chapter 4,5,6 leadership

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23. Jane, an experienced head nurse, is given the task of completing the summer vacation schedule for the pediatric unit. She is fully aware of the hospital's restrictions on time off and the number of staff on vacation at any given time, as well as its issues regarding seniority. She weighs the options of allowing staff choice, such as it takes more time but gives employees options. However, if choice is allowed, this could cause arguments. Which of the following is the best alternative? a. Ask for requests for vacation time in advance, and post the times. b. Post the completed vacation schedule. c. Post a tentative schedule, and request feedback. d. Post a blank schedule, and ask staff members to fill in their times by a given date.

ANS: D This is based on a decision-making model that allows experience and knowledge to predict whether a decision will or will not work. The experience of the head nurse suggests that it is important to involve staff in decisions that affect them the most.

7. The hospital administrator approves a case management position for a new rehabilitation unit to help reduce costs. In developing the job description, the nurse manager understands that a key element of case management is: a. Managing of care by nurse managers. b. Coordination of resources for effective outcomes. c. Rapid discharge of clients to decrease costs. d. Managing of care for outpatient clients only. ANS

B The key to effective case management is proactive coordination of care from the point of admission to accomplish appropriate and effective outcomes. Case management involves components such as case selection, multidisciplinary assessment, collective planning, coordination of events, negotiation, and evaluation and documentation of the outcomes of patient status in measures of cost. Case management is employed in a variety of settings.

22. Knowing when to have the entire team participate in the decision-making process or when to have only the team leader make the decisions depends on the situation and the desired outcomes. The autocratic process is used in which of the following situations? a. The task and the outcome are relatively simple and defined b. It is unlikely that the group will reach a consensus. c. A decision has to be discussed thoroughly. d. A number of options need to be considered.

ANS: A An autocratic style is appropriate when rapid decision making is required and in situations where the task and the potential outcome are well-defined.

2. With regard to nursing practice, nurse managers are held responsible for (select all that apply): a. Practicing within legal guidelines established under state law and nurse practice acts. b. Ensuring that nursing staff under their supervision are currently licensed to practice. c. Referring all errors in nursing judgment to state discipline boards. d. Ensuring that physicians are properly licensed to provide care on patient care units.

ANS: A, B Nurses are responsible for knowing and practicing under state law and nurse practice acts. Managers are responsible for monitoring staff practice and ensuring that staff hold current, valid licensure.

13. The parents of a toddler who dies after being brought to the ER launch a lawsuit, claiming that the failure of nurses to pursue concerns related to their son's deteriorating condition contributed to his death. The senior nurse executive is named in the suit: a. As a global respondent. b. Under the doctrine of respondeat superior. c. As a frivolous action. d. Under the element of causation.

ANS: B Known as vicarious liability, the doctrine of respondeat superior makes employers accountable for the negligence of their employees, using the rationale that the employee could not have been in a position to have caused the wrongdoing unless hired by the employer.

12. Budgeting and protection of revenues is a function of: a. Leadership. b. Management. c. Team leadership. d. Followers.

ANS: B Managers address complex issues such as planning, budgeting, and allocating resources, whereas leaders address change.

20. John Smith, one of three managers at BSG Labs, drafted a policy that would allow his department to do more testing in his lab. This policy included the times for regular collection as well as a new process for emergency laboratory testing. The policy and procedures were never followed. The reason was that: a. The policy was too lengthy and inundated readers with too much detail. b. The policy made decisions for other departments in the company. c. The staff did not believe that the new policy would be effective. d. Testing should not be done in the lab.

ANS: B Two primary criteria make for effective decisions. First, the decision must be of a high quality; that is, it achieves the predefined goals, objectives, and outcomes. Second, those who are responsible for its implementation must accept the decision. Higher-quality decisions are more likely to result if groups are involved in the decision-making and problem-solving process. Taking ownership of the process and outcome provides a smoother transition in changes.

21. In a telehealth organization, a nurse who is licensed in New York and Pennsylvania provides teaching to a patient who resides in Pennsylvania. The patient charges that the teaching failed to provide significant information about a potential side effect, which led to delay in seeking treatment and untoward harm. Under which state nurse practice act and standards would this situation be considered? a. New York b. Pennsylvania c. Neither New York nor Pennsylvania d. Both New York and Pennsylvania

ANS: B Under the law, the state in which the patient resides and not the state where the nurse holds his or her license determines the state nurse practice act that is considered.

18. The principle that requires nurses to uphold a professional code of ethics, to practice within the code of ethics, and to remain competent is which of the following? a. Veracity b. Autonomy c. Fidelity d. Honesty

ANS: C Fidelity refers to promise keeping or upholding one's promise to practice as a reasonable and prudent nurse would do and in an ethically competent manner.

6. In keeping with standards of The Joint Commission (TJC), the nurse manager organizes an orientation for new staff members. As part of the orientation, the nurse manager reviews the employee handbook. Employers may be bound to statements in the employee handbook: a. Under the doctrine of apparent agency. b. Under the doctrine of respondeat agency. c. Based on the employee's or the employer's expectations. d. Based on the theory that the handbook creates an explicit contract.

