Chapter 5 - Carbohydrates

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What is a condition that occurs when blood glucose level is too low to provide enough energy for the cells?


Select all of the terms that describe food additives that sweeten but provide few to no calories per serving.

- artificial sweeteners - alternative sweeteners

Choose all of the foods which are good sources of soluble fiber.

- beans - carrots - oat bran

What are the two potential fates of fructose after it is consumed?

- converted to glucose - converted to fat

Rank the order of blood glucose regulation beginning with eating a meal.

- eating a meal - elevated blood glucose - insulin released from the pancreas - blood glucose level returns to normal

Why is high-fructose corn syrup such a commonly used food additive?

- fructose is sweeter than glucose - corn is ready and available in the USA

Rank the fiber content of the following foods beginning with the food that has the highest fiber content.

- kidney beans - kellogg's all-bran cereal - raspberries - banana - white bread

Which of the following areas of the body can be permanently damaged by uncontrolled diabetes?

- kidneys - heart - eyes

Which of the following are disaccharides?

- lactose - sucrose - maltose

What health conditions are linked to an excessive calorie intake?

- obesity - diabetes

Which of the following are signs of metabolic syndrome?

- triglycerides >/=150mg/dL - waist circumference >/= 35 inches (women)

What are the important nutrients that milk and milk products provide?

- vitamins - calcium

What are some examples of sugar alcohols?

- xylitol - sorbitol - mannitol

Though the AI for men is 38 g/day and 25 g/day for women, the typical American diet only supplies about _____ g of dietary fibers per day.


According to the Food and Nutrition Board, carbohydrates should provide ______ to ______ percent of total calories in the diet.


According to the ADA, people with diabetes should try to maintain HbA1c levels below?


Ketosis occurs when the diet is low in?


There is convincing evidence that dietary fiber will reduce the risk of what type of cancer?


What kind of carbohydrates have three or more monosaccharides bonded together?


What monosaccharide is not commonly found in foods?


Intestinal cells absorbs glucose and _______ by active transport; ____________ is absorbed by facilitated diffusion.

galactose, fructose

Name the major monosaccharide found in the body?


Sucrose is made up of what?

glucose and fructose

What is the result of children consuming a diet high in sugar?

pleasurable sensations

Cells require a steady supply of energy which is largely provided by?


Maltose, or malt sugar, has two glucose molecules bonded together.


Most forms of dietary fiber are included in the two general classes of carbohydrates.


Scientific studies have found that sugar does not cause an increase in physical activity in children.


What is a serious disease characterized by abnormal glucose, fat, and protein metabolism?

Diabetes Mellitus

What is a sweetener/food additive obtained from the processing of corn?

High-fructose corn syrup

What is a good source of fiber?


Which of the following can be converted into glucose?

amino acids

Which monosaccharide is commonly found as a component in fruit?


Treatment for women with gestational diabetes includes?

- regular physical activity - a special carbohydrate controlled diet

Which of the following must be present in a food labeled "whole grain"

- starchy endosperm - fiber-rich bran - oily germ

What is an alternative sweetener made of two amino acids (phenylalanine and apartic acid) and methanol?


What is a major food source of lactose?


Approximately how many Americans have metabolic syndrome?

one in three

The primary function of glycogen is to?

store glucose in the body

What American populations are at particularly high risk for the development of type 2 diabetes?

- latino/hispanic - native americans - african americans

Diabetes is characterized by abnormal metabolism of?

- protein - glucose - fat

What are the potential outcomes of Hyperinsulinemia?

- wearing out of pancreatic beta cells - too little glucose in the blood stream

The RDA for carbohydrate is how many g/day?


Which two monosaccharides are components of the milk sugar lactose?

- glucose - galactose

Added sugars are incorporated into foods during processing to?

- increase tenderness of food - inhibit the growth of mold - contribute to flavor

Diets rich in fiber reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by?

- reducing markers of inflammation - improving blood lipid levels - lowering blood pressure

Insulin __________ blood glucose, while glucagon ___________ blood glucose.

decrease, increase

Type 1 diabetes is linking to an autoimmune disease while type 2 diabetes is linked to?

insulin resistence

What is another name from fructose?


Where is glycogen stored in the body?


Is milk a natural source of sucrose?


Which behavior is most likely to increase the risk of developing type II diabetes?

sedentary life style

Complex carbs are also known as?


What is also known as dextrose or blood sugar?


Match the following types of oligiosaccharides with common food sources.

Garlic - insulin Broccoli - raffinose

Dietary fiber includes indigestible plant and animal materials?

False, just plant

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