Chapter 6,7,8 A&P

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A condition in which inadequate calcification of the extracellular bone matrix occurs; it is usually caused by a Vitamin D deficiency and occurs in children causing their bones to be soft and easily deformed is

interstitial growth

In endochondral ossification _______is growth of a bone from within the cartilage model resulting in an increase in the length of the bone.

epiphyseal arteries , epiphyseal artery;

The _______ and________ enter the epiphyses of long bones and supply the red bone marrow and bone tissue of the epiphyses

bone deposition

The addition of minerals and collagen fibers to bone by osteoblasts is called


The degeneration of articular cartilage such that the bony ends touch resulting in friction of bone against bone which worsens the damage is


The loss of calcium and other minerals from bone extracellular matrix which occurs with aging is

ossification, osteogenesis

The process by which bone forms is called

perforating fibers,Sharpey's fibers

are thick bundles of collagen fibers that extend from the periosteum into the extracellular bone matrix connecting them

secondary ossification center

forms when branches of the epiphyseal artery enter the epiphyses causing spongy bone to form but no medullary cavity forms.

parathyroid hormone

increases blood calcium ion levels if they get too low by acting on the kidneys to decrease loss of calcium ion in the urine and stimulating formation of calcitriol (the active form of Vitamin D) which promotes absorption of calcium from food.


is a condition or porous bones in which bone resorption outpaces bone deposition due to loss of calcium from the body.

fracture hematoma

is a mass of blood which leaks from torn blood vessels crossing the fracture line

fibrocartilaginous callus

is a mass of repair tissue consisting of collagen fibers and cartilage that bridge the broken ends of a bone.


is any break in a bone


is the adult form of rickets; bone fractures can result from minor trauma.

bony callus

is the conversion of a fibrocartilaginous callus to spongy bone by osteogenic cells which have developed into osteoblasts; bone remodeling will ultimately convert the spongy bone to compact bone.

bone remodeling

is the ongoing replacement of old bone tissue by new bone tissue.

bone resorption

is the removal of minerals and collagen fibers from bone by osteoclasts.

impacted fracture

one end of the fractured bone is forcefully driven into the interior of the other end

greenstick fracture

one side of the bone is broken and the other side bends; typically these only occur in children who have softer bones

intramembranous ossification

the bone forms directly within mesenchyme which is arranged in sheetlike layers that resemble membrane.

comminuted fracture

the bone is splintered, crushed, or broken into pieces.

simple fracture, closed fracture

the broken bone does not break the skin

Potts fracture

the distal end of the fibula is fractured with serious injury to the distal tibial articulation.

Colles fracture

the distal end of the radius is fractured and the distal fragment is displaced posteriorly.

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