ANS: C The handbook is an implied contract and frames the employment contract.

6. To solve a problem, the nurse manager understands that the most important problem-solving step is: a. The implementation phase. b. Identification of numerous solutions. c. Accurate identification of the problem. d. Evaluation of the effectiveness of problem resolution.

ANS: C To proceed effectively, it is important to determine if a problem exists and to accurately identify a problem. Failure to resolve problems is most often linked to improper identification of the problem.

16. As a nurse manager, you identify that a shift in nursing care models might increase patient and staff satisfaction and avoid downsizing. Administration is reluctant to adopt this approach because downsizing is seen as critical to reduction of costs. To leverage your ideas, you: a. Ask staff to send e-mails to administration encouraging consideration of your option. b. Invite a senior member of administration to your staff meeting, so you can tell him what you are planning. c. Write a letter of complaint to a member of the institutional board about the lack of openness of the administration. d. Identify influential members of your nurse manager group with similar ideas and request an opportunity to meet with administration to discuss options.

ANS: D Staff members often look to nurse managers to lead them in addressing workplace issues with higher levels of administration. To do this, nurse managers must possess the ability to address power sources in the work environment and to define power-based strategies, such as in organizing a following of other nurse managers with similar concerns.

17. Which ethical principle is primarily involved in informed consent? a. Veracity b. Autonomy c. Beneficence d. Nonmaleficence

ANS: B Autonomy refers to the right to choose freely, which is inherent in informed consent.

3. A patient refuses a simple procedure that you believe is in the patient's best interest. The two ethical principles that are directly in conflict in such a situation are: a. Fidelity and justice. b. Veracity and fidelity. c. Autonomy and beneficence. d. Paternalism and respect for others.

ANS: C Autonomy refers to the freedom to make a choice (e.g., refuse a procedure), and beneficence to doing good (performing a procedure that will benefit the patient).

22. In developing an orientation program, the hospital educator breaks essential organizational information down into chunks, which she develops as online modules. This is an application of which of Drucker's functions of management? a. Establishment of goals and objectives b. Motivation and communication c. Analysis and interpretation of performance d. Organization of activities into manageable tasks

ANS: D Organizing the information into online modules is an application of Drucker's organizational analysis and the division of activities, decisions, and relations into manageable tasks.

24. The agency in which you are a nursing leader makes a decision to reduce the number of RN positions in favor of PN positions because agency data suggest that the clients in the agency can receive appropriate care from PN staff. Furthermore, the agency is facing a decline in funding and without restructuring, some clients might not receive services at all. You provide this information on this decision to the staff and ask them to advise you if they have any feedback, concerns, or alternative solutions. This decision-making style is known as: a. Paternalistic. b. Shared. c. Reasoned d. Informative.

ANS: D The informative model offers the staff the ability to make a decision after the information has been shared and without the active involvement of the manager.

19. When confronted with the controversy and the apparent poor morale of the evening staff, the unit manager decided the staff needed to take some time off. He scheduled holidays for the staff without consulting them. A couple of the staff nurses approached the manager and indicated that the problem was not scheduling, but rather the team leader and her patient assignments. What was the unit manager's first missed step in problem solving? a. Not using a problem-solving model b. Not considering a number of alternatives c. Poor evaluation of outcomes d. Incorrect problem identification

ANS: D The unit manager did not begin with an accurate identification of the problem. Problem solving needs to begin with "why?"

8. In a rural hospital, the unit for which you are charge nurse has a particularly busy morning. A 52-year-old patient is complaining of left-sided chest pain and a multiparous patient is about to deliver. A child with asthma is experiencing early signs of an attack. The other RN on the unit is a recent graduate who has not yet been orientated to the labor room and has limited cardiac nursing experience. An unregulated assistant is also available. You must decide which patient situation you will take and where the RN's skills can best be used. Given the limitations in skills and experience, number of staff available, and time constraints, you must make a decision that involves: a. A higher-order thinking process. b. Selecting the best option for reaching a predefined goal. c. Optimizing. d. Satisficing.

ANS: D With this approach, the decision maker selects an acceptable solution, one that may minimally meet the objective or standard for a decision. This approach allows for quick decisions and may be the most appropriate when lack of time is an issue.

16. Three gravely ill patients are candidates for the only available bed in the ICU. As the supervisor, you assign the bed to the patient with the best chance of recovery. This decision reflects which of the following ethical principles? a. Beneficence b. Autonomy c. Veracity d. Nonmaleficence

ANS: A Beneficence refers to doing what's good for the patient; in this situation, doing what's good means providing care to the patient with the best likelihood of recovery.

9. The risk manager wants to evaluate the reasons for an increased number of falls on the rehab unit. The risk manager devises a fishbone diagram. A fishbone diagram is a useful tool to: a. Identify the root causes of problems. b. List possible solutions to problems. c. Help leaders select the best options. d. Evaluate the outcomes of decisions made.

ANS: A A fishbone diagram, also known as a cause-and-effect diagram, is useful for determining the reasons (causes) for an effect (falls).

