Chapter 6 Retake

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Which of the following arteries does not carry highly oxygenated blood?

Pulmonary Embolism

Which of the following conditions would affect the "Q" portion of the V/Q ratio?

Metabolic Coordination

Which of the following is NOT a function of the skin?


Which of the following skin layers contain sweat and oil glands, hair follicles, blood vessels, and nerve endings?

Baroreceptors located throughout the body provide information to the brain regarding the BP

Which of the following statements regarding Nervous system control of the cardiovascular system is correct?

Agonal respirations are ineffective and need to be assisted

Which of the following statements regarding agonal respirations is correct?

Plasma transports the blood cells and nutrients

Which of the following statements regarding plasma is correct?

A person has no voluntary control over smooth muscle

Which of the following statements regarding smooth muscle is correct?

The heart is under control of the autonomic nervous system

Which of the following statements regarding the heart is correct?

The kidneys eliminate toxic waste products from the body and control the body's fluid balance

Which of the following statements regarding the kidneys is correct?

The Medulla is sensitive to pH changes and sends messages via the phrenic nerve to contract the diaphragm

Which of the following statements regarding the medulla oblongata is correct?

Skeletal system

Which of the following structures does NOT contain smooth muscle?


Which of the following systems is responsible for releasing hormones that regulate body activities?


Which organ lies in the lateral and posterior portion of the left upper quadrant of the abdomen?


Which part of the CNS is responsible for coordinating bodily movements such as walking or sewing?


Which set of nerves is responsible for carrying information from the body to the CNS?


Worn-out blood cells, foreign substances, and bacteria are filtered from the blood by the:

Right-side cerebrum

controls the left side of the body


transport urine from kidneys to urinary bladder


A flap of tissue that seals off the windpipe and prevents food from entering.

Somatic Nervous System

Activities such as walking, talking, and writing are regulated by:

Increase in carbon dioxide, which decreases the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid

Breathing occurs as the result of a(n)

Respiration is the process of gas exchange, whereas ventilation is the movement of air between the lungs and the environment.

How does respiration differ from ventilation?

A drop in pressure within the chest cavity

Negative pressure breathing involves:


The _____ portion of the spinal column is joined to the iliac bones of the pelvis.


The _______ is a muscular dome that separates the thorax from the abdomen


The _________ is made up of the maxilla and zygoma, as well as the frontal bone of the cranium.

Hypoxic Drive

The body's backup system of respiratory control, which is based on low concentrations of oxygen in the blood, is called the:


The bones of the fingers and toes are called:

Radius and Ulna

The bones of the forearm are called the:

Greater Trochanter

The bony prominence on the lateral/superior aspect of the thigh is called the:

Foramen Magnum

The brain connects to the spinal cord through a large opening at the base of the skull is called the:

Brain and spinal chord

The central nervous system is composed of the:


The circulation of blood within an organ or tissue in adequate amounts to meet the cells' current needs is called:

Common Illiac Arteries

The descending aorta branches into the:


The diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract during:

is both a voluntary and involuntary muscle

The diaphragm is unique because it:

Medial Malleolus

The distal aspect of the tibia forms the:

Pancreatic Juice

The exocrine gland of the pancreas secretes:


The femoral head forms a ball-and-socket joint with the:

Cricoid Cartilage

The firm cartilaginous ring that forms the inferior part of the larynx is called the:


Trauma to the ________ lobe of the brain would likely result in visionary disturbances


The major artery that supplies the other arteries with blood


A by-product of involuntary muscle contraction and relaxation is:

ventricular contraction

A patient has a blood pressure of 130/70 mm Hg. The "130" in this measurement represents:


A patient has a large accumulation of blood in the sac surrounding the heart. Which type of shock would this condition cause?


A person's bones will become brittle if he or she is deficient in:

Beta-1 receptors

An increase in heart rate and contractility occurs due to stimulation of:


Anterior to the knee is a specialized bone called the:

100 beats/min

At rest, the normal adult heart rate should not exceed:


Bile is produced by the liver and concentrated and stored in the:

Activation of platelets

Bleeding is normally stopped by:

augment respirations during emotional or physical stress.

Both areas of the Pons are used to:

Stroke volume and heart rate

Cardiac output is affected by

Blood to flow into the pulmonary circulation

Contraction of the right ventricle causes:

Inferior Vena Cava

Deoxygenated blood from the abdomen, pelvis, and lower extremities is returned to the right atrium via the:

70 to 80 mL

During each heartbeat, ___________ of blood is ejected from the adult heart, an amount called the stroke volume.


Hemoglobin is a molecule that attaches to ________ and carries oxygen

Minute volume is decreased

If a patient's chest barely moves during inhalation, even if the patient's respiratory rate is normal, you should suspect that:

Vascular constriction and tachycardia

In an otherwise healthy adult, blood loss would cause:

The cells function with adequate oxygen

Large amounts of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) are generated when:


Largest part of the brain is the ___________, which is commonly referred to as the "gray matter"

Cardiac output and systematic vascular resistance

Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) is a product of:


Plane that divides the body into a right and left side

First cervical vertebrae, which articulates with the skull

The Atlas is the:


The Cervical Spine is composed of _______ vertebrae

Pharynx is smaller and less deeply curved

Relative to an adult's airway anatomy, the child's:

A reduction in tidal volume

Signs of adequate breathing in the adult include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Constriction of the blood vessels

Stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors results in:

Residual Volume

The amount of air that remains in the lungs simply to keep them open is called:

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx

The areas of the spinal column, in descending order, are:

Dorsalis Pedis

The artery that can be palpated on the anterior surface of the foot is the:

Breath Holding

The autonomic nervous system controls all of the following functions, EXCEPT:

6 L

The average adult has approximately ___________ of blood in his or her vascular system.

Xiphoid Process

The inferior Cartilaginous Tip of the sternum is called the:

are located behind the abdominal cavity.

The kidneys and pancreas are called retroperitoneal organs because they:


The most superior section of the sternum is called the:

Ilium, Ischium, pubis

The pelvic bones are formed by the fusion of the:


The phase of the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles fill with blood is called:

Receive blood from the vena cava

The primary function of the right atrium is to:

Small Intestine

The primary organ responsible for absorption of products of digestion is the:

Tunica Media

The smooth muscles that cause the artery to contract are found in the:

Clavicle, Scapula, and Humerus

The three bones that make up the shoulder girdle are the:


The vocal chords are located in the:

Carbon Dioxide and Water

The waste products of aerobic metabolism include:

The arteries contract to increase the BP

What happens when blood volume is lost from the body?

Initial formation of a blood clot

What is the function of platelets?

To transport a mature egg to the uterus

What is the function of the fallopian tubes?


Which layer of the skin is composed of fatty tissue and serves as an insulator for the body?

Warms and humidifies inhaled air

Which of the following is a function of the upper airway?

respirations of 20 breaths/min and bilateral chest movement

Which of the following is most characteristic of adequate breathing in an adult?


Which of the following organs is not part of the digestive system?

Seesaw Respirations

Which of the following signs of respiratory distress is typically unique to infants and children?

Reticular Activating System

Your ability to remain awake is a function of the:


___________ pressure is the pressure exerted by a liquid that occurs when blood moves through an artery at relatively high pressures.


large , flat triangular bone that overlies the posterior thoracic wall

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