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How is the covenant with Abraham similar to, or different from, the covenant with Moses?

Abraham covenant with God requires Abraham's trust. God promised Abraham several things, such as he will have decedents and they will have land. Abraham needed to follow through on the promise of circumcision after 8 days of birth. Moses's covenant was different. He had a lot of responsibilities to God and needed to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. But the two covenants are the same because both Abraham and Moses needed to trust in God.


In Exodus, Moses' brother and assistant

What is the family relationship of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? What might you say about the role of the mother of Isaac and the mother of Jacob?

The family relationship between Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is that, Abraham is Isaac's father and Isaac is Jacobs Father. God chose Jacob over Esau even though Esau was the first of the twin boys born to Issac and Rebekah. When Jacobs mom arranged for Jacob to leave the country after his brother threatened to kill him she was only trying to protect him.

What is mean by the word 'covenant'?

a contract or agreement between two people, but unlike a routine contact that is legally binding a covenant is backed and guaranteed by god.

What do you think about the meaning of sacrifice as described in the text?

a religious rite of offering animals or objects to God or gods in order to thank, make request, establish, maintain, or restore a right relationship of human being to the sacred order.


favorite son of Jacob and founder of one of the 12 tribes of Israel, he was sold into slavery in Egypt but eventually ascended to become a high government official


first patriarch of the Israelite people (lived 18th century BC), with whom God formed an everlasting covenant; claimed as an ancestor by Jews, Christians, and Muslims


great prophet of Israel, who led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and into the promised land of Canaan, and who received from God on Mount Sinai the Law on which the Israelite covenant with God is based.


referring to the practice of offering gifts (animals, grains, etc.) to God or the gods as a way to make a request of the deity or to give thanks for favors received.


sacred or formal agreement between two parties


son of Abraham (by his wife Sarah) and patriarch of the Israelite people, with whom the covenant with the Israelites is continued and through whom the promises to Abraham are fulfilled


son of Abraham by his wife's maid Hagar, who is sent away into the desert but rescued by God; claimed by the Muslims as the son of Abraham through whom they are descended


son of Isaac and patriarch of the Israelite people, renamed "Israel" by God. Jacob migrated from Canaan to Egypt with his 12 sons


spokesperson for God, chosen by God to reveal his will to people


the Israelite people, so named after their common ancestor Jacob, who is renamed Israel by God; the country in which the Israelites dwelled

Who is David?

the Israelites' king anointed secretly by Samuel the prophet under the guidance of YHMH after Saul proved unworthy to be king. He established Jerusalem as capital of Israel.

What is Passover and why is it important?

the Jewish Holiday that celebrates the event when God rescued the Israelites from captivity in Egypt by killing the first born sons of the Egyptians but "passing over' the houses of the Israelites. The passover is important because it marks a time when the Israelites were in bondage suffering and God came and set them free.


the Jewish holiday that celebrates the event when God rescued the Israelites from captivity in Egypt by killing the firstborn sons of the Egyptians but "passing over" the houses of the Israelites.

Who are Saul?

the first king of Israel appointed by Samuel the prophet after Israelites' demand


the second book of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament; the mass departure of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt through the saving action of God

Who is Solomon?

the son of David and Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah. He received the kingdom from his father, David. He built the Temple in Jerusalem.

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