5. A staff nurse who was fired for reporting patient abuse to the appropriate state agency files a whistleblower lawsuit against the former employer. Reasons that the court would use in upholding a valid whistleblower suit claiming retaliation include that the nurse: a. Had previously reported the complaint, in writing, to hospital administration. b. Had threatened to give full details of the patient abuse to local media sources. c. Was discharged after three unsuccessful attempts at progressive discipline had failed. d. Had organized, before filing the complaint, a work stoppage action by fellow employees.

ANS: A An employer is unable to fire an employee who, in good faith, reports what is believed to be a violation of a law, rule, or state or federal law.

11. A nurse on your inpatient psychiatric unit is found to have made sexually explicit remarks toward a patient with a previous history of sexual abuse. The patient sues, claiming malpractice. Which of the following conditions may not apply in this situation? a. Injury b. Causation c. Breach of duty d. Breach of duty of care owed

ANS: A By virtue of employment, the nurse owes a duty of care to the patient; this care has been breached by a nurse, who would be expected to know that this behavior violates usual standards of care. The resultant injury, the fifth malpractice element, must be physical, not merely psychological or transient. In other words, some physical harm must be incurred by the patient before malpractice will be found against the healthcare provider, which is not evident in this situation where the action did not involve physical harm.

2. The nurse manager of a rehab unit wants to purchase a new anti-embolic stocking. To make a high-quality decision, the nurse manager would: a. Involve the rehab staff in the decision. b. Involve the sales representative. c. Make the decision alone. d. Involve administration in the decision.

ANS: A In a shared decision model, the decisions are made through an interactive, deliberate process and the staff may express and discuss options and preferences. The shared decision model has been shown to increase work performance and productivity, decrease employee turnover, and enhance employee satisfaction.

13. The maintenance department wishes to have the nursing lounge renovated, so the lounge will be more "user-friendly." The department asks the nursing staff to make a wish list of everything that they would like to see in the new lounge. This process is an example of which part of the decision-making process? a. Assessment/Data collection b. Planning c. Data interpretation d. Generating hypotheses

ANS: A In this particular model (a model similar to the nursing model), data collection is the first step toward identifying important alternatives or determining if there is a problem or problems.

6. The nurse manager is anticipating changes on the unit because of managed care. It is up to the manager to "sell" the staff on this care concept. A goal of managed care that the staff must understand is that managed care is: a. Grounded in business theory. b. Useful for long-term patients only. c. Designed to reduce unit resources and staff. d. Not concerned with the best interests of clients.

ANS: A Managed care combines delivery of needed care with business principles of efficiency and cost. Nurse managers who know business principles become conduits for ensuring safe, effective, affordable care.

17. Nurses on Unit 17 complain that their manager frequently "checks up on them" and encourages little involvement in decision making and yet, during performance reviews, praises them for their outstanding performance. Nurses on Unit 18 indicate that their experience is different from that of nurses on Unit 17. The manager on Unit 18 encourages active involvement in decision making and provides authentic, growth-promoting feedback. The practices on Units 17 and 18 reflect. a. Differences in the managers' expectations of their role. b. Shaping of the workplace behavior of employees. c. Different approaches to cooperation and collaboration. d. Recognition of institutional priorities.

ANS: A Management theory addresses how managers address employees' concerns and needs and the interactions of managers with employees. Expectations of the managerial role affects expectations of self as the manager and of others. McGregor's (1960) Theory X and Theory Y made two basic opposing assumptions about employees and how the manager should interact with them. Theory X suggests that people do not like their work and that lower-order needs are more important. Theory Y adopts an optimistic view in which people are seen as capable of self-direction and autonomy.

11. While interviewing for a nurse manager position, Ann is asked to give an example of a situation in which she demonstrated leadership. Which of the following examples exemplifies leadership? a. Through research and investigation of best practice and practice-based evidence, she proposed a change in the management of incontinence in elderly patients. b. She ensures that new policies related to parenteral infusions are implemented consistently within her team. c. When asked by her students about institutional policies, she readily and patiently interprets policies to facilitate quality care. d. She organizes the team and delegates responsibilities effectively in providing nursing care.

ANS: A Nurse managers have the responsibility of day-to-day decisions for their units and interpret established policy, procedures, and mandates. They meet their goals by organizing, staffing, controlling, and solving problems. By contrast, leaders develop a vision and translate that direction into action.

19. Mr. M. complains to you that one of your staff asked him details about his sexual relationships and financial affairs. He says that these questions were probing and unnecessary to his care, but he felt that if he refused to answer, the nurse would be angry with him and would not provide him with good care. Mr. M.'s statements reflect concern with: a. Privacy. b. Confidentiality. c. Veracity. d. Informed consent.

ANS: A Privacy protection includes protection against unwarranted intrusion into the patient's affairs.

9. A colleague asks you to give her your password access so that she can view her partner's healthcare record. This request violates the patient's right to: a. Privacy. b. Confidentiality. c. Undue authorization of treatment. d. Protection against slander.

