Chapter 7: SW Asia & N Africa Final Exam Part 1

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Ottoman Empire

A large, Turkish-based empire (named for Osman, one of its founders) that dominated large portions of southeastern Europe, North Africa, and Southwest Asia between the 16th and 19th centuries.

Islamic Fundamentalism

A movement within both the Shiite and Sunni Muslim traditions to return to a more conservative, religious-based society and state. Often associated with a rejection of Western culture and with a political aim to merge civic and religious authority.


A political movement within the religion of Islam that challenges the encroachment of global popular culture and blames colonial, imperial, and Western elements for many of the region's problems. Adherents of Islamism advocate merging civil and religious authority.

Palestinian Authority (PA)

A quasi-governmental body that represents Palestinian interests in the West Bank and Gaza.


A religious belief in a single God.


An Islamic religious pilgrimage to Makkah. One of the five essential pillars of the Muslim creed to be undertaken once in life, if an individual is physically and financially able to do it

Culture Hearth

An area of historical cultural innovation that gave rise to a particular culture region. -Origin of significant innovations, later adopted outside source area *religious practices Agricultural techniques *Domestication of plants and animals and irrigation techniques

Fertile Crescent

An ecologically diverse zone of lands in Southwest Asia that extends from Lebanon eastward to Iraq and that is often associated with early forms of agricultural domestication.

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

An international organization, formed in 1960, that now includes 13 oil-producing countries that attempts to influence global prices and supplies of oil. Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela are members.

By what name is the large peninsula of Turkey, located wholly in Asia, known? a)Maghreb b)Levant c)Middle East d)Anatolia e)Persia


In which contemporary country of Southwest Asia and North Africa is Mesopotamia located? a)Iraq b)Iran c)Syria d)Turkey e)Lebanon


In which of the following countries has Saudi Arabia intervened directly to stop a Shiite extremist government from expanding its base of support? a)Yemen b)Kuwait c)Iraq d)Bahrain e)Oman


What religion was the first monotheistic religion of Southwest Asia and North Africa? a)Judaism b)Islam c)Christianity d)Baha'i e)Buddhism


When narrow waterways are vulnerable to military blockade or disruption it is called a a)choke point b)Desalination c)Hydropolitics d)fossil water e)military checkpoint


Which nation in the Middle East has experienced ongoing sectarian violence between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims since it was occupied by the American military from 2004-2011? a)Iraq b)Israel c)Saudi Arabia d)Iran e)Turkey


Which nation in the region has the largest reserves of natural gas? a)Iran b)Iraq c)Saudi Arabia d)United Arab Emirates e)Libya


The Houthi militants in Yemen are largely supported by which nation? a)Russia b)Iran c)Saudi Arabia d)Israel e)Egypt


The brain drain a)is when highly centralized governments actively recruit the best and the brightest individuals for jobs in the national capital, leaving few behind in the villages b)occurs when bright young people migrate to foreign lands in search of better jobs c)is the selective practice of only providing males education after primary school d)is the practice of providing scholarships to students in poor countries, enabling them to study abroad and gain a better education which later upon their return they can utilize their skills in their homeland e)occurs in extremely poor nations where there schooling is limited thus preventing school-age children from reaching their potential


What is the Hajj? a)the pilgrimage to the Holy Land that many Christians make during their lifetime b)the pilgrimage to Muhammad's birthplace (Makkah) that every Muslim is supposed to make during his or her lifetime c)the pilgrimage to the Western Wall in Jerusalem that many Jews make during their lifetime d)the month-long fast that Muslims must undertake each year e)the sacred book of Islam


What percent of the Middle East and North Africa is currently Christian? a)0.4% b)4% c)14% d)40% e)94%


What type of subsistence agriculture depends on the seasonal movement of livestock for their livelihood? a)pastoralism b)pastoral nomadism c)plantation agriculture d)shifting cultivation e)Slash-and-burn


Which country of Southwest Asia and North Africa is the poorest on the Arabian Peninsula? a)United Arab Emirates b)Yemen c)Dubai d)Saudi Arabia e)Kuwait


Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the population pyramids of Egypt and Iran? a)Iran has a younger population than Egypt b)Egypt is growing faster than Iran c)Women have more children in Iran than do women in Egypt d)Egypt and Iran are growing at roughly the same rate e)Iran is growing faster than Egypt.


