Chapter 4

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List five standard conditions of probation

1. Probationer shall not leave jurisdiction without permission of his PO 2. Probationer shall report to his PO 3. Probationer shall answer truthfully all inquiries by the PO 4. Maintain employment 5. Shall not associate with criminals

What were the important findings in the Gagnon v. Scapelli decision regarding revocation of probation?

1. Probationers are to be informed in writing about the violation 2. Written notice I advance of revocation process 3. To have preliminary hearing to determine whether there is probable cause 4. Revocation hearing prior to final decision 5. Attend hearings and present witnesses on their behalf 6. to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses 7. written notice of the decision noting the reasons for the decision

Differentiate between casework and surveillance styles of probation supervision

casework - surveillance emphasizes helping the offender with problems, providing counseling and ensuring that the offender competes supervision surveillance - emphasizes monitoring and enforcing compliance with rules of supervision and the detection of violations that would lead to revocation of probation

What is an economic sanction?

Economic sanctions use money as the means of carrying out criminal sanctions, such as fines, restitution, or forfeiture of assets

How is electronic monitoring used to enforce the requirements of house arrest?

Electronic monitoring requires offenders to wear a tamperproof ankle bracelet that monitors the offender's whereabouts. The bracelet acts as a receiver for a radio wave sent by a transmitter that is placed in the offender's home

What contributions to modern probation did John Augustus make that continue today?

- Augustus - nation's first probation officer. He would bail offenders out and helped them find work and residence and keeping the courts appraised of their progress. - Augustus' ideas of investigating offenders' situation prior to sentencing resulted in the concept of PRE-SENTENCE INVESTIGATIONS being assigned to POs (page 90).

Approximately how many people were on probation in the United States in 2012?

- Since 1975 the number of offenders under community supervision has risen from less than 1 million to 5 million by 2012 (page 60).

What were the primary emphases of probation supervision?

- The main purpose of probation supervision is to maintain surveillance, enforce conditions of probation and guide offenders into treatment to protect the public from further crimes (page 93) - Sb: in order to do that officers monitor the offender's activities thru office visits, verification of probationers activities by visiting their homes and contacting their employers or program providers

What are the two ways that community residential centers are used as intermediate sanctions?

At the time of sentencing a judge can determine the probationers needs the services of a CRC or it can happen later into the probationary supervision

Differentiate between offender restitution and victim compensation programs

Offender restitution requires that the offender repay society for the harm created by the offense whereas victim compensation repay their victims directly for their losses and harm caused by the offense

Name three types of probation caseloads

Regular caseloads - include standard probationers who may have a significant risk of reoffending or several program needs but do not warrant assignment to one of the other two types of caseloads Intensive supervision - are for offenders with too high a risk or a need to be a regular supervision or need to be on regular supervision special caseloads - probationers with a specific type of problem (i.e. substance abuse, mental illness or history of violent crimes)

Describe the results of evaluations regarding intensive supervised probation

intensive supervised probation was initiated to increase the amount of supervision provided to selected felony probationers (need more supervision then regular probation) but are not a risk to the community research shows that ISP did not reduce recidivism. Other studies showed that ISP did not result in more arrest but more technical violations, which led to return to prisons

How can net widening reduce the effectiveness of an intermediate-sanctions program?

net widening - the overlapping of criminal sanctions and added supervision for community placed offenders, rather than diversion of offenders from prison

How long does and offender usually stay in prison under shock supervision?

o 90-130 days (page 115)

Differentiate passive and active electronic monitoring systems

o Active systems-the central location maintains a computerized schedule of when offenders should be home and automatically "alarms" or sends a notice when the signal is not communicated between the transmitter and the receiver at that time. A PO is then sent to check on the offender or arrest them. o Passive system- requires random telephone calls during the times which an offender should be home. When the phone call is made the offender has a certain amount of time to place the receiver against the transmitter proving that they are in the home required (page 109)

What is asset forfeiture and why can it be called an economic sanction?

o Asset forfeiture is the authorized seizure by the government of money, negotiable instruments, securities or other things of value that were obtained through illegal activities. It can be called an economic sanction as property assets are seized they are auctioned off and the proceeds are divided among the federal and local law enforcement agencies that participated in the investigation (page 108)

Describe the operation of a boot camp

o Correctional boot camps are operated like military boot camps; offenders are required to have short hair, shine their shoes, wear uniform, complete extensive physical exercise and perform hard labor. These activities are complemented with education or drug programming but the major components remain as a military regimentation, discipline, exercise and hard work (page 114)

How do community classification systems work and what is their impact on probation supervision?

o Risk assessments that predict the chance of new crimes being committed; they are used to determine the level of supervision an offender will receive in the community. The highest risk level (intensive supervision) must meet with their PO at least once a week and have their homes/work visited at least 2-3 times a month. Most probationers are placed under regular supervision. For offenders who pose little risk to the community are placed on minimum supervision, these offenders have contact with their PO every few months and are basically responsible for themselves (page 103).

What is a split sentence?

o Split sentence is a combination of a short jail sentence and then supervision in the community on probation (page 113)

What are the two types of probation violations?

o Technical violations- not meeting all the conditions of their supervision o New-crime violations- violating the condition of not committing additional crimes

Describe the philosophy of the broken-windows approach to the operation of probation

o The broken window concept mimics the philosophy of community policing, that al broken windows in the community are to be repaired immediately otherwise this will lead to larger instability in the community. As such probation supervision follows the lead of community policing by partnering with citizen groups, churches and other neighborhood organizations to take joint responsibility for supervising offenders (page 103)

What is the difference between standard and special conditions of probation?

standard conditions - must be followed by every probationer special conditions - tailored to meet the program needs for an offender, or can be imposed to address an offender's specific risk to the community

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