ANS: A Privacy refers to the right to protection against unreasonable and unwarranted interference with the patient's solitude. Privacy standards limit how personal health information may be used or shared and mandate safeguards for the protection of health information. Institutions can reduce potential liability in this area by allowing access to patient data, either written or oral, only to those with a "need to know." Persons with a need to know include physicians and nurses caring for the patient, technicians, unit clerks, therapists, social service workers, and patient advocates. Others wishing to access patient data must first ask the patient for permission to review a record.

12. As a charge nurse, you counsel your RN staff member that he has satisfied his duty of care by notifying a child's physician of his concerns about deterioration in the child's status at 0330 hours. The physician does not come in. The child dies at 0630 hours. As the charge nurse, you could be held liable for: a. Professional negligence. b. Assault. c. Avoidance. d. Murder.

ANS: A Professional negligence can be asserted when there is failure to do what a reasonable and prudent nurse would do in the same situation. In this situation, the charge nurse might have advocated further for the patient in light of the evident seriousness of the child's condition.

14. A good nursing decision maker is one who: a. Uses various models to guide the process based on the circumstances of the situation. b. Adopts one model and uses it to guide all decision making. c. Decides not to use any models because they are all useless. d. Develops a new model each time a decision has to be made.

ANS: A The decision model that a nurse uses depends on specific circumstances. Is the situation routine and predictable or complex and uncertain? Is the goal to make a decision that is "just good enough" (conservative) or one that is optimal?

4. An individual in a wheelchair is applying for the position of receptionist in an outpatient clinic. The nurse manager understands that the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires that employers: a. Make reasonable accommodations for persons who are disabled. b. Allow modified job expectations for persons recovering from alcoholism. c. Hire disabled individuals before hiring other qualified, non-disabled persons. d. Treat, for purposes of employment, homosexuals and bisexuals as disabled.

ANS: A The purposes of the ADA are to eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities and to provide consistent, enforceable standards to address discrimination in the workplace.

18. The successful integration of informatics into healthcare settings is key to: a. Quality decision making related to management of resources and patient care. b. Accessing current information about business practices. c. Meeting the modern-day expectations of staff regarding technology use. d. Speeding up calculations and decisions in budget development.

ANS: A The use of informatics to research evidence and alternative models of delivery, to compare data and solutions with those of other managers, and to enhance the coordination and delivery of patient care can assist managers in making solid decisions about resource utilization. The use of informatics is embraced by Generation X-ers and Millennials who grew up with technology, but may be more difficult for older staff.

1. In a busy rehabilitation unit, the team manager decided that the best way to reward the staff was to give them a monetary bonus rather than time off. The staff was very concerned about the decision and went to the administration with a number of complaints. Critical thinking is a process that entails a number of steps. What steps did the manager omit? She should have (select all that apply): a. Identified what assumptions were underpinning the issues. b. Considered why it was important to make this change or the context for the change. c. Considered how this change might affect staff relationships. d. Attained a majority consensus of all staff.

ANS: A, B, C Taking a majority consensus is not a step in the critical thinking process. Points A, B, and C are "what," "why," and "how" questions that are part of effective critical thinking processes.

1. One of your staff nurses asks for your advice because a patient refuses to sign a consent for surgery. The patient says that he won't sign because he doesn't understand the nature of the surgery. You advise that (select all that apply): a. Consent must not be coerced. b. The patient has a right to choose not to consent. c. The patient must sign the consent because the doctor wants him to sign. d. Witnessing a consent is related only to the voluntary nature of the signature.

ANS: A, B, D Consent must be voluntary and not coerced; the patient must understand what he is signing, must have legal capacity, and must understand the consequences of refusal. Witnessing a consent means attesting to the voluntary nature of the patient's signature.

1. A nurse manager is discussing with unit staff the repeated lack of staff compliance in documenting exercise activity for post-cardiac surgery clients. The unit's licensed practical/vocational nurses are responsible for ensuring that clients carry out the prescribed exercise regimen and that the activity is documented. Using Drucker's five basic functions of a manager, identify appropriate functions for the nurse manager to use when addressing this situation (select all that apply): a. Divide the necessary activities into manageable tasks, so clients adhere to the exercise regimen. b. Establish objectives and goals for each area and decide who is accountable for them. c. Allow clients to organize the activities. d. Engage in activities that motivate the team, and communicate effectively with the responsible staff members. e. Analyze, appraise, and interpret the performance of responsible staff, and communicate these findings to staff management. f. Allow clients to establish objectives and goals.

ANS: A, B, D, E Drucker's five basic functions include division of work into tasks, development and communication of goals and outcomes, motivation and communication, and analysis, approval, and interpretation of staff performance.

4. During a fire drill, several psychiatric patients become agitated. The nurse manager quickly assigns a staff member to each patient. This autocratic decision style is most appropriate for: a. Routine problems. b. Crisis situations. c. Managers who prefer a "telling" style. d. Followers who cannot agree on a solution.

ANS: B An autocratic style is appropriate when rapid decision making is required, such as in a crisis situation.

10. An outpatient surgery manager is evaluating infusion pumps for the operating room. The manager should: a. Select the least expensive brand. b. Use a decision-making tool to evaluate brands. c. Ask the nursing staff which brand they prefer. d. Select the vendor the institution usually buys from.

