Chapter 30

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In the aftermath of the Cuban Missile crisis,

Adversaries signed a treaty banning nuclear tests in the atmosphere, the oceans, and outer space. Slowly moving to the disarmament of nukes. (EDIT)

Which of the following may be considered the underlying reason for the Watts race riot of 1965?

African Americans were frustrated and angry over their joblessness and lack of opportunity.

America's reliance on such things as carpet bombing, napalm, and crop defoliants in the Vietnam War

Alienated many South Vietnamese, bringing new recruits to the Vietcong.

In the 1960 presidential campaign, Vice President Nixon was handicapped by

An unappealing television image

In the aftermath of the Tet offensive, President Johnson

Asked Hanoi to begin negotiations.

This 1964 Republican presidential candidate voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and opposed the Social Security System.

Barry Goldwater

Malcolm X was assassinated by

Black Muslims who believed that he had betrayed their cause.

When President Kennedy refused to accede to Soviet demands in the 1961 Berlin crisis, the Soviet Union

Built the Berlin Wall

Which of the following is true of the Kennedy administration's concept of counterinsurgency?

By training native troops and police forces in Third World countries, the administration hoped to be able to defeat anti-American revolutionaries.

Quantifiable evidence indicates that the Voting Rights Act of 1965

Caused a dramatic increase in the proportion of southern African Americans who were registered to vote.

Upon entering the presidency, Lyndon Johnson made which of the following his top legislative priority?

Civil rights

The Sharon Statement, the Goldwater presidential nomination, and the outcome of the 1964 presidential election in the South all suggested that

Conservatism did not disappear from the political landscape during the Johnson years. (EDIT)

Senator Fulbright's public hearings on the Vietnam war

Demonstrated that public officials were deeply divided over America's role in the Vietnam War.

The Black Panthers advocated

Destroying the capitalist system.

In relation to his program, called the New Frontier, John Kennedy

Did little to push his social-policy agenda through Congress

How did the Diem government in South Vietnam end?

Diem was removed from power in an American-supported coup and then was murdered

The majority of soldiers who served in Vietnam were


Which of the following is true of President Johnson's response to the August 1964 report that U.S. destroyers had twice been attacked by North Vietnamese patrol boats in the Gulf of Tonkin?

Even though evidence of the second attack was questionable, President Johnson ordered retaliatory air strikes against North Vietnam.

Operation Mongoose was designed to

Force the collapse of Fidel Castro's regime.

The Tonkin Gulf Resolution

Gave President Johnson great latitude to increase the American presence in Vietnam.

Which of the following is true of President John Kennedy on the issue of civil rights?

He only gradually committed himself to first-class citizenship for African Americans.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is particularly significant in American history for which of the following reasons?

In enacting the resolution, Congress relinquished its war-making powers to the president. A congressional resolution that granted President Lyndon Johnson the authority to take military actions in Vietnam without further consultation with Congress. (EDIT)

Which fo the following best explains why President Johnson was able to enact a sweeping program of reform legislation in 1965 and 1966?

In the 1964 congressional elections the voters gave Johnson the most liberal Congress in American history.

Many of the laws that were part of Johnson's War on Poverty primarily focused on

Increasing opportunities for the nation's poor.

In his campaign for the presidency in 1964, Barry Goldwater

Indicated his support for the use of tactical nuclear weapons against the nation's enemies.

A beneficial effect of the Cuban missile crisis was

Installation of a Washington-Moscow hot line.

The presidency of Lyndon Johnson was characterized by which of the following?

Intensification of the Vietnam War, enactment of a wealth of legislation attacking economic and social ills in the country, and a dramatic increase in black elected officials in the South.

Which of the following is true of the Port Huron Statement?

It condemned racism, poverty, and the Cold War.

Which of the following is a legitimate criticism of the War on Poverty?

It did not give sufficient attention to poverty in female-headed households.

Which of the following is true of the War on Poverty?

It directly attacked the housing, health, and nutritional problems of the poor.

Which of the following is true of the Immigration Act of 1965?

It lifted only racial quotas. (EDIT)

Which of the following is true of American popular culture in the late 1960s?

It was heavily influenced by the music and styles of young people.

Which of the following is true of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic party of 1964?

Its delegation challenged the delegation of regular Mississippi Democrats at the Democratic National Convention.

Which of the following was the most unifying aspect of the youth culture of the 1960s?


