Chapter 6-8 drainage

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Waterless urinal's are given a_________ DFU value because no water supply is utilized to replenish the fixture trap


Foot vent piping extending to the wall is considered drainage piping and should be installed at a_______ per foot grade


In the upc, drains or branches beyond _________ are required to be vented

15 feet

In the UPC vertical piping in combination waste and vent systems is limited to fixture tailpieces with a maximum length of

2 feet

According to the UPC table 710.1 The minimum size of any building drain servicing a water closet shall be

3 inch

Per UPC table 703.2 only_______ water closets are allowed on a vertical pipe or stack


Vertical wet venting in the UPC is limited to vertical drainage piping receiving the discharge from the trap arm of up to_____ One and two DFU rated fixtures


If a stack of three branch intervals has a total discharge of 110 DFU the stack size would be

4 inch

Per Ipc table 703.2 a 2 inch vent is limited to a maximum of __________ in a horizontal position

40 feet

Per the Ipc if a 4" horizontal branch of 160 dfu's discharged into the top branch interval of a stack, the stack would have to be

5 inch

Per The UPC buildings have a clothes washing area with clothes washers in a battery of three or more clothes washers are rated at_______ fixture units each


Vent pipes or stacks extending through a roof should rise at least_______ above the roof

6 feet

At maximum flow waste water flows down a stacked as a sheet of water occupying_________ of the cross-sectional area of the stack


___________ must be provided to take the place of waste water as it flowsthrough a drainage system


A________ is oh one-way valve designed to allow air to enter the plumbing drainage system when negative pressure's develop in the piping system

Air admittance valve

Vertical wet venting in the IPC is limited to

Any combination of fixtures within two bathroom groups and located on the same floor level

Negative pressure siphonage can cause__________ of the trap see you if not addressed


A___________vent is a pipe installed to vent a fixed your trap and that connects with the vent system above the fixture served or terminates in the open air


A__________ vent is a vent that provides a loop type of vent that reconnects to the fixture drain and allows air pressures to be relieved Ahead of and behind the fixture discharge into the fixture drain

Island fixture

The most commonly used type of pre-fabricated pipe flashing is made of a_______ plate with a boot on top


Air admittance valves only protect against ______ pressures


In the sovent system flows from the upper floors enter the_________ of the aerator fitting and actually offset around the horizontal branch and inlets

Offset chamber

UPC chapter 10 section 1003.3 allows an increase of_______ pipe sizes for traps and trap arms


A _______ acts much like a water hammer arrestor

Positive air pressure attenuator (papa)

The___________ type of occupancy applies the plumbing fixtures in restrooms in commercial establishments where the fixtures are intended for the use of family or an individual


A 2" _______ that connects to the circuit event is required to be installed as if a circuit vented horizontal branch of four or more water closets is connected to a drainage stack receiving the discharge from horizontal branch is located above it

Relief vent

A vertical individual vent is installed with the trap arm attached to a_______,which is installed in the upright position with the fixture drain connected to the bottom

Sanitary tee

Per the Ipc The minimum size of vent stacks and stacks events is determined by

There developed length and total number of DFU's connected to them

It is easiest to total dfu loading beginning at the________ of the drainage system piping


A vertical pipe segment of a stack is sized based on the

Total DFU discharge

A normal roof drain has three basic components I don't strainer a flashing ring and a drain body


According to the UPC no wet vent section may be smaller than 2 inches


Air admittance valve's are not designed to withstand test pressures


Both the UPC and the IPC utilize drainage fixture unit tables to determine the size of the DW V piping


If air is trapped in drainage piping it will cause an increase in pressure within the pipe


In most cases vertical drainage piping length limitations would be applicable only in very tall or spacious buildings


In the IPC a lavatory requires a 1 1/4 minimum size the trap and is assigned one DFU


In the UPC a vent stack is required for drainage stacks of 10 or more stories


Per IOC table 906.1 the developed length of event shall be measured from the vent connection to the open air


Rainwater is water that can be put to immediate use without treatment for most uses


Sidewall terminations of vents should be protected against birds or rodents blocking the vent opening


Stack size is based on the total DFU load of all fixtures discharging into the stack


The UPC does not require vents for a horizontal offset of the drainage stack


The entire pathway of the vent system to the building sewer must be examined to ensure cross sectional area requirement is met


The sovent system terminates at the p.r.l. Connection point to the horizontal drain


Trap seal loss is almost completely eliminated by installing a fixture vent


UPC table 703.2 maximum unit loading and maximum length of drainage and vent piping was developed for the first uniform plumbing code in 1945


Unless prohibited by structural conditions vent piping should rise vertically to a point not less than 6 inches above the flood level rim of the fixture served before offsetting horizontally


For fixtures with continuous flow's such as a sump pump the DFU value is based on

