Chapter 6: The Revolution Within

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In what ways did the expansion of the definition of liberty and the proliferation of democratic practices change religious practice in the early United States?

Correct -The disestablishment of state-sponsored churches allowed for the proliferation of religious denominations. -Democratic liberty challenged the traditional authority of some religious traditions. Incorrect -The growth of democratic practices and the "wall of separation" between church and state led to a shrinking number of believers. -Members of the founding generation built a "wall of separation" in order to make economics, not religion, the basis of public morality.

Identify the statements that describe the ideas Adam Smith expressed in The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776.

Correct -The natural laws of supply and demand should regulate market prices. -The "invisible hand" was an organic governing principle that maintained economic stability. Incorrect -Goods should be sold only at a traditional "just price" to promote the public good. -It was central to economic prosperity that the government take an active role in regulating the economy.

The painting Liberty Displaying the Arts and Sciences (1792) by Samuel Jennings is one of the few images from this time in which liberty is shown being granted to enslaved persons. Analyze the painting below, and then match the following meanings to the appropriate symbol in the painting. Note that some labels may apply to more than one symbol in the painting. 1 - pathways to learning as free men and women2 - newfound freedom3 - Liberty personified

1 Books, Globe 2 People, Chains 3 the Woman

Identify why Jefferson's assertion in the Declaration of Independence that "all men are created equal" was viewed as a radical principle.

Correct -It implied that liberties were entitlements (rights people are entitled to by virtue of being born), rather than privileges earned through social status, familial ties, wealth, or property ownership. -In Britain and in the colonies, the conventional belief was that well-ordered society depended on obedience to authority. Incorrect -The majority of colonists wanted to create a monarchy, like that in Britain, and they still vowed obedience to King George III. -Colonists did not want to free their slaves, as they considered the idea of racial equality to be illegitimate. -The colonists already considered all men created equal, so they found the statement to be redundant.

Identify the statements that describe Loyalists in the American South.

Correct -Loyalists were joined by numerous slaves in their siding with the crown. -In the American South, divisions between Loyalists and patriots tended to take on a class-based dynamic. Incorrect -Many wealthy southern planters sided with the British out of their fears of being dominated by Revolutionary backcountry farmers. -The result of the Battle of Saratoga proved to be advantageous to Loyalists.

Identify the statements that describe the experiences of African-American slaves after the American Revolution.

Correct -Many ex-slaves began life anew as free persons in Nova Scotia and England. -The British ultimately compensated many American slaveowners for the loss of their property. Incorrect -As a condition of the Treaty of Paris, all freed slaves held by the British were returned to their American owners. -The British offered sanctuary to any and all escaping slaves as a wartime measure.

When political thinkers of the day proposed a - many of them intended to create a government that represented the - in the upper house and the - in the lower house, and contained a strong governor and judiciary to preserve the liberty of all.

Balanced government, elite, common men

On which of the following events did the American Revolution and its success have an important ideological and political influence?

Correct -Latin American wars for independence in the early nineteenth century -the French Revolution Incorrect -the unification of the Italian and German states in the mid-nineteenth century -the expansion of colonial empires in the Age of Imperialism

Identify the statements that describe why indentured servitude declined after the American Revolution.

Correct -Many indentured servants fled their masters amid the instability of the war. -Increased numbers of non-indentured immigrants from Europe joined indentured servants outliving their terms of required labor. -The concept of servitude ran counter to the ideals of republican citizenship. Incorrect -There was a decline in the need for domestic services that had been performed by indentured servants.

Landownership was important for social mobility and political standing during the early republic. Identify the reasons for this.

Correct -Many states still had property ownership qualifications for voting. -Many in the founding generation believed that widespread landownership would serve to equalize the social classes. Incorrect -Property qualifications for voting were eliminated, but people still looked up to "men of property." -Members of the founding generation knew land would be precious and that establishing a landed elite would help build a strong social structure.

Historians use the term "republican motherhood" to describe beliefs about women and femininity in the revolutionary period. Identify the characteristics of republican motherhood.

Correct -Marriage was increasingly identified as "companionate," or based on an idea of affection and teamwork. -"Family" came to be associated with parents and children; older definitions which included indentured servants and enslaved persons went out of style. -Women were to be educated so that they would raise their children—especially their sons—with republican values. Incorrect -Women were given new legal entitlements such as the right to own property. -Women were seen as political actors who would eventually receive the right to vote.

Identify the states that had the longest tradition of religious toleration.

Correct -Pennsylvania -Rhode island Incorrect -Massachusetts -Virginia

Identify the statements that describe how women contributed to the revolutionary movement.

Correct -They engaged in fund-raising for the patriot cause. -They worked as spies. Incorrect -They worked to help maintain public order by supporting merchants who were selling British goods. -They made efforts to ensure that American women were kept safely out of combat.

