Chapter 5 - Mise-en-scene

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What are the two basic types of movement that we see on-screen?

The movement of objects and characters within the frame The apparent movement of the frame itself

Why do most shots in a film rely on both on-screen and offscreen space?

As the frame moves it presents on the screen details that were previously offscreen, thus prompting us to be aware of the dynamic between offscreen and onscreen space. Most shots depend on both on-screen and offscreen space and our awareness of their interdependence reinforces the illusion of of a larger spatial

What is the difference between the static frame and the moving frame?

Static Frame -Camera doesn't move, is fixed Moving Frame -Camera moves

What is composition? What are the two major elements of composition?

Composition is part of the process of visualizing and planning the design of a movie -the organization, distribution, balance, and general relationship of stationary objects and gigues as well as of light, shade, line, and color within the frame. -helps ensure the aesthetic unity and harmony of the movie as well as guide our looking and interpret the characters physical, emotional, and psychological relationships to one another Framing -the border between what the filmmaker wants us to see and everything else -the dimensions of height and width that provide the shape of the movies images Kinesis -movement on screen -the movement of objects and characters within the frame -the apparent movement of the frame itself

What are the two major visual components of mise-en-scene?

Design -the process by which the look of the settings, props, lighting, and actors is determined -set design, decor, prop selection, lighting, costuming, makeup, hairstyle Composition -the organization, distribution, balance, and general relationship of actors and objects within the space of each shot

Does a movie's mise-en-scene happen on accident? If not, what or who determines it?

Mise-en-scene is the result of thorough planning. Advanced decisions about the placement of people, objects, and elements of decor, determining their movements, lighting, etc. Can occasionally occur by accident

What is the literal meaning of the phrase mise-en-scene? What do we mean by this phrase more generally when we discuss movies?

Mise-en-scene literally means "staging or putting on an action or scene."

What are the essential differences between the open frame and closed frame?

Open Frame -designed to depict a world where characters move freely within an open, recognizable environment -realistic (verisimilar) films Closed Frame -Designed to imply that other forces have robbed the characters of their ability to move and act freely -anti-realistic films

Name and briefly discuss the major elements of cinematic design.

Setting, Decor and Properties -Setting= the environment in which the narrative takes place -creates mood that has social, psychological, emotional, economic, and cultural signifigance Set Decorator-in charge of all the countless details that go into furnishing and decorating a set -Decor=the color and texture of the interior decoration, furniture, draperies, and curtains, and properties -Properties= props= objects such as paintings, etc. that help us understand the characters by showing us their preferences in such things Lighting -light is fundamental to the movie Costume, Makeup, and Hairstyle Costume=the clothing worn by an actor in a movie -can contribute to that setting and suggest specific character traits -helps the movie tell its story Makeup and Hairstyle -Used to enhance or alter an actor's appearance -traditional materials -digital methods -makeup artist

What are the principal responsibilities of the production designer?

To assist in realizing the overall look of a film Design begins with the intense pre-visualization done by the director and production designer. The production designer works closely with the director in visualizing the movie that will appear on the screen. The production designer is responsible for the overall design works and is in charge of sub departments -art -costume design and construction -hairstyling -makeup -wardrobe -location -properties -carpentry -set construction and decoration -greenery -transportation -visual effects -special effects

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