NUTR 201 Ch. 4

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A high- _________ dietary pattern is clearly associated with development of dental caries.


Which macronutrients provide 4 kilocalories per gram ?


What is a risk of consuming sugars in the diet ?

Dental caries (cavities)

Which of the following are good sources of viscous fiber ?

Kidney beans, apples, carrots

Milk and other dairy products are major food sources of ______ (a disaccharide).


What is a fiber that is not easily metabolized by intestinal bacteria called ?

Nonfermentable fiber

Fiber is considered a ______

Polysaccharide- fibers differ from starches because they cannot be digested by human enzymes

What type of carbohydrate is formed by linking many glucose units together ?


True or False: The main function of glucose is to provide the body with a source of fuel.


What are some natural food sources of sucrose ?

Sugar beets, maple sugar

According to the food and nutrition board, carbohydrates should provide ____ % to ____% of total calories in the diet

45%, 65%

Which description best describes a starch ?

A carbohydrate made of multiple units of glucose attached together in a form the body can digest

________, or malt sugar, has two glucose molecules bonded together.


Differentiate between the following types of digestion starch

- Amylopectin: highly branched chain of glucose units - Amylose: straight chain of glucose units

Which monosaccharides are components of the milk sugar lactose ?

- Glucose - Galactose

Digestion of carbohydrates by human enzymes takes place in which sections of the gastrointestinal tract?

- Small Intestines: enzymes produced by the pancreas and the absorptive cells lining the small intestine digest carbohydrates - mouth: salivary amylase begins the process of starch digestion

Which is true about fiber ?

- a substance found in plants - Is a complex carbohydrate - adds bulk to feces

Which of the following types of fruit are great sources of dietary fiber ?

- cut-up - whole

Match the hormone with its effect on blood glucose

- insulin: decrease blood glucose - glucagon: increase blood glucose

A high-fiber diet is helpful for weight management because

- its bulk contributes to satiety - it provides few calories

Name the long, straight-chain type of starch that makes up about 20% of digestible starch


Which monosaccharide is commonly found as a component in fruit ?


Name the major monosaccharide found in the body


Which are major storage sites for glycogen ?

Liver and muscle

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