Chapter 23-Give Me Liberty

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Hollywood Ten

Group which included Dalton Trumbo and Ring Harold Junior that refused to testify before congress about communism in hollywood and name names. They Said it was against freedom of speech to make them testify. Would be sent to jail for six months and blacklisted from appearing in movies.

Alger Hiss

High ranking US state department official that was accused of giving Whittaker secret documents to give to soviet russia. Was persecuted by Richard Nixon.

Korean War

In 1945 Korea was divided between Communist north and anticommunist south. In 1950 North Invaded south hoping to unify it all. US joined the war to defend South Korea. Ended in stalemate. Never has there been a formal peace treaty.

House Un-American Activities Committee

In 1947 launched a series of hearings about communist influence in America and especially Hollywood. Called famous screenwriters, directors and actors to appear before the committee. Numerous people including Walt Disney were called in.


In December 1955, the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations ended their twenty-year rivalry and merged to create this, under the leadership of George Meany. One union was for skilled laborers and the other was for unskilled laborers. The two unions had remained separate since the late 1800s. Finally, this deal was broken between the unions and they became one union. The membership skyrocketed and, therefore, labor unions had more power. This man was placed as the leader of the union.

American Civil Liberties Union

It defends and preserves the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country. offered free counsel to any Tennessee educator willing to defy the law on teaching evolution. John Scopes agreed to have himself arrested.

Operation Dixie

Launched by the AFL and the CIO. Was the process of bringing labor unionization to the South thus shattering the anti labor conservatives on the regions politics. Sought to laborize the textile industry industry, steel industry and agriculture. Additionally, would organize largest strike wave in American history.

GI Bill

Law that was passed to help soldiers returning home from WWII get home mortgages, set up small business and embark on college education.

"prosperity makes you free"

Marshall Plan

Strom Thurmond

Nominated by the Dixiecrats/States rights democratic Party for president.

Walter Lippmann

One of the most prominent Journalists in North America. Objected turning foreign policy into an ideological crusade. Thought it would be a mistake to align with anti communism.

Operation Wetback

Operation that used the Military to go into Mexican-american neighborhoods, find illegal immigrants and deport them to Mexico. Over 1 million were deported as a result of this.

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

Pact between Western nations that pledged to fight communism and in Asia.

Central Treaty Organization

Pact between Western nations that wanted to fight communism in the middle east.

McCarren-Walter Act

Passed in 1952, was the first major piece of immigration since 1924. Passed over Trumans Veto. Truman had suggested replacing immigration quotas with a more flexible system, but this bill kept quotas in place, and authorized the deportation of citizens who were identified as communists.


Pledge between The US, canada and 10 western countries to provide mutual defense against ay future soviet attacks. West Germany was a crucial part of this organization.

Truman Doctrine

Policy by Harry Truman that would provide aid to any country that struggled with communism.

containment policy

Policy that was aimed to prevent the spread of communism. Started by Truman Administration and George Kennan.

fact-finding boards

President may appoint a fact-finding board to hear dispute and make recommendations (not binding)

Marshall Plan

Program by Secretary of State George C. Marshall that pledged billions of dollars to rebuild and help the economic recovery of Europe. Would be one of the most successful foreign aid programs in US History.

To Secure These Rights

Published by a commission on Civil Rights in October of 1948. Called on the federal government to abolish segregation and ensure equal treatment. Truman hailed this report.

Joseph R. McCarthy

Republican Senator who made a speech accusing Secretary of State Dean Acheson of knowingly employing 205 Communist party members in February of 1950. Even though the accusations later proved to be false, McCarthy gained the support of the public. With the Republican victory in the election of 1952, his rhetoric became bolder as his accusations of communism grew. (McCarthyism)

Taft-Hartley Act

Republican-promoted, anti-union legislation passed in 1947 over President Truman's veto that weakened many the New Deal gains for labor by banning the closed shop and other strategies that helped unions organize. It also required union leaders to take a noncommunist oath, which took out many of the union movements most committed and active organizers.

