Chapter 3 ap exam

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What's the problem in Sri Lanka

Refugee problem- civil war causing refugee problem

Examples of fortified barriers to migration

Rio grande, Great Wall of china, Berlin Wall

Since 9/11 what happened ?

Security concerns : operation liberty shield (33 countries related to Al-Qaeda)

Western Hemisphere: Largest IDP Are from? When? Why?

-Columbia -Political violence -2013 -5.7 million

Who is migrating to northern Mexico? What's the problem?

-Huichol -Moving to northern Mexico because of jobs

Modern migration #5: Who are they? Why did they migrate? Where did they go? Who transported them? Where is Trinidad located?

-Indians from British Empire -to move Indians over there -Venezuela -British -Venezuela (Caribbean)

South east Asia: largest IDP (internally displaced persons) Are from? Why? when?

-Myanmar -escaping from violence -1990s

European migration: Who is going to France? Who is going to Germany? Why?

-North Africa -turkey -guest workers

What are Ravensteins laws or migration

-every migration flow generates a return or counter migration -The majority of migrants move a short certain distance - migrants who move longer distances tend to choose big city destinations -Urban residents are less migratory than inhabitants of rural areas -families are less likely to make international moves then young adults

Commuters in Washington, DC may travel up to how many miles to work daily?

100 miles

How many illegal immigrants in 2013?

11.7 in legal immigrants in 2013

When did European migration to colonies reach it peak?


Which years did European emmigration increased sharply


Australia white policy


In 32 years, how many people immigrated legally to the U.S. beginning in 1980?

25,000 migrants or more?

Human trafficking: how many victims in the US

40,000 victims

Know how many countries practice selective migration.

5 countries (south Africa, new Zealand, Australia, brazil, and Singapore)

How many legal Mexican immigrants in the US in 2013


Who is Ernst Ravenstein

A British demographer finding an answer to why people voluntarily migrate

What is a refugee?

A person who has a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion

What is transhumance

A system of pastoral farming which livestock according to the seasonal availability of pastures

Your daily routines describe which type of movement? A. cyclic B. periodic C. transhumance D. internal migration E. nomadism

A. cyclic

The practice of barring certain individuals (those with criminal records, poor health, and subversive activities) from coming into the country is known as: A. selective immigration B. internal migration C. quota system D. forced migration E. chain migration

A. selective immigration

Who are the Kurds?

After war they did borders that they didn't tell the people from Middle East. Hoping to have one day to be Kurdistan

Which state has the highest percentage of change?

Alaska Texas Utah Colorado and North Dakota

It's 2000-2009 who is immigrating to the US?

Asia and Latin America

What did Australia change in the 1970s in terms of their immigration policies?

Australia white only policy

Which two ethnic groups immigrated to the United States in the greatest numbers since the 1990s A. Europeans and Asians B. Latinos and Asians C. Africans and Europeans D. Australians and Asians E. Latinos and Australia

B. Latinos and Asians

Which of the following is a consequence of the large number of men who died in both world wars? A. Large numbers of Algerians migrated to German-speaking countries B. After the war, women replaced men in factory jobs C. Germany, in particular, brought in guest workers mainly from Turkey D. Most European countries adopted restrictive immigration policies E. The center of European population shifted to the southeast

C. Germany, in particular, brought in guest workers mainly from Turkey ?

Which of the following was NOT given as a reason for the disparity between the UN's calculation of global refugees and the numbers given by other organizations? A. The UN inflates the numbers, thus requiring a bigger budget to provide aid to refugees B. There are different definitions for what the constitutes a refugee C. Refugees often fee to remote areas where they cannot be counted D. Governments sometimes manipulate refugee numbers for political reasons E. A distinction is made between internally displaced and international refugees

C. Refugees often fee to remote areas where they cannot be counted ?

According to the human migration in modern times map, why are people of Indian descent found in South Africa? A. They where the original inhabitants B. they were volunteer migrants from North America C. They were volunteer migrants from North America D. They were forced migrants from North American E. they were forced migrants from India

C. They were volunteer migrants from India

Which of the following is an example of chain migration? A. drought leads to famine in the Punjab which leads to desperation, which leads to emigration. B. the Dutch first brought people from Indonesia to the Caribbean, and then from other Dutch Colonies around the world C. One village after another comes under attack by rebels, forcing the people of those villages to migrate to safer areas D. In a rural town in Jalisco, Mexico, one person manages to migrate legally to the United States and settles in Elgin, Illnois. He finds a job and prospers, and writes home of his success. 10 years later there is a community of 350 people from Jalisco living in Elgin. E. Refers specifically to migrations from Central America, starting in Mexico, then moving through the central American states of Guatemala, belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, el Salvador, costa rica and finally panama

D. In a rural town in Jalisco, Mexico, one person manages to migrate legally to the United States and settles in Elgin, Illnois. He finds a job and prospers, and writes home of his success. 10 years later there is a community of 350 people from Jalisco living in Elgin.