By the conclusion of the Revolutionary War, the balance of power in North America had shifted away from the - and toward white Americans. British power continued on in -, but the - were wholly absent as a regional force, so Native Americans could no longer negotiate between the great powers.

Native Americans, Canada, French

In revolutionary and post-revolutionary America, men's roles were viewed as -, whereas women's roles emphasized -. In fact, the concept of women as citizens was largely - by American society at the time.

Natural entitlements, duty and obligation, rejected

As the founders saw it, freedom in a republic was so closely tied to the - of its citizens, that many leaders of the Revolution felt the need to - so every citizen could be prepared to -.

Virtue, establish free public schools, vote and govern

Jefferson, like many members of the founding generation, wanted to make sure there was a - between church and state. During the early years of the republic, many states - their churches, meaning they - their public funds and special legal privileges.

"wall of separation", disestablished, removed

Identify the statements that characterize the principles of Christian Republicanism.

Correct -It held that personal virtue was central to the creation of a healthy society. -It viewed the American Revolution as being the result of God's plan. incorrect -In the name of personal liberty, most colonial leaders were hostile to organized religion. -It held that since man was imperfect, society itself could not be perfected.

The distinction between the northern economy and southern economy declined with the disappearance of indentured servitude from the United States.


To most free Americans in the post-colonial period, - meant that society should be structured in such a way as to provide -.

equality, commensurate opportunities to succeed

What do the details of this image illustrate about the links between slavery and tyranny as well as the links between liberty and abolition?

represents the new world of enlightenment and progress opening up to the newly freed slaves -books and other educational materials represents American liberty personified -woman dressed in white represents the liberation of slaves from forced servitude -broken chains at the foot of the woman dressed in white

Traditional notions of "liberty" shifted in the American colonial context and were further redefined during the early republic. Identify which characteristics describe British concepts of liberty versus those that describe American concepts of liberty.

British concept of liberty -Rights are privileges held by few in society. -Social status is largely hereditary and fixed. American concept of liberty -equality of economic opportunity -One's social status may change over the course of his or her lifetime. both British and American concepts of liberty -Women had few if any legal rights.

In Britain and its colonies, as well as the rest of the Western world, - were considered necessary for society to work. The American Revolution would - this tradition by redefining notions of liberty and social standing.

social hierarchy and deference to authority, challenge

What were some of the biggest obstacles to the enactment of widespread abolition during the early years of the republic?

Correct -Much of the resistance to abolition originated in the fact that slavery remained a pathway for many white Americans to achieve prosperity and social mobility. -The founders' attachment to the importance of property rights of citizens made abolition problematic. Incorrect -The active opposition of state legislators and military leaders to the abolition of slavery made progress on this issue institutionally difficult. -Militant abolitionists and their plans for the manumission of slaves were considered too radical to be taken seriously.

Identify the statements that describe the Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom, written in 1779.

Correct -Religious requirements for voting were banned. -It became illegal for the state to force a particular religious outlook upon an individual. Incorrect -Government financial support for churches was increased. -It received near-unanimous support within the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The pool of free labor grew during the post-Revolutionary period. Identify the reasons for this growth.

Correct -Servants and apprentices took advantage of the chaos of the Revolution to run away from their masters. -Revolutionary ideas about freedom in the new republic made apprenticeship and indenture seem oppressive and old-fashioned. -Indentured servants who outlived their indentures joined the free labor market. Incorrect -Enslaved persons were freed after the Revolution and joined the work force as free men and women.

Identify the statements that were true of slavery—both the concept and the practice—in the post-revolutionary period.

Correct -Some members of the founding generation argued that liberty for whites was possible only because of the enslavement of blacks. -Revolutionaries used the word "slavery" to describe the denial of personal and political rights by a tyrannical government. -Many ex-slaves began life anew as free persons in Nova Scotia and England. -Most founders owned slaves, even though they promoted the concept of liberty and equality as natural entitlements. Incorrect -Slaveowners in the Deep South (Georgia, for example) voluntarily emancipated their slaves when threatened with losing the war. -Slaves in New England were granted freedom at the end of the war.

Identify how requirements for voting and officeholding changed after the Revolution.

Correct -Southern state legislators changed few property and taxpayer requirements in order to preserve the landed gentry's control over political affairs. -New constitutions reflected the view that voting was an entitlement, not a privilege for only those who owned land or paid taxes. -Because of the addition of new legislative seats, men who did not own significant amounts of property were able to assume office. Incorrect -Although women were still prohibited from voting, free black men had the right to vote under the new state constitutions.

What does the map reveal about political allegiances during the Revolutionary War?