When James Meredith attempted to attend the University of Mississippi as that institution's first African American student, President Kennedy

Ordered Federal Marshals to protect him

President Kennedy responded to the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba by

Ordering a naval quarantine of Cuba

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Outlawed discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Used the federal government's control of funding to enforce its anti-discrimination provisions. (EDIT)

The Cuban missile crisis appears to have been most directly the outgrowth of

President Kennedy's anti-Castro projects.

In running for the presidency in 1968, Richard Nixon

Promised to end the war in Vietnam.

In response to the concept of Black Power, groups such as CORE and SNCC began to

Purge whites from their membership rolls.

The Tet offensive in Vietnam in January 1968 led to

Recognition by top presidential advisers that further escalation of the war would not bring victory.

In response to the Soviet agreement to withdraw the missiles from Cuba, President Kennedy pledged that the United States would

Refrain from invading Cuba

Those who volunteered to work in Mississippi during the Freedom Summer of 1964,

Risked their lives attempting to build the political power of African Americans in the South.

Which of the following candidates in the 1968 presidential primaries was assassinated?

Robert Kennedy

In response to the violence encountered by Freedom Riders in Birmingham and Montgomery, Alabama, President Kennedy

Sent Federal Marshals to Alabama to protect them, but allowed them to be arrested in Mississippi.

The provision in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that forbade discrimination on the basis of sex was included because

Southern congressmen hoped it would lead to the defeat of the bill.

The first march in opposition to the Vietnam War was sponsored by

Students for a Democratic Society.

Which of the following statements is consistent with the beliefs of Black Muslims in the mid - 1960s?

The "white devil" is the source of evil in the world; thus, African Americans must separate themselves from within society.

The 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago was marred by which of the following?

The Chicago police attacked anti war protestors outside the convention hall.

The Alliance for Progress (1961) illustrates

The Kennedy administration's use of nation building in Latin America

Which of the following associated with Kennedy's nation-building policy among Third World nations?

The Peace Corps

The Johnson administration chose to "Americanize" the war in Vietnam despite the fact that Democratic leaders in the Senate, some administration officials, and many of America's allies had misgivings. Why?

The administration believed that America's credibility was at stake. If the United States did not prevail in Vietnam, both friends and foes would find the nation's power less credible. (EDIT)

Which of the following is true of the Kennedy administration's policy toward Cuba after the Bay of Pigs fiasco?

The administration continued trying to remove Castro from power through CIA activities.

During the Johnson administration, the United States continued escalating its commitment to the Vietnam War because

The administration feared that a failure in Vietnam would lead to a loss of respect for American power throughout the world.

The race riots in 130 cities across America in April 1968 were precipitated by

The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Greensboro Sit-in was

The beginning of a whole series of non-violent challenges to racial segregation across the country

The urban race riots of the 1960s and the emergence of black nationalism in the voices of Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael were the result of?

The deterioration of the social and economic conditions of many northern African Americans.

Which of the following was a major target of student protesters in the 1960s?

The doctrine of in loco parentis.

The Medicare program, enacted in 1965, provided insurance against medical and hospital bills for

The elderly

Which of the following is true of the presidential election of 1964?

The election marked the start of domination of the South by the Republican Party rather than the Democratic Party

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 gave

The federal government the right to oversee elections in districts where there was evidence of past discrimination.

Which of the following is true of the 1961 invasion of Cuba at Bay of Pigs?

The invasion was based on the assumption that the Cuban people would rise up against Castro.

Nation building did not work as President Kennedy had envisioned because

The monetary aid was usually funneled through a self-interested elite and often did not reach the very poor.

As a result of the War on Poverty,

The number of elderly Americans living in poverty declined dramatically.

The 1964 race riot in Harlem was triggered by

The shooting of a black teenager by a white police officer.

Which of the following is true of the nation building program and of counterinsurgency?

These programs were based on the American assumption that the United States model of capitalism and democracy could be successfully transferred to other parts of the world.

Which of the following is true of the young people who formed the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee?

They were committed to the tactic of nonviolence in the civil rights movement.

Which of the following is most consistent with the belief expressed by Stokely Carmichael in his 1966 for Black Power?

To be truly free from white oppression, African Americans must control their own economic, political, and social institutions.

Increased use of the birth-control pill in the 1960s was in some measure responsible for the

Trend toward more casual sexual mores among young people.

When Martin Luther King, Jr., put children in the front lines of protest in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963, the city's police commissioner

Used powerful water guns and attack dogs against the protesters.

John Kennedy's top priority upon becoming president in 1961 was

Waging the Cold War

In the 1960 presidential election, John Kennedy

Was hurt in some states because of his Roman Catholic faith

The Kerner Report, issued in 1968 by the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, blamed the urban riots of the mid - to late sixties on

White racism within American society

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