Chapter 23: Disorder of red blood cells

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What are the numbers for a women who is anemic?

Hematocrit less than 36% and hemoglobin less than 12 grams

What is another name for red blood cells? What are the function of red blood cells?

Another name for red blood cells are erythrocytes which deliver oxygen to the bodies tissues. RBcs also carry carbon dioxide and help with acid base balance.

What happens when a condition causes a decrease in oxygen?

Any condition that causes a decrease in oxygen transported in red blood cells produces an increase in red blood cell. This increase does not act directly on bone marrow but instead when the body realizes there's a decrease in the amount of oxygen in red blood cells the kidneys sense it and produce a hormone called erythropoietin to regular erythropoiesis.

What is the synthesis of hemoglobin ?

Erythroblast, retuculicyte which is immature red blood cell, matte red blood cell

What are the four causes of anemia?

Excessive rbc loss due to blessing Destruction of rbc (hemolysis) Defective rbc production Inadequate rbc production due to defect with bone marrow

What are the manifestations of anemia?

Impaired oxygen transport Tissue hypoxia Low hemoglobin count

What's are the numbers for a man who is anemic?

Less than 41% or hemoglobin less then 13.5 g

What is the process of unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin ?

Once the hemoglobin is broken down in bilirubin it once to be removed by the liver,p. First uncogulated billirubin begins and this is incoulbe and toxic so being that it is toxic it causes for a yellowish and brownish color and it also attaches to the plasma protein albumin to be transported to the liver. Once In the liver it becomes water soluble excreted by the liver as bile then to the small intestine and then to kidneys for excretion.

Where are rbcs when you are born versus adult?

Rbcs are normally In the bone marrow when you're born and in the adult it's in the sternum ribs or pelvis.

Where are rbcs broken downs? What is hemoglobin? Why is it needed?

So rbcs are broken down in the spleen. However, you have a molecule in your blood call hemoglobin and this molecules binds to carbon dioxide and transport carbon from tissues to lungs. Hemoglobin needs iron order to be synthesized and with no iron decreased hemoglobin. Iron count for women is 2 with men 6 grams.

What is the life span of rbcs ? What happens once they age? Where are they broken down? What is it converted too?

The lifespan of rbcs are normally 120 days. Once rbcs age they begin to loose their metabolic activity and atp which is energy so now they have to be broken down. Our phagocytic cells which are in our spleen will ingest them and destroy the old and worn out rbcs . Hemoglobins are then turned into billiruin.

What is anemia? What does it diminish?

This is when there is a abnormal number of rbcs or hemoglobin or both which diminishes the oxygen capacity.

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