Chapter 7 test prep geoscience

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What are two types of weathering?

Mechanical and chemical

Why is gravity associated with many erosional agents?

Gravity pulls materials down slope. Without gravity, neither stream store closures would flow.

What is a common mineral that contains oxidized form of iron


What affects rate of physical weathering?

Physical weathering to breakdown rocks more rapidly in cold climates. Physical weathering rates are highest in areas where crafts within the rock undergoes repeated freezing-athon. Condition of the climates do not favor favor chemical weathering cold climates slow or at Hibbett chemical reaction.

How does climate affect weathering?

Precipitation, temperature, and if operation are all factors of climate the interaction of temperature and precipitation determines the rate of weathering in a region.

What are two types of erosion by water

Rill erosion and gully erosion

Gully erosion

Rilla Rosian develops into this type of a Rosian where I channel becomes deep and wide. The channels for can transport much more water and more soil then rill erosion. This can cause major problems in Farmington grazing areas


Rock song level areas are likely to remain in place. Rocks on slopes tend to move it's a result of gravity. Steep slopes promote a Rosian and expose less weathered material, that will be weathered

What are examples of rock that dissolve easily?

Rocks that contain calcite such as limestone and marble

What is the effect of pressure on mechanical weathering?

Roots of trees and other plants exert pressure on blocks when they what's them selves into crack the rocks. As the roots grow and expand they exert increasing amounts of pressure which causes rocks to split. Bedrock is under tremendous pressure of overlying rock layers. Crack can form and bedrock from this pressure

Frost wedging

The freeze thaw cycles of water in the cracks of rocks. It is responsible for formation of potholes in many roads in the northern United States were temperatures vary between freezing and thawing

Surface area

The greater the surface area the greater the rate of weathering

Soil fertility

The measure of how well a soil can support the growth of plants.

Chemical weathering

The process by which rocks and minerals undergo changes in their composition


The process in which materials are near the earths surface break down and change


The removal of weathered rock and soil from its original ilocation

What resulted dumb shaped formation such as Moxam mountain and half dome


What is responsible for many potholes in northern United States?

Frost wedging

Mechanical weathering

A type of weathering in which rocks and minerals break down into smaller pieces this is also called physical weathering. This does not involve any change in rocks composition, only changes in size and shape of the rock.


After materials are transported they are dropping another location

Where does chemical weathering have the greatest effects in the world?

Along the equator where rainfall it's portable and the temperature is high.

When Erosion

Can be a major erosional agent especially in arid and coastal regions. These regions tend to have a little vegetation to hold the soil in place. When can easily pick up and move fine, dry particles. The effects can be both romantic and devastating. The abrasive action of Winslow particles can damage but that'll features and man-made structures. When can blow against the force of gravity and easily move fine grained fed sediments uphill

What is the fact of carbon dioxide on chemical weathering

Carbon dioxide occurs naturally in the atmosphere it combines with water in the atmosphere to form a week gas called, Bonnick assay. It slowly reacts with minerals such as calcite in limestone and marble to dissolve rocks.

What affects the rate of chemical weathering?

Chemical weathering is a rapid and climates with warm temperatures, abundant rainfall and wash vegetation. These climatic conditions produce soil that are rich in organic matter. What are some heavy rainfall combines with the carbon dioxide in the soil and produces high levels of carbonic acid. This accelerate the weathering process.

What factors affect soil formation

Climate topography parent material biological organisms time

What factors affect the rate of weathering?

Climate, rock type in composition, surface area, topographic

Rill Erosion

Develops when running water cut small channels into the side of a slope


Effects of Todd can determine the characteristics of a soil. New soil's often found along rivers, we're sediment is deposited by periodic flooding is light blue in color. This oils have a little time to weather and develop it is so oil rises. If that's the time on a soil and easy to recognize. After tons of thousands of weathering most of the original materials and if so I will change the washed away.

