Chapter 4

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According to the 2011 Canadian census, what percent of the population claim membership in no religion?


Approximately how many Muslims live in the U.S.?​

2.9 million

About what percentage of kosher foods are purchased by non-Jews?​


a. Prohibited or strongly discouraged by Jews b. Prohibited or strongly discouraged by Muslims c. Prohibited or strongly discouraged by Hindus d. Not prohibited by any religion 56.Beef 57.Shellfish 58.Alcohol 59. Meat and dairy at the same meal 60.Fruit

56. c 57. a 58. b 59. a 69. d

In Buddhism, what is the first of the four noble truths?​


The Eastern Orthodox religion has a variety of feast days and fast days. Which of the following is a fast day or period of fasting?​

Eve of Theophany​

On what day do Roman Catholics traditionally fast?​

Good Friday

Buddhism is based on what other religion?​


Caste distinctions are part of what religion?​


What two religions were developed in India?​

Hinduism and Buddhism

Where did Hinduism originate?​


Rosh Hashanah is the religious new year of what religion?​


Worldwide, what religion is followed by the most people?​


Buddhist monks are in retreat during what time of the year?​

July through October

The idea that an individual is directly responsible to God in matters of faith and is thus, in effect, a minister, is the hallmark of what religion?​


The halal dietary laws are included in what religious scripture?​​


The three dominant Christian branches are:​

Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox Christianity, and Protestantism

What single Christian faith has the largest number of adherents in the U.S.?​

Roman Catholic​

Dr. John Kellogg developed the breakfast cereal as a result of the dietary practices of what religious sect?​

Seventh-Day Adventist

The first five books of the Hebrew Bible are called the​


Mormons predominate in what state?​


The holiest day of the Jewish calendar year is​

Yom Kippur

Which of the following is one of the five pillars of Islam?​


Haram are foods that​

are unlawful or prohibited.

According to kosher standards, which food(s) is/are not permitted?​

blood from any animal

What is the traditional bread served during the Sabbath in Judaism?​


Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) try to follow the Mormon laws of health in relation to dietary matters, including not consuming​

coffee, tea, or alcohol.

Researchers have offered a variety of reasons for cultural prohibitions from eating certain meats. One explanation from an anthropological point of view for why Hindus may have a prohibition from killing cows would be that the​

cow provides more economic benefit alive than dead.

On fasting days, Muslims are allowed which of the following while the sun is up?​


According to the Jewish "law of meat and milk," an observant Jew who has just eaten dairy must wait six hours before eating meat.


Judaism is the second largest religious group in the world.


One major fasting period in the Roman Catholic religion starts forty days after the celebration of Easter.


Religion-related food habits are the least variable of culturally based food habits.​


The dietary laws that are a part of the Islamic religion are called halal, and they are exactly the same as the Jewish kosher laws.


The four castes of Hinduism are represented as forming parts of the Creator's body: his mouth, ears, arms, and feet.


Hindus are not all vegetarian, but cows are considered sacred and the meat of the cow is considered​


What is the term for the strictest kosher standards?​


In what country are eggs typically dyed red for Easter?​


Kashrut is the dietary laws for what religion?​


Two examples of specific religious guidelines dealing with how to slaughter meat include

kashrut (kosher) and halal.

What is the term describing the 40 days before Easter that means "spring"?​


What food is the most frequently prohibited across cultures?​


Elaborate rules regarding food and drink for followers of Hinduism are meant to lead to​

purity of mind and spirit.

During the Diaspora (the dispersion of Jews outside the homeland of Israel), Jews scattered and settled all over the ancient world. Two sects of Judaism eventually developed:​

sephardim and ashkenazi

According to the Seventh-Day Adventists, what results from violating the laws of health?​


Which of the following is practiced by Seventh-Day Adventists?​

strict observation of the Sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday​

Around the world, more people follow Christianity than any other single religion.


Hinduism is considered the oldest organized religion in the world.


Kosher foods are "fit" to be eaten according to the laws of kashrut.


The term Mardi Gras used in France and Louisiana refers to the feasting day just prior to Lent.


The fast of Ramadan is broken with what food combination?​

water and dates

Why is cottage cheese associated with Shavout?​

​It symbolizes the curdled milk at Israelites' homes after returning late from receiving the Ten Commandments.

What is the law of meat and milk according to Judaism?​

​Milk and meat may not be eaten at the same time.

What self-described religious affiliation is identified by the highest percentage of the population in the U.S.?


Which religious occasion on the Islamic lunar calendar is associated with a month of daytime fasting?​


in 2010, approximately how many Seventh-Day Adventists lived in the U.S.?​

​one million

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