Chapter 7: Love and Romantic Relationships

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About what percentage of people report having met their current partner online?


Based on Lisa Wade's research on some college student relationships, place the following in chronological order.

- Two college students hook up. - Students stay in communication but show low levels of interest. - Students begin considering dating each other.

Love is defined as a deep affection and concern for another, with whom one feels a strong - bond, such as what one might feel for a -. Romantic love is comprised of passionate devotion and - to another person, such as a -.

- emotional - best friend - attraction - cohabiting partner

A social script is a - of interaction that serves as a - in - situations.

- pattern - model of behavior - familiar

Match each type of relationship to its best example.

Adem and Nick have decided to be exclusive to one another. They buy each other gifts on occasion and spend several nights together each week. Correct label: going steady Kendra and Lyle went out to dinner the other night and are meeting up to go to a concert tonight. They are attracted to one another but not yet committed. Correct label: dating Rachel and Juan meet at a party and hook up for the night. Correct label: sexual encounter

Place the following mate selection patterns in order from those creating the least to the most inequality in a society.

Adults date and marry irrespective of social class background. Adults date and marry without attention to social class but within their own level of education. Adults typically, but not always, marry people who are from their own social class and who have attained a similar level of education. Adults only marry within their own social class.

Unlike courtship, dating usually takes place in the market arena, involving personal spending and commercial consumption. Identify the ways commercial consumption changed the dating script in the twentieth century.

Change(s): - Families had less of a say in whom young people dated and what they did. - Dating became a public process. Not Change(s): - Relationships became more gender equal. - Dating revolved around getting to know a romantic interest.

Identify the phrases that describe utilitarian love.

Characteristic(s) of Utilitarian Love It depends upon open communication. It is based on rational calculations in addition to emotion. Not Characteristic(s) of Utilitarian Love It thrives on spontaneity. It is romantic and passionate.

Identify the statement that describes why some researchers argue that love is an evolutionary adaptation.

Children loved by their parents were more likely to survive infancy.

Identify the groups who now comprise larger proportions of the dating population compared with several decades ago.

Correct Answer(s): - divorced adults - older single adults - unmarried parents Incorrect Answer(s): - widowed adults

Identify the factors that are likely to encourage exogamy.

Factor(s): - going away to college - living in a racially integrated neighborhood Not Factor(s): - being from a wealthy family - being part of a small, tight-knit community in a rural area

Identify each statement as describing or not describing a main feature of dating in the mid-twentieth century.

Feature(s): - Single men and women often went on dates with multiple people in the same week or month. -Single men and women often went on multiple dates per week. Not Feature(s): - Dating multiple partners tended to lead to less stable marriages. - Single men and women typically dated partners they intended to marry.

Identify the major changes in dating and romantic relationships that have made following social scripts more difficult in recent years.

Major Change(s) The Internet has broadened the social world for many people, changing how people meet and socialize. There are more ways to form and sustain a relationship. More divorced and older single adults are in the dating pool. Cohabitation has increased. Not Major Change(s) Sexual freedom has increased. Couples are less committed to each other.

Paul is a single, straight young man. Which of the following circumstances would make dating more efficient for Paul?

More Efficient: - being around many other single young people - the opportunity to socialize in mixed-gender groups Not More Efficient: - being out of college - commuting to campus

Label this figure according to the number of hookups reported by different percentages of college students.

No hookups - 26.0% 1 to 3 hookups - 29.6% 10 or more hookups - 14.8%

The high school prom has been a site of continuous legal and social conflict for decades. Why are prom scripts so important?

Proms are often seen as a formal step in the process of mate selection that can lead eventually to marriage.

Research on online dating finds that a substantial percentage of users use misleading pictures or information. Identify which of the following statements are reasons why people misrepresent themselves online.

Reason(s): - to conform to what they think others are doing - to manage their self-images and representations of self Not Reason(s): - to trick young people into involvement in underground illicit activity - to not be recognized by others

Identify the scenarios that best describe romantic love or utilitarian love.

Romantic Love: - Despite distance and difficulty, two lovers unite. - Across a crowded room, a man spots a stranger who will be his one true love. Utilitarian Love: - A woman weighs her options and eventually leaves her partner in order to find a better one. - A married couple struggles together to improve their conflict communication.

Identify the ways that wearing high heels and foot binding are similar.

Similar Way(s): - Both practices cause physical harm to women's feet. - Both practices originated as a way to make women attractive to men. - Both practices were the result of choices made by women. Not Similar Way(s): - Both practices were a consequence of men enforcing rules around women's dress.

Identify the statements that are supported by research on hookup culture and sex on college campuses.

Supported: - The majority of young men appear to engage in hookup culture. - The role of alcohol and drugs in hookup culture increases the risk of sexual assault. Not Supported: - Hookup culture is mainly driven by men's preferences, whereas women would prefer long-term relationships in college. - Almost all young men who avoid hookup culture explain that they are delaying sex for religious reasons.

Match each population to the unique circumstances they face while dating.

This group makes up a much smaller proportion of the dating pool than it used to. Correct label: widowed adults They don't have much time to date, but many still do. Correct label: unmarried parents They often have more resources to invest in dating and romance. Correct label: single older adults Older adults form a large proportion of this group (although they are not the majority). Correct label: divorced adults

For same-gender couples, one important cause of "relational ambiguity" is the constant need to create and modify social scripts for sexual and romantic relationships.


In light of the spread of egalitarian beliefs, most college students promote equality in dating. It is now the norm that either person may take the lead in formal dating situations, and either person may make the first sexual move.


The figure shows that Black men and women are the least likely to receive replies when they reach out to others on OKCupid.


Identify the ways that wearing high heels allows women to "do gender."

Way(s) of "Doing Gender" High heels accentuate physical differences between men and women. High heels accentuate women's relative lack of physical strength. Not Way(s) of "Doing Gender" High heels facilitate movement from one place to another. High heels allow women to shield their feet from the ground and from weather.

Select the bolded terms that represent possible evolutionary reasons for physical features that people often find attractive.

a waist slimmer than the hips may be a sign of reproductive ability low body fat may be associated with health

In her study of hooking up, defined as a - sexual or romantic encounter in which the participants are not explicitly - or exclusive, Lisa Wade found that the tendency to engage in these types of relationships is influenced by the -.

casual committed culture

Select the bolded phrases that represent examples of sociologist Ann Swidler's four qualities of the romantic ideal.

fiftieth wedding anniversary a perfect fit her family's objections to the match

Match each evolutionary trait to the reason why it may have attracted mates.

increased success in competition = a stocky, muscular figure increased the odds of survival = the ability to run fast gave the impression of reproductive fitness = wide hips on women

There has been - acceptance of gay and lesbian relationships over time in the United States, although many gays and lesbians face -. Given this situation, gay and lesbian couples face greater relational - compared with straight couples.

increasing discrimination ambiguity

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about homophily.

similar dissimilar endogamy.

Watch the "Story Behind the Numbers" infographic for Chapter 7.

the largest racial-ethnic group and the least isolated in dating Correct label: Whites a sizeable racial-ethnic group that has reasonable dating success among two groups Correct label: Asians a small racial-ethnic group that has reasonable dating success among three groups Correct label: Hispanics the most isolated group in terms of dating Correct label: Blacks

Identify the situations in which social scripts are likely to be shared among participants and followed by them.

Shared Social Script(s) attending the opera meeting a love interest's parents Not Shared Social Script(s) attending school in a new country watching TV while eating dinner alone at home

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