Chapter 29 APUSH- Learning Curve

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President Jimmy Carter's big domestic challenge was managing what?

A struggling economy

What was the subject of the most-watched television series of the 1970s, Roots?

African American culture in and after slavery

Why did many Americans leave mainline churches and join evangelical churches between 1970 and 1985?

Americans were seeking moral answers and social stability.

Which statement describes the shift in American sexual attitudes that began in the 1910s?

During the 1910s, Americans came to view sex as a component of personal happiness, separate from reproduction.

Which Supreme Court decision by the Burger Court struck down capital punishment?

Furman v. Georgia (1972)

Why did President Jimmy Carter have such chilly relations with congressional leaders even from his own party?

He operated with an outsider strategy.

Which event took place on April 22, 1970, when millions of Americans turned out to support a cleaner, healthier planet?

The first Earth Day

The U.S. economy experienced "stagflation" in the 1970s when

unemployment and inflation rates rose dramatically.

The process of deindustrialization in the United States in the 1970s resulted in a drop in

union membership.

Which decade represented the worst economic performance since the Great Depression?


he Supreme Court decision in Bakke v. University of California represented what?

A victory and a defeat for opponents of affirmative action

President Jimmy Carter presented the image of being what?

An outsider

How did evangelical Christians see the family?

As the foundation of society

Which member of the House was one of the prominent congresswomen who championed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) during the 1970s?

Bella Abzug

What issue propelled the auto workers' strike in the Lordstown, Ohio, car assembly plant in 1972?

Better working conditions

Which pair of men helped to uncover the Watergate scandal in 1973?

Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward

The "Watergate babies" in Congress in the late 1970s sought to reform politics by reducing the power of which officials?

Committee chairs

Why did the two parties become more partisan and rigid after the 1970s?

Committee chairs lost power to party leaders in the House and the Senate.

The Watergate scandal proved to be a long-term boon to which group?

Conservative Republicans

Which books, published in the 1960s, served as a foundational text for evangelical women?

Fascinating Womanhood

Which pair of men masterminded the 1972 break-in at the Democratic Party's national headquarters in the Watergate complex?

G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt

Which Supreme Court decision struck down an 1879 state law prohibiting the purchase and use of contraceptive devices by couples as a violation of their constitutional right to privacy?

Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)

Why was San Francisco politician Harvey Milk significant?

He represented the new emerging gay political power.

What happened to Richard Nixon when it became clear that he had been involved in the illegal cover-up of Watergate and that he would be convicted by the Senate?

He resigned from office.

Why did nearly every major American city struggle to pay its bills in the 1970s?

Inflation and shrinking tax revenues created budget crises.

How did the War Powers Act of 1973 seek to limit presidential power?

It required the president to secure congressional approval for any substantial deployment of troops abroad.

Who was the first evangelical Christian president of the United States?

Jimmy Carter

Which development of the 1960s or 1970s did the United States consider a blow to its national pride?

Nine Western European countries surpassed the United States in GDP per capita by 1980.

What was the name of the cartel formed by oil-exporting countries in 1960?


Which book was a major work on women's health published in the 1970s?

Our Bodies, Ourselves

What gain was made by gay rights activists in the 1970s?

Passage of gay rights ordinances in several cities

Who led the countermovement against feminists and their campaign for women's rights in the 1970s?

Phyllis Schlafly

What sparked inflation in the United States during the 1970s?

Rapidly rising oil prices

Conservatives charged that affirmative action amounted to what?

Reverse discrimination

What book from the early 1960s gave an impetus to the environmental movement?

Silent Spring

What development accounted for the dramatic increase in the number of women working outside the home in the 1970s?


In 1966, the Sierra Club successfully fought two dam projects that would have flooded what area?

The Grand Canyon

What areas of the country were hit hardest by the 1970s recession and deindustrialization?

The Northeast and Midwest

Which of the following developments made a critical contribution to the emergence of the sexual revolution of the 1960s?

The birth control pill

The emergence of rap and break dancing on the streets of Harlem and the South Bronx in New York was an expression of what?

The hardship and creativity of working-class black life in the deindustrialized American city

Between 1973 and the early 1990s, every major income group except the top 10 percent saw their earnings stagnate or decline. At the same time, the proportion of women working for pay increased from 37 to 75 percent. What story do these numbers tell?

The need for women to work both to make ends meet and to make up for the declining earning power of men

Why did conservatives in Congress push for economic deregulation and tax cuts in the late 1970s?

They argued that Keynesian economics had failed.

Based on the study of the Campbell Works of the Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company, what happened to most laid-off steelworkers in the late 1970s?

They found local work in low-paying, service-sector jobs.

What characterized the affirmative action programs instituted in the 1960s and 1970s?

They were procedures designed to account for the disadvantaged position of minorities.

Why did Democrats reduce the number of votes needed to end a filibuster in the mid-1970s?

To weaken the ability of the minority to block legislation

Who established the first rape crisis centers in the early 1970s?

Women's liberationists

The most popular television shows of the 1970s focused on which theme?

Working-class life

In what area did the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Warren Burger extend women's rights?

Workplace rights

The gains of the women's movement in the 1970s included

abortion rights.

Stagflation was a term coined to describe the combination of

inflation and unemployment.

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