Chapter 21 Quiz: Urban America and the Progressive Era 1900-1917

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Which statement best describes the reasons that drove Europeans to immigrate to the United States in the early twentieth century?

European immigrants were both pushed by circumstances at home and pulled by opportunities in the United States.

Which group was most likely to advocate a ban on alcohol during the progressive era in the United States?

Evangelical Protestants

How did President Woodrow Wilson change race relations in the federal government during his tenure?

He introduced legal segregation in federal employment.

Why did Booker T. Washington enjoy the financial backing and respect of white philanthropists and progressives?

He urged African Americans to focus on self-improvement and self-reliance rather than on civil rights.

How did Florence Kelley shape the lives of working women in Illinois?

Her report on dismal conditions in sweatshops became the basis for the state law mandating an eight-hour workday for women.

Which of these situations best exemplifies hemispheric migration to the United States during the early twentieth century?

Mexican immigrants provided a critical source of labor for farms, mines, and railroads in the American West.

How did Margaret Sanger's ideas about female reproductive rights differ from those of an older generation of feminists who advocated for "voluntary motherhood"?

Sanger promoted contraception rather than abstinence to advance sexual freedom for women.

How were the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), or Wobblies, different from the American Federation of Labor (AFL)?

The IWW called for a united struggle between skilled and unskilled workers against the employing class.

How did the Hepburn, Pure Food and Drug, and Meat Inspection Acts advance the national progressive agenda?

They expanded the scope of government intervention to protect consumers.

How did machine politicians gain the votes of their constituencies in American cities at the turn of the century?

by offering a variety of services

Although the bohemians of New York's Greenwich Village shared many attributes with the progressives of the early twentieth century, they largely differed from this latter group because bohemians __________.

challenged traditional roles of marriage and sexuality

Progressivism was inspired by __________.

evangelical Protestantism and the natural and social sciences

When progressive reformers spoke of the "white slave traffic," they were referring to __________.


During the Uprising of the 20,000 in November 1909, women garment workers in New York demanded __________.

recognition of their union

Who controlled the political life of most large northeastern American cities at the turn of the century?

the Democratic Party

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