Chapter 6: Restraint and Handling of (Large) Animals

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pet cattle

what cattle do not have a flight zone

Frick Speculum

___ can be place in a similar manner to the pill gun and held in place by the hand


Horses are ___ animals.


Intact male pigs

extreme caution

__ should be used when working with bulls

breeding hobbles

___ can be used to prevent a mare from kicking the stallion during live cover


___ can't sweat.


swine have a flight zone similar to that of ruminants with a blind spot directly ___ them.


when working with and restraining camelids they may ___ or lie down.


(T or F) a shall should be entered if the horse has its hind end facing you.


(True or False): Staying close to the horse does not mean that it cannot or will not try to kick, strike, or step on the handler, this will reduce the chance that the injury will be fatal.

pig board

A ___ can be placed transversely to the direction of movement and utilized to apply gentle movement pressure to the back of the group as they explore their new surroundings to prevent the group turning around


A ___ can be used to grasp and move the tongue to allow examination of the oral cavity


A ___ horse can be unpredictable and kick without warning

solid board

A ___ should always be used when handling boars and should be kept in between the handler and the boar to prevent injury from the boars tusk

gurgling sound

A gurgling sound emits from a llama or an alpaca before expulsion of stomach contents.


A newly anesthetized ___ should be slapped to determine depth of anesthesia.


A pig's squeal can be as loud as ___ decibels, well above the 85 decibels that can cause hearing loss


A ruminant in lateral recumbancy should be placed on it's ___ side if possible.

jugular vein

After a halter is placed on the cow's head, the cow's head is turned to the side where her feet are visible. The free end of the halter is then tied to the most lateral (outside) leg, above the hock, bring the cow's nose as close as possible to the hock. A quick release know is used to secure the halter. This enables exposure of the ___ for IV fluid administration while effectively restraining the cow

ear protection

Always wear ___ to protect your hearing when working with pigs, as they signal their agitation and distress through loud squeals.

Calm confidence A gentle hand on the withers A soft voice

Approaching the horse for restraint is best achieved with ___.

how to approach the horse how much restraint will be required what escape route should be used if things should go wrong

Before physical contact with the horse, the veterinary team should develop a plan. This plan should include:

dairy cows

___ are housed in a barn for some portion of the day, so the need to group and bring animals to a common handling facility is largely eliminated

boars (intact male pigs)

___ are kept on farms to elicit estrus behavior from gilts and sows during artificial insemination

llamas and alpacas

Camelids include?

kick and bite

Camelids may also kick and bite when very agitated.

Arabians Thoroughbreds American Saddlebreds

Certain breeds of horses can be more nerves "high string" than others.

dorsal recumbency

If hobbles were placed, they can be used to place the cow in ___. A small square bale of hay or straw can further aid in positioning and support of the cow. During casting.


If tying a horse's tail it should only be tied to the horses body particularly the ___ region.

Physical restraint Diversionary restraint Chemical restraint

Equine restraint can be divided into 3 subcategories:

sorting panel

Fighting pigs can be separated using a ___.

less than 20 ml

For small quantities of blood, coccygeal venipuncture using a vacutainer and collection tube is the easiest, safest, and most efficient method (on cows) How much blood for the coccygeal venipuncture?

Porcine Stress Syndrome

Handlers should being as many pigs into the pen as will fit limit movement and minimize the length of time capture and restraint are attempted; pigs can become hyperthermic if stressed or crowed for an extended period, and this can be exacerbated by genetic predisposition

bright and similar color lighted

Handling equipment for pigs should adhere to the same principles that are followed for other livestock: solid walls of a ___ and a well-___ area facilitate pig flow.


Goats will ___ as a display of aggression.

haltered horse

Grabbing the skin of the neck just cranial to the shoulder and rolling it around the clenched fist is an appropriate restraint technique on a ___ (better than grabbing an ear).

flush with the floor

If a pig does turn to face you and the board, be sure the board is ___. Pigs have a natural rooting instinict and will pick the board up with their nose if given the opportunity. The board should be angled such that the end closest to the pig is slightly ahead of the other end. This provides leverage for the handler and prevents the pig from pushing through the board and past the handler.


Horses are ____ animals and that humans can be perceived as predators.

double barrel kick

Horses can kick straight back with one or both hind legs known as ___.

cow kick

Horses can kick tot he side known as ___

Directly behind them Directly in front of their nose Between their eyes on the forehead

Horses have three areas where their vision is extremely limited. These areas are also known as blind spots.


