Chapter 5 Nail Structure & Growth

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Which describes the lunula?

The whitish, half-moon shape under the nail plates base

What does a longer matrix lead to?

A thicker nail plate

The average rate of the nail plate growth in an adult is about

1/10 - 1/8 inches (0.25 - 0.32 cm) per month

What is the water content of a healthy nail

15- 25 %

A tough band of fibrous tissue that links bones or keeps an organ in place is called

A ligament

The natural nail unit includes

All parts of the finger from the tip to the first knuckle

What is not a natural nail shape?


Ordinarily, complete nail replacement for a fingernail takes about

Four to six months

Identify a function of a hyponychium

It forms a protective barrier that keeps microorganisms from invading and infecting the nail bed.

What is true of the nail plate?

It is hardened keratin plate that rests on top of the nail bed

Identify a characteristic of a healthy nail

It is translucent & the beige or pinkish color of the nail bed shows through

The natural nail unit is mainly made up of ___, which is the fiber-shaped protein found in skin and hair


The ___ is part of the natural nail that contains nerves, blood vessels, and lymph to nourish cells that differentiate and become keratinized to form the nail plate


The __ is the section of living skin that supports the nail plate as it extends toward the free edge

Nail bed

Nail growth rates

Nail growth rates generally decrease with age

The natural nail is technically called the


The nail matrix causes the nail plate to develop a series of slender grooves because

Parts of the nail matrix begin to permanently reduce production of new cells as a result of aging

The nail bed, nail fold, eponychium, paronychium, and hyponychium are collectively referred to as the


The ___ is the whole skin flap that covers the matrix, from the visible nail plates edge to the first joint of the finger or toe

Proximal nail fold

Identify the difference between the cuticle and the eponychium

The cuticle is the dead tissue stuck to the nail plate, whereas the eponychium is the living skin under the proximal nail fold found at the nail plates base covering the matrix area.

What is true of the growth of the nail palate?

The nail plates growth is affected by nutrition, exercise, and overall health.

Cosmetologists should have a thorough understanding of nail structure and growth because

They must be able to differentiate between the nail cuticle and the eponychium before performing nail services

Identify a reason why cosmetologists should be knowledgeable about nail structure and growth

Understanding natural nail structure and growth prepares cosmetologists for advanced nail services

What nail grows the fastest?

the middle finger

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