Dean Acheson

Secretary of State, was charged by McCarthy to have knowingly employed 205 Communist members but again, was not proven. L: Dean Acheson was the American Secretary of State during the Truman Administration. Acheson was known as one of the architects of the cold war, as his actions led to Soviet Union x US foreign policy being what it was for the next few decades. I: Acheson played an important role in the creation of Lend Lease, The Truman Doctrine, The Marshall Plan, NATO and the World Bank.

Joseph McCarthy

Senator from Wisconsin that emerged as a national pursuer of communists. Won election by lying about war record. In February of 1950 he said that he had a list of 205 communists working for the US state department. Though not one of these turned out to have evidence to lead to a conviction.

George Kennan

Sent the Long Telegram in 1946 from Moscow, Russia that advised the Truman Administration that the Soviets could not be dealt with as a normal government. Communist ideology drove them to want to expand and only the USA could stop them. Proposed the containment policy to prevent Russia from further expanding. creator of the Long Telegram. He was a young U.S. diplomat. and responsible for developing the policy of "containment"

Taft-Hartley Act (1947)

Sought to reverse some of the gains of that organized labor had made during the 1940s. Authorized the president to suspend strikes by ordering an 80 day cooling off period. Outlawed requiring workers to be in unions. Was passed over WIlsons veto. Known for reducing Unions share of workforce.

Berlin Blockade

Soviet response to US, Britian, and France uniting their parts of Germany into West Germany. Prevented trucks and trains from entering West Germany.


Term used by the Joseph McCarthy for his pursuit of many communists. turned out to not get a single communist convicted. Today is known for his character assassination, guilt by association and abuse of power in leader of anti communism.


The Central Treaty Organization (also referred to as CENTO); original name was Middle East Treaty Organization or METO was formed in 1955 by Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. It was dissolved in 1979. U.S. pressure and promises of military and economic aid were key in the negotiations leading to the agreement, although the United States could not initially participate "for purely technical reasons of budgeting procedures." In 1958, the United States joined the military committee of the alliance. It is generally viewed as one of the least successful of the Cold War alliances.

People's Republic of China

The Chinese Civil War ended in 1949 with the Communist Party of China in control of the mainland, and the Kuomintang (KMT) retreating to Taiwan and some outlying islands of Fujian. On October 1, 1949 Mao Zedong proclaimed the People's Republic of China, declaring "the Chinese people have stood up. Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong

The Communist leader in China. He established his regime in Beijing (the people's Republic of China) but the US refused to recognize it and continued to support the nationalist govt in Taiwan. Chinese revolutionary leader of the 20th century. He led the Long March of workers in the 1920 and used guerilla warfare to take over the country. He established the Peoples Republic of China. There were many purges of anyone against communism. Died in 1976


The House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) was an investigating committee which investigated what it considered un-American propaganda. This congressional Committee investigated Commmunist influence inside and outside the US government after WWII. investigatory body established to root out "subversion." Sought to expose communist influence in American government and society, in particular through the trial of Alger Hiss

Thomas E Dewey

The Republican presidential nominee in 1944, Dewey was the popular governor of New York. Roosevelt won a sweeping victory in this election of 1944. Dewey also ran against Harry Truman in the 1948 presidential election. Dewey, arrogant and wooden, seemed certain to win the election, and the newspapers even printed, "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN" on election night. However, the morning results showed that Truman swept the election, much to Dewey's embarrassment. He was the Republican presidential nominee in 1944 as well as the governor of New York. He lost to Roosevelt and Truman in the elections which were particularly embarrassing because he was always certain that he was going to win

hearts and minds

The U.S. tried to win the ______ _______ _______ of the Vietnamese by trying to convince the civilians that the U.S. had the best interests of the people at heart. -rooted from " pacification " which attempted to push the Viet Cong from areas in the United States and then pacify those areas by winning the "hearts and minds" of the people -the program eventually gave way to a heavy handed relocation strategy where American troops uprooted villagers from their homes and sent them to refuge camps or into cities and then destroyed the surrounding villages


Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible. the individual and his or her rights are nothing; the only thing that matters is the state political system in which the government (usually under a dictator) recognizes no limits to regulation of every aspect of citizen's lives

General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade

Trade agreement under which countries met periodically to negotiate tariff reductions that were mutually advantageous to all members, but contained loopholes that enabled countries to avoid trade-barrier reduction agreements. United Nations organization created to seek tariff reductions

The Loyalty Program

Truman ordered investigations into the loyalty of more than 3 million employees of the US gov.; many people discharged were thought to be disloyal or subversive although there was little evidence and few were guilty. -fearing communist spies, Truman launched this in 1947 -attorney general drew up list of 90 disloyal org -the Loyalty Review Board investigated more than 3 million federal employees -states demanded loyalty oaths

Douglas MacArthur

US general that became the "supreme commander" in japan until 1948. Led for the country to adopt a democratic constitution and eliminate absentee landlorism. Woman were given the right to vote, and made japan promise to renounce the policy of war forever, and keep only a small self defense force.

Militant Liberty

Under the code name "Militant Liberty," national security agencies encouraged Hollywood to produce anticommunist movies. The code name national security agencies used to encourage Hollywood to promote anticommunist movies that also promoted American history and culture.

McCarran Internal Security Bill 1950

United States federal law that required the registration of Communist organizations with the Attorney General in the United States and established the Subversive Activities Control Board to investigate persons thought to be engaged in "un-American" activities, including homosexuals Required Communists to register and prohibited them from working for the government. Truman described it as a long step toward totalitarianism. Was a response to the onset of the Korean war.

McCarran Internal Security Act

United States federal law that required the registration of Communist organizations with the Attorney General in the United States and established the Subversive Activities Control Board to investigate persons thought to be engaged in "un-American" activities, including homosexuals Required that all communist organizations register with the government and publish their records. Truman vetoed the bill but congress easily overrode it. 1950 - Required Communists to register and prohibited them from working for the government. Truman described it as a long step toward totalitarianism. Was a response to the onset of the Korean war.

Hubert Humphrey

Vice president whose loyalty to LBJ's Vietnam policies sent him down to defeat in the 1968 presidential election The democratic nominee for the presidency in the election of 1968. He was LBJ's vice president, and was supportive of his Vietnam policies. This support split the Democratic party, allowing Nixon to win the election for the Republicans.


Where the old government of China went for exile. Was an Island.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Working class Jewish communist couple from NYC. Were convicted in 1951 of conspiracy to pass secrets of the Atomic Bomb to soviets during WWII. Were given the death penalty.

Hubert Humphrey

Young mayor of Minneapolis that led a progressive era of the democratic platform of 1948. Strong supporter of civil rights.

Operation Wetback

a government program to roudup and deport as many as one million illegal Mexican migrant workers in the United States. The program was promoted in part by the Mexican government and reflected burgeoning concerns about non-European immigration fo America Massive roundup of one million illegal Mexican immigrants; a response to the Mexican government's concerns that illegal immigration would undercut the bracero program.

Jackson Pollock

an artist who exemplified abstract expressionism. A twentieth-century American painter, famous for creating abstract paintings by dripping or pouring paint on a canvas in complex swirls and spatters.

Joseph Welch

army's lawyer during the Army-McCarthy Hearings. army's attorney who grilled McCarthy and completely wrecked McCarthy's reputation, the Senate voted to condemn McCarthy after this

Long Telegram

created by George Kennan, it advised the Truman administration that the Soviets could not be dealt with as a normal government and proposed the policy of containment

W.E.B. DuBois

fought for immediate implementation of African American rights. Opponent of Booker T Washington, he helped to found Niagara Movement in 1905 to fight for and establish equal rights. This movement later led to the establishment of the NAACP.