Horses may ____ to establish their place in the herd, but are not typically aggressive


Horses that are isolated from the herd owing to illness or injury can become ____.

left side

Horses typically and traditionally are handled on the ___, probably because people lead horses with their right hand.

carpus or tarsal

In lateral recumbency hold a foal's leg proximal to the ___region.

stalls or crates

In many commercial operations, adult pigs are often housed in ___ or ___, reducing or eliminating the need for capture

bonding and acceptance

Once ___ have occurred, a lead rope can be placed around the neck. The lead rope around the neck provides very minimal restraint but usually enough that a halter can be placed if it is not already on the horse.


___ are less commonly used in handling goat herds because some goats will challenge the ___ or become agitated and act unpredictably

pets; pigs

Pet pigs are ___ first and ___ second. Treat them (and their owners) as you would any other companion animals


Placing a ___ over a pigs head will generally make it back up.

1. the cow must be haltered and tied to a post or other bar that will withstand some force 2. the length of the rope should be such that the cow is able to lie down comfortably with her head and neck extended in a normal position. 3. ___ is applied to the cow. 4. starts with a slip knot or honda around the neck 5. followed by two half-hitch knots 6. one at the withers 7. one just proximal to the hips 8. the tail of the rope comes off the cow's spine with all three knots positioned dorsally 9. a strong pull of the free end should result in the cows lying down 10. the rope should be placed so that it can be easily removed from the recumbent cow without entangling the rope under the patients abdomen 11. the udder or prepuce should not be included in the knot because pressure can cause inflammation and injury 12. application of hobbles to the front and rear legs at the level of the pastern before pulling on the rope limits the bovine patient's ability to balance, resulting in quicker and easier progressions to recumbency with both casting methods

Placing a cow in lateral or dorsal recumbency for a treatment procedure. This straightforward procedure can usually be accomplished by one or two individuals without the need for great strength. How would you do so? The half-hitch pattern?

1. the cow must be haltered and tied to a post or other bar that will withstand some force 2. the length of the rope should be such that the cow is able to lie down comfortably with her head and neck extended in a normal position. 3. ___ is applied to the cow. 4. the rope is placed over her back with its center at the point of the shoulder 5. the ends are carried between the forelegs and are crossed at the sternum 6. one end is carried up each side of the animal's body 7. two are crossed again over the back 8. each end passes downward between the rear legs 9. going between the inner or medial surface of the leg and the udder or scrotum 10. pulling on both ends of the rope applies pressure to the cow, causing it to lie down, with the cow favoring the side on which the greatest pressure is applied 11. application of hobbles to the front and rear legs at the level of the pastern before pulling on the rope limits the bovine patient's ability to balance, resulting in quicker and easier progressions to recumbency with both casting methods

Placing a cow in lateral or dorsal recumbency for a treatment procedure. This straightforward procedure can usually be accomplished by one or two individuals without the need for great strength. How would you do so? burley or running W method?

Observation of the horse's behavior Subtle cues as to how it will react

Proper and safe restraint of the equine patient starts with ____ and ___ to further encroachment on its territory.

Mares with foals stallions will guard their herd of mares Racehorses become extremely protective of the stall

Reasons horses may be aggressive

piglets; boars

___ are often weighed and given injections and ___ are castrated in the first few days of life.

guardian dogs

___ are sometimes used in small ruminant flocks to protect against predators and should not be confused with herding dogs

small ruminants

___ are the safest of the livestock species to work with

goats and sheep

Shepard's hooks can also be used to capture ___.

pinning ears pawing at the ground snorting lunging forward turning the head quickly biting

Signs of aggression in horses include but are not limit to

pig board

The handler should move the pig into a corner using the solid board and the pigs point of balance. When the pig is facing the corner, the ___ is placed parallel with the pig and pressure is applied to the ___, squeezing the pig between the wall and the board. as soon as treatment is completed, the pig should be released

pig board

To capture individual pigs, a ___ can be also used as a third wall to trap the pig in a corner

1. held close 2. right 3. left 4. never

The lead rope, once attached to the halter, should be __1_ to the snap end with the _2__, and the extra length should be folded and grasped in the _3__. The lead rope, although similar to a dog leash, is not a dog leash and should _4__around hands and arms

pulley system

___ can be constructed using a rope alone or a rope with block and tackle to lift a cattle foot up

cranial-caudal; venipuncture or catheter

The cows should be pulled straight ahead to get the shoulder as close to the head-lock as possible before turning the cow's head and tying the halter. This procedure minimizes the ability of the cow to move in a ___ direction and exposes the maximum length of the jugular vein for ___ or ___ placement.

binocular vision

The equine field of vision is almost 360 degrees. Horses have 60 to 70 ____ that is vision in which both eyes are used synchronously to produce a single image.

Blind spot

To compensate for ___, horses will turn the head quickly toward objects in these areas to determine whether they are a threat. ___ are one reason why people should not approach a horse that is not aware of their presence of if the horse's hind end is facing them.

because this can cause injury to the palate and the oral cavity

The snare should never be tied or used to move the pig? why?

specialty halters

These halters usually are composed of burlap or nylon; they lack the connecting strap and the throat latch piece and are temporary.

