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Types of Heat Applications

1.Heating Pad To prevent electric shock avoid using it over areas that contain moist, or near to metal items2.Hot Soak Is the direct immersion of a body part in water or medicated solution 3.Hot Compresses• Are soft, moist, absorbent cloths that are immersed in warm solution and applied to a bodyPart4.Chemical Hot Pack •Available in different shapes and sizes• When activated provide heat for about 30-60Minutes•It has calcium chloride crystals and water


1.Local Effects of Heat• Vasodilation• Increased blood supply and tissue metabolism •Skin on the area become warm and exhibits erythema• These effects promote healing


1.Local effects of Cold. Produces vasoconstriction to prevent heat loss This leads to a decrease blood supply and tissue metabolism Reduce of edemaSkin becomes cold and pale

Factors Affecting the Application of heat and Cold

1.Patient's age Elderly and children more sensitive2.Location of the application Chest, back, abdomen, and broken skin are more sensitive area3.Impaired circulation More sensitivity (Peripheral vascular disease, DM, or CHF) 4.Impaired sensation Like in DM tissue damage can occur without patient's awareness 5.Individual tolerance to change in Temperature

Three Main Types of crutches

1.Standard 2.Tripod 3.Quad


A cast is a stiff cylindrical synthetic or plastercasing, used to immobilize a body part• Most often used to keep fractured bones aligned until it proper healing occurs• Used to support and stabilize weak or dislocated joints •To promote healing after a surgical (orthopedic)correction of deformities


Aluminum frame with handgrips and four widely placed legs with rubber tips and one open side Are available with wheels to facilitate movement. And also with a fold-up feature that allows it to be Transported For proper ambulation, walker should extend from the ground to approximately the level of patient ship joint


Are artificial supports that consist of wood or tubular aluminum. Used for patients with ambulatory limitations Crutches function by removing weight from the legs and transferring it to the arms

Physical Agents

Are used therapeutically to:•Improve Circulation•Provide Support•Promote the return of motion so an individualcan perform activities of daily livingPhysical Agents like.•Heat/ Cold applied locallyCasts Ambulatory Aids

Chemical Cold Pack (three)

Available in variety of shapes and sizes that provides cold for about 30-60 minutes)•Consist of a vinyl bag with ammonium nitrate crystals and a bag with water• Is activated applying pressure on the inner bag until it ruptures •Chemical reaction occurs between crystal sand water producing coldness

Two main types of crutches

Axillary Forearm (Lofstrand)

Advantages of Synthetic Casts.

Casts. •Dry and set much more quickly , so they are able to bear weight soon after application Less likely to become indented •Weigh less, and are less restrictive• Are less bulky •Are moisture resistant and do not break down if they get wet

Synthetic Casts

Consist of a knitted fabric tape made of fiberglass, polyester and cotton, or plastic the tape is impregnated with polyurethane resin which is activated when it is soaked in water •Fiberglass is the most used type• Come in different colors, with widths ranging from 2-8 inches

Plaster Casts

Consists of powdered calcium sulfate crystalformed into a bandage•Come in individual rolls of widths ranging from2 to 6 inches


Easily movable device made of wood or aluminum with a rubber tip. Generally used by patients that have weakness onside of the body Is held on the side of the body that is opposite to that side that needs support. Cane handle should be approximately at the level of the great trochanter. With elbow flexed at 25-30 ° angle

Symptoms to report when wearing a cast

Increased pain or swelling that does not go away with RICE and medications• Cast too tight •Tingling, numbness, or loss of movement of fingers or toes• Coldness, paleness, burning, or stinging Foul odor or drainage Sore areas around the edge of cast• Chills, fever, nausea, or vomiting


Is a rigid removable device used to support and immobilize a displaced or fractured part of the body (extremities) Are molded to fit specific parts of the body Can be custom made using plaster or fiber glass materials and straps with velcro

Types of Cold Applications: ice bag

Is a waterproof bag with a screw-on cap •It must be filled with small pieces of ice.• To prevent swelling, control bleeding, relieve pain and inflammation


Is designed to support a part of the body and hold it in a correct position to allow for its functioning while healing takes place Example: Short leg walker Same material, strapped with velcro

Local Application of Heat and Cold

Is used therapeutically to treat conditions liketrauma and infection•MA is responsible for its application an/orinstructing patient how to do it at home•Heat and cold can be applied in moist and dry forms, as with: 1.Dry HeatHeating pad, chemical hot pack2.Moist HeatHot soak, hot compresses3.Dry ColdIce bag, chemical cold pack4.Moist ColdCold compresses •Heat and cold are applied for about 15-30Minutes

The application may be repeated at time intervals

Its application depends in several factors:1.Purpose of application2.Location and condition of affected area3.Patient's age and general health

Purpose of Applying Cold

Prevention of edema(minor burns, bruises, sprain, strain, joint injury or fracture)

Purpose of Applying Cold•

Prevention of edema(minor burns, bruises, sprain, strain, joint injury or fracture)Limits accumulation of fluid in the body tissues through vasoconstriction• Through vasoconstriction controls bleeding •Relieves pain through anesthetic or numbing effect In initial stages of infection inhibits the activity of microorganisms• Suppuration is decreased and inflammation is reduced Cold applications should always be placed in a protective covering

Purpose of Applying Heat

Promotes muscle relaxation• Reduces edema• Softens exudates• Increases suppuration or pus formation Heat is not recommended for the initial treatment of acute inflammation or trauma


•Cannot be molded to the body part as easily• More expensive •Surface is rougher not smooth

Cold Compress (two)

•Soft, moist, absorbent cloth, immersed in a cold solution• To relieve pain and inflammation• To treat headaches or eye injury

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