You would be most likely to see a Shiite Muslim in which country? a)Morocco b)Iran c)Egypt d)Turkey e)Cyprus


The world's tallest skyscraper is now located in which city? a)Cairo, Egypt b)Riyadh, Saudi Arabia c)Dubai, United Arab Emirates d)Baghdad, Iraq e)Istanbul, Turkey


What is the approximate population of Southwest Asia and North Africa? a)100 million b)200 million c)500 million d)1 billion e)700 million


Development of the upper Tigris and Euphrates rivers by this country could threaten water supplies in Iraq and Syria. a)Israel b)Jordan c)Lebanon d)Turkey e)Iran


In which country in Southwest Asia and North Africa did the Arab Spring begin? a)Iraq b)Israel c)Lebanon d)Tunisia e)Egypt


The three most commonly spoken languages in the Middle East and North Africa are a)Arabic, Kurdish and Hebrew b)Arabic, Berber and Turkish c)Arabic, Hebrew and Turkish d)Arabic, Turkish and Persian (Farsi) e)Arabic, Kurdish and Persian (Farsi)


What is a medina? a)The temporary settlements of families engaged in pastoral nomadism in Southwest Asia and North Africa b)The name for capital city in Southwest Asia and North Africa c)A mound built on the outskirts of Islamic cities in Southwest Asia and North Africa; it is a burial ground d)The walled urban core of an Islamic city; it is dominated by a central mosque e)The erosional materials left behind in Southwest Asia and North Africa after ancient lakes and rivers dried up.


Which of the following is NOT one of the five pillars of Islam? a)accepting that Muhammed was a prophet b)praying five times a day to Makkah c)making charitable contributions d)making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem e)fasting during the month of Ramadan between dawn and dusk


This nation, despite its massive oil wealth, scores low on issues dealing with women's rights. a)Israel b)Iran c)Turkey d)Jordan e)Saudi Arabia


What is Southwest Asia and North Africa most likely NOT to face as a result of global climate change? a)Warmer average temperatures will likely increase evaporation and lower moisture throughout the region b)Sea level changes will threaten farmlands in the Nile Delta c)There will be an increase in heat-related deaths, especially in urban areas d)Hydroelectric potential could be significantly reduced e)An increase in crop yields due to the increase in precipitation forecast for the region


Which country in Southwest Asia & North Africa has seen a rapid decline in fertility rates in the last two decades? a)Iraq b)Egypt c)Turkey d)Saudi Arabia e)Iran


Which nation in the region has a deep split between Sunni and Shiite sects of Islam? a)Morocco b)Iran c)Egypt d)Turkey e)Iraq


Which of the following is NOT considered a chokepoint within the Middle East? a)Dardanelles b)Bab-el-Mandeb c)Strait of Hormuz d)Suez Canal e)Dead Sea


Which of the following statements is TRUE about the political geography of Iraq? a)southern Iraq is dominated by separatist Kurdish nationalists, while northern Iraq is largely dominated by Sunni Arabs b)Sunni Arabs dominate southern Iraq while Shi'ite Arabs dominate northern Iraq c)Kurdish separatists dominate the northern third of Iraq while Shi'ite Arabs dominate the remainder of Iraq d)Kurdish separatists dominate the northern third of Iraq while Sunni Arabs dominate the remainder of Iraq e)Kurdish separatists dominate the northern third of Iraq while Sunni Arabs dominate the central and western part of Iraq, and Shi'ite Arabs are most numerous in the southern half of the country, south of Baghdad


Which of the following was NOT a root cause of the Arab Spring uprisings which began in 2010? a)widespread government corruption b)limited opportunities for democracy and free elections c)rapidly rising food prices d)widespread poverty and unemployment, especially among young people e)government campaigns to curtail Islamist movements


Which of two countries of Southwest Asia and North Africa have the most diversified economies, and are not reliant on oil? a)Qatar and Bahrain b)Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates c)Morocco and Algeria d)Saudi Arabia and Oman e)Turkey and Israel