Agressive horses

These horses can be very quick to bite, strike, or wheel around and kick at a perceived threat.

what will pigs do when they first see the examiner?

They will startle when the examiner is first observed and may run into a corner in an effort to escape

1. stand on the cows left side facing the same direction the cow is facing 2. reach over the nose with your right hand and brace the cows head against your hip. 3. maintaining the cows head and neck as straight as possible will facilitate administration of oral medication 4. next place your first two fingers into the mouth at the oral commissure. (recall that cows do not have upper incisors, so the risk of being bitten is very low) 5. once your fingers are in the cows mouth, the cow will open it slightly 6. move your fingers to the hard palate 7. the cow will open its mouth 8. now insert the pill gun into the cows mouth with your free hand

To administer a bolus using a pill gun or a balling gun (similar approach with oral fluids)


___ can be initially restrained by a hand under the jaw. They are more athletic than sheep and resist being tipped onto their rump like sheep can be.

Quick lifting of the limb Stomping of a foot Pawing

Typical warning signs of an impending kick from a horse include:

fear or anxiety

What veterinary professionals encounter when dealing with horses is ___ or ____


When horses kick with their front legs, this is known as ___


When in open pens, adult pigs often can be approached while ___ and given an injection with little need for capture or restraint. If this approach is not successful, they can be captured individually or worked in small groups.

rotate and face forward with both hands supporting the foreleg

When lifting a foreleg to restrain a horse, ____

Keep close to the horse's body To keep a firm hand on it

When workings around a horse's hind end it is important to ____ and ____ to let the horse known where the handler is at all times.

sheep and goats

___ and ___ can be confined in alleysways and small pens that allow handlers to conduct a variety of management procedures

imprinted llamas and alpacas

___ and ___ can be dangerous, especially males, as they view humans as competitors instead of predators and will attack to defend their territory

a lowered head; a tail that is curled forward

___ and ___ demonstrate submissive behavior, as is most commonly seen in imprinted camelids

observe and asses

___ and ___ the horse before entering any enclosure

hoof knifes

___ and other lameness equipment can be dangerous to examiners when it is not under their control


You can grasp the beard of a goat for head restraint, but is usually not done due to the fact they ___ on their beard.


You can use the ___ of a horse as a restraint device for a short period of time.

small ruminant

___ have flight zones inversely proportional to their domestication level. The flight zone and the point of balance are used to move small ruminant into smaller pens to allow treatment.


___ have the least herding instinct of the food animal species, although they do become nervous when separated from herdmates

young, unbroken horses

___ have the tendency to resist the halter being grabbed and can rear up, flip over, or in trying to escape, slip on a stall floor and fall over


___ is common disease of dairy cows often requiring corrective trimming as treatment.

beef cattle

___ is handled less often than dairy cattle


___ is imperative when working with horses; it will go a long way toward easing the horse's fears and keeping everyone safe

miniature pony halter

___ is often used effectively to ensure that the nose strap does not pitch the soft tissue of the nasal passage of the camelid. The nose strap should be just rostal to the eye to avoid this complication.


___ of pigs before handling and restraint is a critical part of the physical examination


___ shanks have a chain and a single snap on one end and can be made of rope, nylon, or leather. can provide greater restraint than lead alone can be placed through the square metal nose piece and over or under the nose or under the chin usually distracting for the horse


___ should have solid sides to avoid distractions, should be slightly wider than the cow without allowing it to turn around, and may be curved to taker advantage of the cows preference to return to where it came from

brown gauze

___ tail tie is more commonly used; it is applied at the base of the tail and is wrapped around the tail to the end of the tail bone

mechanical diversionary

___ technique uses mechanical twitches for the purpose of restraint to achieve desired behaviors during examination or procedures

beef bulls

___ tend to be less aggressive toward humans than dairy cattle

nurse mares

___ used to provide rejected or orphaned foals nutrients-typically are hobbled on the hind limbs to prevent them from kicking the new foal during introduction and until bonding has occurred

Lactating female with offspring injured animal adult male

___, an ___, and an ___ should be considered dangerous and handled with extreme caution

halters and rope

____ can be applied to camelids as a method of control and restraint

diversionary restraint

____ techniques are used to distract the horses from unwanted behaviors during examination or procedures

manual diversionary

____ techniques use the handler's own hand to assist in providing restraint; this can be as simple as tapping the forehead or under the eye to hold a horses attention during a simple procedure such as blood withdrawal. other techniques that utilize the hand are manual twitches

