Chapter 4 Demographic Changes in the United States: The Browning and Graying of Society

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Whereas immigrants historically have been 90 percent European, Europeans now constitute about __________ percent.


Approximately __________ Americans will be 65 years or older in 2030

20 percent

The data indicate that at any one time, between __________ percent of people over the age of 65 are in extended-care facilities.

4 and 5

1. In 2012, the average life expectancy at birth was __________ years.


Which of the following is a problem for women associated with Social Security?

A divorced woman is not entitled to any of her ex-husband's Social Security income unless she was married to him for at least ten years.

Which of the following is a sign of assimilation?

A family of immigrants sending their children to an English-only school

2. In which of the following states is the majority non-White?


The state that is most impacted by immigration is __________.


Where do the elderly who have moved tend to migrate?


Which of the following is commonly expressed as a concern about immigration?

Immigrants are a drain on society's resources

Which of the following is true of the effect that new immigration is having on the United States?

It is increasing racial diversity.

Sometime around 2050, __________.

Latinos will make up about 29 percent of the U.S. population.

U.S. citizens over the age of 65 are served by __________ for some of their health needs.


Which of the following is currently the least likely place for immigrants to settle?


Which of the following is currently the most likely place for immigrants to settle?


Which of the following is a problem associated with Social Security?

The dependency ratio has changed, so Social Security is becoming harder to finance.

Which of the following is true about nursing homes?

They are big business because the government pays for much of the care.

Which of the following is true about the elderly's health?

They are more likely to be in ill health than other age groups.

Which of the following is true about Latinos?

They are predicted to be almost one-third of the U.S. population by 2050.

Which of the following is generally true of elderly African Americans

They have a shorter life expectancy.

Which of the following is generally true of older women when compared to older men?

They live longer than men.

Which of the following is true of the settlement patterns of new immigrants?

They locate where other poor people live.

Which of the following is true about Social Security?

Thirty percent of the elderly who depend exclusively on Social Security are still living below the poverty line.

If the Latino population continues to grow substantially, __________.

Whites may be a racial minority eventually

37. Families that make the decision to care for their elderly parents while caring for their own children are considered __________.

a sandwich family structure

Although nursing homes are increasing, __________ percent of people over 80 live independently.

approximately 60

If a person was born between 1946 and 1964, they would be a part of the __________ generation.

baby boom

Anti-immigrant backlash most often results from immigrants

competing for relative advantage with other minorities and poor Whites

A health care facility that is mainly focused on meeting the needs of the institution at the expense of the needs of the patient is exhibiting __________.

custodial care

The proportion of the population who work compared to the proportion who do not work is called the __________.

dependency ratio

Typically, new immigrants face hostility from their hosts because they are

feared as competitors and people who are "different"

Which of the following is a type of elder abuse?

financial exploitation

If a family consists of a beanpole structure, they are more likely to __________.

have three tiers of parent-child relationships

Immigration, such as slavery, can be forced, but when it is freely chosen, it is considered __________.

human agency

The method of financing Social Security is not equitable because __________.

it disproportionately disadvantages lower-income wage earners

A skewed dependency ratio is problematic for Social Security because __________.

it is financed based on workers and if less people are working compared to those who are not, funding will become an issue

One of the reasons elderly women are more likely to live alone as widows is because __________.

it is the norm for men to marry younger women

Social Security is considered a regressive tax because __________.

it takes a larger percentage from people with lower incomes

The principal indicator of successful assimilation is __________.


Since African Americans have been replaced as the United States' largest minority group by Latinos, this demographic transition will __________.

make the idea that race is just a "Black and White" issue obsolete

Economically advantaged elderly are __________ their less-well-to-do cohorts to be institutionalized.

not as likely as

One of the concerns related to the future funding of Social Security is that __________.

people are living longer and the system may not be able to afford to pay out to all citizens because of increased longevity

Being old is a difficult stage in life for many because they are no longer __________.

tethered to society through institutional involvement

One of the major forces behind the aging of the U.S. population is

the baby boom generation reaching old age

With the increase in immigration in the United States, __________.

the nation is shifting from an Anglo-White society rooted in Western culture.

Although the intent of Alabama's Immigration Law was to discourage unauthorized immigrants from moving into the state, an unintended consequence is that __________.

the state's budget would take a hit as a result of lost income and sales taxes

Most elderly people are in reasonably good health, but aging can take a toll on finances because __________.

their medical expenses are three times greater than middle-aged adults

A health care facility that is focused on meeting the needs of residents rather than the needs of the institution is exhibiting __________.

therapeutic care

Nursing homes can be dangerous because __________.

they are not sufficiently regulated

Because racial minorities have lower life expectancy than do Whites, __________.

they form a smaller proportion of the elderly population

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