ANS: B Decision-making tools such as decision grids and SWOT analyses are most appropriate when information is available and options are known.

21. The nurse manager plays a unique role in institutional management in that the nurse manager: a. Encourages shared decision making. b. Models professional nursing behavior. c. Interprets healthcare trends and their impact on revenues. d. Coordinates care and allocates resources.

ANS: B Encouragement of shared decision making, coordination of resources, and interface between internal and external factors and a unit are all associated with effective management but could be performed by a manager from any discipline. The nurse manager's unique role is modeling professional behavior.

3. The nurse manager, as the leader of the unit's "customer (client) first" initiative, has asked the staff nurses to develop and administer a survey to every client before discharge. In asking the staff nurses to accomplish this task, the nurse manager is demonstrating: a. Accountability. b. Shared leadership. c. A common purpose. d. Independence in the nursing manager's role.

ANS: B Healthy work environments are facilitated by involving staff and others in decision making; gaining access to information is one characteristic of shared decision making. Shared decision making enables staff to feel valued in policy development and in directing and leading.

20. A manager who is concerned with ensuring that patients on her surgical unit have the necessary information to make informed choices is: a. Practicing legal nursing care. b. Demonstrating respect for patient rights. c. Avoiding risks. d. Likely experiencing staff issues with informed consent.

ANS: B In demonstrating respect for and advocacy for informed consent, the nurse manager is reflecting a professional philosophy. Professional nurses are ethically and legally accountable to the standards of practice and the accompanying nursing actions delegated to others. Conveying high standards, holding others accountable, and shaping the future of nursing are inherent behaviors in the role of a manager.

22. A member of a patient's family calls the nurse manager of the palliative care unit to express concern that a member of the family, who died on the weekend, had requested analgesics from the RNs on duty. An RN came with the analgesic nearly 45 minutes later, just after the patient had died. The manager is aware that the unit was especially busy that weekend because many patients were seriously ill, staff had called in ill, and the staffing manager was unable to completely replace staff who were absent. The manager is deeply troubled that the family member had to die in pain because it violates what she knows should have been done. This manager is experiencing: a. Compromised agency. b. Moral distress. c. Moral sensitivity. d. Moral dilemma.

ANS: B Moral distress is experienced when nurses cannot provide what they perceive to be best for a given patient. Examples of moral distress include constraints caused by financial pressures, limited patient care resources, disagreements among family members regarding patient interventions, and/or limitations imposed by primary healthcare providers.

10. Nurses in the CCU are unhappy and frustrated with their nurse manager. They complain that "nothing is ever good enough for him." These statements suggest that the nurse manager's goals may be: a. Measurable. b. Unrealistic. c. Attainable. d. Too low.

ANS: B Nurse managers who are successful in motivating staff often provide an inclusive environment that facilitates clearly set, achievable goals that can result in both team and personal satisfaction.

8. One means of ensuring that nurses floated to other patient care areas in healthcare organizations are qualified to work in those areas is: a. Employing additional staff to assist with orientation processes. b. Cross-educating staff members to other areas of the institution. c. Transferring patients to units where the staffing pattern is optimal. d. Orienting staff members to all patient care areas as part of their general orientation to the institution.

ANS: B Nurses should be floated to units as similar as possible to their own to decrease the potential for liability. Negotiating cross-training, a proactive approach to temporary staffing problems, reduces the potential for liability.

7. To reduce the incidence of falls in a skilled nursing unit, the nurse manager contacts the risk manager. Risk management is a process that attempts to identify potential hazards and: a. Compensate for previous injuries. b. Eliminate these risks before anyone else is harmed. c. Supersede the need for staff members to file incident reports. d. Discipline staff members who have been involved in previous incident reports.

ANS: B Risk management involves taking proactive steps to identify and eliminate risks and liability.

23. While walking past a patient's room, you overhear one of the RN staff telling a patient that the patient has no right to refuse chemotherapy treatment because the family and the doctor think the treatment is the best option for the patient. This patient is 40 years of age and alert. When you meet later to discuss what you heard with the RN, it is important to: a. Discuss how statute law enforces the right of the doctor, but not of families, to ensure that patients comply with recommended treatment plans. b. Discuss that statute law provides for patient autonomy and refusal of treatment. c. Remind the nurse to provide clearer explanations to aid in the patient's comprehension of the treatment and compliance. d. Acknowledge the nurse's role in ensuring that she does not fail in her duty of care for the patient.

ANS: B Statute law states that the patient must be given sufficient information, in terms he or she can reasonably be expected to comprehend, to make an informed choice. Inherent in the doctrine of informed consent is the right of the patient to informed refusal. Patients must clearly understand the possible consequences of their refusal.

16. Decision making is described by the nursing educator as the process one uses to: a. Solve a problem. b. Choose between alternatives. c. Reflect on a certain situation. d. Generate ideas.

ANS: B The hallmark of decision making is choosing among options. Generating options is one phase of decision making, and solving a problem refers to problem solving, which is problem centered. Decision making does not always begin with problems, but rather is defined as a purposeful, goal-directed effort that uses a systematic process to choose among options.

