Chapter 7 Form in Architecture

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chiswick house, london

-aristocratic family home -made for lord burlington -neo-palladian design: greek temple front with a roman dome supported by a octagonal drum (circular multi-sided base) -surrounding gardens designed by william kent, resembling a refreshing stroll

neo-sumerian ziggarat

-bent axis: squared rails leading upward to top tier -longitudinal axis: central staircase in center

forbidden city, beijing, china

-bird's eye view -universal/longitudinal plan

crystal palace, london and grand palais des champs-elysees, paris

-cast iron and glass -beaux-arts architecture: fine arts in french

charlemagne aachen chapel

-central plan -mausoleum:tomb building -martyrium: site marking the death of a martyr someone who died for their faith

doge's palace venice, italy

-constructed for the ruler(christian) -late gothic: pointed arches -ogee arches -quatrefoils: sign of french royalty -piazza: courtyard where meetings are held

Pantheon, Rome

-first structure the congregation was allowed to enter -christian church made out of concrete and pebble stones -hadrian, high empire -coffers: sunken panels -oculus: the eye, circular opening

galerie des glaces, versailles

-hall of mirrors -clear glass -vanitian glass (mirrors) -golden baroque art

ostian insula

-insula: latin for "island" -accommodation of multi-family living -lower floors: wealthier people -upper floors: decreased in cost and desirability

palace of versailles, france

-louis XIV -chateau: big castle -classical: greek and roman elements on its exterior -baroque: interior, golden details, guilding -parterres: artificial gardens carefully planted

"palace" complex at Knossos, Crete, Greece

-residence for rulers of the minoan civilization -minoans did not have to protect themselves from enemies, because it is an island civilization

palace complex of sargon II, Iraq

-ziggurat -lamassu: motif at entrance, protective symbol -arch/arcade: post-and-lintel structure -defensive walls and sargon II strictly controlled access to royal precincts -intimidates visitors by depicting victorious battles


Half-round panel that fills the space between the lintle and arch over the doorway of the church -Jesus, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John


The upright supports on each side of the doorway. -kings, saints and prophets in high relief beside them

the breakers in newport

a lavish resort area owned by the vanderbilt family -designed by richard morris hunt -lavish marble and wood from around the world, rich furniture and valuable artwork -grand statement of wealth and power

barrel vaults

a series of circular arches that form a ceiling or roof


audience hall

old st. peter's basilica

based on the roman basilica type -center of the christian world for centuries

church of hagia sophia (holy wisdom), istanbul, turkey

basilican-longitudinal plan central-vertical access

mastaba, (stepped) pyramid

bent shaped pyramid

basilica ulpia, forum of trajan

center for law courts, business and public gatherings -basilica: includes a long and broad open center space flanked by aisles that fluidly expanded the area forum: open squares used in roman times apse: domed/arched roofs


centers of islamic worship

Petronas Twin Towers, Malaysia

cesar pelli -shape of each tower is a muslim symbol, eight pointed star -symbolize the architecture of modern business

palace of aachen

charlemagne's main palace -healing waters -roman society -throne positioned on the gallery level: upper level overlooking the floor below -"window of appearance":here he addressed his Christian subjects


circular opening

rose window

circular stained glass window dedicated to the virgin mary usually above main portals -multicolored light flooded the dark spaces


city of the dead

fatehpur sikri, india

city of victory -mughal: muslim -akbar: emperor/military leader -chhatri: domed pavilion -jaali: lettuce windows -water channels: islamic idea of paradise


collonade exposed to open air


collonade not exposed to open air

eiffel tower, paris

community and commerce -puddling iron

the "great bath" at harappa and the japanese bath house

community and commerce -social occasion


courtyard with a peristyle, a row of columns within a building often supporting a porch, left open to the sky with a pool in the center to catch rainwater


covered rows of columns, on the exteriors, allowing free circulation of light and air -used at the "palace" of Knossos

diocletian's palace

croatia -defensive watchtowers and fortified gateways -diocletian was a aggressive persecutor of christians and was militaristic


curved or pointed structure spanning an opening and supporting the weight above

parthenon, greece

dedicated to athena -imperial era -stylobate: gives appearance of being straight and flat

himeji castle, japan

defensive castle -post-and-lintel design -bays -folding screen(byobu): located on the interior of the castle, chinese and japanese aesthetics, gold foiling

thorncrown chapel

e. fay jones -nondemonational chapel set into nature that let diffuse light; simple, local materials -seems like home in a forest

