Chapter 4

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* Tag with source ID * Paraphrase and synthesize * Simple declarative points * Filter out noise and fluff * Be brief * Each not contains once concept * Make each note complete * Don't use indefinite pronouns * Use words to disambiguate

Flow Model

*Big picture of work domain *Show interconnections among components of work domain -Work flow among components -Info flow among components *Components include key work roles and machine roles (e.g. central database) *Shows how things get done in domain, how entities communicate

WAAD (Work Activity Affinity Diagram)

*Sort Data into categories and sub-categories when you don't know in advance what these will be Data determine the categories, not preconceived notions For work activity notes

Data Bin

A data bin is a temporary repository—for example, a labeled pile of notes on a table—to hold data—raw contextual data at first and, later, synthesized work activity notes. Each bin corresponds to a different data category or contextual data topic.

Flow Model

A flow model is a diagram giving the big picture or overview of work, emphasizing communication and information flow among work roles and between work roles and system components within the work practice of an organization.

User Class

A user class is a description of the relevant characteristics of the user population who can take on a particular work role. User class descriptions can include such characteristics as demographics, skills, knowledge, experience, and special needs—for example, because of physical limitations.

Work Activity Affinity Diagram

A work activity affinity diagram (WAAD) is an affinity diagram used to sort and organize work activity notes in contextual analysis, pulling together work activity notes with similarities and common themes to highlight common work patterns and shared strategies across all users.

Work Activity Note

A work activity note is used to document a single point about a single concept, topic, or issue as synthesized from the raw contextual data. Work activity notes are stated as simple and succinct declarative points in the user's perspective.

Work Role

A work role is defined and distinguished by a corresponding job title or work assignment representing a set of work responsibilities. A work role usually involves system usage, but some work roles can be external to the organization being studied.

Affinity Diagram

An affinity diagramming is a hierarchical technique for organizing and grouping the issues and insights across large quantities of qualitative data and showing it in a visual display, usually posted on one or more walls of a room.

Contextual Analysis

Contextual analysis is the systematic analysis— identification, sorting, organization, interpretation, consolidation, and communication—of the contextual user work activity data gathered in contextual inquiry, for the purpose of understanding the work context for a new system to be designed.

Contextual Analysis

Design, Prototype, Evaluate, Analyze

Steps Book

Inquiry- data gathering Analysis- data interpretation NeedsReq- extraction Design-informing models-extraction

Beyer & Holtblatt - contextual analysis consists of user work activity data interpretation, consolidation, and communication.

Interpretation of raw work activity data is accomplished through: n building a flow model and n synthesizing work activity notes Data consolidation and communication are accomplished by, respectively: n building a work activity affinity diagram (WAAD) from the work activity notes n walkthroughs of all these work products

Do and Don't Work Activity Notes

Paraphrase and synthesize Each note contain one concept Make them shorter Make each note complete and self standing Disambiguate pronouns, references to context Refer to work roles rather than individual people Avoid repetition of same info in multiple places Do not include info from flow model

Work Activity Notes

Produced from raw data May include: -User and user class info -Social aspect of work practice -Emotional impact -Task-specific info -Physical work environment -Design inspiration ideas Make raw data to activity note relation specific

Creating WAAD

Small team Shuffle WAN and deal a small stack to each person post notes on wall, form clusters label clusters evolve, move and morph clusters and labels For groups of groups and assign higher level labels


Sys analysis of contextual user work activity data, for the purpose of understanding work context for new system to be designed Identification, organization, interpretation: flow model, work activity note Data consolidation and communication: WAAD (work activity affinity diagram) from notes, walkthrough of all work products

Data Interpretation

User researchers, review, discuss raw activity data *Identify Key Work Roles *Build initial flow model *Synthesize work activity notes break into small groups to analyze notes *Gather domain artifacts *Identify missing data or groups *Decide on goals, tasks, actions as a group, share, review, discuss, summarize *Update the flow model *Extract more work activity notes *Update list of artifacts Record design ideas/insights

Sketching Initial Flow Model

Work Roles with Names (generic icon) Other entities (name and icon) DB affecting work practice Labeled arcs with info flow (arrow flow matters) System flow boundaries (what do you control)

Two important things about contextual analysis

n Contextual analysis does not directly yield either requirements or design. n You probably have to do much of your data interpretation separately for each of the work roles.

Two Main parts of contextual analysis

n Converting raw contextual data into work activity notes n Converting work activity notes into a work activity affinity diagram

Raw data categories

n User and user class information n Social aspects of work practice (how people interact with and influence each other) n Emotional impact and long-term phenomenological aspects n Task-specific information Data Bin n Physical work environment n Design inspiration ideas

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