15. You volunteer at a free community clinic. A 13-year-old girl claims to have been diagnosed with SLE and presents with chlamydia. The team leader at the clinic advises that: a. The state-defined age of legal consent is 18; therefore, no treatment can be delivered. b. The teen is underage and should be referred to the family general practitioner. c. Care can be provided as long as consent is voluntary and information about treatment and options is provided. d. Treatment is provided as long as telephone consent is obtained from a parent or legal guardian.

ANS: C All states have a legal age for consent; generally, this age is 18. However, emancipated minors, minors seeking treatment for substance abuse, and minors seeking treatment for communicable diseases can provide their own consent.

3. Several nurses on an adolescent psychiatric unit complain that the teens are becoming unmanageable on the 0700-1900 shift. To resolve this problem, the nurse manager decides that the staff should have a brainstorming session. The goal of brainstorming is to: a. Evaluate problem solutions. b. Critique the ideas of others. c. Generate as many solutions as possible. d. Identify only practical and realistic ideas.

ANS: C Brainstorming encourages creativity when one is beginning to problem-solve and avoids premature shutting down of ideas through early evaluation. The goal is to generate ideas, no matter how seemingly unrealistic or absurd.

10. On your nursing unit, you employ LPNs, RNs, and advanced practice nurses. You will need to be familiar with at least: a. Two nursing practice acts. b. Two nursing practice acts in most states. c. At least one nursing practice act. d. One nursing practice act and a medical act.

ANS: C In all states, you will need to be familiar with at least one nursing practice act. In some states, there may be two nursing practice acts if RNs and LPNs/LVNs come under different licensing boards.

15. From the information supplied in this chapter, which statement best defines critical thinking? Critical thinking is a: a. High-level cognitive process. b. Process that helps to develop reflective criticism for the purpose of reaching a conclusion. c. High-level cognitive process that includes creativity, problem solving, and decision making. d. Discussion that guides the nursing process.

ANS: C It is generally accepted by many authors and researchers that this statement best defines critical thinking.

8. In planning a new wing, the nurse manager complies with the workplace safety requirements of the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). Which of the following groups is considered to be at high risk for violence in the workplace? a. Pediatric staff b. Postsurgical unit staff c. Emergency Department staff d. Medical oncology unit staff

ANS: C Nurse managers have responsibility for both patient and staff safety. High-risk areas, such as the Emergency Department, require special attention.

17. Justin is a nurse manager in a rehabilitation unit in a small urban center. There is a high turnover rate among rehab-assistants because of the heavy work assignments. Despite his need for staff, Justin decides to review each application thoroughly and interview candidates carefully because he recognizes that it is important to hire staff who can best provide high-quality care and who will fit well with the team. Which of the following decision-making models did Justin use in making his decision? a. Subjective model b. Objective model c. Optimizing model d. Satisficing model

ANS: C Optimizing is a decision style in which the decision maker selects the option that is best, based on an analysis of the pros and cons associated with each option. A better decision is more likely when using this approach, although it takes longer to arrive at a decision.

11. Select the statement that best defines the difference between problem solving and decision making: a. Decision-making skills require critical thinking; problem-solving skills do not. b. Problem-solving skills require critical thinking; decision-making skills do not. c. Decision making is a goal-directed effort; problem solving is focused on solving an immediate problem. d. Problem solving is a goal-directed effort; decision making is focused on solving an immediate problem.

ANS: C Problem solving is focused on solving immediate problems, whereas decision making is a goal-directed process that is aimed at selecting appropriate actions from among options. Not all decisions begin with a problem.

2. A nurse manager has worked rapidly to bring the staff to accept changes in the unit's mission, so that downsizing can be avoided. This nurse manager is using quantum leadership by: a. Focusing on past concerns related to the mission. b. Teaching staff members how to self-manage themselves. c. Determining accurately the direction of change in the institution. d. Requiring all staff members to review and reinforce their technological skills.

ANS: C Quantum leadership assumes that change will occur and that managers assume an influential, facilitative role that encourages forward movement in change and encourages the view that problems are opportunities.

21. High-quality decisions are most likely to be made in nursing situations when: a. Team leaders make the crucial decisions. b. Individuals are advised of the problems. c. Group size is neither too small nor too large. d. Members are passively involved.

ANS: C Research has shown that group size is important. Too small a group means a limited number of options generated. Too large a group can mean lack of structure or lack of meaningful discussion.

2. A staff nurse in the area that you manage has excelled in the delivery of patient education. You are considering implementing a new job description that would broaden her opportunity to teach patients and orient new staff members to the value of patient education. The ethical principle that you are most directly reinforcing is: a. Justice. b. Fidelity. c. Paternalism. d. Respect for others.

ANS: C The principle of paternalism allows one person to make partial decisions for another and is most frequently deemed to be a negative or undesirable principle. Paternalism, however, may be used to assist persons to make decisions when they do not have sufficient data or expertise. Paternalism becomes undesirable when the entire decision is taken away from the employee.

