Chapter 22

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What would be the most effective oral agent to use for treating the condition depicted in this case?

terbinafine tablets

Which of the following represents the MOST LIKELY route of transmission for Michael's infection?


Which of the following infections are also caused by C. albicans?

-fulminating disease -oral thrush

What is the correct sequence of events for the life cycle of the pork tapeworm, T. solium? Arrange the following statements in chronological order

1. Eggs are produced by adult tapeworms living in the definitive host 2. Eggs are released into the environment in the feces 3. Pigs eat grass contamined, or fertilized, with human feces 4. Inside the intermediate host, the eggs mature into larvae and encyst in the hosts muscles 5. The definitive host ingests the larvae and becomes infected

The diseases caused by Aspergillus species are considered opportunistic. Which of the groups listed here would be most likely to become infected with Aspergillus?


Candida albicans

Based on the lab results, which organism is most likely causing Tori's new symptoms?

How do blastoconidia and chlamydoconidia produced by yeast differ from bacterial endospores?

Blastoconidia and chlamydoconidia are spore structures produced by budding in yeasts, whereas bacterial endospores are produced by bacteria under extreme conditions.

Which of the following statements best describes why the treatment for Tori's fungal infection may result in side effects to her own cells?

Fungal cells and human cells have a nucleus, multiple organelles, and 80S ribosomes for protein synthesis.

What is the treatment that Dr. Clark will most likely recommend?

Praziquantel or albendazole, drugs that target eukaryotic parasites with minimal side effects in the host.

Which of the following organisms is most likely the causative agent of Michael's tapeworm infection?

Taenia solium

Compare the anatomy of the tapeworm (Image C) to the anatomy of the roundworm (Image D). Given that both are parasitic worms, which of the following reasons best explains why the tapeworm is flat?

Tapeworms utilize diffusion to absorb nutrients from the host's digestive system.

Which of the following best explains why Tori developed a new series of symptoms?

The antibiotics that treated Tori's primary respiratory infection also removed some of her normal bacterial flora, resulting in an overgrowth of other organisms.

Which of the following genera is the most contagious?


Why was Dr. Clark worried about tapeworm infection in other body sites?

When tapeworm larvae escape the stomach, they can travel to other parts of the body such as muscles, the liver, the eye, and even the brain to form cysticerci. The presence of T. solium in the brain can result in neurocysticercosis, a serious condition which has symptoms resembling those of brain tumors or epilepsy.

How do pseudohyphae in yeasts differ from vegetative hyphae in filamentous fungi?

Yeasts use pseudohyphae to invade host tissue, whereas filamentous fungi use their vegetative hyphae for obtaining nutrients.

Which of the following could Tori's physician choose as a treatment for her yeast infection?

a single oral dose of fluconazole -a topical over-the-counter ointment, such as clotrimazole or miconazole

How can this disease best be categorized?

acute and cronic

Which topical medication would likely be recommended for use in this case?

wearing sandals

Why do we see an increase in the levels of IgE antibody in Michael's serum?

IgE is the class of antibodies involved in hypersensitivities such as allergies and parasitic infections.

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