Lip shanks

____ used on horses should not utilize short forceful jerks to the chain.

Ears that are flattened caudally against the head; a vertical tail

_____ and ___ indicate a high level of aggression in the camelid patient

person capturing

a ___ a horse should never enter an area if the horse is not aware of the person's presence

smaller halter

a ___ of identical design is used for calves. Adult halters may work but often have a nose piece that is too large

quick release or breakway snaps

a ___ should always be used to set the horse free if it panics


a ___ system provides an opportunity to restrain an entire pen of cows for routine management practices while ensuring that they stay with the herd and have access to feed

young horses

a catch rope can sometimes be placed on the tie ring of the halter

gum or lip chain

a chain placed on the gums is known as the chain needs to be tight over the gums but should never be pulled across the gums or yanked on, once applied

take out fighting teeth lumpy jaw bacterial infection treatment

a cross-ties examination is food for?


a gum or lip chain is a fairly severe form of restraint. Handlers using this technique should be ___ in this practice to avoid damage to the gums and additional stress to the horse.


a horse should never be tied with the ___ over the nose or under the chin

head restraint

a physical examination in cattle can often be completed with simple ___

how should you tie a cows tail? and what should you not do?

a rope is tied into the hair at the end of the tail ( the cows switch) by placing a rope horizontally across the switch and folding the hair upward. The rope is then tied into a quick release knot incorporating all the switch tail with other end of the rope encircling the cows neck and tied with a quick release knot. To prevent injury the remainder of the rope should be tied to the cow, not to a surrounding structure.

when applying regional analgesia to a cow? how much lidocaine do you use? 20-30ml of 2%

a rubber intravenous (IV) hose is applied as a tourniquet just distal to the hock. The lateral branch of the saphenous vein is located, and ___ of ___ lidocaine is infused using a butterfly catheter.

to back it into a corner with your hand on its jaw, straddle the goat with its rump against the wall, and squeeze with your knees

a safe what to restrain a goat?

6-10 inches 60 degree angle

a tail jack is accomplished by grasping the tail ____ from the base of the tail (tail head) and pushing the tail straight up and over the dorsum of the cow until it forms a ___ with the spine of the cow

is to control the head

after the animal has been moved into a smaller pen, the first step of restraint for all small ruminant species ____.

kneeling on the head

after the cow has been cast, ____ at the angle of the mandible or just caudal to the head on the neck of the cow prevents the cow from rising, while additional positioning is completed

dairy cattle

adult ___ tend to have smaller flight zones such as 5-10 feet because of the daily contact that they have with farmers

adverse reactions

although useful when necessary, nose tongs occasionally elicit an escalation of fractious behavior and some behavior experts have indicated that nose tongs may cause increased ___ with repeated use


always be ___ when lifting a cows foot because this requires a shift in balance that may cause the cow to fall over, occasionally onto the person lifting the foot.

10-15 minutes

analgesia develops in ___ and persist for as long as the tourniquet remains in place

not left alone

any horse that is tied needs to be monitored closely and ideally ___


approximately __ of lameness occurs in the back feet of cattle


are vertical metal or wooden pillars, arranged in a rectangular shape and connected by horizontal bars and designed to restrain horses or cattle standing within

releasing pressure

as cattle approach a holding area, handlers should initially move outside the flight zone, ____.

owner or farm manager

ask ___ about the horses behavior and attitude and previous vet visits to get an understanding on the best course of action for the horse and your safety

Chemical restraint

is the use of specific drugs to achieve the appropriate level of restraint for the protection of all involved.

sick or injured

be cautious when separating ___ from the larger herd

if a bull is present

beef and dairy bulls may be commingled with female cattle and can easily be overlooked; when handling cattle, ALWAYS ask what?

stress level

being transported to a new environment full of strange people only increases equine ___.

nose ring

bulls may have ___, similar to a halter, to facilitate handling and restraint. The nose of a cow or a bull is very sensitive, and a ring placed in the nasal septum provides additional but not total control of the bull

chemical restraint

is the use of tranquilizers, sedatives and anesthetics to achieve a desired behavior

a hand under the jaw, followed by squeezing the neck in a flexed elbow against your chest

camelids can also be restrained by initially placing ___

35 feet between two handlers; 3-4 feet off the ground

camelids can be crowded together into a corner or pen by stretching a rope of approximately ____

3 chamber stomach

camelids have what kind of stomach?


camelids that are accustomed to halters can also be ___, as in the case of a horse, for examination and for minor procedures


can also be used to keep horses from kicking; several versions of ___ are available, although they are rarely used anymore

tail tie

can be applied with rope or brown gauze and tied around the horses neck and chest to prevent movement of the tail during rectal or vaginal examination


can be used to prevent damage to bandages or to temporarily stop undesirable stall behaviors such as cribbing

Horses and swine

can display aggression by biting.