4. A nurse manager is experiencing considerable conflict among staff members because of weekend staffing coverage. During a called staff meeting, the nurse manager asks the disgruntled staff to meet as a group and determine the best staffing practices. In doing this, the nurse manager is using the concept of collaboration to: a. Demonstrate interdependence. b. Depict flexibility and broadmindedness. c. Focus all energies of staff members on a best possible strategy. d. Defuse the possibility that staff members will escalate their discontent when staffing the unit on weekends.

ANS: C When collaboration is used to solve a conflict or to create new directions, the energies of all parties are focused on solving the problem versus defeating the opposing party and creating the "best possible" versus an "okay" direction. When groups come together and mutual expectations are discussed and fostered, communication and collaboration are enhanced, which results in a more structurally empowered workforce.

14. During a staff shortage, you hire an RN from a temporary agency. The RN administers a wrong IV medication that results in cardiac arrest and a difficult recovery for the patient. Liability in this situation: a. Is limited to the temporary agency. b. Is restricted to the RN. c. Could include the RN, the agency, and your institution. d. May depend on the patient's belief regarding the employment relationship.

ANS: D Apparent agency may apply here because your liability and that of your institution could be established if it can be shown that the patient believes that the RN was an employee of yours and of your institution.

9. Electronic health records (EHRs) are being instituted at Pleasant Valley Hospital. Some of the staff on Unit 4 complain to the manager that acquiring the technologic skills required is too time consuming. They question its value in patient care. The manager responds that: a. The use of technology is inevitable in our technologically oriented society. b. The hospital is no longer able to find the space to accommodate paper record keeping. c. The initiative is being driven by decision makers higher up in the hierarchy and there is no choice. d. EHRs will increase effectiveness of care by enhancing coordination and improving patient outcomes.

ANS: D As technology improves, informatics must be integrated with budget and personnel as a critical resource element. Basing practice on evidence-based care can assist in making solid decisions about resources and in leading and encouraging staff toward positive changes in patient outcomes. EHRs, for example, are expected to enhance coordination of care, improve health outcomes, and increase accuracy of diagnoses.

13. Which of the following is not important in a positive work environment, as defined by the AONE? a. Clear, open, trustful communication b. Accountability and clarity of roles and responsibilities c. Participatory decision making d. Challenge and striving for excellence

ANS: D Clear and open communication, accountability and clarity of roles, and participatory decision making are considered by the AONE to be important to a healthy environment. Challenge and excellence are not specifically identified by the AONE as important to healthy work environments.

23. Nancy is a staff nurse who works on a rehabilitation unit. Nancy tells you that the assistants are experiencing difficulty with the new lift and wonders what your thoughts are on organizing an in-service training. Nancy is exhibiting which trait of a follower? a. Provides a vision for safety that is communicated b. Thrives on taking risks in identifying the problem with safety c. Coordinates the development of knowledge and skills necessary to use the lift d. Assumes responsibility for identifying a safety concern and concedes authority for solution to you

ANS: D Communication of a vision and risk taking are leader traits, whereas coordination is associated with manager traits. Taking responsibility while conceding authority to the leader is characteristic of followers.

18. Justin is a nurse manager in a rehabilitation unit in a small urban center. There is a high turnover rate among rehab-assistants because of the heavy work assignments. Despite his need for staff, Justin decides to review each application thoroughly and interview candidates carefully because he recognizes that it is important to hire staff who can best provide high-quality care and who will fit well with the team. Which of the following decision-making solutions should Justin consider to have a more efficient department a. Replace staff only with qualified applicants. b. Determine what the problem or problems are before hiring new staff. c. Consult with the human resources department and develop a plan for hiring new staff. d. Consider all the options listed.

ANS: D Decision making involves a goal-oriented consideration of many options that are objectively weighed according to their possible risks, consequences, and positive outcomes. The options should be ranked in the order in which they are likely to result in the desired goals or objectives. The solution selected should be the one that is most feasible and satisfactory and has the fewest undesirable consequences. In this instance, all of the options listed might be considered and weighed.

12. Sue, a nurse manager, has a staff nurse that has been absent a great deal for the past three months. A whistleblower gives some information to Sue indicating that the staff nurse will be resigning and returning to school. Because of this, Sue decides to do which of the following? a. Immediately fire the staff nurse. b. Speak to the whistleblower and elicit more information. c. Speak to the staff nurse and ask her to resign. d. Do nothing.

ANS: D Doing nothing is often warranted because of lack of energy, time, or resources to solve the real problem adequately, and because the benefits are not seen as sufficiently compelling to commit to an action.

5. After the nurses who work on an adolescent psychiatric unit have had a brainstorming session, they are ready to resolve the problem of teenagers who are unmanageable. To maximize group effectiveness in decision making and problem solving, the nurse manager has: a. Prevented conflict. b. Formed highly cohesive groups. c. Used majority rule to arrive at decisions. d. Encouraged equal participation among members.

ANS: D Groups are more likely to be effective if members are involved, the group is cohesive, communication is encouraged, and members demonstrate some understanding of the group process. The nurse leader or manager should provide a nonthreatening and positive environment in which group members are encouraged to participate actively.

