Chapter 3 Scientific Management

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Issues in Bureaucracy

- Rules created by those in power so rules are bias to begin with

Principles of Scientific Management

1. Scientific Job Design- create an environment where workers do job in such a way that they do not waste time. 2. Scientific Selection and training of workers- before Taylor workers were not chosen on skills that they had because of networking or because they knew someone, Taylor says to hire people who are qualified for the job and train them into that job. 3. Cooperation between workers and management. The way Taylor saw it was that managers were to supervise workers give clear directions ad tasks and workers report problems such as machine break downs, the only communication was related to the job 4. Equal Division- of work between managers and employees- different kinds of work but the same amount

Scientific Management-

a theory of creating a scientific job environment to manage the workers and increase productivity Organization "worker control"-


has a negative connotation, to wait in long lines to go form one person to another, Max Webber however was meant to be positively where people are treated fairly and equally. There is no talking down or disrespect, the system where rules are equal and everyone is treated the same, people get promoted based on rules not because of favoritism, everyone had equal opportunities.

Systematic Soldiering-

when workers postpone work that needs to be done, move slowly take their time

Ford On Scientific Managemnet

• Ford based ideas on Taylorism- Fredrick Taylor

Fredrick Taylor (Taylorism

Wanted to improve the way workers work, efficiency increased productivity by separating one job into many jobs.

Max Webber's 3 types of Authority

1. Charismatic Authority- comes from special powers that somebody has, someone has an outgoing personality, friendly well liked by everyone 2. Traditional Authority- comes from tradition and custom. For example Owner's son becomes new Owner because it is passed own 3. Rational Authority- System of rational rules, the basis for bureaucracy

Bureaucratic model-

1. Includes a hierarchy structure 2. Chain of command 3. Impersonal objective rules 4. Written regulations 5. Clearly defined division of labor (everyone knew what they were supposed to be doing), 6. Written documentation (everything in writing, no favoritism).

Mam Webber-

German philosopher and sociologist founded the theory of bureaucracy - He believed that if carefully managed, a bureaucratic administration can lead to effective decision-making, optimum use of resources and successful accomplishment of organizational goals. -proposed six important points that should be present in that bureaucratic system (bureaucratic model)

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