Chapter 21 Microbiology Learnsmart

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The role of neurominidase in an influenza infection is to:

cause the fusion of host cells, assist in budding of virions, break down the mucous coating of the respiratory tract

The signs/symptoms of Mycoplasma pneumonia are:

chest pain, fever, headache, sore throat, and nasal symptoms

The low incidence of diptheria in the u.s is most likely due to:

childhood immunizations

A typical pneumonia's are often caused by which agents?

chlamydophilas and mycoplasmas

The _______ of the respiratory epithelium are inhibited by Mycoplasma


Pertussis is easily diagnosed by:

clinical presentation

The solidification of exudates, cells and bacteria in the air spaces of the lungs is known as _____________


The _________ phase is the recovery period from a disease when the numbers of the causative agent are decreasing and the symptoms have disappeared.


The later sings/symptoms of pneumonia include:

cough, discolored sputum, pale skin, difficulty breathing, chest pain

Which approaches are effective in preventing the transmission of rhinitis?

covering the mouth and nose to prevent droplets from escaping, frequent and adequate handwashing

Dyspnea and rales seen in later stages of RSV infection can also be called _______ and ________

croup and bronchitis

Even though it is slow process, viral ________ are useful in helping health officials to determine the viral _______

cultures and subtype

_________ is the blue discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes indicative of decreased oxygen concentration in blood.


Antibiotic therapy may have which of the following effects in pertussis treatment?

decrease the contagiousness of the patient and shorten the course of the disease

Because of its constant contact with the external environment, the upper respiratory tract harbors a ______ population of commensal biota

diverse and large

Influenza A viruses are named according to their different types of ______ and _______ glycoprotein spikes

h and n

Pertussis outbreaks in the U.S. are due to lack of complete ________ in the general public, adults whose immunity as dwindled, and _______ changes in the bacterium

immunization and antigenic

Pneumocystis pneumonia usually occurs in which population groups?

immunocompromised, elderly adults, premature infants

Which of the following are used to diagnose Histoplasma capsulation infection?

immunodiffusion, fluorescent antibodies, and complement fixation

Which of the following are first line defenses for the respiratory system?

mucus production, sneezing, coughing, ciliated epithelium, and nasal hair

The anatomical and first lines of defenses in the upper respiratory system include _______ hairs, ________ on the epithelia, trachea, and bronchi, and ________ on the surface of membranes lining the upper respiratory tract.

nasal, cilia, and mucus

In the Ziehi-Neelsen acid-fast staining procedure, acid-fast organisms will appear what color?


The role of the normal biota in the upper respiratory tract is to:

reduce the growth of harmful pathogens in the system

RSV gets its name from the fact that it infects ________ cells and forms _______, or giant multi nucleated cells

respiratory and syncytia

The most common cause of pharyngitis is:


The signs & symptoms of scarlet fever include:

sandpaper-like skin rash and high fever

The binding of influenza viruses to respiratory epithelial cells results in which of the following?

shedding of epithelial cells, limited protection by cilia, and inflammation

Diagnosis of group A strepococci is accomplished through cultivation on ________ _______ agar plates and a positive _________ disc test. Rapid screening tests detect _________ against outer carbohydrates

sheep blood, bacitracin, and antibodies

Antibiotics are not primary treatment for pertussis, but they are often given as treatment because they ______ the course of the infection and reduce the ________ of the patient

shorten and contagousness

_________ is the inflammation of any of the 4 pairs of sinuses in the skull that is usually caused by allergies, infections, or structural issues in the nasal area


Which of the following are second and third line defenses for the respiratory system?

specific antibodies in mucus and alveolar macrophages

A toxin produced by streptococci that causes the rupture of red blood cells and release of hemoglobin is called a ________


Sinusitis can because by which of the following?

structural problems with nose, allergies, microbial infection

Hantavirus infections are usually treated with _______ _______

supportive care

Pertussis is usually treated with:

supportive care and antibiotic therapy

A negative tuberculin skin test may include:

that an individual is immunocompromsied and cannot mount a reaction, that an individual has not had any contact with tuberculosis, that a person has been infected but has not yet reacted.

Which of the following represents important reasons to study influenza?

the influenza virus is a model for understanding the behavior of other viruses, there is a seasonal pattern of influenza infection in the U.S., the term "flu" is often used in correctly to describe other disease conditions

The common name for pertussis comes from:

the sound a patient makes during uncontrollable bouts of coughing

Why is annual flu vaccination recommended:

the virus is altered by antigenic drift

Acute otits media is caused by which of general types of microorganisms?

viruses and bacteria

Primary infections of the upper respiratory tract often caused by _______, which can predispose a patient to a secondary infection caused by ______

viruses and bacteria

Pneumonia is caused by a wide variety of __________

viruses, bacteria, and fugi

True or False: The upper respiratory tract normally contains a large population of commensal bacteria


True or False: super antigens are bacterial toxins that are potent stimuli for T cells causing an excessively strong reaction


A positive tuberculin skin test indicates:

a reactivation of a prior latent infection, a recent exposure to tuberculosis, vaccination with the BCG vaccine

New research suggests that chronic ottis media is caused by bacterial ________


The signs and symptoms of influenza include:

body aches, fatigue, headache, stuffy nose, dry cough, fever, sore throat

The lower respiratory tract include which of the following structures?

bronchi, bronchioles, trachea, and alveoli

Most patients who contract primary tuberculosis _______ from the infection


The minimum infectious dose for tuberculosis is about ____ cells


The standard influenza vaccination is composed of __ strains of _______ viruses

3 and inactivated

Patients who are at risk for reactivated TB are treated with antibiotics for up to _______

9 months

Mycobacteriym avium complex (MAC) was one of the biggest killers of AIDS patients with _______ positive cell counts below 50 cells per milliliter


True or False: Most cases of scarlet fever are untreatable and result in serious sequalae.