Wave action erosion

Erosion of materials along the ocean floor and at the continental an island shorelines can carve out cliffs, artist, and other features along the continents edges. Thank particles accumulate all along Shoreline and four dunes and beaches. Sand along the shoreline can eventually become a sandbar, which later can become a barrier island I was more sand is deposited.

Parent material

If the soil is residual it will have the same chemical composition of the local bedrock. Volcanic soil tend to be rich and rolls that were present in the water. If this was transported, the minerals in the soil or likely to be different in the local bedrock

How does topography affect soil formation

Includes slope and orientation of the land. Love the faces south have more sunlight. The extra sunlight allows more vegetation grow. But without vegetation lose more soil to erosion.

What is the effect of oxygen on chemical weathering?

Iron and lots of minerals combines with the oxygen in the atmosphere to form minerals with the oxidized form of iron. A common mineral that contains oxidized form of iron is hematite

Soil color

Minerals, organic matter, and Worcester and if so I'll horizon determine its color. And examination of the car can reveal video it's properties. The Owene horizon or usually dark color because they are rich in humus. Red yellow soils might be the result of oxidation and I are minerals. Yellow soils are usually poorly drained and are often associated with environmental problems. Gratia blue soil's are common and poorly drained regions were soils are constantly wet and lack oxygen.

Rock type and composition

Not all rocks and the same climate weather at the same rate. Rocks combat tainting mostly Calci, such as limestone and marble are more easily whether the rocks containing mostly quarts such as granite and portside

Biological organisms

Organisms including fungi and bacteria 12 plants and animals interact with the soil. Micro organisms decompose dead plants and animals. Plant roots open up soil channels when they decompose, they add organic material to the soil. Different types of biological organisms in a soil result of different soil order

Factors that affect soil fertility

Papa crappy, availability of minerals and nutrients, the number of micro organisms present, then I precipitation available, the level of acidity

Soil texture

Particles of soil are classified according to size Clay, sell, or sand. Clay is the smallest exam being the largest. The proportions of particle sizes determine the soil texture. So I'll Texter affects his pocket he to retain Boyster and therefore it's ability to support plant growth. So I'll texture also varies with that

Rivers and streams erosion

Streams carry billions of metric tons and sediments of whether material to coastal areas. What the river edge of the ocean the current flows down and the sediments are deposited. The build up of sediment overtime form deltas. The volume of river flow of the action of the tides determines the shape of the deltas

What is the effect of acid precipitation?

Sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere by human activity. They form with the water in the atmosphere to produce acid rain. They have a pH below 5.6. They are harmful to many organisms and distractive to man-made structures, and animal populations

What factors are involved in mechanical weathering?

Temperature and pressure

How does climate affect soil formation

Temperature, when, and a lot of rain fall. Last time the weather rapidly under humid, temper conditions such as those found a climate along the eastern United States. Weather and resultant foils that original aluminum and iron off sides. Water from abundant rainfall moves downward Carrie does off and also to the B horizon. The soils of air region are dry the water from below the upward through that ration that leaves an accumulation of white calcium carbonate in the b Horizon

How are deltas formed?

The buildup of sediments from rivers and streams that are deposited

Agents (factors) that affect chemical weathering are:

Water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, acid precipitation

Glacial erosion

They leave your mark on much of the landscape and their effects on large scale and dramatic. They scrape and Galjour out large sections of the earth landscape. They can move death and Norm us rivers flowing ice and had a cat capacity to carry huge rocks and piles of debris over great distances. This movement scratching and grindservices. They can create U shaped valleys and lakes.

Munsell system of color notation

Used to describe soil color. Three parts. Hue color: value, lightness or darkness: and chroma, intensity

What is the effect of water on chemical weathering

Water can dissolve many kinds of minerals and rocks. It is also a medium in which reactions can occur. This can decompose rocks


When the outer layer of rock are stripped away like it the layers of an onion

What is the effect of temperature on mechanical weathering.

When water freezes and expands the volume increases. Water collects in the cracks of rocks and rock layers as it freezes and expands it causes the cracks to widen

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