Chapter 6: Sexuality

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Place the events related to birth control in chronological order.

- A U.S. law banned shipping birth control materials through the mail. - The term "birth control" was first coined. - Birth control advocates raised funds for research. - The FDA approved the use of oral contraceptives. - Adulthood began to be defined as beginning at age 18, which meant that 18-year-olds now had access to birth control. - The federal government required most health care plans to cover the pill.

Adam, a gay man in his early 30s, had dated men since he was a teenager, but he never told his family. When he was 18, he told his best friend that he was gay, but he never told anyone else. Recently, however, he began dating another man who was open with his family and who invited Adam to meet his family. After spending time with them, Adam decided to tell his mother that he is gay. He called her and explained that he is gay and had been since his teen years. She cried but accepted him, and then he proceeded to tell his father, sister, and several cousins. Eventually, he made his new relationship known on Facebook, where many members of his family could see and know this newly open part of his life.

- When he was 18, he told his best friend that he was gay, but he never told anyone else - explained that he is gay - made his new relationship known on Facebook

People who disapprove of gay people share an attitude known as -. When more people in a population feel this way, they isolate gay people as undesirable. This undesirable quality is known as a -.

- homophobia - stigma

During the Victorian period, a moral panic over concern with - - spread, leading to the creation of - that prevented the practice.

- male - masturbation - devices

Modern revolutions in - ushered in a new era in which sex for -, rather than strictly for -, was an important part of men's and women's sexual behavior.

- medical technology - pleasure - procreation

Place the transmission categories (that is, types of people) for new cases of HIV in order, from most to least common.

- men, through male-to-male sexual contact - women, through heterosexual contact - men, through heterosexual contact - women, through injection drug use

In a study of - American and Dutch teens, researcher Amy Schalet found that parents of Dutch teens - their children to have sex in their homes and - their teens' behavior. American parents, on the other hand, - their children to have sex in their homes and - openly with their teens about sex.

- middle-class - allowed - closely monitored - did not allow - did not communicate

Select the bolded phrases that represent situations in which sociologists may study the intersection of institutional arenas with the process of sex education.: Young people often first learn about sex from their family members in "the talk" with parents or other trusted adults. In some cases, though, families may be more closed about sex and may ignore this topic. When schools offer sex education classes, parents may elect not to have their children participate, or they may discuss their preferences with school officials. Young people may also see advertisements for engaging in safe sex or abstinence (that is, not having sex). Recently, as a safeguard to help prevent teens and preteens from acquiring some forms of cancer in adulthood, public health officials have advocated giving them the HPV vaccine. However, some parents prefer not to have their teens vaccinated, going against doctors' recommendations.

- schools offer sex education classes, parents may elect not to have their children participate - discuss their preferences with school officials - parents prefer not to have their teens vaccinated, going against doctors' recommendations

Over the past few decades, - in marriage have decreased, leading to more - sex and higher -. These effects are due in part to increased - from family members.

- sexual inhibitions - adventurous - expectations - privacy

Pornography consumption among teens is - and widely considered -. Some critics worry about the effects of pornography; for example, research finds that college students who watch porn are - likely to use condoms.

- up - normal - less

In the modern age, sexuality has become part of the - project, in which sexuality is a - choice that individuals make.

-individual identity -free

Watch the "Story Behind the Numbers" infographic for Chapter 6. Then match each statistic to the group it represents.

6.7% = Women, ages 18 to 44, who identify as bisexual or homosexual. 2.4% = Men, ages 18 to 44, who have had a same-sex partner in the last 12 months. 18.3% = Women, ages 18 to 44, who have ever had a same-sex partner. 5.6% = Men, ages 18 to 44, who have ever had a same-sex partner.

Identify the accurate statements about sex among older individuals.

Accurate Statement(s): - Roughly one-third of older people report having sex. - Lower rates of sexual activity in old age are related to health. Inaccurate Statement(s): - Sex among those older than 70 is very rare. - Sex among the elderly is more common among newly single widows and widowers.

Identify the statement that describes how the rising age at first marriage impacted sexual behavior.

Almost all Americans have sex before marriage.

Identify the characteristics that are associated with stronger feelings of homophobia.

Associated with Stronger Feelings of Homophobia: - being religious - being born before 1990 - feeling that being gay is a choice Not Associated with Stronger Feelings of Homophobia: - being female - being born after 1990

Identify the conclusions that can be drawn from the story of And Tango Makes Three.

Conclusion(s): - Same-sex partnerships form between animals as well as humans. - Many people in the United States are uncomfortable with depictions of gay parents. Not Conclusion(s): - Zookeepers were aggressive in publicizing a catchy narrative. - Penguins are unique in the animal kingdom for their tendency to form same-sex partnerships.

Identify the major lenses through which social scientists study sexuality.

Correct Answer(s): - sexual behavior - identity - human biology Incorrect Answer(s): - ethics of sexual behavior

Identify the types of information sociologists could learn from network analyses like those represented in the figure.

