Chapter 7

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The ultimate purpose of the Continental System was to

close the European continent to British trade.

France had surrendered its North American territories east of the Mississippi River to Great Britain after ______, and by 1800 most of those lands had become part of the United States.

7 year war

Which statements are correct regarding road-building during the so-called turnpike era that began in the 1790s?

A corporation constructed a 60-mile road from Philadelphia to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in 1794. Private companies worked to profit from the construction of toll roads. The toll roads of this era were called turnpikes, after the kind of gate freqly used

Which of the following statements about the ideas and impact of the Second Great Awakening are correct?

By rejecting predestination, the emerging belief system gave a greater intensity to the individual's search for salvation. The revivalism of the Awakening contributed to occasional racial unrest in the South. It combined active piety with a belief in grace through faith and good works.

Which statements are true about President Jefferson's response to the the Louisiana Purchase?

He was uncertain about his authority to accept the treaty. He was both pleased and embarrassed with the terms of the treaty.

Which statement about education in the Jeffersonian era is NOT correct?

Several states developed working systems of free public schools.

Why did the desire for Florida become a motivating factor for war with Britain?

Spain was a British ally, and a war might provide justification for taking Spanish territory.

When the Americans declared war on the British, the British

ignired them

Life in the British navy was so horrible that few sailors volunteered, so they were

impress or forced into service

Which British action most angered merchant marines and Americans in general?


The transformation of the economy from manual to mechanized forms of production, which started in Britain in the eighteenth century, is called the

industrial rev

Which of the following accurately characterize the image and tone of the Jefferson administration?

informal and plain

The official who failed to deliver Marbury's commission in the final hours of the Adams administration was

john marshall

The University of Pennsylvania created the first American ______ school in 1765.


Perhaps the most influential literary works of the early republic were works that glorified

past heros

In the early nineteenth century, schooling

privatre inc

American cultural life in the early nineteenth century ______ Republican ideals.

reflect and challenge

Which factors influenced renewed Native American resistance to the encroachment of the United States on their lands?

the rise of two powerful Native American leaders encouragement and support from the British in Canada

Jefferson became alarmed about the possibility of a hostile force in Louisiana once he learned of which developments?

the secret transfer of Louisiana from Spain to France under the Treaty of San Ildefonso in 1800 a violation of Pinckney's Treaty of 1795 by the Spanish, who controlled New Orleans until the French took formal possession efforts to prevent American vessels on the Mississippi River from unloading their cargo in New Orleans

_ became the principal U.S. figure in the conflicts with Native Americans in the Northwest during the early 1800s.

William Henry Harrison

The Chesapeake-Leopard incident occurred when

a British ship opened fire on an American vessel and then boarded it and impressed four of its sailors

What were a common diversion for urban dwellers, spreading to most areas of the country by the early nineteenth century?

horse race

Temporarily abandoning plans for an invasion of Florida, ______, a wealthy Tennessee planter and general in the state militia, massacred Creek people at Horseshoe Bend on March 27, 1814.

Andrew Jackson

Which statement about the New England Federalists in 1804 is NOT correct?

Alexander Hamilton chose party over principle and attempted to ride the Federalist secessionist wave back into power.

The effect of the cotton gin was to

revive the dwindling institution of slavery.

Which statement is true of the tone taken by Thomas Jefferson after his election in 180

He sought conciliation rather than revolution.

Jefferson and the Republicans worked to reverse the trend whereby ______ had nearly tripled between 1793 and 1800.

yearly federal expenditures

Which of the following accurately reflect Jefferson's tone and behavior in the wake of his "revolution" that removed the Federalists from power?

restrained and conciliatory minimizing differences

Which of the following statements about the impact of the cotton gin are correct?

By speeding up the cleaning process, the gin made cotton profitable, and total cotton production increased eightfold within a decade. The large supply of cotton, made possible in part by the gin, influenced the development of an American textile industry in the North.

Which statements best represent the origins of the Second Great Awakening?

Church establishments were attempting to revitalize their organizations. Conservative theologians were trying to fight the spread of religious rationalism.

Which statements about private and public education in the Jeffersonian era are correct?

For the most part, schooling was only for students whose parents could afford the cost of a private education. Private academies in New England were often more secular than those of the South. In the South and the mid-Atlantic states, religious groups ran most schools.

Which statement accurately identifies the Judiciary Act of 1789 and its relation to Marbury v. Madison?

It compelled executive officials to deliver commissions for judges, but the Court ruled that Congress had exceeded its authority in passing the act.

Which statements about the Second Great Awakening are correct?

It taught that people needed to bring Christ and God back into their daily lives. It encouraged a more active form of piety. Fervent devotion to God and rejection of skeptical rationalism were among its teachings.

Which statement about the new capital city of Washington, D.C., is NOT correct?

Its small-town charm made Washington a home away from home for members of Congress, who built houses and often retired there.

What caused the British to aggressively stop American ships in order to enforce their policy of impressment?

Many sailors had deserted the British navy and emigrated to the United States and joined the American merchant marine or navy.

Which statement regarding medicine, infection, and disease in the early nineteenth century is NOT correct?

Municipal authorities eagerly adopted major improvements in sanitation as a way of preventing epidemics.

hich statements describe aspects of Jefferson's solution to the conflicts between Native Americans and white settlers?