Which animal is most to blame for the loss of forests in Southwest Asia and North Africa? a)camels b)horses c)goats d)cows e)the gypsy moth


Which country of Southwest Asia and North Africa has made efforts to preserve its famed "cedars" forestlands in recent years? a)Libya b)Lebanon c)Turkey d)Iran e)Iraq


In which city of Southwest Asia and North Africa are there important religious sites for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? a)Istanbul, Turkey b)Baghdad, Iraq c)Jerusalem, Israel d)Makkah, Saudi Arabia e)Damascus, Syria


In which part of Israel has some land been returned to Palestinian control, but new Israeli settlements have also been allowed? a)Sinai Peninsula b)Gaza Strip c)the West Bank d)Bethlehem e)the Dead Sea


Iran was formerly known by what name? a)British Palestine b)Ottoman Empire c)Persia d)Greater Middle East e)Transjordan


Saudi Arabia contains approximately ________ percent of the world's known oil supplies. a)5 b)10 c)20 d)50 e)40



A region in northwestern Africa, including portions of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. -The Maghreb is from the mediterranean coastline to the Atlas Mountains

Arab League

A regional and economic organization of independent countries focused on the unity and development of the Arabic-speaking realm. Three non-Arabic-speaking countries, however, also belong to this organization: Somalia, Djibouti, and Comoros. -

Exotic Rivers

A river that issues from a humid area and flows into a dry area otherwise lacking streams

Arab Spring

A series of public protests, strikes, and rebellions in the Arab countries, often facilitated by social media, that have called for fundamental government and economic reforms. -Overall, however, the uprisings failed to produce many democratic reforms or more stable political regimes, and some observers suggest that Arab Spring has been replaced by "Arab Winter." -Egypt's Arab Spring rebellions that overthrew the regime of Hosni Mubarak. Some of Cairo's most interesting neighborhoods are found east and south of downtown in Old Cairo

Choke Points

A strategic setting where a narrow waterway is vulnerable to military blockade or disruption. A prominent example would be the Strait of Hormuz, which forms the entrance to the Persian Gulf or the Bab al-Mandeb, at the southern entrance to the Red Sea

Pastoral Nomadism

A traditional subsistence agricultural system in which practitioners depend on the seasonal movements of livestock within marginal natural environments.

From the perspective of which world region is Southwest Asia and North Africa the "Middle East"? a)Europe b)Australia and Oceania c)East Asia d)Sub-Saharan Africa e)Latin America


Which of the following cities in Southwest Asia and North Africa receives the highest amounts of annual precipitation? a)Cairo, Egypt b)Istanbul, Turkey c)Riyadh, Saudi Arabia d)Tehran, Iran e)Baghdad, Iraq

Istanbul, Turkey

Brain Drain

Migration of the best-educated people from developing countries to developed nations where economic opportunities are greater. -Illiteracy is widespread, and the country suffers from the brain drain phenomenon as some of its brightest young people leave for better jobs in western Europe or the United States.

The Atlas Mountains dominate the topography of which nation? a)Saudi Arabia b)Iran c)Egypt d)Turkey e)Morocco


What countries comprise the Maghreb of Southwest Asia/North Africa? a)Algeria, Libya, Egypt b)Libya, Egypt, Tunisia c)Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia d)Tunisia, Libya, Egypt e)Western Sahara, Algeria, Libya

Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia

What does the acronym OPEC stand for? a)Oil Producing and Exporting Countries b)Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries c)Oil and Petroleum Exporting Corporation d)Organization of Petroleum Energy Countries e)Organized Petrochemical and Energy Countries

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant)

The Sunni extremist organization, also known as ISIS or as IS, which has brought about especially violent instability in the Syria and Iraq area in its attempts to create a new religious state (a caliphate).


The eastern Mediterranean region.


The original urban core of a traditional Islamic city.