According The average refugees by origin map which two countries have the largest number of refugees (figure 3.16) A. China and Vietnam B. Colombia Russia C. Somalia and Sudan D. Iraq and Afghanistan E. Indonesia & India

D. Iraq and Afghanistan

What is the name for the seasonal migration of farmers in the cattle up and down the menace ups of Switzerland? A. Internal migration B. Commuting C. Activity spaces D. Transhumance E. voluntary migration

D. Transhumance

Which of the following describes the term for a Haitian working in the United States and sending money back home to his/her family? A. the gravity model B. push factor C. immigration D. remittances E. the bracero program

D. remittances

Where are the major concentrations of Chinese immigrants

Dark shaded areas

In mathematical terms , it is the multiplication of the populations of two places divided by the distance between them. A. law of migration B. intervening opportunity C. push-pull equation D. transhumance E. gravity model

E. Gravity model

What is one of the consequences of the fences the United States built along the border with Mexico, especially those separating cities on both sides of the border? A. since the fences are designed to be attractive and friendly, relations between the countries have improved B. U.S. companies are investing in more maquiladoras C. Desperate migrants have started carrying guns and confronting the border patrol D. Remittances from United States to Mexico have been sharply reduced E. It forces illegal immigrants to cross in hostile terrain, such as deserts, leading more peopling dying.

E. It forces illegal immigrants to cross in hostile terrain, such as deserts, leading more peopling dying.

What are the lost boys of Sudan

Fled their homelands between the ages of seven and 17 in the face of devastating so award and the closing decades of the 20th century

Who were the "Lost Boys" and where did they come from?

Fled their homelands between the ages of seven and 17 in the face of devastating so award and the closing decades of the 20th century. fleeing countries

Figure 3.17

From Syria to Lebanon and leaving because of war

Political circumstances of migration

Idi Amin (dictator of Uruguay) tried kicking out Asians. Killing them and pushing them out of the country

What is selective migration?

In which individuals with certain backgrounds (criminal records, poor health, subversive activities) are barred from entering

What is cyclic movement

Involves shorter regular chips away from home for defined amount of time

Forest involuntary migration

Irish potato famine in, British pushing out the Irish because of religion. Irish= Catholic British= Prodecine

Who are taliban?

Islamic fundamental (people who we are fighting today) obeying the Torah. Male dominated society. Death is punishment

Rereconnection of cultural groups:

Israel and palestine (world war 2) (europeans wanted a holy land) -Golan heights & West Bank

Why did Yugoslavia collapse?

It collapsed in the 1990s because of associated conflicts created a largest refugee crisis in Europe since the end or world war 2

Migration patterns in smaller regions like Peru

Less mobile society than US from rural to urban (Lima) moving to cities

Policy changed in 9/11

Liberty shield (33 countries had Al-Qaeda)

Nomadic movement?example

Matter of survival culture tradition seasonal movement travel familiar routes (repeat)

What is internal migration

Migration that occurs within a single countries border

Periodic movement's? Examples

Military service going to college migrant laborers and transhumance

States abbreviations for figure (changing center of population)

Missouri (MO) Illinois (IO) Ohio (OH) West Virginia (WV) Virginia (VA) Maryland (MD)

What are remittances?

Money migrants send home

Atlantic trade: where did most /least African American slaves go

Most: South & Caribbean Least: South America

Know the number of slaves that went to each country during the Atlantic slave trade

Most= to south America Caribbean and least went to American south? pushed out from Portugal & spain

What are islands of development?

Nigeria Sudan Ethiopia Angola and South Africa

Ex. Of forced migration

Penial Colony (Port Royal; Australia)

Role of Soviets in Afghanistan

Puppet Regime (soviet union having control of Afghanistan) left from Afghanistan to Pakistan

Which region of dislocation has the largest refugee problem

Southwest Asia (Middle East) & North Africa

What has Canada done to recruit agricultural laborers

Temporary visas travel and recruit from Mexico

What affected the Caribbean island of Montserrat

Volcanic eruption; Caribbean island of Montserrat affecting people of moving out

What is chain migration and when does it occur?

When a migrant chooses a destination and writes, calls, or communicates through others to tell family and friends at home about the new place, the migrant helps create a positive perception of the destination for family and friends, and may promise help with migration by providing housing and assistance obtaining

What is gravity model?

Which predicts interaction between places on the basis of their population size and distance between them

What is a gypsy?

a member of a traveling people traditionally living by itinerant trade and fortune telling. Gypsies speak a language (Romany) that is related to Hindi and are believed to have originated in South Asia.

What is a patriot?

a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors

What is chain migration?

flows along and through kinship links

The vast majority of Legal agricultural workers in Canada are?

from Mexico

What are oriental exclusion acts?

help prevent Chinese moving into California

pull factors

higher standard of living more jobs more wages stable political conditions stable climates

What is Nomadism?

is matter of survival, culture, and tradition

What is selective immigration?

is when individuals of certain backgrounds are barred from entering a place.

What do gender studies indicate about men and women about migration?

men are more mobile than woman and men migrate farther than woman

What is asylum refusal?

migrants not being able to get into refugee camps?

What did congress pass in the U.S. between 1882-1907? And why?

oriental exclusion acts because to help prevent Chinese moving into California

Know about the civil war beginning in 1979 in Afghanistan and what it did in terms of people leaving the country.

people leaving from Pakistan to Iran, ongoing civil war with Syria contributed to displaced persons and refugees

Push factors

poverty, few jobs, low wages, slavery, religion, political stability, little water, adverse physical conditions, dangerous regions

What is a fortified barrier?

rio grande, great wall of china, berlin wall

What concern has there been since 2001 in the U.S.?

security concerns

Where was the center of the U.S. population located in 2010?

shows movement from 1790 - 2010, moving South West to Texas -Appalachian Mountains were an intervening obstacle ?

During the twentieth century in the U.S., where were internal migration streams moving people?

took 10,000 of African American families from Southern US to industrialized cities of Northeast and Midwest

what did Hurricane Katrina, the eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, and the Irish famine of the 1840s do in terms of migration?

voluntary/forced migration

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