Correct -Strong loyalty to the British government was not widespread. The locations of Loyalist communities correlate more with ethnic settlements than with factors of class or race. -The majority of colonists either strongly supported the patriots or Loyalists; very few were neutral. Incorrect -Loyalist and pro-Revolutionary colonists lived side-by-side in most communities. -Native Americans refused to take sides in the Revolutionary conflict.

How did the Revolution affect religious freedom according to Dr. Foner?

Correct -The Constitution did not include any religious requirements for voting or holding office. -There was a clear separation of church and state. -It expanded religious freedom, with some states passing laws for religious tolerance. Incorrect -Although there was overall more religious freedom, the president was still required to be Christian.

The Revolution was a borderlands conflict; the interface of cultures and identities were challenged and changed as a result of revolutionary success in the war. Identify the statements that describe the ways in which the Revolution was a borderlands conflict.

Correct -The Revolution created an international border between the United States and Quebec. The patriots stayed on one side and the Loyalists went to the other. -Although Canada defined itself in opposition to the United States, goods and ideas flowed easily across the border. Incorrect -Canada fought to prevent the formation of an international border and supported the British in their fight against the American colonial patriots. -Despite the international border between the two countries, the United States and Canada both wanted to be free of British control.

Read the excerpt from Abigail Adams's letter to John Adams, Braintree, Mass. (March 31, 1776). I long to hear that you have declared an independency, and by the way in the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make I desire you would Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any such laws in which we have no voice, or representation. Which of the following statements are true regarding Abigail Adams's message to her husband?

Correct -Abigail Adams suggests that women will not obey a new Code of Laws that does not give women fair representation. -Abigail Adams asked her husband to ensure women were protected under the new laws. Incorrect -Women had no more rights than slaves, so she was asking her husband to ensure the new laws would liberate both women and slaves from forced servitude. -Abigail Adams suggests that her female ancestors enjoyed more rights and liberties than women of her present day.

The Revolutionary War is often thought of as a conflict between Great Britain and one of its colonies. Identify some other perspectives that can help us better understand the conflict.

Correct -The Revolutionary War was an international conflict because it involved France and native nations in addition to Great Britain and its colony. -The Revolutionary War was a civil war, in a sense, because it pitted neighbor against neighbor. -The Revolutionary War was a borderlands conflict because it resulted in new geographies, national and cultural identity. Incorrect -The Revolutionary War was a religious war because it involved a separation of denominations from the English (Anglican) church. -The Revolutionary War was a war of succession because it was prompted by an argument over who should become monarch of the American colonies. -The Revolutionary War was an ethnic conflict because of the vast differences between British and Anglo-American culture.

Read the following excerpt from the March 31, 1776 letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams. "I desire you would Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands... .That your sex are naturally tyrannical is a truth so thoroughly established as to admit of no dispute, but such of you as wish to be happy willingly give up the harsh title of Master for the more tender and endearing one of Friend. Why then, not put it out of the power of the vicious and the lawless to use us with cruelty and indignity with impunity. Men of sense in all ages abhor those customs which treat us only as the vassals of your sex. Regard us then as beings placed by providence under your protection and in imitation of the Supreme Being make use of that power only for our happiness." Identify the statements that are correct.

Correct -Abigail appeals to Enlightenment-era values such as reason and the pursuit of happiness to make her point to John. -Abigail promotes the concept of companionate marriage. -Abigail asks John to build legal protections for women into laws of the new republic. Incorrect -Abigail asks John to extend the vote to women, since the values of republican motherhood deem politics an acceptable role for women. -Abigail wishes John to get rid of coverture and make women the legal equals of men.

What were some ways that African-Americans attempted to secure freedom during the Revolutionary period?

Correct -African-Americans created and presented freedom petitions. -African-Americans attempted to pass as freeborn blacks. -African-Americans used the legal system and sued in court for freedom. Incorrect -African-Americans often engaged in numerous organized active rebellions.

In which of the following ways were Native Americans affected by the American Revolution?

Correct -Indians who helped the British forces were abandoned after the war, and their land holdings were not recognized by the Treaty of Paris. -New state governments forced Native American groups to cede lands. -Americans were encouraged by their military success in the Revolution to continue their expansion westward. -After learning the American concept of "liberty," several Native American groups sought "freedom" for themselves from state governments. Incorrect -Indians who helped the British forces were granted permanent territories in exchange for their aid. -The Revolution changed the balance of power, rendering Americans much less powerful in the face of their native enemies.

Read the following excerpt from the 1773 and 1777 Petitions of Slaves to the Massachusetts Legislature. "Your petitioners apprehend that they have in common with all other men a natural and unalienable right to that freedom which the great parent of the universe hath bestowed equally on all mankind and which they have never forfeited by any compact or agreement whatever but [they] were unjustly dragged by the hand of cruel power from their dearest friends and ... from a populous, pleasant, and plentiful country and in violation of laws of nature and of nations and in defiance of all the tender feelings of humanity brought here ... to be sold like beast[s] of burden ... among a people professing the mild religion of Jesus ... ." Identify the statements that are correct.