True or False: the viruses that causes rhinitis typically have multiple virulence factors that contribute to their ability to cause disease


True or False: vaccination for hantavirus infection is a common means for prevention for U.S. citizens living in endemic areas


Which of the following are infectious diseases of only the lower respiratory tract?

Pneumonia and tuberculosis

The general type of staining procedure that is used to diagnose the tuberculosis bacterium based upon its cell wall structure is known as the ________ - ______ stain


Boosters of the DTaP vaccine should be given to:

adolescents and adults

Sinusitis can be caused by ______, ______, or structural problems with the sinuses

allergy and infection

Which cells are the first to mount an attack on the TB bacterium?

alveolar macrophages

Failure to patient to adhere to the antibiotic treatment regimen against tuberculosis can lead to ______ _______

antibiotic resistance

The 4 techniques used in the clinical diagnosis of TB are:

antimicrobial sensitivity tests, acid-fast stains, chest x-rays, tuberculin tests

Pharyngitis can be caused by:

bacteria infection, sinus drainage, viral infection, and mechanical irritation

Organisms known to cause pneumonia are ______, ______, and ______

bacteria, viruses, and fungi

Pneumonia caused by __________ organisms is often more serious than pneumonia caused by ______

bacterial and viruses

In secondary tuberculosis, _______ bacteria are reactivated, _______ expand and drain into the bronchial tubes and upper respiratory tract, and the severe symptoms cause a gradual ______ of the body

dormant, tubercles, wasting

Transmission of the viruses that cause rhinitis occurs in which of the following ways?

droplet contact, aerosol transmission, indirect fomite transmission

The surface glycoproteins are important in the virulence of influenza viruses by:

evading immune system recognition and assisting in adhesion to respiratory mucosal cells

Tuberculin testing is now restricted to at-risk populations to reduce _______ and ________ follow-up tests and treatments

expensive and unnecessary

The initial symptoms of RSV are _______, __________, ________,and ________

fever, rhinitis, pharyngitis, and otitis

Primary TB may present with which of the following sings?

formation of tubercles and mild fever

In addition to the respiratory route, influenza can be transmitted via ______


Chest X rays are used in the diagnosis of TB when:

further verification of a positive test is required and other tests give unclear results

RSV can be prevented with:

good hand washing and hygiene practices

The treatment for uncomplicated acute otitis media has changed in the last decade due to:

increase in antibiotic-resistant biota

The current rates of TB worldwide are:


Streptococcus pyogenes causes scarlet fever when it has become infected with a _______ bacteriophages


Which of the following can be used to detect possible Group A streptococci in the pharynx?

measuring sensitivity to bacitracin, antibody reaction tests to Group A carbohydrates in cell wall, culture of pharyngeal swab on blood agar

Over-the-counter medications are effective for which of the following in cases of rhinitis?

minimizing symptoms, decreasing the transmission to other persons, blocking the inflammation process

The upper respiratory tract is composed of (in proper anatomical order): the nasal cavity, the ______ cavity, the _________, the epiglottis, and the _________

oral, pharynx, and larynx

A ________ could occur if avian influenza viruses such as H5N1 undergo an antigenic shift and becomes transmissible from person to person


The uncontrollable bouts of coughing seen in the second stage of pertussis can be referred to as _______


What must an organism be able to do in order to cause pneumonia?

penetrate the lower respiratory tract and survive the immune defenses

Which of the following virulence factors of B. pertussis leads to excessive mucus production?

pertussis toxin

_________, _________, and __________ are all considered diseases of both the upper and lower respiratory tract.

pertussis, RSV, and influenza

The two diseases of the lower respiratory tract are __________ and __________

pneumonia and tuberculosis

_________ _________ is the most frequent opportunistic infection in AIDS patients

pneuoncystis jiroveci

Which factors affect the susceptibility of a person to TB?

poor diet, lung damage, inadequate medical care, inherited genes, immunosuppresion

Why is tuberculin testing restricted to at-risk populations?

prevent unncessary expense and focused screening of those populations

There are 3 types of clinical TB an asymptomatic infection referred to as _________ TB, a reactivation period _________ TB, and disease that has spread beyond the lungs referred to as a __________ TB

primary, secondary, disseminated

Which of the following can be useful in preventing nosocomial pneumonia?

proper care of respiratory equipment, patient education, elevation of patient needs

Manifestations of histoplasmosis include:

pulmonary infection, systemic infection, cutaneous lesions

The ____ produced by C. diptheriae is the cause of complications in the heart and motor nerves


Tuberculosis is diagnosed through the _______ test

tuberculin and mantoux

Which factors influence the ability of members of the normal microbiota to cause sinusitis?

underlying infection with another agent, anatomy of the sinuses in the skull, build up of fluids, favorable environment for growth

Due to an effective ________ there are only 1-2 cases of diphtheria in the U.S. each year, if any at all


What occurs in secondary TB:

wasting of the body due to severe symptoms, tuberculosis expand and drain into the upper respiratory tract, and live dormant TB bacteria are reactivated

Virulence factors of mycobacterium tuberculosis include its _______ cell surface and its ability to stimulate a strong ______ ______ immune response

waxy and cell

It is important to study the influenza virus because cases of influenza increase cyclically during the _______ months, and it serves as is an excellent model of how other viruses can ________ to cause more serious diseases than they previously did

winter and mutate

Diagnosis of tuberculosis is usually accomplished through tuberculin testing, chest ________, identification of _______ - _________ bacilli in the sputum or through cultural isolation

x-ray, acid-fast

Which age group is the mast susceptible to RSV disease?

young infants

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