Chapter 6 Study Guide

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strain occurs between the socially approved goals and the means of achieving them

Robert merton developed structural strain theory, what is the cause of the strain suggested by the name of the theory


What do we called codified violations that are codified into law


What has most of the sociological literature of deviance focused on

positive deviance

What term describes action considered deviant but later interpreted as appropriate

deviance clarifies moral boundaries and affirms norms

Which of the following describes how deviance can be explained from the functionalist perspective

violation of social norms

Which of the following would sociologist consider the best definition of deviance

conflict theory

Which theory suggests that crimes committed by higher class

conflict theory

_ argues that punishments for rule violators are unequally distributed

differential association

_ suggests that individuals learn to be deviant from interactions with other


a behavior, trait, belief, or other characteristic that violates a norm and causes a negative reaction

criminal justice system

a collection of social institutions that create and enforce laws (legislatures, police, courts, prison)

hate crime

a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence.

stereotype threat

a kind of self fulfilling prophecy in which the fear of performing poorly causes students to perform poorly

Stereotype promise

a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy in which positive stereotypes, such as the "model minority" label applied to Asian Americans, lead to positive performance outcomes for Asian Americans

structural functionalism

a paradigm based on the assumption that society is a unified whole that functions because of the contributions of its separate structures

Symbolic Interactionism

a paradigm that sees interaction and meaning as central to society and assumes that meanings are not inherent but are created through interaction

conflict theory

a paradigm that sees social conflict as the basis of society and social change, and emphasizes a materialist view of society, a critical view of the status quo, and a dynamic model of historical change

labeling theory

deviance is determined by the reaction of others, applying deviant labels to an individual may lead them to further deviance

differential association theory

deviance is learned through interactions with others who break the rules


rules or guidelines regarding what kinds of behavior are acceptable and appropriate within a particular culture; these typically emanate from the groups values


behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions or standards

stereotype threat

. Brooke is a PHD candidate in the field of nanophysics she's aware that only 4% of nanophysics people are women

stigmatized identities change over time

. Jewish americans african americans hispanic americans were not able to purchase homes, then they reversed it to sell to anyone, what does this say ab stigmas

positive deviance

. Martin luther king jr went to jail many times, some people criticized him

it departs from a norm and results in a negative reaction

A behavior trait is considered deviant if what


A man tries to find unconventional ways or illegal ways to make money

differential association

A woman attributes her sons deviant behavior to falling in with a bad crowd

stereotype promise

An example of this is asian american students being placed in higher classes

self fulfilling prophecy

For robert merton, a prediction that became true only bc the prediction was made

actions initially considered deviant but later deemed appropriate

How do sociologists define positive deviance

yes but only because she lives in the united states

Imagine that a powerful and influential person in san diego decides to tattoo her face, is this considered deviant

criminal justice system

In the US the _ is made of legislators, police

conflict theory

John is the ceo of a large bank that is charged with fraud and andy


Many people today argue that convicted sex offenders should be chemically castrated or held in custody beyond sentences

stereotype threat

Maria is the school chess champion and is invited to a tournament, then told that men are better than women at chess

the line between deviant and beauty is fluid and changes between place or time

Some people worry about maintaining a tan, if they do not have the time to maintain a tan, they sometimes go to a tanning salon

what is considered deviant changes over time.

Some subcultures have adopted branding as a form of body art tho it is no longer used as a form of punishment


a violation of a norm that has been codified into law

positive deviance

actions considered deviant within a given context but are later reinterpreted as appropriate or even heroic


an approach to punishment that attempts to reform criminals as part of their penalty


an approach to punishment that emphasizes retaliation or revenge for the crime as the appropriate goal


an approach to punishment that relies on the threat of harsh penalties to discourage people from committing crimes


an approach to punishment that seeks to protect society from criminals by imprisoning or executing them

self-fulfilling prophecy

an inaccurate statement or belief that, by altering the situation, becomes accurate; a prediction that causes itself to come true

structural strain theory

an individual's position in society determines whether she has the means to achieve her goals or must otherwise turn to deviance


any physical or social attribute that devalues a person or groups identity and that may exclude those who are devalued from normal social interaction - erving goffman


individuals who accept society's approved goals but not society's approved means to achieve them

Ritualists (Robert Merton)

individuals who have given up hope of achieving society's approved goals but still operate according to society's approved means

retreatists (Robert Merton)

individuals who renounce society's approved goals and means entirely and live outside conventional norms altogether


presenting yourself as a member of a different group than the stigmatized group you belong to

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