.(Czech Republic) founder of the Moravian church; & Hussite wars ensured the freedom of this persons followers 2.(Netherlands) his writings made people think independently 3.(England) translated the first bible into the English language 4(Switzerland) inspired John Calvin's reformation

Effects of the Thirty Years' War

1. Strengthened France. 2. Germany's economy was left in ruins and it would take a long time for it to become unified. 3. Trade and agriculture disrupted in Europe. 4. Large population loss in Germany. 4. Weakened the Hapsburgs in Spain & Austria.

One who adheres to a church-based philosophy

In Catholic theology, a remission of the punishment that would otherwise be inflicted for a previously forgiven sin as a natural consequence of having sinned. They are granted for specific good works and prayers in proportion to the devotion with which those good works are performed or prayers recited.

Catholic Reformation

In the 1500's and 1600's Catholics set out to improve their Church and to stop the spread of Protestant ideas. * It helped the Church regain some of the areas of Europe it had lost to Protestantism.

name the reformers (there are 4)

Jan Hus, Desiderius Erasmus, John Wycliff, Ulrich Zwingli

Who became the new ruler of England after King Henry died?

Mary (his first daughter)


One who adheres to a church-based philosophy


Paintings done on fresh wet plaster with watercolor paints. The word means "fresh" in Italian. *They were painted in churches all over Italy.

The work and writings of Martin Luther and John Calvin were instrumental in motivating the Protestant Reformation. Which of the following captures their primary motivation for reform?

Reform of a corrupt Roman Catholic Church

William Shakespeare

The greatest English playwright. He wrote all kinds of plays including: comedies, tragedies, and histories.*Two of his most famous plays include Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet. His plays are still popular today.

The key difference between the English Reformation and the wider Protestant Reformation in Europe was _____:

The roots of the English Reformation were political, rather than theological

The Medici Family

This wealthy family ruled Florence for many years. They owned the largest bank in Florence. *They used their wealth to support artists, architects, and writers.

What were motivating factors in the protestant reformation

Translation of the bible and liturgy into local languages (instead of Latin) The practice of selling indulgences The Western Schism

What beliefs did Luther have?

indulgences do not erase sin, who get justification by faith alone, and "Sola Scriptura"

Causes of The Thirty Years' War

1.Protestant Princes wanted to defend themselves and challenge the Catholic Emperor 2. Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II closed Protestant churches and caused a revolt. 3. Ferdinand sent an army into Bohemia to crush the revolt. 4. Conflict between Protestants and Catholic princes in Central Europe.

How did natural disasters and pandemics such as the Black death contribute to the hysteria that lead to the witch trials of the 16th and 17th centuries?

1.Witches were believed to have supernatural powers that they would use against their enemies 2. Lack of understanding about natural disasters resulted in witches being scapegoated 3.Hysteria toward 'devil-worshippers' increased as people believed the end of the world approached

Martin Luther

A German monk who started the Protestant Reformation. He was upset with the Catholic church for selling indulgences and for moving too far away from the bible in what they taught. He wrote the 95 Theses (95 arguments against indulgences.) *His ideas began to spread all over Europe.

Johannes Gutenberg

A German printer who invented the first printing press with movable metal type. *This printing press allowed books to be printed quickly and made more books available to people. The first European book to be printed was the Christian Bible.

Leonardo Da Vinci

A famous artist, scientist, and inventor of the Renaissance. *He painted the Mona Lisa and had notebooks full of inventions far ahead of his time.

The Spanish Armada

A large fleet of Spanish ships that was sent to invade England. * It was defeated by the faster Smaller ships of the English navy.

Marco Polo

A merchant and adventurer from Venice who traveled to China to meet Kublai Khan (the emperor). He traveled over much of China and wrote a book about his adventures. *Because of his stories and the goods he brought back from China many people wanted to buy Chinese goods


A new way of understanding the world. It was a belief in the importance of the individual and of gaining knowledge through reason, not just through religious faith.


A pardon for the forgiveness of sin that was sold by the Catholic Church to make money. *It was one of the reasons that Martin Luther started the Reformation.


A period of renewed interest in learning and the arts, especially in the ancient Greeks and Romans. *During this period the arts and sciences flourished and people became more interested in worldly ideas not just religious ones

Spanish Inquisition

A religious court whose purpose was to find and punish people who were guilty of heresy. Torture was used to make people confess their guilt. * About 2000 Spaniards were executed.

the Western Schism

A split within the Catholic Church from 1378 to 1418, when several men simultaneously claimed to be the true pope. doctrine: List of beliefs and teachings by the church.

Peace of Westphalia

A treaty that ended the 30 Years' War, a war between Protestants and Catholics in Europe. *The war became a fight for territory and wealth. It weakened many countries, but France became a stronger nation.


An order of priests also known as the Society of Jesus that was formed during the Catholic Reformation. * They taught and preached in an effort to bring Protestants back to the Catholic faith. They considered themselves to be soldiers for Jesus and the Church.


French Protestants who followed the teachings of John Calvin. This religion was made up of wealthy people and nobles. A civil war broke out between this protestant group and the Catholics. *At the end of the war Catholicism remained the official religion of France but the ______________________ were allowed to practice their religion freely.

John Calvin

He continued the Protestant Reformation movement in Switzerland. He believed in predestination which is the belief that God has already chosen who will go to heaven and who will not. He also believed that the church members should choose the clergy, bot the kings or bishops.*Because of Calvinism people began to think that they could elect government leaders.

Despite attempts to protect Huguenots by the French crown, there were rising tensions between Catholics and Protestants leading up to the 1560s. What followed was _____ :

Henry II issued the Edict of Châteaubriant which sharply curtailed Protestant rights

Henry VIII

The King of England who parted with the Catholic Church because the Pope would not annul his marriage and allow him to marry Ann Boleyn. *He started the Church of England and took over all of the church's property.

Conciliar movement

The belief that the Catholic Church should be led by councils of cardinals rather than popes

Which of the following were NOT a motivating factor in the Protestant Reformation?

The buying and selling of clerical offices


The first major center of the Renaissance. It was a wealthy Italian city where the arts and architecture flourished. It gained it's wealth from trading cloth and banking. *It was an important link between Europe and Asia

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