Chapter 4

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(T/F): Research in nonverbal communication has concluded that it is, indeed, possible to accurately determine if another person is lying just by monitoring that person's nonverbal behavior.


(T/F): When a person's nonverbal behavior contradicts his or her verbal communication, we tend to believe the verbal message because it is more intentional.


Spacial Zones defined by Edward Hall

Intimate(0-18 inches) Personal (18 inches-4 feet) Social (4 to 12 feet) Public (12 feet and beyond)

Channel Discrepancy

Occurs when one set of a person's behaviors says one thing and another set of his or her behaviors says something different.

Audiences prefer speakers who use eye contact behaviors that scan the audience, making each member or section of the audience feel like the speaker has addressed them specifically. This knowledge falls under the category of _____. The study of the use of eyes to communicate.


(T/F): Immediacy cues, such as smiling, nodding in agreement, and pausing to allow others to speak, can foster a closer working relationship between people.


(T/F): Masking refers to the intentional concealment of apron's true emotion by displaying a facial expression that is more appropriate in a given interaction.


(T/F): Personal space requirements change according to the situational, relational, and cultural context of the communication.


(T/F): Research indicated that infants tend to smile more when they revise direct eye gaze from another person than they do when the other's eyes are averted.


(T/F): Sign language is an example of nonverbal communication.


(T/F): The location of environment, the event, and the level of touch are all indicators that might help us determine the informal-formal dimension of the situational context.


(T/F): The use of touch can send powerful messages of caring and comfort, as well as control, and can serve a regulating purpose in our interactions.


(T/F): Using nonverbal behaviors to contradict one's verbal message may create a sarcastic tone.


(T/F): When your little sister brings home the MVP trophy from her softball tournament, you say "Good job!" while simultaneously giving her a "thumbs up" sign. We would say that your nonverbal behavior was repeating your verbal message.


(T/F): Women tend to initiate touch more often then men do.


(T/F): How people perceive the use of time and how they structure time in their relationship is an element of nonverbal communication.


(T/F): Edward Hall discovered that the most comfortable space for communication within professional contexts, such as a business meeting, is the public zone.


(T/F): Immediacy refers to how quickly or slowly a communicator responds with feedback.


(T/F): Is it recommended that we avoid using back-channel cues because they interrupt the speaker and result in us monopolizing the conversation.


(T/F): Making direct eye contact with another person is considered to be a sign of interest and respect throughout the world.


(T/F): Nearly all facial expressions are innate and universal while only a few are learned culturally.


(T/F): One way that nonverbal communication differs from verbal communication is that nonverbal symbols do not need to be interpreted by the receiver.


(T/F): Research cited in your textbook indicated that physical attractiveness is an important factor when it comes to dating but has little impact on other parts of social interaction.



Accessories carried or used on the body for decoration or identification.

While delivering your presentation, you begin to twist the ring on your right hand and your right leg begins to shake. What category of body movement is illustrated in this example?


You oversleep on the morning of your job interview. You meant to be there ten minutes early to show how responsible you are, but unfortunately you arrive late. You please your case to the administrative assistant, but he explains to you that the hiring manager is no longer interested in interviewing you because of your tardiness. This example illustrates the power of which nonverbal code?



Commonly referred to as "body language". The way gestures and body movements send nonverbal messages.

You see a friend across the room at a crowded party, but it's too loud for you to say hello from this distance. Instead, you make eye contact with him and nod your head as an acknowledgement and greeting. Which term best first the function of your nonverbal behavior?


(T/F): Because nonverbal communication is more natural and spontaneous than verbal communication its more easily understood.


(T/F): Complementing behaviors mirror the verbal message the accompany.



Elements like pitch, volume, rate, and other vocal qualities.

During a church service you silently hod one finger up to your mouth to communicate nonverbally to your little brother that he must be quiet. What category of body movement are you using to communicate your message?


(T/F): While you are engaged in a heated telephone conversation with one of your coworkers, your roommate walks up and asks you a question. Without breaking from the telephone conversation, you hold your hand out toward your roommate as if to say, "Not now- I'm on the phone." In this scenario, your nonverbal behaviors serve the adaptive function.


(T/F): You and your significant other like to revisit the restaurant where you had your first date at and always request to sit at the same table where you first at. On your anniversary, you arrive at the restaurant to find another couple sitting at "your table" and you feel frustrated. Your claiming of the table would be referred to as a proxemic behavior.


You're babysitting your niece. When the toddler wakes up, she cries out, missing her mom and dad. You rush upstairs, pick up the child, and rock her in your lap until she calms down and falls back to sleep. What type of nonverbal communication are you using to communicate your caring toward your niece?


Nonverbal Cues

Nonverbal behaviors that coordinate verbal interaction by helping us to navigate the back-and-forth communication in a constructive, appropriate manner.

Public displays of affection are sometimes upsetting to others because of a difference in various communicators' perceptions of the _____ dimension of communication.


Your friend asks you how you're doing, and you say, "OK" while holding your hand in the gesture americans understand to be the OK sign. What reinforcing behavior are you using to clarify your message?


How can nonverbal behaviors clarify the meaning of a verbal message by reinforcing it?

Repeating, complementing, and accenting.

(T/F): A polite handshake between colleagues would be defined as functional-professional touch.


(T/F): Affect displays are usually unintentional actions that show a person's emotions.


Nonverbal Communication

The process of intentionally or unintentionally signaling meaning through behavior other than words.

Noncontact culture

Touch sensitive or even tend to avoid touch.

Back-channel cues

Vocalizations like "uh huh," "Oh," and "ummm" that encourage others to continue speaking or indicate that we would like to speak.

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