X112 - Unit 2 Exam

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What accounts for this change in 1867 student enrollments?

Enrolling women accounts for the increase in enrollments overall

Famous visits to IU: African-American novelist

Alice Walker

What three fields were offered to IU students in the 19th century?

Ancient classics, modern classics, natural science

What distinctions does this church/state debate assume?

That "religious instruction" is different from the discipline, "religious studies"

Which of the following best describes how by 1920 the number and social characteristics of IU students and faculty have changed since the founding? in 1820?

There are more women and minorities represented in both groups but not proportional to population

Which of the following descriptions best represents the IU graduating class of 1867?

They were businessmen and professionals

Which of the following best describes IU's role in admitting women to college?

They were one of the first to admit women under the same requirements of men

Law, Medicine, Graduate School, Education, Nursing. Why did these schools appear at Indiana University in the early twentieth century?

To respond to growing number professionalization of various lines of work

The advantages of Kinsey's designing the code sheet for sexual histories this way include: --the subject is unaware of what is noted so may be less self-conscious and give better data. T/F


The advantages of Kinsey's designing the code sheet for sexual histories this way include: code sheets used up less space than other methods, so were less likely to damage the environment. T/F


The advantages of Kinsey's designing the code sheet for sexual histories this way include: it ensured confidentiality of potentially embarrassing information about a person. T/F


The most common form of color-blindness is red/green. T/F


The presence of Horace in 1885 indicates how central Latin was to the 19th century curriculum. T/F


To endorse Kinsey means you have to agree with the content and results of the research. T/F


To support Kinsey means you give him the chance to do the research even if you don't agree with the content. T/F


What do changing demographics say about IU's role in American education and society? Minorities are still not a part of university life, which is an issue that must be dealt with in the future. T/F


What do changing demographics say about IU's role in American education and society? Women are now included in college enrollments, showing that education is becoming more central to all Americans, not just the privileged few. T/F


What might be the advantages of Kinsey's designing the code sheet for sexual histories this way? it ensured confidentiality of potentially embarrassing information about a person. T/F


Which of the following statements are accurate about the change in curriculum from 1867 to now? About the same number of course hours per year


Which of the following statements are accurate about the change in curriculum from 1867 to now? Fewer requirements now


Which of the following statements are accurate about the change in curriculum from 1867 to now? More electives available now


Why is confidentiality important? Some of the subjects reported possibly damaging secrets about their sexual behavior. T/F


Why is confidentiality important? the subject may not be honest about experiences if not convinced of confidentiality. T/F


Why might interviewing with a trained interviewer be a better method than a questionnaire of collecting data on sensitive subjects? the interviewer can backtrack to discover and correct inaccuracies. T/F


it is often easier to accept diversity in students than diversity in positions of authority. T/F


it takes time for women and other minorities to achieve higher degrees. T/F


once admitted, women and other minorities must first finish their degrees before joining the faculty, which takes time. T/F


Famous visits to IU: First democratically-elected President of Poland

Lech Welsea

How has IU's instructional "set-up" changed for students since 1885?

Less than we think: we still have lecture, discussion, and lab

Consider the description: "The object is, not to teach what is peculiar to any one of the professions, but to lay a foundation which is common to them all." Which one of the following words best describes the educational philosophy described?

Liberal arts education

Which one of the following phrases best describes the educational philosophy behind IU's curriculum in 1867?

Liberal education

Famous visits to IU: Former Premiere of the Soviet Union

Mikhail Gorbachev

How would you characterize Mather's research?


Is Kinsey's "pure" or "applied" research?


The early studies on the chemical properties of stannous fluoride conducted by Mathers are best described as which kind of research?


Why would an inductivist require large numbers of subjects in her data?

She needs to examine a wide array of variation in one organism in order to make a reasonable generalization.

Who is Sarah Morrison, and why is she important?

She was the first female graduate and professor of IU

Which of the following is NOT true of drawing materials?

each material used to draw can create only a single type of line or effect

Research and teaching are often closely related for university professors. In Kinsey's case,

he developed the Marriage Course, a popular interdisciplinary course.

Why did Muhler include a group of children in his study who received water rather than stannous fluoride on their teeth?

he needed a control group to compare with the groups who received fluoride

If Mathers had been doing applied research, rather than pure research, which of the following would have been true?

he would have had a practical, real-world question in mind

If you were a student in 1885, who would you see in classrooms around you?

no African Americans

How would you describe the setting of of IU in its 19th century incarnation?

pastoral, rural, muddy

What is the benefit of housing professional schools (schools of law, medicine, dentistry, etc.) within research universities?

professionals in training can learn about the latest research in their fields from the faculty who conduct the research

The "Burning of Horace" is an example of early hazing. T/F


What are the main contributions IU made to the development of Crest toothpaste?

- Isolating the effective fluoride molecule - Testing the effectiveness of fluoride as a decay preventative - Providing a place where the research could be conducted

What accounts for these changes in IU's architecture over the course of a century?

