chapter 3 awh

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The ruler of a province in the Persian empire.


A people known for using terror as an instrument of warfare.


Site of the Hanging Gardens.


While the Hyksos attacked the Egyptians from horse-drawn chariots, the Egyptian soldiers were limited to a. running away b. throwing stones c. donkey carts d. slingshots


The pharaoh Ahmose I was able to drive the __________ out of Egypt around 1550 B.C. and establish the New Kingdom.


A city in Kush.


The Chaldean king who restored Babylon to glory.

Nebuchadnezzar II

The leader who established the worlds first empire.


The king of the Chaldeans who rebuilt Babylon was a. Cyrus b. Nebuchadnezzar II c. Darius d. Ahuramazda


Cyrus was called "the Great" because he a. showed no mercy to enemies. b. had no respect for other cultures. c. was a large man. d. showed wisdom and compassion.


The Assyrians had the first large armies who carried weapons made of a. wood b. stone c. bronze d. iron


(T/F) Hammurabi established his imperial capital in Babylon.


A large political unit, usually with a single leader, that controls many territories.


What is most unusual about the pharaoh Hatshepsut? a. Hatshepsut's official statues portray the pharaoh as having a beard. b. Hatshepsut was interested in mining enterprises. c. Hatshepsut was a woman. d. Hatshepsut built an impressive temple near Thebes.


Which leader of the Persian empire expanded it into the largest empire the world had yet seen? a. Cambyses b. Cyrus c. Darius d. Nebuchadnezzar II


__________ tried to force the Egyptians to worship a single god, Aten.


The pharaoh who later changed his name to Akhenaten.

Amenhotep IV

King who extended the Persian Empire to India.


(T/F) After the fall of the Akkadian empire, only a few decades passed before the Babylonian empire arose.


(T/F) In establishing his empire, Sargon executed the ruler of every Sumerian city-state he conquered.


(T/F) The Code of Hammurabi reveals that in ancient Babylon a marriage was decided upon by the two young people who wanted to wed.


When the __________ were driven out of Egypt, they returned to their original lands to the south and built a successful trading empire.


Site of one of the world's first libraries.


The name of Kush while it was still a part of the Egyptian empire.


The empire ruled by Cyrus the Great.


After the Egyptian empire fell, it became a part of the empire of __________


Persian route from Lydia to Susa.

Royal Road

Invaders who attacked the Egyptian Empire during its final days of power.

Sea Peoples

(T/F) Hammurabi's Code protected people against false accusations. If someone brought a charge but then failed to prove it, the accuser would be punishes.


The boy pharaoh who restored worship of the old gods in the New Kingdom was named __________


Persian religion.


Around 2340 B.C., the Sumerian city-states were conquered by the Akkadians under their leader a. Sargon. b. Hammurabi. c. Darius. d. Zoraster.


Having been conquered by the Hyksos was not all bad for the Egyptians because the Hyksos taught the Egyptians a. how to make bronze weapons and showed them the advantages of horse-drawn war chariots. b. how to farm the fertile land in the area. c. how to build roads to connect the parts of the kingdom. how to cut large blocks of stone, a skill they would use to build the pyramids.


In Hammurabi's Code, punishments generally followed the principal of retaliation, or the idea that one must a. give an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. b. add insult to injury. c. pay money to atone for wrongdoing. d. give one's firstborn son to one's victim.


One example of the Assyrians' efficiency and effectiveness as administrators was a. their system of carrying messages quickly, which involved a network of staging posts and relays of horses. b. the speed with which they decided wether to execute prisoners of war. c. their tendency to destroy features such as dams and cut down their enemies' fruit trees. d. their willingness to allow different cultures to coexist peacefully in their empire.


Which of the following contributed to the efficient system of communication that was crucial to sustaining the Persian Empire? a. well-maintained roads and way stations to provide food, shelter, and fresh horses for traveling officials. b. trained dogs that carried messages to and from the king over distances as great as 500 miles. c. the elite foot soldiers and calvary known as the immortals. d. the imposition of a single language throughout the empire.


Although the pharaoh Ramses II tried to maintain the Egyptian Empire's strength, he failed because he was unable to hold out against a. the Hyksos. b. the Sea Peoples. c. the Akkadians. d. the Assyrians.


Cyrus the Great showed such wisdom and compassion when he conquered Babylon that a. even the rulers of unconquered states offered to join his empire. b. everyone accepted him as ruler. c. he was worshipped as a god. d. his subjects ridiculed him as too weak to rule.


Hammurabi is remembered for a. cutting off his son's hand because his son hit him. b. establishing a collection of laws for Mesopotamian society. c. teaching the Mesopotamians to forge iron. d. overthrowing the Akkadian empire.


The Code of Hammurabi paints a portrait of society in which a. people can do pretty much whatever they want to. b. almost anything that can go wrong is addressed by one law or another. c. it is easy to avoid being robbed because one can recognize thieves by their missing hands. d. the citizens live in fear of being punished.


The term for a large political state, usually under a single leader, controlling many peoples or territories is a. a city state. b. an empire. c. The Code of Hammurabi. d. a satrapy.


Why did the Egyptians resist Akhenaten's religious reforms? a. they wanted to worship a single god, but not like Aten. b. they accepted many gods, and did not like the idea of rejecting or destroying them to worship only one god. c. they wanted Akhenaten to pay them to convert his religion. d. they thought Aten was a false god.


Why did the Kingdom of Kush become such a successful trading empire? a. the Kushite were exceptionally talented businesspeople b. it was rich in natural resources, such as iron, and was located where an important route through the desert crossed the Nile. c. the kingdom included port cities on the Red Sea, along the trade route through the desert crossed the Nile. d. because so much grain was grown in Kush, the kingdom became known as the breadbasket of the ancient world and became wealthy supplying people with food.


Darius's elite cavalry and infantry forces were known as the Immortals because a. they were actually immortal. b. they were so skilled that it was difficult to kill them in battle. c. whenever a soldier was killed, he was immediately replaced. d. they had been guaranteed a place in paradise if they were killed in battle.


In the patriarchal Mesopotamian society, a. a fathers place was in the home. b. women often left the home to engage in business. c. a husband could divorce his wife if she failed in any of her duties. d. fathers were notoriously indulgent with their children.


The first empire in the world was a. the Sumerian empire. b. the Babylonian empire. c. the Akkadian empire. d. the Egyptian empire.


During the New Kingdom, the Egyptian Empire reached its peak. What was one way it showed its power? a. the pharaohs sent messengers out to proclaim their achievements throughout the empire. b. Egyptian armies made a point of looting and destroying their enemies' homes and villages. c. the pharaohs built a vast library to celebrate their wisdom and intellectual achievements. d. the pharaohs constructed huge, magnificent temples and statues in their own honor.


The empire that Sargon established was continued by his grandson _________ but fell less than 100 years after his grandson's death a. Ramses II b. Hammurabi c. Cambyses d. Naram-Sin


The prophet Zoraster taught that a. the sun god Aten was the supreme god. b. the spirits Ahuramazda and Ahriman were allies. c. all people would attain paradise at the Last Judgement. d. humans had free choice.


What military strategy did Hammurabi use to conquer lands and create his new Mesopotamian kingdom? a. he used the famed Immortals when fighting his fiercest opponents. b. he used guerrilla warfare and terrorism to being his enemies to their knees. c. each time he captured an enemy soldier, he cut off the man's sword hand. d. he armed an trained his soldiers well, then used his armies to divide his opponents and defeat them one at a time.


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