Chapter 23 Ap Euro

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What was crucial to the success of count Camillo Benso di Cavour's plan to unify in northern Italy in the 19th century?

A secret alliance with Napoleon III against Austria

What was the first and most important of the great reforms in Russia?

Abolition of serfdom

Why did Louis Napoleon have success with the economy?

Government encouraged new investment banks and railroad construction

What was the Russian zemstvo?

Institution for a local government established by the great reforms

Marxist socialist organize themselves and what kind of organization?


In 1861 this czar abolish serfdom?

Alexander II

Why did Prussia and Austria attack Denmark in 1864?

Because Denmark was attempting to bring two provinces of the launch of the German confederation into a more civilized danish state. Two provinces Schleswig- Holstein belonged to Denmark but were members of the German confederation

What is the Kulturkampf?

Bismarks attack on the Catholic Church in the German Empire

In January 1905 workers and families converged on the Winter Palace to present a petition to czar Nicholas II on a day that became known as what?

Bloody Sunday

How did Louis Napoleon believe that people should be represented government?

Buy a strong national leader whose reforms would aid all the people

In on the iniquity of the human race 1854 count Arthur de Gobineau divided humanity into the white black and yellow races and what else?

Champion the White Aryan race for it supposedly superior qualities

Nationalism can be unifying but also leads to what?


In the early 20th century why were extensive social welfare programs slow to form in Great Britain?

Conservative aristocratic House of Lords resisted the formation of such programs until the king threatened to a point new nobles who would support the programs

What is that directly prompted the great reforms in Russia?

Creamy and war of 1853 to 1856, Russia lost, 450,000 casualties, emancipation of the serfs

After what event or all the ties severed between the church and stay in France?

Dreyfus affair 1901 to 1905

How did Bismarck structure of the North German Confederation in order to secure the authority of the Prussian emperor?

Emperor control the army in for an affairs and universal male suffrage permitted the emperor to go directly to the people if the people if the middle-class liberals resisted his legislature

What was the second international?

Federation of national Socialist party that Metro review Marxist ideology

Who are the red shirts in the 19 century France?

Giuseppe Garibaldi's guerilla army involved in the invasion of Sicily

After the Franco-Prussian war imposed a harsh peace which country?


The Homestead act enacted during the Civil War gave western land to settlers and reinforced what idea?

Free labor

The revoking of what by Bismarck like to trade wars and nasty name-calling among countries?


Which of the following is an accurate characterization of a Socialist party in Europe prior to 1914?

French Socialist party was one of the most modest due the powerful labor unions that controlled the party

1906 Constitution and Russia was called what?

Fundamental laws

Why did Louis Napoleon increase the power of the Catholic Church and deprive poor men of the rights of vote?

He signed legislation in order to get the national assembly to pay his personal debts and change the constitution so that he could run for a second term

Why did Bismarck enact high tariffs on grain from the United States Canada and Russia in 1878?

He sought to win support from both the Catholic center and protestants junkers who had large land holdings

Racism is is is used to justify what?


How did German social Democrats recover their losses in the 1907 election and become the largest party in the Reichstag in 1912?

It took a more patriotic tone and broaden their base

In 1871 who was emancipated from the German Empire?


In the 1990s how did Sergei Witte seed to transform Russia?

Leave that Russia's industrial backwardness was threatening its power and greatness and implemented industrial policies to catch up with the west

How did the process of Italian unification survive the French betrayal of Sardinia in its efforts to unify Italy?

Nationalist leaders in central Italy overthrew the local princes merged Sardinia despite the displeasure of the great powers

Centralized institutions universal military inscription in boasting images of historical events were all reasons what ideas grew?


Language in class differences were challenged to what?


Why did the possibility of a federation of Italian states under the presidency of a progressive pope disappear after the revolution of 1848?

Pius IV the pope I've been driven from room temporarily during the peoples of 1848 which turned the initial cautious support for unification by Pius IV into hostility

How did expanding the right to vote in the late 19 century affect national politics across Europe?

Politicians and parties became more responsive to the people they represent

Before the great reforms Reshad what kind of economy/society?

Poor agrarian society

The October manifesto in the Russian Revolution of 1905 granted full civil rights and promised what?

Popular elected Duma or Parliament with real legislative power

Bismarck used what lower parliamentary house to legitimize his policies?


What affect the Dreyfus affair have on late 19 century France?

Revived republican distrust of Catholicism

In 19 century Italy Giuseppe Garibalddi body was a hardline socialist ,liberal technocrat, visionary industrialists, or romantic nationalist?

Romantic nationalist

Which war in 1904 to 1905 brought attention to Russia's inadequacies?

Russo Japanese war, Japan launches surprise attack on February 1904 Russia surrenders in 1905

Why did the conservative Bismarck pioneer the creation of an expansive system of social welfare?

Sought to win the attraction of socialism in the working classes and give them a small stake in the existing political system

Why did socialist parties become more moderate by the late 1800s?

They now had voting and worker reform and they believed in revision ism- the believe that you don't need revolution anymore problems can be solved through politics and labor unions

What was the political goal of creating free compulsatory elementary education in late 19 century France?

To act as a nation building tool in which all children would be taught secular republican views

How did labor unions in Germany change in the early 1900s?

Unions increasingly focused on bread-and-butter issues rather than dissemination of socialist doctor

What German emperor fourth Bismarck to resign?

William II

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