Dennis v. United States

found that people do not have a right under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States to exercise free speech, publication and assembly, if that exercise was in furtherance of a conspiracy to overthrow the government 1951, made it illegal to advocate or teach the overthrow of the government by force or belong to an organization with this objective. (upheld the Smith Act of 1940)

Four Freedoms

goals famously articulated by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the State of the Union Address he delivered to the 77th United States Congress on January 6, 1941. In an address also known as the Four Freedoms speech, Roosevelt proposed four points as fundamental freedoms humans "everywhere in the world" ought to enjoy: sppech and expression, religion, want, fear. want and fear were new ideas which excited americans by going beytond the constituional values


government agency that was established to conduct intelligence and conduct secret activity abroad.

Army-McCarthy hearings

nationally televised hearings from Joseph McCarthys charges that the army harbored communists. In this he was seen as a bully who made sweeping accusations with no basis in fact. After hearings ended he would be punished for his actions.


quoted by Warren G. Harding - promised a "return to normalcy" in the new era; ironic because the new era was hardly normal at all

unfriendly witnesses

refused to cooperate with HUAC, Hollywood studios refused to hire anyone who did not cooperate with HUAC refused to answer the committee's questions about their political beliefs or "name names"


strong patriotism and need to conform to try to avoid blame during red scare, non-churchgoers, unmarried, and critics suspected as communists William H. Whyte - The Organization Man Criticized the loss of old Protestant ethics in society to a new emphasis on teamwork and togetherness, which could only lead to conformity.

Senator Arthur Vandenberg

supported Truman Doctrine to stop communism; Rep. Senator who in 1947 advised Truman to "Scare hell" out of Am. public to get support for expensive military and economic assistance to Greece and Turkey. supported Truman Doctrine to stop communism; Rep. Senator who in 1947 advised Truman to "scare hell out of American public to get support for expensive military and economic assistance to Greece and Turkey


the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty signed in April 1949. The main purpose of this alliance is the agreement that if one of the countries is attacked, all countries will respond and defend it. The Korean War outbreak in 1950 raised the threat of all Communist countries working together, and forced NATO to develop military plans. In 1952, NATO brought together hundreds of ships and thousands of personnel for Korea, and two years later turned down the Soviet Union's attempt to join.

Henry Luce

thought that we must accept our destiny as a dominant power, and we should use our influence. "The American Century"

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

(NATO) a military alliance established by the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty on 4 April 1949. With headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, the organization establishes a system of collective security whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet bloc's equivalent of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.


(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) created in 1909 by a group of liberals (including Du Bois, Jane Addams and John Dewey) to eradicate racial discrimination founded in 1909 to abolish segregation and discrimination, to oppose racism and to gain civil rights for African Americans, got Supreme Court to declare grandfather clause unconstitutional

W.E.B DuBois

- He assailed Booker T. Washington as an "Uncle Tom'' who was condemning their race to manual labor and perpetual inferiority. Born in Massachusetts, Du Bois was a mixture of African, French, Dutch, and Indian blood. After a determined struggle, he earned a Ph.D. at Harvard, the first of his race to achieve this goal. He demanded complete equality for blacks, social as well as economic, and helped to found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1910.


- These Nations - Central Treaty Organization: Mutual-security organization, originally composed of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and Britain. It was formed in 1955, at the urging of the U.S. and Britain, to counter the threat of Soviet expansion into the Middle East. CENTO was never very effective. Iraq withdrew after its anti-Soviet monarchy was overthrown in 1959. In that same year the U.S. became an associate member, and CENTO's headquarters were moved to Ankara, Tur. After the fall of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1979, Iran withdrew and CENTO was dissolved. - 1955 - Although it failed this showed that even some middle eastern countries hated communism and the USSR

Joseph McCarthy

-Republican senator who accused hundreds of Democrats as being Communists -His philosophy flourished in the seething Cold War atmosphere of suspicion and fear -Red-hunter who was the most ruthless and did the most damage to American traditions of fair play and free speech -Removed from the Senate when he attacked the the US Army

Atlantic Charter

1941-Pledge signed by US president FDR and British prime minister Winston Churchill not to acquire new territory as a result of WWII amd to work for peace after the war