Two times the GPM reading of the pump

A combination waste and vent system limits the_______ of fixtures allowed on the system


The__________ does not reference air admittance valves


A_____________ can't connect several vent stacks and stacks events and then extend through the roof to atmosphere

Vent header

The primary function of a__________ is to prevent excessive pressures from developing in the lower regions of a drainage stack

Vent stack

____________ of sanitary drainage systems provides a supply of fresh air containing oxygen which helps to retard material corrosion


During the final step of vent sizing the proper size of _________ should be determined

Vents to atmosphere

_________ venting is a venting system that uses an oversized waste stack as the vent for fixtures discharging into the stack

Waste stack

Reduction in DFU value is based on the theory that the fixtures within a bathroom group

Will not be used simultaneously

A________vent is a vent that connects to a horizontal drainage branch and events two traps to a maximum of eight traps or trapped fixtures connected into a battery


IPC defines a__________ vent as a vent that connects at the junction of two fixture drains or to a fixture branch and serves as a vent for both fixtures


The________ of a substance is the change in volume per unit volume per unit change in pressure


Proper venting is accomplished by ensuring the vent or vents terminating through the roof to atmosphere equals the_______ of the building sewer

Cross sectional area

When the flow velocity doubles the friction loss doubles


Per Ipc table 709.1 chaps size for urinals and water closets shall be consistent with the

Fixture outlet size

__________ is a waterproof material fitted over a surface where water is expected to run


A___________ is installed for emergency use and is not assigned a DFU value because it does not add waste water flow to the drainage system

Floor drain

Dfu's are equivalent to a

Flow range of wastewater discharge

As waste water flows in contact with air in vertical or horizontal piping_______ is created between the air and wastewater


Per the Ipc, vents that exceed 40 feet in developed blank must be increased by one pipe size due to the decrease in flow velocity caused by


The sovent system eliminates the ________ and maintains a core of air throughout the vertical stack

Hydraulic plug

Horizontal wet venting in the_________ is limited to horizontal drainage piping receiving the wastewater discharge from fixtures into bathroom groups located on the same floor level


The pressure at the outlet side of the trap in the fixture drain must be kept within -1 inch to 1 inch WC to ensure the trap seal safety factor of a depth of_________ trap seal will remain in the trap

1 inch

A 40 gpm pump would need a minimum vent of


The UPC and IPC share a minimum pipe size for drainage and vent piping of


Individual and branch type air admittance valve's for sanitary drainage systems cannot be used to relieve_________ but only to allow air to enter the system

Back pressure

According to the ipc a___________ is a group of fixtures consisting of a water closet lavatory bathtub or shower including or excluding a bidet and emergency floor drain or both

Bathroom group

The UPC requires the installation of a dry vent

Before the uppermost fixture

The number of fixtures that can be connected to the horizontal wet vent under the UPC is___________

Between two and seven fixtures

A_______ is a length of soil or waste stack corresponding to the height of one story but no less than 8 feet within which the horizontal branches from one floor or story of a building are connected to the stack

Branch interval

Gravity circulation of air is insured through out the DWV system due to the________of air


The UPC requires that the common fitting connecting to trap a arms must be a

Double fixture fitting

A________ vent is a vent that does not carry water or waterborn wastes


_________ is the ability of a substance to assume it's original characteristics after the removal of a force that has been applied


According to IPC table 709.1 a______ is not assigned a D if you value because it does not add waste water flow to the drainage system

Emergency floor drain

The purpose of a vent pipe connection between events that and soil or waste stack in high-rise buildings is to

Equalize or relieve pressure fluctuations

A group vent always serves as a wet vent


A shower head over a bathtub or whirlpool bathtub attachment increases the drainage fixture unit value by one


According to the IPC no more than three fixtures of any type are allowed to connect to the web invented section


Alternate vent systems require prior approval from the IPC before installation


Artificial drainage systems were built to convey fallen precipitation toward populated areas


Pipes up to 3 inches should be installed at 18 slope


Public or public use occupancy covers plumbing fixtures in amusement parks and stadiums


Some codes require a maximum vent size to lessen the possibility of blockage in the vent system due to freezing temperatures


The American Standard national plumbing code has never been revised


The IPC dry vent size is based on the smallish drain pipe diameter required within the wet vent


The Term loop vent normally is reversed for vertical vent piping that extends through two stories and is connected to Branch vents


The major difference between the two codes is the use of the term story or floor in the IPC and branch interval in the UPC


The moisture content of air in a drainage system has a significant effect on its density


The size of event connecting to the building drain and extending outdoors must equal the required building drain size


The sovent System is an engineered single stack drainage system typically used for single story buildings


When I stack offsets at more than 30° from the vertical the offset becomes a horizontal pipe


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