Correct Answer(s): - strategies for reducing outbreaks of sexually transmitted diseases - the kinds of relationships people form in small towns Incorrect Answer(s): - the efficacy of advertising campaigns promoting condom use - options for treating sexually transmitted diseases among those infected

An evolutionary perspective and a social constructionist perspective are two different frameworks for interpreting human behavior. Identify the evidence that is used to support either perspective.

Evolutionary Perspective: - A woman's role as primary caretaker is mirrored among nonhuman animals. - Inequality may reflect differences in ability among the population. Social Constructionist Perspective: - Sexual behavior among humans relies on socially constructed rituals like dating and marriage. - Wealth is typically passed down from one generation to the next.

Identify the examples of how the birth control pill may have had repercussions for society once it was widely available.

Example(s): - Men and women delayed marriage until later ages. - Women bear more of the responsibility for preventing pregnancy. - Economic inequality between men and women declined. Not Example(s): - Rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have decreased.

Identify the factors that contributed to the rapid decline of teen pregnancy between 1991-2011.

Factor(s): - better access to birth control - lower rates of sexual activity Not Factor(s): - higher rates of homosexual sex - higher rates of shotgun marriage

Identify the factors that contribute to the relatively high rate of HIV infection in the African American population.

Factor(s): - lower levels of health care - less access to education about sex and sexually transmitted diseases - racial segregation Not Factor(s): - greater biological susceptibility by race

Identify the factors that contributed to the decline in young people receiving information about birth control between 1995 and 2011-2013.

Factor(s): - variation in state laws - federal government funding preferences Not Factor(s): - more teachers refusing to teach sex education - virginity pledges

The Victorian moral panic over male masturbation was primarily related to fears that masturbating would make men unable to help produce children.


The percentage of teens having sex has increased in recent decades.


When did the word homosexual first begin to appear as a way to describe someone's identity?

Late nineteenth century

Which methods did pharmaceutical companies use to market erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs to men?

Method(s): - They used spokesmen associated with strength and power. - They stated that many men had discussed ED with their doctors. Not Method(s): - They used educational campaigns that demonstrated the commonness of ED. - They emphasized that ED can be a sign of personal failings.

Based on what you read, why might married people have sex more often than single people?

Reason(s): - Married men and women have available partners. - Married men and women enjoy sex with their partners more than single people do. Not Reason(s): - Married men and women are older than single people. - Married men and women are more interested in sex than single people are.

Identify the reasons why it is difficult to research the determinants of sexual orientation.

Reason(s): - People define their sexuality differently according to their attractions, experiences, and identities. - Compulsory heterosexuality makes it difficult for some people to realize their "true" sexuality. Not Reason(s): - Researchers don't ask about sexual orientation on large surveys of the population. - Increasing acceptance of homosexuality makes identifying with a particular orientation more difficult.

Identify the reasons why sexual behavior is less constrained now than in the past, according to the textbook.

Reason(s): - the advent of modern birth control - young people's living alone before marriage - sex among older adults Not Reason(s): - the spread of pornography - rising rates of divorce - increasing acceptance of homosexuality

Match each example to the appropriate label.

Sexual Orientation: - Conley has just begun to identify as bisexual. - Isaiah identifies as straight. Sexual Identity: - Patricia identifies as intersex, having been born with biologically male and female characteristics. - Adam identifies as male, which matches the sex he was deemed at birth.

Identify the research findings, reported in the chapter, that support the view that sexual orientation is linked to "natural" causes.

Support: - Some studies have found that boys with older brothers are more likely than other boys to identify as gay. - Some studies of twins have found that they are likely to share the same sexual orientation. Do Not Support: - Some studies have found that a parent's sexuality is linked to the sexuality of his or her child. - Some studies have found that sexual orientation is linked to the kind of food a mother eats while pregnant.

Based on the figure, identify the true statements about teen sexual activity.

True Statement(s): - Condom use increased until 2004 and then declined. - The highest rate of teens who reported having sex was in 1991. False Statement(s): - Sexual activity has steadily decreased over time. - Condom use has steadily increased over time.

Identify the true statements about sexual orientation.

True Statement(s): - Sexual orientation may differ from sexual behavior. - Sexual orientation can be viewed as a continuum of identities. False Statement(s): - Sexual orientation is a fixed identity. - There are two categories of sexual orientation.

According to the sexual double standard, what behaviors would be expected from men versus women?

Women: - being careful not to show interest through quick responses to texts - wearing symbols of purity and monogamy Men: - bragging about their numbers of sexual partners - asking others for casual sex

Based on what you read, does Cohen's classroom experiment support the findings in the article "Women Use Red in Order to Attract Mates" from the Ethos journal?

Yes, because women were much more likely to choose a red or pink shirt to wear on a date compared with a family outing.

According to the figure, attitudes toward which behavior have changed the most between 2001 and 2016?

gay or lesbian relations

Match the likelihood of infidelity (greater, lesser, or no impact) among married people to each lifestyle factor.

greater = individuals who travel for work lesser = individuals who attend religious services no impact individuals who express faith in God

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