Chapter 43
The Symbolist poets were strongly influenced by the works of:
Edgar Allen Poe
Claude Monet and Auguste Renoir were both Symbolist poets.
Debussy's Prelude to "The Afternoon of a Faun" was inspired by a poem by Maurice Maeterlinck
Which of the following best describes the work of the Impressionist painters?
They attempted to capture the freshness of first impressions.
Impressionism takes its name from a painting by Claude Monet.
Impressionist artists abandoned the grandiose subjects of Romanticism.
Which of the following best describes the effect achieved by Impressionist painting?
luminous, shimmering colors
Symbolism in music is best exemplified by the works of
Claude Debussy
Impressionism: Sun Rising, the painting that sparked the Impressionist art movement, was created by:
Claude Monet
Symbolist composers avoided ninth chords because they were prohibited in the Classical system of harmony.
Symbolist composers felt, even more strongly than their predecessors, the need to resolve all chords back to the tonic
The Symbolist movement began in England.
The earliest harbingers of modernism were artists and writers from:
What nationality was Claude Debussy?
Which of the following does NOT characterize Nijinsky's choreography for Debussy's Prelude to "The Afternoon of a Faun"?
It continued the traditions of classical ballet.
Impressionism was a style of painting that was cultivated principally in:
Which of the following painters was associated with the Impressionist school?
The French movement in poetry that revolted against traditional modes of expression is called:
Mallarmé and Verlaine were:
Symbolist Poets
The Symbolist movement in poetry was a parallel development to Impressionism.
The program of Debussy's Prelude to "The Afternoon of a Faun" evokes:
a landscape with a mythological creature.
Which of the following is/are characteristic of Symbolist music?
a. whole-tone scales b. ambiguous tonality c. ninth chords (d.) all of the answers shown
The Symbolists sought to evoke poetic images:
through suggestion rather than description.