The purposeful selection and breeding of wild plants and animals for cultural purposese

Fossil Water

Water supplies that were stored underground during wetter climatic periods. -pumped up from very deep aquifers and not sustainable, actually expensive

People making a Hajj (pilgrimage) to Makkah (Mecca) and Medinah (Medina) must travel to which country of Southwest Asia and North Africa? a)Saudi Arabia b)Israel c)Egypt d)Jordan e)Iraq


The buildup of toxic salts in the topsoil where desert lands are subjected to extensive irrigation is known as a)salinization b)groundwater c)fossil water d)toxicology e)hydropolitics


You are in Cairo, Egypt. Which language will you most likely hear spoken? a)Arabic b)Berber c)Farsi d)Turkish e)Hebrew


You will find Berber people in the highland regions of which nation? a)Morocco b)Iran c)Egypt d)Turkey e)Cyprus


An influx of foreign workers into the United Arab Emirates has had what demographic impact? a)a rise in birth rates b)it has created an extraordinary gender imbalance with far more males than females c)a decrease in birth rates d)a rise in the elderly population e)a rise in birth rates and an extraordinary gender imbalance with far more females than males


Hezbollah is active in which nation of the Middle East? a)Turkey b)Lebanon c)Saudi Arabia d)Egypt e)Yemen


Islam a)began within a few decades of the death of Jesus b)originated in present-day Saudi Arabia c)holds that Jesus was a false prophet d)says that there will be many more true prophets in the future e)originated in Europe


Which nation does not have significant oil reserves? a)United Arab Emirates b)Morocco c)Iran d)Saudi Arabia e)Iraq


Which nation of the Middle East has attempted, albeit unsuccessfully, to gain membership into the European Union? a)Israel b)Turkey c)Lebanon d)Iran e)Morocco


The ethnolinguistic region known as Kurdistan straddles the frontier of which three nations? a)Egypt, Jordan and Israel b)Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Oman c)Iran, Iraq and Turkey d)Iran, Iraq and Kuwait e)Iraq, Syria and Jordan


The famous Aswan High Dam is located in which nation? a)Iraq b)Turkey c)Egypt d)Lebanon e)Iran


The largest source region for migrant workers entering Saudi Arabia is a)Iran b)Israel c)South and Southeast Asia (ex. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines) d)East Asia (ex. China, Japan, South Korea) e)Africa


What is physiological density? a)a population statistic that relates the number of people in a country to the amount land in that country b)a population statistic that relates the number of people in a country to the number of farmers c)a population statistic that relates the number of people in a country to the amount of arable land d)a population statistic that relates the number of people in a country to the number of doctors e)a population statistic that relates the number of people in a country to the amount of food harvested


What was the result of the 1967 Six Day War? a)the defeat of Israel at the hands of a multilateral Arab invasion force b)the cessation of hostilities between Iran and Iraq c)Israel gained the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights and the West Bank d)Israel was forced to surrender its claim over Jerusalem e)Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty in which they agreed to joint ownership of the Sinai Peninsula


Which city in the Middle East has emerged as one of the busiest centers of global air travel? a)Cairo b)Istanbul c)Dubai d)Tehran e)Beirut


Which nation in the region recently inaugurated a major solar power plant called the Noor-1? a)Saudi Arabia b)Iran c)Morocco d)Libya e)United Arab Emirates


Which nation of the Middle East has been a hotbed of fundamentalist Islam and may have financed anti-American terrorist organizations, including al-Qaeda? a)Iran b)Iraq c)Saudi Arabia d)Syria e)Israel


Which of the following places is NOT located in the Fertile Crescent of North Africa and Southwest Asia? a)eastern Turkey b)northeastern Syria c)Morocco d)Lebanon e)northern Iraq


Which of the following resources will prove to be of critical value for Southwest Asia and North Africa in the coming decades? a)petroleum b)coal c)water d)iron ore e)Uranium


Which two nations in the region have a very low HDI, with low life expectancies and high infant mortality rates? a)Algeria and Morocco b)Israel and Jordan c)Sudan and Yemen d)Saudi Arabia and Oman e)Turkey and Iran


The Middle East and North Africa contain 7% of the global population but hold roughly what percent of the world's proven oil reserves? a)5% b)15% c)25% d)50% e)85%