Native Americans could assimilate with white society and become settled farmers. Indigenous groups could migrate west of the Mississippi. Indigenous groups had to agree by treaty to give up their land in the Northwest.

What two Native American leaders helped to embolden the response of indigenous peoples to the taking of their land by white settlers?

Tenskwatawa Tecumseh

Which statements regarding peace negotiations with Britain in 1814 are correct?

The Americans agreed to give up their demand for cession of Canada to the United States. Both sides began the negotiations with extravagant demands. The British agreed to give up their demand for the creation of a Native American buffer state between the Northwest and Canada.

Which statements regarding the British navy and the controversy over impressment are accurate?

The British claimed the right to take people born on British soil who had become naturalized American citizens. Britain claimed the right to stop American merchant ships and re-impress deserters.

What occurred between the final days of Jefferson's presidency in 1809 and the outbreak of war with the British three years later?

The British government repealed its blockade of Europe. Legislation that replaced the embargo permitted the reopening of trade with all nations but Britain and France. Just before leaving office, Jefferson signed a bill ending the so-called peaceable coercion of the embargo.

Which statement about technology in the early nineteenth century is NOT correct?

The British government sought to promote the work of its nation's inventors by teaching their techniques to American workers and industrialists.

What was America's position on the issue of Napoleon's decrees and Britain's blockade?

The British were the worse offenders because of their sea power and policy of impressment. The policies violated America's rights as a neutral nation.

How would a Jeffersonian most likely have viewed the stirrings of industrialism in the United States?

The Jeffersonians would warn of the dangers of rapid economic change

Which statements are accurate with respect to the events that took place in the Northwest in 1813?

The United States scored a number of victories in the Great Lakes region. Actions by forces under the command of Oliver Hazard Perry helped make possible another invasion of Canada. Tecumseh died fighting against forces led by Harrison at the Battle of the Thames on October 5, 1813.

Which statement about educational opportunities for people of different classes and races in the early nineteenth century is NOT correct?

The era saw an increased interest in the power of education to improve the lives of Black Americans.

What prevented Native Americans from resisting the appropriation of millions of acres of land by white settlers in the Southwest?

The separate Native American groups did not have the means to individually resist the power of the United States government.

Which statements regarding urbanization in America in 1800 are correct?

The urban environment created a way of life quite different from that experienced by most Americans, producing new levels of affluence for some urban residents. New York and Philadelphia were the nation's two leading cities, with 60,000 and 70,000 residents, respectively.

How did Britain respond after the American outrage over the Chesapeake-Leopard incident?

They disavowed the actions of the Leopard's commanding officer but refused to renounce the policy of impressment.

Tenskwatawa advocated for

a culture rooted in tribal tradition. an Native American society separate from white America.

Though it is unlikely that Burr was actually involved in the Federalist secession scheme, accused him of treason

alexander hamiltion

Under the terms of the secret Treaty of San Ildefonso in 1800 between France and Spain, France regained title to the vast Louisiana Territory as part of Napoleon's grand design to

build a great French empire in America.

Close ties between Native Americans and the British and Spanish forces in which areas helped bring about the War of 1812

canada vorder region and florida

efferson's policy toward Native Americans was one of assimilation, but William Henry Harrison, the man he appointed to administer the policy,

coerced the Native Americans into giving up large amounts of land. pressured Native Americans to move out of the way of rapidly growing white settlements.

A minority in the rest of the country but still the majority party in New England, Federalists unhappy with the war began renewed talk of

creagting new natuin

Adherents of ______, a rationalist version of religion that grew out of the Enlightenment, included Franklin and Jefferson.


Which of the following correctly identify aspects of American cultural life in the early nineteenth century?

development of American literature new literary and artistic influences increased educational opportunities

In an effort to prevent international conflict on the high seas, a drastic measure known as


The British response to Napoleon's Continental System was to

establish a blockade that required precisely what Napoleon's policies forbade.

Chief Justice John Marshall's Supreme Court

established the judiciary as a coequal branch of government.

U.S. diplomatic representatives Robert Livingston and James Monroe were at first hesitant to consider making a treaty for the purchase of the Louisiana Territory because

govt did not authorize

Marbury v. Madison involved the legal concept of judicial ______ and the question of the Supreme Court's authority to ______ acts of Congress.

review; nullify

Which American invented the first commercially successful steamboat, the Clermont?

robetr fulton

The Jefferson administration persuaded Congress in 1802 to abolish all internal taxes, leaving the government with which sources of revenue?

sale of Western lands customs duties

WarningDue in less than 8 hours Answer Mode Multiple Choice QuestionYour Answer incorrect Jefferson persuaded Congress to appropriate funds for an expanded army and construction of a river fleet while deliberately giving Napoleon the impression that

the United States might form an alliance with Great Britain and attack New Orleans.

The Tecumseh Confederacy attempted to

unite all the Native American peoples of the Mississippi Valley to resist the advance of white civilization.

What two philosophies began as religious skepticism but grew into a strong movement that rejected Calvinist predetermination and the Trinity?

universalism unitarianism

Early American invasions of Canada


Which best describes the route of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

up the Missouri River from St. Louis, Missouri, and across the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Northwest and the coast

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