lead rope

can have a single snap or chain at one end and are made from rope or nylon

Low Slow movements patience

capturing the horse can be accomplished with ___, ___ and with ___.

tilt table or standing chute

cattle are much more reluctant than horses to raise their feet for examination and treatment. Professional hoof trimmers will often use a ___ or ___ to access the foot or feet as needed.


caution should be taken when crowding or working heavily fleeced sheep during hot weather because they can develop ___

uncooperative nasogastric intubation

chemical restrain can also be used in horses that are generally __ and restraint to certain procedures such as ___

violently painful such as colic

chemical restraint is often used for horses that are ___, as a case with certain types of ___

Frick Speculum

comes with a set of nose tongs attached that maintain placement of the speculum when an orogastreic tube is placed and fluids are administrated

shadows changes in floor or wall color flapping cloths or bags extension cords discarded cups or cans changes floor texture

common causes of balking of cows?


control of an animal for the purpose of examination or treatment


it is believed that the nose is a pressure point and once squeezed by the twitch ___ are released, relaxing the horse

flight zone

cow have an inherent fear of humans and will try to maintain a distance at which they feel safe. This distance is termed the ___ and varies from 0-25 feet, depending on the tameness of the animal

body language

cows do not understand vocal commands but they do understand ___

vertical vision

cows have very poor ___ and cannot focus at close distances

an hour

cows should not be locked up for longer than ___ because this impinges on a cows time budget and prevents lying down and rumination

hypocalcemia, endotoxemia; sternal recumbency

cows that are already in recumnbency and are unable to rise owing to ___,___ or other disease can be tied to maintain recumbency during treatment. The bovine patient should be placed in ___ and can be braced with a straw bale, if necessary

a halter by their neck collar on a milk or trimming stand

dairy goats and goats accustomed to routine handling may be restrained using ___

dystocia correction Caslick's surgery

during obstertric procedures, such as ___ or ___ the cows tail can be restrained with a simple tail tie


detection of the tongue paresis common in cases of ___

few minutes

diversionary and manual/twitch should only be used for ___ because they can lose effectiveness

behavioral signs

do not assumption that high levels of restraint are necessary. if greater levels of restraint are needed that horse will give ___.

acepromazine butorphanol detomidine xylazine

drugs commonly used for chemical restraint include:

invasive procedures

during ___ it may be necessary to lay the foal down (smaller foals) and sit on its front and hind legs, or to press the foal against a wall with the hind end firmly in a corner (larger foals)


electric prods should be used in less than ___ of cattle working through a chute system

limb prepuce penis udder

examples of when lifting a leg could be beneficial restraint technique include assisting with ___ examination and examining the ___, ___ and ___

foal approachment

first approach very gradually, so the ___ does not startle and run. Remain calm, and once the ___ is within reach, place an arm around the __ chest and hind end. The __ will struggle to escape; just hold until it settles down

1. control the small ruminant head by grasping the neck just under the jaw 2. After the neck and head are controlled with the left hand, move the right hand to the sheeps right rear leg. 3. by flexing the neck and turning the sheeps nose back and toward yourself and by lifting the right rear leg

flipping a sheep to a sitting position.

larger pigs

for ___, grasping a back leg provides an initial hold. then slip your other hand under the chest to provide support while lifting the piglet in a horizontal position

small pigs

for ___, lifting and manual restraining are preferred.


for better control a rope ___ can be placed on the cows head. A cow __ is often made of braided rope and has two loops and a tail

head lock

for dairy cattle a simpler automatic head-catch system may be used at the feed bunk and in a box stall. This head restraint system is called a ___. this system automatically secures a cows head between two vertical bars when the cow puts her head down to eat

regional analgesia

for lameness procedures causing moderate pain and distress, or for cattle unwilling to submit to the restraint required to deliver an appropriate treatment, ___ is often very effective

nursery pig

for larger ___ or as an alternative for small pigs the piglet can be held upside down by the rear legs, which are held between the feet and the hock with the spine closest to the handler.


for pumps that have soft rubber hosing a ___ is required to prevent a potential rumen foreign body if the cow chews through the hose and swallows the distal portion


for the safety of the animal and the handler never use a ___ over the nose of a juvenile horse for restraint

attitude lameness rumination/cud chewing appetite RR

general conditions such as ____ can be included in an initial observation

jumping over gates pushing through weak spot in a fence lying down

goats can also be crowded into small pens but may exhibit greater numbers of adverse reactions, such as

pressure release

handlers move cattle by invading the flight zone by a couple of feet ____ and then allowing the animal to reestablish it ____


handlers should never enter the ___ unless absolutely necessary and never with identifying a method of escape

holding pen crowding pen alley chute

handling facilites include

solid walls with alleyways that are wide enough for one animal to pass through without permitting it to turn around.