The Truman Doctrine

1947 - Stated that the U.S. would support any nation threatened by Communism. established after Britain no longer could afford to provide anti-communist aid to Greece and Turkey, it pledged to provide U.S. military and economic aid to any nation threatened by communism. president Harry S. Truman's program announced in 1947 of aid to European countries (particularly Greece and Turkey) threatened by communism

cooling off period

80 days of rest on any dangerous strike. Taft-Hartley Act outlawed "closed shops and required union leaders to sign loyalty oath 2. required 80 day cooling off period before strike

The Marshall Plan

947, $5.3 billion to Europe to help rebuild post-war; mainly raw materials, food and fuel; underlying purpose of preventing communism; Soviets attempt to imitate with their own Molotov Plan- failure Secretary of State, George C. Marshall's plan to provide economic assistance to all European nations that would join in drafting a program for recovery. Sixteen western nations participated.

Douglas MacArthur

A General who commanded a broad offensive against the Japanese that would move north from Australia, through New Guinea, and eventually to the Philippines. (FDR), surrender the Phillippines during WWII, He was the supreme allied commander during the Cold War in 1945. After World War II, MacArthur was put in charge of putting Japan back together. In the Korean War, he commanded the United Nations troops. He was later fired by Harry Truman for insubordination.Allied commander and five star general in the U.S. army. He headed the U.S. army in Japan and Korea but was fired by Truman for questioning the actions of his superiors in the midst of the Korean war.

"The American Century"

A characterization of the period since the middle of the 20th century as being largely dominated by the United States in political, economic, and cultural terms. It is comparable to the description of the period 1815-1914 as Britain's Imperial Century. Critical to the American Century was US control of the world's oil resources. The United States' influence grew throughout the 20th century, but became especially dominant after the end of World War II, when only two superpowers remained, the United States and the Soviet Union. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States remained the world's only superpower, and became the hegemon, or what some have termed a hyperpower. The term was coined by Time publisher Henry Luce to describe what he thought the role of the United States would be and should be during the 20th century.

Cold War

A conflict that was between the US and the communist Soviet Union. Though war never occurred, it went on for ears.


A document that pushed for a large build up of the U.S military. It allowed the U.S to quickly build up its military for the Korean conflict. National Securtiy Council memo #68 U.S. "strive for victory" in cold war, pressed for offensive and a gross increase ($37 bil) in defense spending, determined US foreign policy for the next 20-30 years National Security Council recommendation to quadruple defense spending and rapidly expand peace-time armed forces to address Cold War tensions; it reflected a new militarization of American foreign policy but the huge costs of rearmament were not expected to interfere with what seemed like the limitless possibilities of postwar prosperity


A foreign policy developed by diplomat George Kennan that claimed that the only way to stop Russia's expansionist ways was to contain it. It was the basis of US foreign policy after WWII designed to stop the spread of communism. a U.S. foreign policy adopted by President Harry Truman in the late 1940s, in which the United States tried to stop the spread of communism by creating alliances and helping weak countries to resist Soviet advances. Sig: This was the general American plan during the Cold War.


A list of names specifically in Hollywood, of people who should not be hired because of their reputations politically. A list of people who had done some misdeed and were disliked by business. They were refused jobs and harassed by unions and businesses

Paul Robeson

African American concert singer whose passport was revoked and was blacklisted from the stage, screen, radio and television under the McCarran Act of the red scare of the 1950s due to his public criticism of American racist tendencies. African American actor, social activist, and singer. First african to play in serious roles instead of racial roles. black bass singer; 1924 starred in play by Eugene O'Neill, "All God's Chillin Got Wings"; 1976 political activist

Progressive Party

Also known as the "Bull Moose" Party, known for its strong commitment to progressive causes that had become popular over the past two decades. The party advocated additional regulation of industry and trusts, sweeping reforms of many areas of government, compensation by the government for workers injured on the job, pensions for the elderly and for widows with children, and women suffrage.

The McCarran-Walter Act, 1953

Also known as the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952, it kept limited immigration based on ethnicity, but made allowances in the quotas for persons displaced by WWII and allowed increased immigration of European refugees. Tried to keep people from Communist countries from coming to the U.S. People suspected of being Communists could be refused entry or deported.