Potala Palace, Tibet

established by the fifth dalai lama -buddhist monastery: temple/living quarters for buddhist monks studying with dalai lama -named after mount potalaka: the mythical abode of the bodhissattva of compassion -post-and-lintel -organic relationship to the mountain


fixed wall aligned to face mecca

Basilica Ulpia, Forum of Trajan

forum: open squares used in roman times apse: domed/arched roofs

impermanent materials

found in nature---sticks, bones, animal pelts---and fashioned to create a covered space apparently as a protection from the elements

walt disney concert hall

frank gehry -titanium sheathing for multiform, swooping curvilinear forms and volumes

kaufmann house of falling water

frank lloyd wright -prairie style:friendly, naturalistic elements -minimalistic, residential style -kaufmann family held picnics in the living room -cantilevered terrace: self-supporting rigid structures projected from the wall


great number of diverse dieties

trojan's market

groin vaults: additional sideways vaults, high and open on all 4 sides

christian basilica

has an entrance on one end is divided into a center nave and side aisles along its length and holds a semi-circular apse containing the alter at the opposite end -heavy wood or masonry from the gothic era with filtered light

monticello, virginia

home to thomas jefferson -balustrade: a railing supported by upright supports to the roofline -paladian design


innermost holiest space

ribbed vault

intersection of two barrel vaults with stone ribs sometimes added to support the weight of the vaults

sultan ahmed mosque

istanbul, turkey -6 minarets instead of the common 4

hall of supreme harmony

largest building in the forbidden city -bay: space formed between two adjacent columns -braketing: under the eves of the roof, wooden ridges curving up acting as support

residential needs

living quarters used to keep people away from bad weather or other bad elements

flying buttress

load bearing component located outside the building connected to the upper portion of the wall in the form of an arch

carson, pirie, scott and company building

louis sullivan -steel frame/"skeleton frame" -this type of construction made skyscrapers possible -innovative and combined beaux arts with art nouveau -cast metal relief panels

ziggurat of Ur, iraq

mesopotamian -deities resided in the heavens -made with mud brick, not durable -many areas for different purposes -thermae: public baths

rammed earth

moist dirt and sand or grave compressed into a temporary frame


most basic architectural form for christian congregational churches -"latin cross"plan -structure of longitudinal plan adapted from the roman public form -entrance on one long side that led to the large open interior space


multi-tiered hindu or buddhist sacred building


objects or animals that hold significance for a group of people -mungo martin house: deep front porch and open hall for group events


open market


open public space at the center of each city

austrian postal savings bank

otto wagner -sleek and modern -strength and solidity that engendered trust and a feeling of financial security in customers


outdoor structures for dramatic performances -greek theater: auditorium, orchestra and stage

abbey church of st. denis

outside of paris -earliest gothic church -pointed arch, ribbed vault, flying buttresses, and stained glass windows

gothic type

pointed arches and glass windows that filter mystical light into the interior

ogee arches

pointed arches with additional curve

temple of horus at edfu

pylon type, two upright structures that form its monumental facade and flank the main ceremonial portal -sphinxes led to main door


recessed squares




round or oval buildings with a central space for events -roman amphitheater -cavea: small enclosures/seating areas -concrete -barrel vaults: tunnel vaults


sacred city high on a hill

garba griha

sanctuary or inner, sacred room of a Hindu temple

national mall in d.c

serves as a community center -presidential inauguration celebration or other large public gathering


shadow recess in the wall


space of worship


spherical-shaped ceiling or roof


stacked stone


sticks/twigs covered in mud

lomas rishi cave

stone imitated prior work in impermanent materials -lattice, beams and bentwood construction

hypostyle hall

structure with multiple rows of columns that support a flat roof

sanchi in madya pradesh

stupa in india -designed for devotees to enter the fenced area and circumambulate yasti: mast rising from the center of the dome axis mundi: axis of the world, separating the earth from the sky above


the most common distinctive feature of a mosque, the slender tower in which the call to prayer is issued

gilded age

time of rapid technological, commercial and economic expansion, wealthy industrialists built enormous mansions in cities, seaside or mountain retreats


tombs composed of millions of large stones, placed heavy stones over gravesites to protect the occupants

scene from lararium house of the vettii pompeii

two lares, household gods, flank an ancestor figure -snake=fertility and prosperity


two upright beams support a horizontal one to create a rectangular opening -most of these types of buildings were multi-purpose

stoa of attalos, athens

two-story covered walkway composed of marble and limestone with columns on one side and a closed wall on the other -rooms were for shopping

Catalhoyuk village

used wattle-and-daub, rammed earth and clay bricks as construction techniques -had common features to meet everyday needs

scottish village of skara brae

walls made of stacked stone while other parts were made using the post-and-lintel method. due to the harsh northern climate they were built partially underground to be protected from the elements

baha'i house of worship

white=purity -symbolizes a lotus flower=eternity and rebirth -baha'i: many religions combined

chrysler building in NYC

william van alen -art deco style -burst pattern made of stainless steel: celebrates american industrialism and the automobile

opus francigenum

work of the franks -this term was used to describe "gothic" architechture -"gothic" used to be used as an insult

brihadeshwara temple

worship place for shiva

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