handling facilities are similar to those used for cattle:

sheep, goats, and camelids (llamas and alpacas)

have a similar predator-prey interactions as cattle when confronted by humans

juvenile horses (weanling and yearlings)

horses between the ages of approximately 6 months and 2 years


horses can be ___ to ground tie, cross-tie, or be tied to a ring in the stall, or to some other sturdy structure, such as a fence post

cow kick or strike out

horses can still do what when in stocks?

panic jump over/out

horses have been known to do what in stocks?

flight zone

horses in an open field typically have a large _____


horses that evade capture may be enticed with some grain; often ___ is all that is needed to catch the horse

1. 2 inch-wide leather strap fitted with a belt buckle and a semicircular metal fitting 2. this strap is applied tightly, proximal to the hock, to apply pressure to the calcaneus tendon and limit movement 3. a block and tackle is attached to the metal fitting and to a bar or beam above the cow 4. the cows foot is raised to the desired level 5. a rope can be tied with a slip knot or by placing a honda proximal to the hock. 6. the rope passed over a bar or beam and the cows rear leg is raised for examination

how can you lift the rear leg of a cow?

lay down

how do sheep, goats and camelids (llamas and alpacas) mate?

grasping the neck just under the jaw

how do you control small ruminants head?

1. The snare handle is held vertically while the loop is positioned as caudally on the pig's snout as possible 2. then is tightened. 3. The handler then secures the pig by keeping pressure on the handle 4. while the procedure is completed by a second person

how do you use a snare on a pig?

3 minutes 15-20 minutes

how long does it take for endorphins to start working and how long do they last?


how many people are required to use a snare on a pig?


how many people should be charged with capturing a foal?

A goat can be held by placing the neck in the crook of the elbow and squeezing it to your chest while using the other hand to grab the tail

how to restrain a goat?

showing you his side pawing the ground lowering his head

if a bull is present, watch for signs that the bull is showcasing his size and is becoming aggressive. such signs include

individual animal

if an ___ requires attention, it can be examined as part of a smaller group or separated from the flock or herd within the handling facilities


if greater control of the pig is needed, or if a more invasive procedure is required, a ___ can be used. The loop of the __ is adjusted for the size of the pig and is placed into the mouth of the pig.

herd mate

if personnel are able to capture a ___ this will often make capturing the patient easier

panic and flee

if the handler invades the flight zone of the cattle too aggressively a fear response can be generated and the cow will ____


if you attempt to move a large group of pigs, the __ often will turn back before entering the desired pen, making the remainder of pigs difficult to move

humane twitch

is a mechanical restraint device composed of a metal hinge, which is placed over the upper lip of the horse, squeezed, and clipped to the halter; it is designed for the person who has to perform procedures or examinations alone


if you see a bull showcasing his size or becoming aggressive what should you not do?


immature goats should not be restrained by their ___ because they can be fracture and break off.

oral examination

in beef cattle , many chutes provide drop down sides or windows in the side of the chute for access to the bovine. An oral examination can often be accomplished without further restraint


in dairy cattle , head-locks are commonly used for routine ____ health monitoring

nasal septum

in fractious bovine patients applying pressure to the ___ with your fingers can provide better control over the head using your thumb and the index finger provides additional control.

Physical restraint

includes the use of halters and lead ropes


is placed around the horse's head can be made of leather, nylon, or rope


is a barred restraint device the bars are tied together like a nonridged fence

mechanical twitch

is a device used in restraining horses; it consist of a wooden handle and a chain loop or a rope loop that gets twisted around the horses nose.


it is critical in a pressure and release system that the ___ portion of the handling last as long as the cattle are moving in the desired direction

physical examination

it is important to complete as much of the ___ as possible before the cow notices that you are evaluating it or are moving to restrain it

crushing of their offspring

lactating sows may be confined in a crate during some or all of lactation to prevent ____?

less likely

lifting, a front or hind leg is done to keep other limbs on the ground. the thought process behind this type of restraint is that if you lift a front foot, the horse is less __ to kick with a hind foot

head-lock or head-gate

many cows can be administer oral medication of fluids using only a ___ or ____. Oral administration of boluses, a magnet or fluids is often easier without a halter

flag and stick

movement into the holding pen can be safely and effectively conducted by using a simple ___ attached to a ____


moving pigs in small groups of ___ allows them to remain in a group without the group becoming too large and uncontrollable


never grab the wool or hair of a small ruminant as restraint. In addition to being painful, this can cause damage to the fiber and underlying meat decreasing the value of both


never put a ___ over a juvenile horses nose; the horse does not know what it is and will not react favorably to the application

when and where pigs are lying interactions with each other gait and dunging patterns

what are important parts of a thorough evaluation of pig before PE

beef cattle

on range have a larger flight zone (personal space) of 15-25 feet

collapsing side

on some chutes additional restraint is provided by adding a ___ that squeezes the cow and prevents additional movement

tie ring

once the halter is placed, the lead rope can be attached to the ___ on the halter, and head control can be obtained.

