Chapter 30 The americas in the Age of independence

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US Investment in Canada

us presence/ investment in Canada helped their economy grow Soon United States and Canada became interdependence

British Investment

British didn't invest in industry in Latin America; no market for manufactured goods. Instead invested in cattle and sheep ranching in Argentina. Supplied British wool and beef; most of profits returned to Britain

The building of American States

US- cival war in 1860s ended in the abolishment of slavery and a stronger federal state Canada- gained independence from britain without war, weak federal govt Latin America- divided government among regions

Conflicts with Indigenous Peoples

- Argentine and Chilean forces conquered indigenous peoples of South America and forced them to change to fit in Euro-American Society or move to marginal lands so they could use their land for cultivation

Mexico: Revolution

- divide between liberals and conservatives, conservatives forced Juarez government out of Mexico City until 1861 - Juarez suspended loan payments to foreign powers - Napoleon III attempted to end Mexican disorder by creating a monarchy but this created resistance and Mexican forces fought back (cinco de Mayo) - they killed the appointed emperor and assembled a liberal government but political divide still continued - middle class and peasant Mexican worked together to overthrow porfirio Diaz = MEXICAN REVOLUTION - 95% of peasants remained landless, peasants followed Revolutionary leaders EMILIANO ZAPATA & FRANCISCO VILLA and fought for land and liberty - Zapata confiscated hacienda lands and distributed them to peasants, Villa attacked us citizens for supporting the Mexican government - government forces killed Zapata and villa was assassinated, government forces regained control over Mexico - constitution of 1917: land redistribution, universal suffrage, state supported education, minimum wages and maximum hours for workers

The national policy

- to attract migrants, protect nascent industries through tariffs, and build national transportation system - Canadian pacific railroad built with British investment capital in 1885 - created some violent altercations with indigenous peoples who resisted foreigners on their land and with trappers who resented disruption of their way of life - promoted economic growth and independence - Canada experienced booming agricultural, mineral, and industrial production in the 19th and 20th centuries. - middle Eastern, European and Asian migrants flocked Canada

Dominion of Canada

- us civil war pushed Canada toward self governing - British North America Act of 1867: joined Quebec, Ontario Novia Scotia, and New Brunswick and recognized them as Dominion of Canada, other provinces later joined - each province had its own seat of government, provincial legislature, and lieutenant governor representing the British crown. Created a federal government headed by a Governor General - dominion of Canada had control over all Canadian internal affairs, British had control over foreign affairs until 1931 JOHN A. MACDONALD: first prime minister of Canada, purchased Northwest Territories and incorporated them into the Dominion. To strengthen the union he created a transcontinental railroad and this helped bring new provinces into the dominion Alberta and Newfoundland. Dominion = foundation for Canadian independence and unity

Mexico: war and reform

-shifted from monarchy to republic to caudillo rule -La Reforma: liberal movement by Pres. Benito Juarez (1850s), worked to limit the power of the Roman Catholic Church and military in Mexican society - constitution of 1857: allowed men to vote, freedom of speech, land rights which got rid of corporate properties which ended up in the hands of large landowners -granted universal male suffrage; limited power of priests/ military

Westward Expansion and manifest destiny

1820s - property qualifications had disappeared and all white adult men could participate in political affairs United States purchased France's Louisiana Territory from Napoleon who needed funds to protect France 1804-1806: Lewis and Clark mapped resources in the west —> caused settlers to move west in search of cheap land to cultivate Manifest destiny : Americans claimed The US was destined to expand across the North American continent ; used to justify U.S annexation

Migration to the americas

California gold rush and Canadian gold lured migrants - European and Asian migrants made the way into factories and railroad construction

Autonomy and Division

Canadian Independence came gradually French Canadians: outnumbered British Canadians, French civil law in Quebec British Canadians: Protestant, followed British law in Ontario, elected representatives governed them British loyalists who sought refuge in Canada increased the English speaking population


Caudillos = regional military leaders who came into power after the fight for Latin American independence to restore order JUAN MANUEL DE ROSAS: ruled Argentina, he simply killed rebellions, he centralized government

Industrial migrants

European migrants provided low wage labor for factories and contributed to expansion of U.S industry * 2.3M European migrants from Ireland, Germany and Scandinavia searching freedom from debt and increasing rent and most stayed in industrial cities - Asian migrants contributed to the construction of American transportation and infrastructure, many in search for fortune from gold