- Limestone was available more cheaply after the mechanization of quarrying, which is why the exteriors look different - More students have the opportunity to attend college, and so we have bigger classroom buildings - Universities in the 21st century must accommodate technology as well as disabled persons' accessibility, so the buildings are more "wired" and more wheelchair-friendly

Comparative ID: These two documents represent the two main subjects of Kinsey's research (gall wasp and coding sheet) . Which of the following statements are true about the relationship between these research projects?

- both rely on taxonomy and the scientific method - both reflect the belief that science is the method of discovery within the university - both show empirical data

When did the campus move to its present location?


When did the Memorial Fund begin?


When will IU celebrate its bicentennial?


How many buildings would you see as a student in 1885?


Which one of the following would be an analogous situation to the one described above?

A courthouse posting the Ten Commandments even though the constitution demands the separation of church and state

How would you characterize Muhler's research?


Which of the following statements is true about the difference between pure and applied research?

Applied research deals with questions that have a practical use, while pure research simply seeks to uncover facts

In the 1880's, how did the students affect the structure and goals of the University?

By protesting the curriculum

How are these two examples (IMU and Crest) of commercialization similar?

Commercialism can overpower the interests of independent thought or enterprise

We began this unit by saying it was a story. What are the main conflicts of this story?

Corporate vs. academic interests

Famous visits to IU: Exiled Buddhist leader of Tibet

Dalai Lama

If Capshew's experience is typical, what do faculty members do before coming to IU?

Earn a doctorate and teach at other schools before moving to a large research university

How would IU have been different if Nutt had been successful in his quest to get turn IU into an agriculture school?

IU would have had a stronger agricultural, engineering, and science focus than it does.

Reread this sentence from the text: "In 1867, the State made its very first annual appropriation to the University for operating expenses ($8,000—wow), making IU into a genuinely state-supported institution." Which of the following is the best summary of this statement?

In 1867, IU became a part of the state government's budget, and would from then on receive money from the government each year.

Reread the Gutenberg Bible chapter's section on the "fixity of the text." Why is this concept important to the career and professional life of a scientific researcher like Muhler and his colleagues?

It allows others to read, build upon, and respond to a fixed idea or experiment, thus forwarding others' research

What is the significance of Owen's title changing from "Professor of Natural Philosophy" to "Professor of Natural Science."

It indicates how much more important the sciences were becoming in 1867 than they had been in 1825.

How and why is this style different from those that were chosen for later buildings?

It is all made of brick, which was cheaper and easier to produce

Which of the following is an example of how IU was one of the leaders in educational change?

It was among the first universities to admit women based on the same selection criteria as those used for men.

What architectural style was chosen for the first buildings on IU's new campus in the 1880's?


Famous visits to IU: American singer-song writer

John Mellencamp

Famous visits to IU: O.J. Simpson's defense attorney

Johnny Cochran

Famous visits to IU: Feminist artist

Judy Chicago

Had IU President Nutt had his way, IU might have been an agriculture and engineering school like Purdue University. What happened?

Mr. John Purdue, of Lafayette, put up his own money to build a new university, and that became Purdue. IU, after that, received state funding.

Why would many municipalities add fluoride to their drinking water if people could get the same benefit from brushing with a toothpaste containing fluoride?

Not everyone brushes often enough to obtain any benefit from the fluoride in toothpaste

Why would a college in the middle of Indiana want to emulate Oxford or Cambridge?

Oxford and Cambridge are two of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world

How were the conflicting missions of P&G and IU resolved?

P&G and IU compromised: IU was allowed to publish the research, but P&G got advance notice of the results; P&G and IU both received some profits from patenting the toothpaste

Why would IU be most worried about this "industrial connection" mentioned here? Because of...

The potential loss of academic freedom if businesses control research

What is free speech?

The right to free expression of opinion and ideas protected by the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights

Based on this scale, how would you describe Kinsey's understanding and assertions about human sexual preference?

The scale suggests that sexual orientation occurs on a continuum, and people can have characteristics of both preferences

Reread this passage from the text: Although an 1852 act of the Indiana General Assembly guaranteed that "no sectarian tenet should be inculcated by any professor at the university," students in 1867 were required to go to chapel every morning for devotions and on Sundays—besides morning church services—everybody got more "moral instruction" that afternoon. Which one of the following passages best summarizes it?

The university required all students to take religious instruction, even though state law prohibited the university any specifically religious practices.

According to your text, why was Dunn's Woods a good choice for the new campus?

The university would have more space for future expansion

1867: Hoagy Carmichael, as a male, he represents 54% of the student body. T/F


1867: Hoagy Carmichael, as a white person, he represents over 99% of the student body. T/F


Accepting women students brought more students, and hence more money, to the university. T/F


After the Civil war, there were fewer young men--many having died fighting in the war--left to go to college. T/F


Alfred and Clara Kinsey each had sexual relations with members of the Kinsey research team. T/F


Although still interested in many subjects, faculty today are separated into disciplines and so only a few people teach in more than one department. T/F


Biology is based on facts and empirical study. T/F


By 1925, what new field of study is emerging at the university? The university is becoming more focused on preparing students for a variety of careers, like dentistry, law, or science, not just the clergy. T/F


Chromosomes determine sex T/F


Empirical evidence is data that can be used to prove or disprove a hypothesis. T/F


