Chapter 21 Quiz Review

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What is Uncle Tom's Cabin is about. Give at least 2 examples from the textbook.

A slave owner Whipping Tom to death and Tom telling him that "He Forgives him" And a Female slave and her child being chased by slave owners across the Ohio River.

When and Where did Abraham Lincoln speak these words? "A house divided against itself cannot stand..."

When he received the Illinois Republican nomination for the senate.

How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act nullify the Missouri Compromise?

It allowed slavery in new Northern territories.

In what way did the Compromise of 1850 appease the South?

It included a law requiring the return of escaped slaves.

What was the significance of the 36˚30´ parallel?

It indicated where slavery was allowed and banned.

What was a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

It led to a violent struggle over slavery in Kansas.

What was the main effect of the Missouri Compromise?

It temporarily ended the slavery debate.

What was the impact of the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin?

It turned many more people against slavery.

What was the Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case?

that African Americans did not have the right to sue in federal court

Which was a fear of Southern senators if there were more free states than slave states?

losing voting power

Does Lincoln feel that the house can remain divided?

No something has to be done to fix the problem.

What does the word house in Lincoln's statement refer to? "A house divided against itself cannot stand..."

Country or USA

Which two people worked together to balance the interests of the North and the South with regard to slavery?

Daniel Webster and Henry Clay

How did the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 impact Lincoln's political future?

He became known throughout the nation.

What were some of the reasons the Fugitive Slave Law failed?

Many slaves moved to Canada, Northerners refused to obey the law, People hounded slave catchers returned to the South.

Which event turned the secession crisis into a civil war?

South Carolina's shelling of Fort Sumter

How did Missouri's application as a slave state in 1819 challenge U.S. law?

States north of the Ohio River were to be free states.

What was apparent following the presidential election of 1860?

The nation was divided over slavery.

According to the Wilmot Proviso of 1846, in which area was slavery banned?

land acquired from Mexico

What did John Brown hope to achieve by his raid at Harpers Ferry?

to create an armed slave rebellion that would bring an end to slavery

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