Chapter 7: Long-Term Memory Questions

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What is levels of processing theory?

A theory that indicates that memory depends on the depth of processing, between shallow and deep processing. When attention is focused on physical characteristics and not meaning, it is shallow processing. Deep processing occurs when more attention to meaning is established, and relating it to something else.

What is the difference between elaborative rehearsal and maintenance rehearsal in terms of (a) the procedures associated with each type of rehearsal and (b) their effectiveness for creating long-term memories?

Elaborative rehearsal involves thinking the meaning, and making a connection to prior knowledge. Maintenence rehearsal involves large repetition without connection to prior knowledge. Elaborative memory focuses on deep processing and Maintenance rehearsal involves shallow processing with little attention to meaning. Elaborative rehearsal is more effective at creating long-term memories.

What is encoding? Retrieval? Why is each necessary for successful memory?

Encoding is acquiring information and transferring it into memory. Retrieval is remembering information that has been stored in the LTM. It is necessary to be able to store information as well as retrieve it when necessary.

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