psych test 4

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avoidant personality disorder

People with _____________________ are generally unwilling to enter a relationship without some assurance of acceptance

post traumatic stress

People with acute stress disorder can go on to experience __________ disorder


Post traumatic stress disorder may occur months or years after a ______ experience


Psychological disorders are sometimes associated with faulty perceptions or interpretations of ________


Psychotherapies influence clients' thoughts, feelings, and _________


Rational emotive behavior therapists encourage clients to challenge and correct ___________ expectations

anxiety disorder

________is characterized by excessive worrying, fear of losing control, nervousness, and inability to relax


according to Robert Sternberg's triangular mode of love, _______ is most crucial in short-term relationships


according to the triangular mode of love, ________ means deciding to enhance and maintain the relationship


agreement and ________ are more effective ways to encourage others to embrace one's views


on an _____ level, prejudice is linked to expectations that members of the target group will behave poorly, say, in the workplace, or engage in criminal behavior or terrorism


overcrowding aggravated the _________ problems that inmates of asylums were already facing


passion involves _______ for the loved one, sexual craving, and the desire for exclusiveness


people are said to ______ when they change their behavior to adhere to social norms


prejudice is connected to avoidance, aggression, and ______


reason people tend to have partners from the same background is _________


In he context of biofeedback training, the _________ is a device that is used to monitor muscle tension


In client-centered therapy, ________ refers to the recognition of a client's experiences and feelings


In generalized dissociative _______, people forget their entire lives

positive regard

Client- centered therapists have unconditioned ______ for their clients

beliefs and attitude

Cognitive therapy is likely to focus on changing the __________ that create and compound people's problems


Conversion disorder is a type of ______ disorder


Behavior therapists may help clients become aware of the circumstances in which ________ behavior occurs


Behavior therapists rely heavily on principles of conditioning and _______ learning

principles of learning

Behavior therapy applies _________ to directly promote desired behavioral changes

flawed decision

A characteristic of groupthink, that contributes to _____________, the group's belief in its rightness

family therapy

A form of group therapy that may be undertaken from the systems approach is called ___________


A racing heart is a _____ symptom of anxiety disorders

ignore evidence

Aaron Beck believed that clients may selectively perceive the world as a harmful place and __________ to the contrary


According to Carl Rogers, psychological problems arise from roadblocks placed in the path of _____________

social mask

According to Gestalt therapy, people do _______, pretending to be things that they are not

early childhood

According to psychodynamic therapy, psychological problems reflect _________ experiences and inner conflicts

dopamine theory

According to the ________, people with schizophrenia use more dopamine than most people do


Albert Ellis's rational emotive therapy methods are ______ and directive


Amnesia is frequently associated _______ disorders


An _____ is an enduring mental representation of a person, place, or thing that typically evokes an emotional response and related behavior


An ___________ is a condition in which the senses, thought, and movement are dulled

group therapy

An advantage of ________, is it allows the therapist to work with several clients at once


Antidepressant medication tends to increase the concentration of ______ in the brain

multiple personality

Dissociative identity disorder was formerly termed ______ disorder


During modern psychodynamic therapy, the client and the ______ usually sit face to face

deep depression

Ecstatic elation and _______ are both aspects of delusional disorder


Excessive fear of public speaking is a common _____ anxiety disorder


Fritz Perls used the term Gestalt to signify his interest in giving the conflicting parts of the _______ an integrated form or shape


Illness anxiety disorder is a type of somatic symptom disorder that was earlier called ________

free association

In __________, clients are made comfortable and asked to talk about any topic that comes to mind


In the context of depressive disorder, people who remain depressed have lower ______


In the context of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud considered _______ the "royal road to the unconscious."


In the context of schizophrenia, people with the condition termed _______ show striking impairment in motor activity


In the context of specific phobias, ________ is the fear of tight or enclosed places

anti anxiety

Most _______ drugs belong to the chemical class known as benzodiazepines


People with ______ anxiety disorder suffer from persistent anxiety that can't be attributed to a phobic object, situation, or activity

mood disorders

People with _______ may become severely depressed when things are going well or when they encounter mildly upsetting events


People with ________ personality disorder alternate between extremes in adulation and loathing


The core of generalized anxiety disorder appears to be pervasive worrying about numerous _______


The elaboration likelihood model describes the ways in which people respond to _____ messages


When the superego floods an individual with excessive guilt, ________ are established

prefrontal lobotomy

_____ is the best known form of psychosurgery that is used with people with severe psychological disorders


______ is a perception in the absence of sensory stimulation that is confused with reality

ideas of persecution

______ refer to erroneous belief that one is being victimized


______ relies on observational learning


_______ appearance is a factor that contributes to attraction

Gestalt Therapy

________ was originated by Fritz Perls

specific phobias

_________ are excessive, irrational fears of specific objects or situations, such as spiders, snakes, ect.


_________ is characterized by disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, motor activity, mood, as well as withdrawal and absorption in daydreams or fantasy


_________ is characterized largely by persistent anxiety


_________ personality disorder is a tendency to interpret other people's behavior as threatening or demeaning


_________ therapies are based on the thinking of Sigmund Freud


_________ were intended primarily for housing people with psychological disorders

acute stress disorder

____________ is characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness that are caused by a traumatic event

attitude-discrepant behavior

behavior inconsistent with an attitude that may have the effect of modifying an attitude is known as ________


behavior-therapy methods for reducing ______ include virtual therapy


belonging to a ____ society increases the tendency to conform


cognitive psychologists believe, people decide whether they will lash out or not on the basis of their interpretation of the other person's ______


discrimination refers to behavior that results from _______


from the behavioral perspective, strong, agile organisms are likely to be _______ for aggression behavior


in groupthink, external threats heighten the cohesiveness of the group and is the source of ___________


in the __________ phase of bipolar disorder, a person may make huge contributions to charity

evaluation apprehension

in the context of group behavior, _____ is the concern that others are assessing one's behavior

consciousness and choice

social-cognitive theorist believe _____ play key roles in aggressive behavior among humans

obedience to authority

stanley milgram undertook a series of classic experiments at Yale University in 1963 to study the factors that contribute to ___________


testosterone appears effect the tendencies to ___ and control other people


the attraction-similiairty hypothesis theorizes that ______ is a powerful determinant of attraction

selective exposure

the deliberate seeking and attending to info that is consistent with one's attitude is known as ______


the discomfort faced by the participants in the Asch study was caused by the _______ to conform


the feeling of ______ encourages helping behavior and discourages aggression


the hypothalamus brain structure is associated with instinctive ______ reactions in nonhumans


unlike client-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy is _______ in nature


valuing being right over being liked ________ the tendency to conform

dispositional attributes

we are biased toward making ______ when we explain other people's behavior

central route

when ads focus on the quality of the product, they persuade people to change attitudes through _____

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