Walter Lippmann

American journalist who opposed the containment doctrine, stating that it would spread US resources thin; instead, promoted emphasis on diplomacy. manifesto of Cold War policy; critiqued by Walter Lippmann

Strom Thurmond

An American politician who served as governor of South Carolina and as a United States Senator representing that state. He also ran for the presidency of the United States in 1948 under the segregationist States Rights Democratic Party banner. He garnered 39 electoral votes in that race, making him the first third party presidential candidate to receive electoral votes since Robert LaFollette in 1924. He later represented South Carolina in the United States Senate from 1954 to April 1956 and November 1956 to 1964 as a Democrat and from 1964 to 2003 as a Republican.


An Asian alliance, set up by Secretary Dulles on the model of NATO, to help support the anti-communist regime in South Vietnam. Asian version of NATO, created to block Communist expansion into Southeast Asia. Its HQ was located in Bangkok, Thailand.

National Security Council

An agency in the Executive Office of the President that advises the president on national security

Archibald MacLeish

Archibald MacLeish was an American poet, writer, and the Librarian of Congress. He is associated with the Modernist school of poetry. He received three Pulitzer Prizes for his work, wrote: Shortcut to Happiness (2003), and The Eleanor Roosevelt Story (1965) play J.B., "Conquistador", "Panic"

Iron Curtain

At a speech in Missouri, Winston churchill claimed this. Meant the divided between Communist and Free Nationals in the east and west.

Jackie Robinson

Baseball player who played for the Brooklyn dodgers. was the first black to play in the MLB.


Called for a permanent military build up to enable the US to pursue a global crusade against communism. Was a 1950 manifesto described as a struggle between the idea of freedom and communism. Was made by the National Security Council.

Peoples Republic of China

Communists led by Mao Zedeng overthrew the Chinese government in the Civil War, however USA refused to accept the new government and insisted that old government was still current government and did not give them a seat at the UN.

Taft-Hartley Act

Condemned by Labor leaders as a "slave labor law". It outlawed the "closed" shop, made unions liable for damages that resulted from jurisdictional disputes among themselves, and required union leaders to take a non-communist oath.

Fair Deal

Created by Truman when soldiers returned from WWII, focussed on improving social safety net and raising the standard of living for ordinary Americans. Truman called on congress to increase minimum wage, enact national health insurance and expand public housing, social security and aid to education.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

Created by the USA and had 23 other western nations. Agreed to stimulate freer trade among participants. This created an enormous market for American Goods And Investment.

Atomic Energy Commission

Created in 1946 to oversee the research and production of atomic power.

J. Edgar Hoover

Director of FBI. Used anticommunism to expand their power collecting records/files on many american citizens including many people who had nothing to do with communism such as political dissenters, and homosexuals.

38th parallel

Dividing line between North and South Korea

Richard Nixon

Elected President in 1968 and 1972 representing the Republican party. He was responsible for getting the United States out of the Vietnam War by using "Vietnamization", which was the withdrawal of 540,000 troops from South Vietnam for an extended period. He was responsible for the Nixon Doctrine. Was the first President to ever resign, due to the Watergate scandal.


Formed States Rights Democratic Party, opposed racial integration. Said it was about freedom of the states, not racism.

States Rights Democratic Party

Formed by the dixiecrats. Opposed desegregation. Instead said it was about freedom of the states. Nominated Strom Thurmond for president.

States Rights Democratic Party

Formed in response to Truman's endorsement of modest civil rights proposals; focus was to retain segregation of the races (Jim Crow laws). Truman surprisingly defeated Strom Thurmond in the 1948 election despite some opposition in the South.

American Civil Liberties Union

Formed out of a direct response to the Alien-Sedition Acts. It wanted guarantee of the freedom of speech no matter the circumstances. However, this position would prove controversial as they protected organizations such as the KKK because of this "free speech"

Henry A. Wallace

Former Vice President, liberal left wing progressive. Advocated expansion of social welfare programs. Called for international control of nukes and to develop a relationship with soviet unions. Also accepted support from Communists and socialists.

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