Latin America: Fragmentation and Political Experimentation

Gran Colombia broke into three parts — Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador...let rest broke into numerous independent states - Creoles Elites dominated L.A and established republics with written constitutions for newly independent states -due to the lack of experience self governing, leaders had a hard time putting their enlightenment principles into practice and creating political and social stability - Creole Elites prevented people from participating in public affairs, less than 5% of men participated in L.A politics - Elites had differences and divided into groups

American Economic Development

Key factors of development: Mass migration and British investment - absolved migrations, exploited British capitol, built industrial societies, established economic independence - freedom of slaves did not stop unfree labor; indentured labor still existed

The Mexican-American War

Large amounts of U.S migrants settled in Texas and declared independence from Mexico in 1836. In 1845 the u.s accepted Texas as a new state. Mexican American War: U.S instigated war and defeated the Mexican Army. For 15M dollars America gained control of Texas, Rio grande, California and New Mexico. Mexicans ended of stranded of U.S territory as a result, some Mexicans went back to Mexico but many stayed and gained citizenship; fueled Mexican nationalism Westward expansion created tension between free states and slave states

Latin American investments

Latin American elites profited more from European trade and invested because they controlled the local economies

Plantation Migrants

Migrants to Latin America contributed to plantations Italian migrants often worked as coffee growers and were paid by the Brazilian government to do so when their was a worker shorted because of the abolition of slavery - indentured laborers from China worked in the sugar cane fields of Cuba

Conflict with Indigenous Peoples

Native Americans resisted settlers efforts to get them off their land but unfortunately U.S officials sided with the settlers *Indian Removal Act of 1830: Removed all natives west of the Mississippi River into Oklahoma Seminoles avoided capture and fled to Florida's lowlands *Trail of Tears: Cherokees migration from eastern woodlands to Oklahoma ; many died in the way from disease, starvation, and difficulties of relocation Tribes such as Sioux, Pawnee and Apache had skills and possessed firearms: battle of Little Bighorn ( Sioux defatted an American army) Guns and other weaponry defeated the Natives in the battle against expansion *Wounded Knee: us forces chased Sioux to where they were fleeing (wounded knee creek in South Dakota Badlands), a Sioux man accidentally shot of a gun to which cavalry reacted badly to and caused the mass death of native peoples

Railroad Time

Originally established to help set up train schedules across the United States It was adopted by the public as a way to standardize US clocks and led to the establishment of 4 time zones.

Attempted industrialization

Porfirio Diaz: dictorial general who ruled Mexico - construction of railroads and telegraph lines which connected all of Mexico - increased production of mineral resources - electric street lights and paved streets - did not result in further industrialization becuase most wealth ended up in the hands of Mexican oligarchy and foreign investors

The U.S. civil war

Southern states were the worlds major source of cotton, most of it went to the British isles. Southern states received goods from the British and food from their own farms. Believed they didn't need the United States. Northern states disagreed and believed secession would be a form of betrayal. *Emancipation Proclamation: abolishment of slavery the only way to reserve the union issues on January 1,1863 which freed remaining slaves. Slavery was protected in the U.S constitution, so ratification of thirteenth amendment in 1865 to completely abolish slavery Northern states prevailed after the bloody battle of Gettysburg in 1863 Victory of northern states ensured the United States would remain politically United, U.S formed a strong central government

Sectional Conflict

The rise of cotton as a cash crop caused the increased use of slaves. Missouri compromise of 1820: series of political compromises created to maintain a balance between free and slave states which lasted temporarily Abraham Lincoln: elected 1860, believed slavery was immoral, purpose of war was to restore the union

The war of 1812

United States vs Canada; created unity among French and British Canadians,Canada won and caused British governors to become afraid of repeating what happened in the American Revolution in Canada. The British defused tensions and allowed provinces to govern their own affairs. Durham Report: creates by JOHN LAMBTON earl of Durham and recent Governor General and lord high commissioner of Canada. His report became a model for British imperial policy and colonial self rule in other states

Latin America social classes

espanoles- pure spanish peninsulares- spainard born in spain creoles- spainard born in america indios- pure amerindian mestizos- amerindian + spanish negros- pure african mulattoes- african + spanish zambos- amerindian +african

Reconstruction Act of 1867

laid out the process for readmitting Southern states into the Union. Extended civil rights to freed slaves and provided them with voting rights Still blacks faced violence and intimidation when they tried to use there rights

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