Chapter 5- Upper Extremity Part #1 ANATOMY

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there are ______ rows of _________ carpals--- proximal and distal.

2 rows of 4 carpals

how many bones does the hand have?

27 bones

Joint effusion

Accumulation of fluid in joint associated with underlying condition


Benign tumor consisting of cartilage

what is the largest and most centrally located carpal?


Rheumatoid arthritis

Chronic , systemic , inflammatory collagen disease

what is the joint classification of the radiocarpal joint?

Classified as synovial, diarthrotic, ellipsoidal type.


Displacement of bone from joint space


Disruption in continuity of bone

Bone cyst

Fluid - filled cyst with wall of fibrous tissue

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease

Form of arthritis marked by progressive cartilage deterioration in synovial joints and vertebrae


Fracture at base of first metacarpal


Fracture of metacarpal neck


Hereditary form of arthritis in which uric acid is deposited in joints


Transfer of cancerous lesion from one area to another

flexor retinaculum

a strong fibrous band that attaches medially to the pisiform and the hook of the hamate and laterally to the tubercles of the scaphoid and trapezium

carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

compression of the median nerve inside the carpal tunnel

anatomic snuff box

depression formed by tendons of the two major muscles of the thumb


distal interphalangeal

The ____________phalanges are the ____________from the palm.

distal; farthest

Beginning at the lateral, or thumb, side of the hand, the numbers and names are as follows:

first digit (thumb) second digit (index/pointer finger) third digit ( middle finger) fourth digit ( ring finger) fifth digit ( small/pinky finger)

tenderness in the area of the snuff box is a clinical sign suggesting what?

fracture of the scaphoid

forms the medial margin of the carpal groove

hamate and pisiform

Each phalanx has ___,___, and ___.

head, body, and base



when can we see the anatomic snuff box?

it is visible when the thumb is abducted and extended

The metacarpal heads are most commonly known as the ___________________.


What type of bones are metacarpals?


What type of bones are the phalanges?


What nerve and tendons pass through the carpal canal?

median nerve and the flexor tendons



What composes the palm of the hands?




The area below the head of the metacarpal is called the _________.


The proximal phalanges are the closest to the __________________.


carpal canal/tunnel

passageway created between the carpal sulcus and the flexor retinaculum

the hands and fingers are divided into :

phalanges, metacarpals, and carpals


proximal interphalangeal

What is the most frequently fractured carpal bone?

scaphoid bone

What does the proximal row of carpals contain?

scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform

The first metacarpal contains two small _________ bones on its palmar aspect below the neck.


What type of bones are carpals classified as?

short bones

what is the joint classification of a IP joint?

synovial, diarthrotic, or freely movable, hinge type

what do the bases of the metacarpals articulate with?

the carpals

wedge-shaped carpal bone that exhibits a prominent hook located on the anterior surface

the hamate ( hook of the hamate)

What do the heads of the metacarpals articulate with?

the phalanges

what artery carries blood to the dorsum of the hand?

the radial artery

What does the lunate articulate with?

the radius

what does the anatomic snuff box overly?

the scaphoid bone and the radial artery

what constitutes the lateral margin of the carpal groove?

the tubercles of the trapezium and scaphoid

What are carpal bones composed of?

they are largely composed of cancellous tissue with an outer later of compact bony tissue

how are the digits in the phalanges composed?

they are numbered 1 to 5 laterally to medially

how many phalanges are in digits 2 through 5?


what does the distal row of carpals contain?

trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate

how many phalanges are in the first digit?


How many phalanges are in each hand?

14 phalanges


Malignant tumor arising from cartilage cells

How many metacarpals are there in each hand?


How many carpals are there in each hand?


label the image: A B C D E F G H I J

A PIP joint B MCP joint C carpals D DIP E IP joint F MCP joint G 1st metacarpal H Carpometacarpals I radius J ulna

label the image: A B C D E F G H

A hamate B capitate C trapezoid D trapezium E scaphoid F lunate G triquetrem H pisifrom

Name the inferosuperior aspect of the carpal sulcus A B C D E F

A triquetrum B pisiform C hook of hamate D capitate E trapezoid F tubercle of trapezium

Ewing sarcoma

Malignant tumor of bone arising in medullary tissue

radiocarpal joint

Articulation between the carpals and the distal radius.


Increased density of atypically soft bone


Inflammation of bone owing to pyogenic infection


Loss of bone density


Malignant , primary tumor of bone with bone or cartilage formation

Name the bones of the wrist:

Name the bones of the wrist: A hamate B pisiform C triquetrum D lunate


New tissue growth where cell proliferation is uncontrolled

Interphalangeal (IP) Joints

Synovial hinge joints between the phalanges

a triangular depression located on the posterior surface of the wrist when the thumb is abducted and extended

anatomic snuff box

What does the triquetrum articulate with?

anteriorly with the hamate

carpometacarpal (CMC) joint

articulations between the bases of the metacarpals and the carpal bones

intercarpal joints

articulations between the carpal bones

metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP)

articulations between the heads of the metacarpals and the proximal phalanges

At what area do fractures often occur on a metacarpal bone?

at the neck

what does the capitate articulate with?

base of the 3rd metacarpal

Phalanges (hand)

bones of the fingers


bones of the hand


bones of the wrist

How are the metacarpals identified?

by numbers, laterally to medially

how are the phalanges identified?

by numerals preceded by proximal, middle, and distal

The anterior or palmar surface of the wrist is concave from side to side and forms the:

carpal sulcus



what is the joint classification of the second to fourth CMC joint?

classified as gliding type

what is the joint classification of the MCP joint?

classified as synovial, diarthrotic, ellipsoidal type

what is the joint classification of the intercarpal joints?

classified as synovial, diarthrotic, gliding type

what is the joint classification of the first CMC joint?

classified as synovial, diarthrotic, saddle type

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