same side

once the horse is restrained, the handler should always work on the ___ of the horse as the examiner

crowding pen

often is circular, allowing a large swinging gate, like the minute hand on a clock, to follow the cows into the alley

dairy farms

on ___ calves typically are individually raised in their own hutch and a halter provides sufficient restraint for most producers

neck and tail

other forms of restraint in horses are those that restrict movement in a specific area such as ___

metal tie ring the square metal nose piece metal cheek ring

other pieces of the halter include:


pet pigs are commonly known as? as companion animals and should be handled and restrained similar to a dog. these pigs are often trained to walk on a leash with a harness similar to that of a dog.


physical restraint of the adult horse begins with the ___

1 week

piglets younger than ___ old often weigh 3-5 lbs and can be grasped dorsally by the thorax then restrained

3-5 lbs

piglets younger than a week old often weigh ___ and can be grasped dorsally by the thorax then restrained

upside down

placement of the halter ___ on a cow so that the part that tightens when the tail is pulled is around the ears provides additional head control while maintaining the ability to open the cows mouth for an oral examination or speculum placement


pressure applied by inserting metal nose ___ that squeeze the nasal septum. The ___ are connected to a rope, which can be tied off and allows the examiner to maintain use of both hands for procedures.

camelid additional restrain methods (only)

pressure can be applied at the base of the ear. The right hand is moved up the neck to the base of the ear, and pressure is applied

gloves and sleeves; rabies

protective ___ and ___ should always be worn for examination of the oral cavity of a cow that is exhibiting neurologic signs because ___ is a differential diagnosis with potential fatal complications for the examiner

castration of male piglets

restraint for ___ with the piglets head toward the handlers elbow. the head is restrained between the handler's elbow and chest, while the hand of the same arm grasps the back feet.

1. use the rihgt hand to apply fire pressure over the sheeps pelvis 2. your left hand can turn the sheeps nose back and away from yourself 3. the sheeps weight is shifted onto the handler's legs 4. continued flexion of the sheep's head will cause the sheep to sit down with its back leaning against your leg

second method of setting sheep up in a siting position

wooden handle and a rope loop

several different types of twitches are available, but the most commonly used have a ___ and a ___


sheep and goats rarely kick or bite, and only ____ males will challenge handlers

tension tightening of muscles around the mouth, eyes, and neck widening of eyes, with sclera showing increased RR Nostrils may be flared taking deep breaths

signs of a fearful horse include


small ruminants flock together when confronted with a threat. This behavior can be used to the handlers advantage by bunching the herd tightly and then moving them as a group. whos flocks demonstrate this behavioral trait most consistently? between sheep, goats, and camelids (llamas and alpacas)?

small groups (three to four animals)

small ruminants should be worked in ___ to mitigate the panic associated with being separated from their peers.


some pumps are made with protective ___ encircling the esophageal tube allowing the tube to be passed directly into the mouth without the need for a speculum

anesthesia or laryngotomy

specialty halters are used for medical procedures, such as __ or ___. These halters usually are composed of burlap or nylon; they lack the connecting strap and the throat latch piece and are temporary.

coccygeal vein and artery

tail jack is also useful for venipuncture because it provides access to the ___ and ___ of the cow.

administration of local analgesia infusion of intramammary mastitis treatment rectal palpation.

tail jack is useful method of restraint for nervous patients when a minor procedure is being conducted, such as


the __ is tied around the neck of the horse like loose splint; it prevents the horse from biting or licking itself

ear and tail

the ____ and ___ positions of camelids can provide information regarding the animals attitude

calm, quiet

the best advice for catching a juvenile horse is to use a ___,___ approach

pet cattle

the best method of moving these animals usually involves placing a rope halter on their head and leading them

predator-prey interactions

the fundamental difference between working with livestock soecies and working with companion animals is the ___ that serves as the foundation of human-livestock interactions

connect two limbs together

the general purpose of hobbles is to ___, such as hind legs

noseband the connecting strap the throat latch piece a cheek piece that runs up either side of the face the crown piece a buckle and/or a snap

the halter consist of:

quick release knot

the halter should be tied with ___ that maintains the desired length of lead and allows the handler to release the cow with one pull of the rope

manual twitch

the handle can squeeze the horses nose, pinch the skin along the lateral aspect of the neck, or squeeze an ear.