1. The risk manager informs the nurse manager of an orthopedic unit that her unit has had an increase in incident reports about patients falling during the 11-7 shift. The nurse manager knows that the best way to resolve the problem is to: a. Use creativity. b. Obtain support from the 7-3 shift. c. Use institutional research. d. Identify the problem.

ANS: D Identification of a problem is the first step in problem solving and occurs before any other step. The most common cause for failure to resolve problems is the improper identification of the problem/issue; therefore, problem recognition and identification are considered the most vital steps.

7. A clinic nurse has observed another nurse deviating from agency policy in performing wound care. The best approach for the clinic nurse to take is to: a. Stay out of it. b. Inform the nursing supervisor. c. Fill out a notification form (incident report). d. Assess the risk to the client and the agency before proceeding.

ANS: D If the situation is subjective, non-routine, and unstructured or if outcomes are unknown or unpredictable, the nurse leader and manager may need to take a descriptive or behavioral approach. More information (such as degree of risk to the client and to the agency) needs to be gathered to address this situation effectively.

5. A nurse manager's responsibility for financial management involves making budgetary decisions. Budgets that allow the nurse manager to allocate resources at the unit level allow: a. Minimal nurse manager input. b. Limited rationale for budgetary requests. c. Budgetary allocations at the executive nurse level. d. Budgetary decision making at the point-of-service (POS).

ANS: D In organizational structures where decision making occurs at the POS, nurse managers are given some self-control, which includes preparing and implementing a budget that meets the long- and short-term needs of their unit without requiring hierarchical approval.

19. As a nurse manager, you embrace the usefulness of resources such as Smart Bed. This behavior is important to: a. Budget development. b. A manager's role. c. Succession planning. d. Encouragement of staff utilization of technology.

ANS: D Informatics such as Smart Bed facilitates effectiveness and efficiency in care. By becoming an early adopter of technology, staff members, particularly older staff, who may be less comfortable with technology, are encouraged to value its use in care delivery and management.

20. To satisfy duty of care to a patient, a nurse manager is legally responsible for all of the following except: a. Notifying staff of changes to policies related to medication administration. b. Scheduling and staffing to ensure safe care. c. Delegating in accordance with practice acts. d. Supervising the practice of the physician.

ANS: D Legally, the nurse manager is accountable to nursing practice standards, standards for nurse administrators, and hospital policies and procedures.

1. The manager in the coronary care unit believes that the most important ethical considerations in performance evaluations are that they include the employee's good qualities and that they give positive direction for professional growth. This belief is an example of: a. Justice. b. Fidelity. c. Beneficence. d. Nonmaleficence.

ANS: D Nonmaleficence refers to "doing no harm." For a nurse manager following this principle, performance evaluation should emphasize an employee's good qualities and give positive direction for growth. Destroying the employee's self-esteem and self-worth would be considered doing harm under this principle.

15. A nurse manager in a hospital is deeply concerned that senior administration makes decisions about budgetary directions that affect staffing and other resources without sharing the rationale for changes or demonstrating concern as to how these changes may affect patients or staff. She says she does not feel respected and is emotionally tired as a result. This situation represents: a. Bureaucratic organization. b. Realities of current health care. c. Negative organizational culture. d. Quantum leadership

ANS: D Organizational culture refers to the basic assumptions and values of an organization and whether they contribute to relationships and decision making that is marked by empowerment, information sharing, and truthfulness. Positive work cultures contribute to a perception of being respected in the work environment. Collaborative organizational cultures are essential for nurse managers to proactively work in today's complex healthcare environment in a manner that engages them in their work. Interpersonal relationships can be fostered with organizational designs fostering a culture of collaboration, reward and recognition, communication, and a mentoring environment.

14. As a nurse manager on a urology unit, you note that there has been a marked increase in medication errors on the unit. Which of the following actions would be consistent with the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) measures? a. Staff are consulted regarding improvements in interprofessional approaches to patient care. b. Nursing staff are asked for input regarding the purchase of new medication carts. c. A recognition program is developed to acknowledge nurses who have provided safe and exemplary care utilizing skills in the staffing mix to optimize the delivery of patient care. d. Recent changes in staffing mixes are examined to determine if the timing of changes coincides with the increase in errors.

ANS: D The NDNQI measures are specifically concerned with patient safety and aspects of quality of care that may be affected by changes in the delivery of care or staffing resources. The quality indicators address staff mix and nursing hours for acute-care settings, as well as other care components. The NDNQI project is designed to assist healthcare organizations in identifying links between nursing care and patient outcomes.

1. Role theory has its underpinnings in management theory. Management theories influence managers' leadership styles. Which of the following theories would a nurse manager be most likely to follow when redesigning the staffing schedule? a. Humanistic b. Productivity c. Psychological d. Quantum

D Quantum theory is one way a manager can serve as an agent of change when patient care work/workflow must be redesigned. Quantum theory recognizes the need to understand behaviors and relationships before changing them, the connectedness of parts such as workflow and relationships, and the need to be analytical, flexible, and empathetic.

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