Chapter 4 Psych

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Integrity versus despair

Eighth stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, in which older adults face the challenge of feeling satisfied that they have lived a good life and developed wisdom.


Environmental substances that can harm prenatal development.

Post conventional level

Highest level of moral reasoning; at this level, decisions about morality depend on complex reasoning, abstract principles, the value of all life, and the greater good for all people.


Intentional vocalization, often by an infant, that does not have a specific meaning.

Pre conventional level

Lowest level of moral reasoning; at this level, self-interest and event outcomes determine what is moral.

Parenting styles

Methods of parenting based on levels of how demanding and responsive a parent is.

Conventional level

Middle level of moral reasoning; at this level, strict adherence to societal laws and the approval of others determine what is moral.


Physical development of the brain and body that produces growth and enables physical and psychological functioning.attachment

Primary sex characteristics

Physical features directly related to reproduction, such as reproductive organs and genitals.

Secondary sex characteristics

Physical features that are not directly related to reproduction but that indicate the differences between the sexes.

Generatively versus stagnation

Seventh stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, in which middle-aged adults face the challenge of leaving behind a positive legacy and caring for future generations.


Severe impairment in intellectual capacity and personality, often due to Alzheimer's disease and strokes.

Intimacy versus isolation

Sixth stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, in which young adults face the challenge of forming committed long-term friendships and romances.

Telegraphic speech

Speech in which toddlers combine basic words in a logical syntax, but not a complete sentence, that conveys a wealth of meaning.

Theory of mind

The ability to understand that other people have mental states that influence their behavior.

Secure attachment

The attachment style for infants who are confident enough to play in an unfamiliar environment as long as the caregiver is present and who are readily comforted by the return of the caregiver.

Avoidant attachment

The attachment style for infants who do not look at the caregiver when the caregiver leaves or returns and who play happily with the stranger in the caregiver's absence.

Ambivalent attachment

The attachment style for infants who seem to have mixed feelings about the caregiver—they cry when the caregiver leaves the room, but they both seek out and reject the caregiver upon the caregiver's return.

Emerging adulthood

The developmental period roughly corresponding to ages 18-25, between the end of physical and sexual maturity and the completed transition to stable adult patterns of relationships and work.

Identity versus role confusion

The fifth stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, in which adolescents face the challenge of figuring out who they are.

Sensorimotor stage

The first stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development; during this stage, infants acquire information about the world through their senses and motor skills.

Formal operational stage

The fourth and final stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development; during this stage, people can think abstractly, and they can formulate and test hypotheses through logic.


The period during adolescence in which sexual maturation leads to the ability to reproduce.

Germinal period

The period in prenatal development from conception to two weeks after conception, when the zygote divides rapidly and implants in the uterine wall.

Fetal period

The period in prenatal development from nine weeks after conception until birth, when the brain continues developing, bodily structures are refined, and the fetus grows in length and weight and accumulates fat in preparation for birth.

~Embryonic period

The period in prenatal development from three through eight weeks after conception, when the brain, spine, major organs, and bodily structures begin to form in the embryo.


The process we use to create new schemas (ways of thinking about how the world works) or drastically alter existing schemas to incorporate new information that otherwise would not fit.


The process we use to incorporate new information into existing schemas (ways of thinking about how the world works).

Developmental psychology

The scientific study of how humans change over the life span, from conception through infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

Preoperational stage

The second stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development; during this stage, children think symbolically about objects, but they reason based on intuition and superficial appearances rather than logic.


The tendency for young children to incorrectly use a regular grammar rule when they should use an exception to the rule.

Concrete operational stage

The third stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development; during this stage, children begin to think about and understand logical operations, and they are no longer fooled by appearances.

Luca's parents set firm rules for him but explain why the rules are needed. They also provide a lot of support for him emotionally and psychologically. This is likely a(n)______ style of parenting


Helen keeps her new baby boy well-fed and clean. However she does not want to spoil him, so she does not hold him or touch him too much. After reading about Harry Harrlow's research, Helen now knows that,

babies need to be touched and held in order to develop normally

Eugene is 88 years old. With which of the following tasks is he most likely to have difficulty?

driving while talking on a cell phone

Which of the following areas of development relates to changes in levels of hormones and growth of the body including the brain?


Monique has noticed some hair growing in her armpits and fat accumulating on her hips.The changes Monique is experiencing are most likely related to


One-year-old Jerome is in the __________ stage of cognitive development. Thus, when his mother shows Jerome a ball and then hides it behind her back, we would expect him to ______________.

sensorimotor; appear to lose interest in the ball and not look for it

Sonya's parents have been encouraging her to walk for several months by standing her upright and holding her hands. Paul's parents have let him achieve motor milestones on his own without encouraging or helping him. The fact that Sonya and Paul both started walking independently at about the same age can be best explained by,

the maturation process.

In an experiment Bill is shown that a crayon box actually contains candles. When asked what his friend (who is not in the room) would think is in the crayon box, Bill answers"Candles!" This experiment shows that Bill has not yet achieved,

theory of mind

Immediately after birth Giada's son Maxwell was able to display the rooting reflex. Which of the following behaviors did Giada observe Maxwell doing?

,When the corner of his mouth was stroked, Maxwell turned to search for food

Michael's father Otto, often tells Michael: "You need to clean your room because I said so!" Otto does not explain to Michael why keeping his room clean is important, and he punishes Michael if he disobeys. This sounds like ________ parenting.


Rachel is about to retire from her successful job as a high school teacher. She has several grandchildren who are now in college and she is excited about picking up some hobbies in her newfound free time. Erikson would argue that Rachel is most likely experiencing


Tanya looks back on her high school years with fondness because this was the first time she began to find others who dressed and acted like her and who held similar beliefs. Based on this information Tanya recognizes how her identity was affected by

,her peers

Nicholas is a researcher who studies infants and he wants to use the strange-situation test in his work. Nicholas is most likely interested in seeing

,how infants respond to separation and reunion with their caregivers.

According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development individuals experience the crisis of ________ during the adolescent years as they face the challenge of addressing questions about who they are.

,identity versus role confusion

John and Danielle want to get a stimulating mobile for their newborn son's crib. If they want him to be able to see it what kinds of objects should they attach to the strings

,large black-and-white shapes

Teetham who is 12, spent the whole summer at camp. When he returned home, his parents were surprised that he was taller and more muscular and his voice had deepened. These new developments are examples of which of the following?

,secondary sex characteristics

Which style of attachment shown by 60-65% of infants, indicates that they are readily comforted by the caregiver during times of distress and are comfortable playing in an unfamiliar environment as long as the caregiver is present?


Julia is pregnant and she wants to stay healthy throughout her pregnancy. Since her house is old she has it checked for lead paint because she is afraid of the effect of ___________on the fetus


Eddie's neighbor Marjorie steals a laptop computer from another student in their dorm and makes Eddie promise not to tell on her. After the campus police come to the dorm and question him Eddie decides to tell them that Marjorie stole the laptop because Eddie he knows Marjorie broke the law. According to Kohlberg, Eddie is exhibiting________ moral reasoning.



A behavior in which a person repeatedly acts aggressively in an unwanted way.


An enduring emotional connection that can motivate care, protection, and social sup

Andy decides to help his friend with his homework because he thinks the friend will then"owe" him and he will get something in return. According to Kohlberg

Andy is exhibiting________ moral reasoning.,preconventional

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