The Sykes-Picot Agreement a)was signed by Iraq and Iran b)allowed Europeans to create the modern state of Saudi Arabia c)allowed for the building of the Suez Canal d)proposed English and French spheres of influence within the Middle East as the Ottoman Empire disintegrated e)allowed for Turkey and Iran to become independent of Saudi Arabia


What is transhumance? a)agriculture in dry areas, made possible by irrigation b)the movement of humans from transition zones of agriculture to more inhabitable lowlands c)agriculture that relies on evapotranspiration d)seasonal movement of livestock to cooler, greener high-country pastures in the summer and returning them to lowland valleys during the winter e)the movement of livestock from urban regions to rural areas where more grass is available for animal consumption


What nation has had almost half of its entire population displaced by 2016 due to civil war and sectarian conflict? a)Sudan b)Iraq c)Iran d)Syria e)Yemen


What world region has been a "powerful draw" as a destination of migration for people in Southwest Asia and North Africa who are looking for opportunity? a)North America b)Australia and Oceania c)East Asia d)Europe e)the Russian Domain


Which nation has a well-developed IT sector and has become a global center for high-tech computer and telecommunications products? a)Saudi Arabia b)Kuwait c)United Arab Emirates d)Israel e)Lebanon


Which nation in the region has made huge investments in the development of deep-water wells to extract fossil water? a)Libya b)Iraq c)Egypt d)Saudi Arabia e)Iran


Which nation in the region has the highest percentage of its GDP on military expenditures? a)Iran b)Israel c)Morocco d)Saudi Arabia e)Egypt


Which of the following religions arose in North Africa/Southwest Asia? a)Animism b)Buddhism and Hinduism c)Hinduism and Sikhism d)Judaism, Christianity, and Islam e)Shinto


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the Syrian Civil War? a)Russia has come to the military aid of the Assad regime b)ISIL gained control of wide swaths of Syrian territory in the east c)Syria has witnessed the destruction of many of its cultural and historical landmarks d)Israeli forces have occupied much of southern Syria to provide a defensive buffer against ISIL expansion e)millions of Syrians have been displaced and more than 220,000 have been killed as a direct result of the war


Which two bodies of water were connected by the construction of the Suez Canal? a)Black Sea and the Persian Gulf b)Black Sea and Red Sea c)Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea d)Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea e)Persian Gulf and Red Sea


Which two nations in the region gain significant revenue from foreign tourists but have seen the number of visitors fall in recent years due to political instability? a)Saudi Arabia and Yemen b)Iran and Iraq c)Syria and Lebanon d)Egypt and Turkey e)Lebanon and Libya


Coptic Christians make up a significant minority of the population of which nation? a)Turkey b)Iran c)Saudi Arabia d)Israel e)Egypt


Food will be prepared kosher-style in which of the following nations? a)Egypt b)Morocco c)Iran d)Iraq e)Israel


Hosni Mubarak was overthrown as the leader of which nation in 2011? a)Iraq b)Iran c)Turkey d)Libya e)Egypt


Most countries in Southwest Asia and North Africa had achieved independence by which decade? a)1910s b)1920s c)1930s d)1940s e)1950s


The geography of human populations across Southwest Asia and North African demonstrate the ties between what resource and life in this part of the world? a)Oil b)natural gas c)timber d)agriculture e)Water


Which of the following statements most accurately describes the pattern of domestication in Southwest Asia and North Africa? a)Experimentation with wild cattle, sheep, and goats 10,000 years ago led to pastoral nomadism, and later to domestication of wheat and barley and the establishment of farm settlements b)Experimentation with wild wheat and barley 10,000 years ago was accompanied simultaneously by domestication of cattle, sheep, and goats, which eventually led to establishing farming villages c)Experimentation with wild wheat and barley 5,000 years ago was accompanied simultaneously by domestication of cattle, sheep, and goats, which led to the establishment of farming villages d)Experimentation with wild wheat and barley 5,000 years ago was accompanied simultaneously by domestication of cattle, sheep, and goats. Farming villages and pastoral nomadism developed together e)Experimentation with wild wheat and barley 10,000 years ago led to farm settlements and domestication of cattle, sheep, and goats


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