Correct -The petitioners question the Christian practices of slaveowners who treat them poorly. -The petitioners refer to the natural rights endowed by God mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. -The petitioners describe themselves as having lived in civilized conditions in Africa. Incorrect -The petitioners cite the ways in which their rights should be different from those of white Americans. -The petitioners reference only national (political) law, not natural law.

Identify the factors that contributed to inflation during and immediately after the Revolutionary War.

Correct -The printing and distribution of paper currency by Congress contributed to inflation. -Basic commodities were often hoarded by Americans during the war. Incorrect -Agricultural surplus during the war gave merchants more goods to sell, so they made more money. -Britain flooded the American markets with cheap goods as a wartime measure.

Which characteristics of colonial America made the region uniquely suited for the development of democratic ideals?

Correct -There wasn't a centrally established religion in the colonies. -Individual landownership in the colonies was widespread. Incorrect -Colonial society was divided upon class lines and included an aristocracy. -British, French, and Spanish colonial legacies opened the door to democratic practices.

Identify the statements that describe free black communities in the post-revolutionary period.

Correct -They offered aid and comfort to escaping slaves. -They challenged the logic and consistency of slavery in a democratic republic. Incorrect -They granted free blacks the right to vote in all states. -They agitated for the immediate emancipation of all American slaves.

Identify the statements that describe the Loyalists in colonial America.

Correct -They took up arms in defense of the empire against the Revolution. -They came from all classes of American life. Incorrect -They were against the Revolution because they felt the struggle did not go far enough. -They represented about 40 percent of the colonial population.

During the Revolutionary War, Loyalists were a minority among the colonists. Identify the statements that describe the treatment of Loyalists after the Revolution.

Correct -They were temporarily denied the right to vote. -Their speech rights were suppressed. Incorrect -Patriots hunted Loyalists in an attempt to dispose of those still loyal to the crown. -Lands and property confiscated during the war were returned after the signing of the Treaty of Paris.

Identify the statements that describe the most common ways for enslaved African-Americans to acquire their freedom in the post-revolutionary era.

Correct -attempt to escape their place of enslavement by running away -have freedom granted to them by their owners Incorrect -passage of legislative actions in individual states granting freedom -purchase their freedom from their masters

Identify the radically democratic elements of the Pennsylvania constitution of 1776.

Correct -the abolition of property requirements for suffrage -the establishment of a one-house legislature -the abolition of the governor's office Incorrect -the deliberate inclusion of women voters -the development of property requirements for suffrage

Through the colonial, and later post-colonial periods, citizens of Pennsylvania were among the most ardent supporters of slavery.


The - was among the first institutions to embrace democratic ideals and put them into practice. Its members elected their own leaders, completely ignoring the age and property qualifications commonly associated with officeholding.

Local militia

Read and analyze the "Voice of Freedom" document from the chapter derived from petitions written by Massachusetts slaves to their legislature in 1773 and 1777.In the passage below click on the specific excerpt where the petitioners describe the manner in which they were enslaved and stripped of their natural right to freedom.

This answer is located in the second paraph of the text: [they] were unjustly dragged by the hand of cruel power from their dearest friends and ... from a populous, pleasant, and plentiful country and in violation of laws of nature and of nations and in defiance of all the tender feelings of humanity brought here ... to be sold like beast[s] of burden

Match the trailblazer from this period with his or her correct description.

This veteran of the Massachusetts militia and noted preacher was an early proponent of extending freedom and equality to people of African heritage. -Lemuel Haynes The poetic talents of this woman challenged Americans' idea that black persons were devoid of intellectual ability. -Phillis Wheatley This young Mohawk hoped to create an Indian Confederacy between the new United States and Canada. -Joseph Brant This woman established the Boston Committee of Correspondence, proving that women could participate in intellectual discussion. -Mercy Otis Warren This woman joined the British army in 1745 disguised as a man; later she was awarded a soldier's pension. -Hannah Snell

Identify the statements that were true of democracy in the eighteenth-century context.

True -Democracy was feared by some leaders who associated it with mob rule. -Democracy had several meanings, some from ancient texts. -Democracy meant, in general, that government should serve the needs of the people as a whole, not just a moneyed elite. Not True -Only elite intellectuals were in favor of democracy as people in the lower classes did not discuss politics.

Many members of the founding generation were Deists. Though they thought religion was - to the establishment of public morality, they believed in a just God that - intervene in the earthly world of man. The beliefs of the founders with regard to religion had much to do with influences of the - upon their thinking.

fundamental, would not, Enlightenment

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