the key to capturing a foal is by using the mare

head control

the lead rope provides some ___ and the rope end can be placed around the horses neck for control while haltering

near side

the left side of the horse is known as the ___

10 and 30 feet

the normal flight distance of most horses is between approximately ___

101 to 103 F

the normal temperature of sheep is ___ makes development of hyperthemia a great risk, Be careful when working heavily fleeced sheep in hot weather.


the piglet can be held in a ___-type hold with the piglet resting on the forearm with the rump toward the elbow and the head in the hand. the opposite hand is free to conduct an examination or administer treatment

point of balance

the shoulder is ___ of the cow. while standing at the shoulder a step either direction will move the animal in the opposite direction.

left side

the tail of the halter should exit from the ___ of the cows mandible, but head restraint will be more secure if the tail exits to the side of the cow where it will be tied

Ketamen xylazine

the two medications given to a horse in order?

2 people 1 restraining and 1 examiner

the use of a rope or chain twitch requires ___ people. what are these peoples jobs?

sodium iodide

treatment for lumpy jaw bacterial infection is?

Diversionary restraint

uses varying techniques or devices to distract the horse. Can be manual (tapping lightly on the horses head) or mechanical (use of a twitch)

electric prods

using ___ to push cattle into or through a poorly designed system is seen as inhumane

tail jack

this simple method of restraint is thought to provide nerve stimulation similar to that of the twitch in horses.

reach out slowly and attempt to touch the horse near its withers. rub the horse in this area and long the neck

this technique is similar to the bonding and grooming rituals of horses in a herd.

one to restrain the mare two to catch the foal

three people should be charged with capturing a foal what are there positions/jobs?

jugular vein invasive procedure

to access the ___ or for ___ of the head, a halter should be utilized in combination with a head-lock or a head-gate to restrain the bovine patient

arms length side

to avoid injury while placing a halter over the pull keep the cow at ___ or approach from the ___ instead of directly from the front.


try to remain ___ when working around horses; horses can sense when a person is nervous

noninvasive procedures

tying a horse is generally done for ___ such as grooming

1. place a slip knot or use a rope with a quick-release honda to encircle the forelimb to examine, as close to the pastern as possible 2. place the rope over the bar or beam and come back to the foot 3. loop back around the foot and over the same bar and beam 4. once the forelimb is lifted, secure it to an adjacent bar or pole for further restraint (if needed)

what is a double pulley system that will allow you to lift the foot with relative ease on cattle?

dark green

what is the color of the camelids spit?

it will escape and should be released before it or one of the handlers get injured

what should you do if a cow gets its shoulders through the chute? it will escape and should be released before it or one of the handlers get injured

move gradually keep hands low talk in a light calm tone avoid quick jerking motions avoid loud noises

what should you do when working with horses?

rectal and vaginal examinations or procedures

when are stocks commonly used

bloat or regurgitation xylazine

when cows are cast, the cow should be carefully observed for signs of ___ or ___. The use of ___, an alpha-2 agonist often used for sedation of cattle, may exacerbate these issues

llamas and alpacas

when ear restrain pressure is initially applied, the ___ will retreat from the hold, so a firm grip should be employed and caution should be exercised to avoid causing sudden jerks of the animal's head, which may collide with the handlers face

leader or middle of the leading group

when groups of cattle are moved in a working chute system or in a pasture, pressure is placed on the point of balance of the ___ or ___ to move the entire herd

established flight zone

when humans or other predators enter the flight zone of typical cattle, cows tend to bunch together and move away from the perceived threat.

oral examination

when is the use of a halter is contraindicated unless upside down because the halter tightens over the nose and under the jaw, closing the mouth


when placing a halter over the poll, be very careful to keep your ___ from being directly over the cows head. cattle occasionally will lift their heads straight up, colliding with the retrainer's head, chin and or nose

half-hitch method

when the ___ is used to cast a cow, a large loop can be made on one side to facilitate removal of the rope after the procedure is completed


whether an adult, a juvenile, or a foal, once captured it is important to allow the horse ___ to adjust before starting any examination or procedure


when working animals through handling facilities, a ___ with a head-gate or a head-catch is the final destination. This type of equipment has two doors that close horizontally with a vertical opening in between. Initially the doors are slightly opened to allow the animal to see a path for escape


where do cows bear most of their weight?


with equine restraint ___ is more

diversionary restraint

with foals ___ is vital because mechanical restraint cannot be used; lifting the tail up, using a skin twitch or squeezing an ear can help veterinary personnel perform examinations and procedures

(sheep):sheared, administered medication, held for hoof trimming (Lambs): castrated and tail docked

with this siting position, the sheep can be ___, or in the case of lambs ___

fermented stomach contents; 6 feet

working around camelids requires greater caution because they are known to spit ____ up to ___ when agitated.


you should always get the horses ___ before entering the shall


young horses typically are more ___ compared with their adult counterparts

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