Chapter 3 Drug and crime

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Two main factors of why there was not any drug control policies during the 19 century

1) The U.S. did not have any agencies monitoring the medical field. Doctors and pharmacist were unlicensed it wasn't difficult to call oneself a doctor and distribute drug. The AMA (America Medical Association) was created in 1847 but only a fraction of the practicing medical professional were members during the 1800s. Doctors of this era relied on untested and potentially toxic chemicals to treat both physical and physiological disorder 2) The issue pf state rights. During the 19th century the prevailing political philosophy was the belief to separate the state and federal powers especially in southern states. Therefore the regulation of drugs were left to the state

Two factors that fueled the drug regulation process beginning in the 20th century

1) The abuse of patent medicine. During 1890-1906 numerous patent medicines are sold that included such ingredients as alcohol opium, cocaine, marijuana 2) The association of drug use with minority groups

Patent Medicine

A drug or combination of drugs sold through peddlers, shops or mailed order advertisement. And as it popularity increase so did drug abuse. And white middle class women where the number one abuser


A healer who diagnosis or treatment of patient based on at least in trances are frequently induced by hallucinogenic drug

Placebo effect

Any changes in a person's condition after taking drug, based solely on that person belief's about the drug rather than any physical effect of the drug


Are business that establishment sold liquor illegally during the prohibition period

Myths about cocaine and the effect of the propaganda effect (The drug regulation of 1914-1937)

Cocaine made african american unaffected by .32 caliber revolvers. The propaganda campaign was successful and it made people more afraid of African America than an increased increase in federal power and offered their support for the Pure Food and Drug and later the Harrison Act of 1914

Racism and drug policy

Identification of Chinese worker with the smoking of opium. After the civil war the American imported to help build the railroad. Once the railroad was completed they they migrated to other other cities like San Francisco

Drugs and there location

In cool climates grows the blue morning glories or brightly colored mushroom, plants that produce hallucination similar to LSD. In desert region, yellow orange fruits grew on certain cacti, the source of the hallucinogenic plant peyote Else where poppy plants, the source of opium, covered acres of open fields Coca leaves from which cocaine is made grow on shrubs along the mountain valley throughout central america the cannabis plant of marijuana grew everywhere

History of cocaine use

In the late 1800s there was a cocaine epidemic use followed by a rejection in the late 1900s and a reemergence in the late 1970s followed by a rejection in the the 1980s extending to present day.

Upton Sinclair (Pure Food and Drug Act )

Published the book The Jungle (1906) a novel tag exposed the unsanitary condition of the meat packing industry in Chicago. It revealed that diseased cattle and hogs and human body parts were included in meat product it pushed the congress to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act which require all packing of food to label the ingredient

Witch brew

Said to induce hallucinogenation an the sensation of flying. The brew had various different plants such as mandrake, henbane, and belladonna and toad. The toad they use contains a chemical related to DMT a powerful hallucinogenic drug as well as the drug bufotenine which raise blood pressure

Shaman in modern time

Shamanism is still practice. Shaman works with modern day practitioners in remote area of the world


Stupor inducing

The roaring twenties was consider

The lawless era

What was one of the resistance against the federal drug regulation and the propaganda campaign

The southern politician, they only way they would accept it if is with associated with African Americans with cocaine. Southern newspaper began printing stories of the cocaine inducing raping of white women and demonstration of superhuman strength

Which president created a federal law that would regulate misbranded and adulterate foods, drinks, and drugs

Theodore Roosevelt

The psychotic drug used by viking warriors

They ate the mushroom Amanita muscaria (fly agaric) in which they experience increase energy which cause wild behavior during battle. They are "Berserkers" because of the bear skin they wore, and reckless violent behavior have been come tone called "berserk"

What was the fear of Chinese worker

They believe that would take work from white American and the big bosses of business would want to hire Chinese for cheap wages

Narcotic in 1915-1938

Thousand of physician were in violation of the use of drugs as treatment. As a result a new class of criminal is created because people where willing to get drugs through the black market

Harrison Act (1914)

Trace back to the issue of foreign trade. Because the American hated the Chinese and their opium ways and China did not want to do trade with the U.S. because of the bad treatment of their people. So they have a conference between the two states where they discuss the opium use The conference was held in Hague in 1912 and the US was accused of double standard. They were criticize attempting to pass an international agreement to regulate the drug trade while at the same time having no domestic control of drug production and distribution within it own border. In response congress passed the Harrison act name after the sponsor Francis Burton Harrison of new york

The first anti drug legislature

Was an ordinance enacted in `1875 by the San Franciso prohibiting the operation of opium den other states followed and in 1887 congress prohibited the smoking of opium by Chinese

Harrison Act purpose (page 56)

Was use to regulate drug abuse through government taxation and became the narcotic regulation in the United States for more than half a century. It require anyone anyone importing, manufacturing, selling, dispensing cocaine and opiate drugs to register with the treasury department pay a special tax and keep records of all transaction. Cocaine was not described a narcotic under this law

Human curious to drugs

Where inspired by observing the usual behaviors of animals as they feed on plants


Which is french "allow people to do as they please" means that they was little regulation or control of the drug. U. S. was the only state that did not regulate drug in the 19 century. considered the "dope fiend paradise" a nation od medicinal and recreational drug users


a practice among primitive society dating back, by some estimates,more than 40,000 years, in which an individual is called a shaman


chewing willow bark the source of modern aspirin and the relief of a headache or the eating of senna plant (a natural laxative) and the relief of constipation

Elbers Papyrus

is a 65 foot long document named after an Bristish Egyptologist who acquired it in 1872. It is a mammoth document dating from 15o BC contains 800 prescription for practically every aliment imaginable like wasp sting, crocodile bites, baldness, constipation, headache, enlarges prostate gland, sweaty foot,arthritis, inflammation of all type, heart disease and cancer more than a 100 of the prescription contained castro oil as a laxative

Some bizarre prescription in the Elbers papyrus

lizard blood, the teeth pf swine, the oil of worm, the hoof of an ass, the putrid meat with fly specks, and crocodile dung (frighten of evil spirits)

Adulterant alcohol

may contain kerosene that produces paralysis, blindness, and even death

What cause shamanism to decline

the development of centralized religion in the egyptian and babylonian societies. The power to heal through ones knowledge of drugs passed into t he hands of priesthood which placed a greater emphasis on formal rituals and rules rather than on hallucqnogenation and trances

Use of Morphine

treat "solider disease", injection by women to treat "female troubles" and by late 1890s morphine dependence of women made up all cases of drug dependence in the United States

Solider disease

veteran of the civil war dependent on the drug morphine

18th Amendment

was passed in January 1919 it out laws the manufacture and sale of alcohol except for industrial use. Nine months after this the Volstead Act which was authored by representative Andrew Volstead of Minnesota (56)

Eliot Ness

was the a hero of the prohibition bureau he is known for organizing team of agents called the untouchable because they were honest and did not take bribery. They were able to arrest and prosecute one of the most notorious crime figures Al Capone

Cocaine in use

was the original formula for coca cola (1903), in Dr Agnew's Catarrh Powder (remedy for chest cold), Parke,Davis and company (merged with Pfizer, in. in 2002) was selling cocaine and it botanical source, coca in more han dozen forms, including coca leaf cigarettes and cigars, cocaine inhalants, a coca cordial and injectable cocaine injection solution

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