Empirical evidence is data that can be verified/replicated with observation or repeated experimentation. T/F


Empirical evidence is important because independent researchers can test one another's conclusions. T/F


Empirical evidence is important because it tests and/or proves a hypothesis. T/F


Evaluate how IU would have been different if President Nutt had been successful in his quest to get the agriculture school built in Bloomington: IU would have had a stronger agricultural and engineering focus than it does.T/F


Faculty are required to be more highly specialized in research and teaching, so most of them teach in only one subject discipline. T/F


Herman B Wells supported Kinsey's research because he believed the university should back faculty work courageously and impartially. T/F


How is Kinsey representative of the faculty of the day? most faculty are men. T/F


How is Kinsey representative of the faculty of the day? most faculty were white. T/F


In 1867 The number of women enrolled increased. T/F


In 1867 Total student enrollment was higher than in previous years. T/F


In 1920, Alfred Kinsey started teaching at IU. T/F


In 1920, women were granted the right to vote. T/F


Is this an example of inductive reasoning? concluding that maples have red, not blue blossoms because you've never seen blue maple blossoms. T/F


Is this an example of inductive reasoning? determining that butterfly species differ in their mating habits by observing the mating habits of 20,000 butterflies. T/F


It is easier to accept diversity in students than diversity in positions of authority. T/F


It would be important for a research institution such as IU to have a "Human Subjects" review process in order to protect IU against law suits from test subjects. T/F


It would be important for a research institution such as IU to have a "Human Subjects" review process in order to protect test subjects from being injured. T/F


It would be important for a research institution such as IU to have a "Human Subjects" review process in order to protect the privacy of test subjects. T/F


Maples turn orange and yellow in the Fall in northern climates T/F


Neal and Marshall were the first African-American man and the first African-American woman to graduate from IU. T/F


Owen Hall and other buildings are Italianate because: Their windows are narrow and tall in order to make the building look tall and elegant. T/F


Owen Hall and other buildings are Italianate because: They have trim in lighter colors that contrast the main body of the building. T/F


Consider what you've deduced from Capshew's and Gieryn's C.V.s. In addition to teaching, what do modern faculty members spend their time doing?

Writing scholarly articles and presentations

Which is the best definition of "basic research"?

a method of investigation that moves from hypothesis to observation or experiment to data collection

What was the Book Nook and where was it located?

a student hangout on Indiana Ave where "alternative" students expressed themselves

Which of the following is a similarity between clay, metal, and wood sculpture materials?

all of these materials can be enhanced by the use of color on the surface

Why was the American Dental Association initially doubtful about P&G's claim that Crest reduced cavities by 65%?

because many false claims about cavity reduction had been made in the past, but they all proved false

Why did the experiment with the Crest kids take nine years to complete?

because the researchers were interested in quantifying the effects of Crest on cavities over several years in the Crest kids, not just for a short time

What is deductive reasoning?

beginning with generalized principle and moving to specifics

Why do you think it was called the "marriage" course?

it was unthinkable at the time to teach a course on the assumption that sex occurred outside marriage

What is Kinsey trying to say when he says "the living world is a continuum...the sooner we learn this...the sooner we shall reach a sound understanding of the realities of sex"?

sexual behavior in humans shows a wide variety and "black and white" answers do not reflect reality

How is Beulah representative of the student population of the 1920's?

she is a woman, and almost half the student body consisted of women

What took place at the Weekly Convocation?

special guests from came and gave lectures and performances every week

What prompted the creation of Kinsey's "marriage course"?

students publicly requested such information in their curriculum

Which of the following current medical treatments is most similar to the technique most commonly used in the 19th century to treat tooth decay?

surgical removal of a cancerous lung

Why might taxonomy be important for scientific work?

taxonomies allow general patterns to appear, which help scientists understand the mechanisms of life

Which of the following is true regarding the commercialization of research at IU?

the commercialization of research at IU has become routine, and IU even facilitates the process

Why would empirical evidence be especially important to studies like Kinsey's?

the controversial nature of this research means that the findings had to be objectively defensible

What happened initially when Muhler and Nebergall added stannous fluoride to toothpaste?

the stannous fluoride became ineffective in preventing cavities

In terms of artists' work, what is a support?

the surface on which an artist paints, sketches, or draws

What best describes what has changed about education since the 1880's that would motivate students to add extra-curricular experience to their years at IU?

the university was not just for the life of the mind but now a preparation for a future profession

What do all the different methods of printmaking have in common?

they all involve transferring a drawing from one surface to another

What do oil paints, tempera, fresco paints, acrylic paint, and watercolor have in common?

they are all made of pigment combined with a binder or other liquid

Besides liking to perform, why might students have joined a group like the Jordan River Revue?

they got good experience at production management and other useful skills

If Muhler and Nebergall were doing their research today, what is one change they would definitely have to make to their study?

they would have to gain approval from a review board that watches over the rights of human subjects

The purpose of a control group in an experiment is

to provide data from subjects who are not receiving the experimental compound

What is the Memorial Fund's purpose?

to raise money for new buildings on campus

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